I enjoyed this game even though it did produce absolutely nothing new. I mean, is there a single zip in the HOPA universe which isn't broken? The game did provide quite a bit of enjoyment however and, after all, isn't that why we play these things? I certainly wouldn't give it 5 star (no morphs) but 3.5 to 4 seems about right. I thought the previous one in this series - Wicked Harvest - was well over-rated but I think this one tells a better tale and is more fun to play.
I recommend this game!
3of3voted this as helpful.
Redemption Cemetery: Clock of Fate Collector's Edition
Can you undo the past and set the trapped souls free?
I'm about half way through the game now and am beginning to be a bit disappointed. It started off really creepily which pleased me no end but as the game progressed, it showed its pedigree and became Redemption Cemetery as it always was. I'm being a bit unkind because it plays ok but there's not exactly an abundance of Wow! factor moments and the level of challenge was hardly great. As for the collectibles, so obvious even the real Megan spotted them and there were no morphs; all in all, the CE bling was conspicuous by its absence. Having said that, I will recommend it with the caveat that you wait for the SE - the CE just isn't worth the extra money.
I thought I might enjoy a game which was a bit of a throwback to simpler times but it just annoyed me intensely. I can still play the odd game of early MCF, perhaps because I am familiar with them, but this one just sent me batty. If you enjoyed Gardenscapes you may very well like this one but the scenes gave me such optical overload I couldn't see for looking and after 3 scenes I gave up. I really do urge you to try before you buy.
I quite enjoyed this one although I wouldn't say it's the best game I've ever played. Some of the puzzles were of the super variety and were enjoyable but there was an overall lack of challenge with general play. Collectables - just hover your cursor over everything and when it turns to a hand, there you go. Where's the fun in that? The ending was a bit of a let down, very ho-hum but by and large it did pass a quite short time rather pleasantly. I've changed my rating from 3 to 4 to 3 and back to 4 - I suppose it's a good 3.5.
The premise of the Cold Stalker was very promising but menacing it was not. Remember Raincliff and the Faceless Ones? Well, there was none of that suspense. The visuals were good as was to be expected but that was the only outstanding thing about it. The innovation of the area scan was tedious, which was a shame because the developer is obviously trying to introduce new elements to this established series. The storyline limped along, with far too many cut scenes/conversations and I simply was not taken along with it; indeed, I was rather glad it was quite a short game. I recommend only if you've got a free game coupon which is about to expire.
This game is a true CE with all the bling and a decent bonus game. There was a good balance between HO, puzzle and adventure with enough going on to keep your interest from start to finish. And it had morphs in the HOs which I absolutely love. Thankfully the collectables are available post-game; I was that absorbed in it I forgot quite a few. These collectables lead you to another game - a jigsaw - and from there into a treasure room where you can customize which genre of objects you can search for. It's absolutely brilliant and I recommend it wholeheartedly
How is it that this developer managed to produce two wonderful instalments in this series and then produced this load of old tosh? Colours and play were great, yes, but what was the point? There was a total lack of logic, game instructions made no sense and as for the "Truth or Lie" bit, oh, tedious. All in all I was very glad when I had to go and make the tea.
I'm about half way through so I think I've got a pretty good idea of the whole thing. As others have said, this is not a pretty tale; there are several gory scenes and efforts to shock. Good! It makes a welcome change from fairies and cutesie stuff. Collectables are some well-hidden masks but I don't know if there is any reward for collecting them all. If there are any morphing items, I haven't found them yet. Good variety of HOs and puzzles. My only criticism is the use of dialogue boxes where you have to click on the question/response you wish to make; I've never seen the point of those. So It's 4.5 stars from me and a strong recommendation.
Oh what a load of hokum yet it was enjoyable to play. Don't expect the greatest game ever or anything remotely plausible but just enjoy the ride (apart from the rather boring analyser and magnifying glass). I do feel a bit sorry for developers; we are always after innovation, something different, and when they do, like with this analyser and glass, we say it's tedious! Don't get me wrong, the innovations were not in the least entertaining but I suppose you've got to give them a bit of credit for trying. The werewolf made me laugh out loud - so urbane and considerate!
This was a bit of a curate's egg - good in parts. Game play flowed quite well, no tech trouble, reasonable story but oh, it's getting all so formulaic. There was nothing innovative, nothing outstandingly different, nothing to make you go "Wow!" and the end game play was tedious in the extreme.
The extras included collectables which were so big even the real Megan the dog could have spotted them although she might have had a problem clicking on them. Bonus chapter was of a reasonable length but it was easy to do without. All in all, a good way to use a free game token for the SE but I won't recommend the CE.