Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Strategy, Time Management
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
I do love these soft releases. They are such a departure from the monotony of the "standard" HOPA's released. This is the story of two brothers who set out to find a secret island, with only one brother returning. He claims his brother never made it and died on the voyage there. It seems he's telling fibs. As the departed brother's daughter, you get evidence that your father did indeed make it to the island and you set off to find out what happened. The HOS are nicely spaced out and interactive. The cut scenes are also nicely spaced: enough to give a story, but not overwhelming. The puzzles are medium difficulty and were unique and different. The game and story flowed smoothly. You do have collectibles, not one, but three maps since the area is so large, a great hint button if you prefer that over maps, and a very shocking conclusion. I highly recommend this game. Was long playing and enjoyable. Congrats to these new developers. I look forward to their future releases.
There is something about Eipix games that I absolutely love, this being no exception. I think this is the best of the "Final Cut" games thus far. The HOS are varied and require thought. I love the puzzles created by this developer. They are actually fun and tricky, and I am not a puzzle lover. There is a serial killer loose and you are out to find him before he destroys the rest of your family. You have a side kick reporter with you (I actually could do without him, but oh well). The game requires thinking. It is not linear and if you play in the difficult mode, it is a real thinking game. I love the way their games center around the story, the HOS are about the story, the puzzles are story-related. None of this side fluff nonsense here. I highly recommend this, and with the sale (even though it's NOT half off membership price) I shall be purchasing this one. Have a wonderful weekend And, as an afterthought, the music is wonderful !!!
I have enjoyed all of the Dark Tales games, mainly because I always enjoyed Poe. It is no secret that this developer is not one of my favorites. Each game is cut from the same cloth, so to speak. However, I give exception to this game because of the story line which, to me, is a big factor in deciding to purchase a game or not. We have the usual ERS standard faded colors and sounds. The HOS are interesting and varied. Some are riddles, others are list, others are use one object to get another. The puzzles were of medium difficulty for me. There are all kinds of "extra" things going on in the game. You are finding little houses and examining them with your magic magnifying glass to find coins to outfit your lab. You have a stone changer (I forget his name) that changes items made of stone back to human or lifelike form. There is a mouse that you can train. There is a rat sitting on the left of the screen jumping around... not quite sure why he is there. There is a camera to take photos of evidence. You collect other photos to match up to scenes in the game to help you move along. Some may call all this "stuff" bells and whistles. I find it annoying and interrupting to the game play. There is a journal which stores your information. There is a jump map that, in my opinion, is horrendously done. It is difficult to discern anything from that map. The voice of Dupin does sound different than the voice from past games. The voice of Roderick is flat and monotone. The game play is fairly linear, although if you do need a hint, it is helpful. I did not look at the SG. Based on this being a supposedly "loaded" CE with bling galore, I beg to differ. Besides for the bonus chapter, of which I know nothing about, I find nothing that makes this game CE material. The one saving grace about the game in any form, for me, is that it is a Dark Tales game. Otherwise, it would be a total pass. I do not recommend this as a CE. The SE would be a far better choice.
A serial killer nicknamed “the Toymaker” is wreaking havoc on a sleepy town. Can the lead detective piece together clues left at the scene and stop him before he sets his sights on her?
This is one of those cases where I must rate the game for what it is: a straight-up HOG. This isn't an adventure game. I think the developers did a good job putting out this game which will appeal to those who prefer straight HOG. The graphics and colors were great. There isn't usually a story, per se, with these types of games. If searching HOS is your cup of tea, I recommend this game for you. Because this is a straight HOG, it doesn't mean it is archaic or pulled from the back of the closet. It simply is a straight hidden object game. The hint system is very good. It is a pass for me, but a good game nontheless.
You are one of the planet's only survivors after a natural disaster devours all signs of life. Amid the destruction, the legend of a Mysterious Oasis offers a glimmer of hope...
