I understand that there is a glitch in this game. I didn't reach that far before I shut it down. It was boring beyond belief, did not engage my attention or interest. Now where's that uninstall button?
This is a message to whoever it was who had the bright idea of sticking a stonking big image of the puzzle onto the playing area without giving the ability to minimise it, please stop having bright ideas.
I dislike skipping cut scenes altogether as I like to know, vaguely, what's going on which is why I appreciate it when dialogue can be hastened by clicking on the text. Not so with this one, oh natter, natter and more natter, two minutes of play then even more natter. Two more minutes, including a boring puzzle which went "donk-donk" when you weren't exactly right then, you've guessed, more natter. If you hear cries of "Get on with it!", don't worry, it's only me reaching the end of my tether.
It was a reasonably good game as others have described but the extras you get are not worth buying the collector's edition. You get some obvious collectibles which you can do nothing with, butterflies where you have to put the wings back (Ooooh!), a dreadful "Hidden Puzzle" and a very short bonus game. What happened the the massive HOs we used to get or the really good extra puzzles like the ones in the Edge of Reality series? Really, I don't mind paying double the price but it would be nice to get something for it.
We all know what these games are like so I won't bother describing this one. The reason for this review is to tell you that the extras are really not worth bothering with so you should wait for the standard edition. All you get in extras is an additional three search scenes and the chance to replay quite a few puzzles, all of which have appeared in previous editions of this series. In my opinion, this is a bit of a rip-off.
Considering we're all staying at home and playing these games, there have been relatively few reviews on this one. I suspect, like me, that people are finding not an awful lot to write about. Please forgive my presumption if this is not so.
Is it good? Not especially. Is it bad? Not really. It's just ok, moving at a slow to moderate pace with a reasonable amount of ok puzzles and acceptable HOs. I cannot condemn it nor can I recommend so I'll leave it blank but for me, sometimes mediocre just isn't enough.
I haven't finished it yet but I thought I'd give a few initial thoughts. I won't bother with all the details as others do it far better than I.
Gameplay bowls along quite nicely and the graphics are fine. As for the story, which involves changing character and timeframe, because you're so often sidetracked with puzzles etc, I did find I was asking myself "Who am I? What year is it? Why am I here and why does everybody hate me?" so a lot of it was a bit lost on me. Of course, there is the inevitable lack of logic; for example, my sister has just fallen into a sinkhole so off I go to the bowling alley to make a cup of coffee for a fortune teller. I think my own sister would have something to say about that!
One thing puzzles me and this is not restricted just to this game. Why do I have to get anything special to shoo a crow away? Has anybody ever met a crow who doesn't fly off unless you lob a firecracker or something at them?
Yes, I know I'm being very picky and very grumpy. There is nothing wrong with this game and it will pass the time quite amiably while we're all stuck indoors. Give it a go at least.
I was really pleased to see that one of my favourite series had a new chapter so I bought it straight off. Oh dear. As others have said, cut scene after cut scene, natter, natter and more natter. When we finally advance at a glacial rate, we are met with puzzles which I really cannot be bothered wasting brain cells on. Thank goodness I set a short time on the skip option. I am so disappointed that I am bored silly and I am not sure if I'll bother to finish it before I delete it. What a shame.
This game wasn't bad - and that's about as good as it gets. If you go through the tick list of morphs, collectibles, decent graphics etc, it's got it all but it's just not fun.
I completely lost interest in the "story" and really couldn't care less about the characters. Shame, because I enjoyed Outlive in this series. I was hoping to get a repeat of the HOs in that game where you have to hop from scene to scene to pick things up to replace elsewhere but sadly, I've not come across any.
In short, this is a rather tedious game with very little to recommend it so I won't either.
I had a free game voucher going spare so I thought I'd give this one a whirl. I'd read the reviews but I thought "Surely it can't be that bad?" It is. It is so very, very bad. To develop your potion after every few scenes you have to play this "fit it together" puzzle which gets more than tedious after a couple of goes. Then it's back to HOS after HOS with intermittent puzzles. Never have I pressed the hint and skip buttons so often and so soon just to get through this wretched game. Save your vouchers for something else.