A very basic HOPA game set in post-apolyptic times. I liked the abandoned houses, the look of desertion, the drab washed out colors. It matched the theme of what the story was about. There are quite a few HOS. Minimally interactive and easy on the eyes. The puzzles were easy but enjoyable because they were something different. You receive a letter from a friend telling you there is hope if you find the oasis. So you set off on your journey. There is not much sound in the game. No voice overs, no movie clips, just you and your inventory. I liked it and think with a bit more effort this could have been a great game if the developers built upon this story more. It's a pass for me due to the length. I was almost finished with the game when the demo ended. Way too short even for a coupon. I do recommend the game if you do not mind the brevity of it. I do feel it's a fun game.
This is the second Rush for Gold TM game. The first being Rush for Gold: Alaska. It doesn't appear different at all except for the location. It is a mediocre TM game. There's a lot of things going on at different times You have one person you need to send to the fishing hut, one person to dig coal, one to dig goal, some to chop trees, some to gather fruit, and the main girl/guy who chases away the dogs, bears and also checks out the gold deposits. There is a timed mode and untimed mode. You can use your stars you earn to improve your pseudo-town. It was a discombobulated game IMO. Lots of running here and there without making much sense. This is a pass for me.
This is a beautiful game done in that wonderful Boomzap style. Bright, fairy tale-like colors, elves, dragons, etc. You are off to save your son who was taken by a dragon and now you must go into the dark forest to find him. This game is puzzle and adventure oriented which I enjoy. You do have a map, although I believe it is quite lacking if you are relying on it to get around. No journal that I saw. There are achievements and collectibles. A very Tolkien-esque game if you enjoy that type of thing. I do give the game 5 stars because it is an impeccably done game. However, it is not for me. I lost interest after 10 minutes, but played the entire demo to see if it somehow captured me. I will retry as an SE as sometimes my game likes change. Enjoy :L)
I recommend this game!
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Dark Dimensions: Somber Song Collector's Edition
Townspeople flee as the black smoke covers their town. Can you close the dark dimension, before it’s too late?
This is my favorite so far in the Dark Dimensions series. The art work and graphics are flawless and the snow makes the scenes appear so bright and lifelike. The storyline is very interesting and pulled me into the story immediately. The HOS are very interactive. The puzzles are fun and story related. I enjoyed the adventure part of this game because it's very non-linear. There are music sheets to collect, a bonus game, and a making of the game section which is really cool. The hint button works quickly if needed and you do get a transportable map if you need it. The map tells you area of interests. This developer puts out very well-done games and this is no exception. I highly recommend. Enjoy :)
I applaud the developer for coming out with an SE that has a great story line and is different than the glut of the usual games we see released here. This is a nicely done game. No, it doesn't have any "bling" included (no map, no journal, nothing), but that is ok. The game ran fine on my computer. You are a reporter who is out to find out what happened to a toy factory that closed down and shut the town down with it. There are many locations to explore, however each location only has one or two things to complete in that area. The hint button is directional if you get lost. There is a lot of back and forth. There are quite a few HOS. Each scene has 3 "mystery" items written in blue. You must click on the blue writing which changes the description of the item to see which item is located in that particular scene. There were jump moments where things popped out of nowhere. I must admit I did jump when she was in the haunted amusement ride. The reporter speaks throughout the entire game. It did not bother me. I'm not sure how long this game is. The demo was fun. Yes, the game has an older feel to it, but I liked it, which surprised me because I usually do NOT like HO heavy games. I suggest you demo and see if it appeals to you. I recommend as long as you do not have technical difficulties with the game.
The opening scenes in this game are outstanding. A very very talented artist was employed making things look artsy and realistic. The graphics are clear and the sound effects are amazing. This is more of an adventure game with plenty of puzzles. Many were very difficult for me. I needed the hint button often for directional help until I got the hang of where the story was going. All artistic renderings are done very precisely and I found that to be a bonus. The very very few HOS were even artistic!! The English was horrendous. There are no voiceovers so you do have a lot of reading to do. At times the English was so poor, I didn't quite understand what point was trying to be made. I am a huge fan of new and small developers and I did enjoy this game. After about 15 minutes into the demo, the game flowed more easily for me. The hint is nice, first time you hit it, it is directional. The 2nd time, it gives you a sentence of what you are looking for. I recommend you try this. Attempt to overlook the grammar because it is a very unique and nicely done game. :)