OK, this dev started this series with "I Love Finding Cats", then Pups, then more cats and more pups, then birds, then critters, and now ----- Furbabies!
What in the beginning was sort of cute, a bit different, and vaguely interesting has now become extremely redundant, mentally tiresome, and completely boring. I will admit that the game has some very lovely scenes, and the "furbabies" are sort of cute ---- but who cares? Truth be told, I have my own "furbabies" that are much cuter than anything in this game. (AND, by the way, doesn't the term "furbabies" refer to people's pets in general ---- not baby animals as these devs seem to think? I know that a couple of my pets are 13 and 15, and they are indeed my "furbabies") It just sort of shows that these devs are simply repeating what they already did (particularly with "critters") and are simply after our money, imo.
And the locations are just weird ---- many places I never heard of, and care nothing about.
And as the game progresses the HOS become more diffifcult because the scenes become more cluttered, and theobjects to find are smaller and blurrier.
By the way, I don't think that adding a few levels, some wallpapers, music, and a "developer's furbabies" with descriptions of sald animals (which I thought was a load of hooey ---- those devs have a ton of animals LOL) constitute a CE price. In fact, this game seems like a big money grab to me. The series is way past having any interest for me at all.
But, because BF offers free trials, you should do exactly that ---- try it and see if searching for more animals appeals to you. For me ---- I've already uninstalled it, and in another hour or so, I will have forgotten all about it.
Many years ago there was a series of games that were made by a developer calling their games Hdo Adventure. These games were all received by huge criticism and were reviewed very poorly, but some players (like me) thought they were so bad that they became curiosities and had a strange attraction about them. This game and its predecessor are like that. Poorly designed with abundant flaws and a completely nonsensical story noteworthy only for its boredom, it just seems so bad that it makes it an oddity of sorts that might be worth a look as a diversion, or to remind ourselves how really outstanding most other HOPAs really are.
So as they say ---- "now for something completely different" ---- I guess it might be worth a look. But only for the free trial. I would never pay money for a game this poor, and I am absolutely over the top astonished that they have the unmitigated gall to call this CE and ask double money for it. Just no, absolutely not. There are far too many way superior games out there.
So I recommend taking a look at this game for the sake of curiosity ---- nothing more ---- and if you actually buy it I have lots on the moon for sale!
And I wanted so much to like this game! But I was astonished that a good 75% of the things to find were so small that they did not fit in with the otherwise beautiful scenery. And when that happens the game becomes a chore just to get to the next scene and the "fun factor" slips to zero. I found myself constantly clicking for hints Sorry, devs, but there are some of us out here "of a certain age" whose eyesight is not what it once was and you should keep that in mind, imo.
There are tons of scenes to go through (although I will never understand why developers of these travel games think we need to play a hotel room scene) that showcase Florida with lovely scenes hiding the ultra small sometimes barely visible objects which is a plus.
So, unfortunately, I was very disappointed with this game ---- I don't mind at all hunting for cleverly hidden objects ---- but just making them very small or barely visible does not qualify as clever ---- sorry.
However, the game just might be exactly what you are looking for, and since Big Fish generously offers a free trial. try the game for yourself and see what you think.
Sorry, devs, but this is the worst of all the travel type games I have personally seen/tried
It has next to nothing to do with the beautiful Hawaiian Islands, but instead looks like the cookie-cutter game it is. A hotel room? A golf course? Really?
The money grab effect shines throughout this snoozer, and this former one time favorite developer has been tossed in the trash by me.
But since BF is generous enough to offer a free trial, please try it for yourself and see what you think.
Yes, I know that there are many who believe this developer can do no wrong. But I am definitely not in that group, and this game shows why.
This is a new low in that it just rips off ideas from other developers so that they can create a "new" type of game. New? Well, if a hybrid mix of the totally worn out clutter style games and their own over used "I Love Finding" games is new, so be it.
But those concepts are not "new" ---- they are, in fact (along with the ancient mini-games) from about 2008 which, in my view, makes them very old. And it is obvious these type games are being shoved out there for the quick dollar, nothing more. I shudder to think how many low quality sequels this one will spawn ---- So Much Stuff 2? 6? 11? Until the gamers stop buying these slapped together, redundant, and forgettable titles we will be covered by them.
And the worst part is the fact that they have the colossal nerve to call these "CEs" and seek extra money just because they establish a cutoff level at some vague point. To call any game of this ilk a "Collector's Edition" is laughable.
But since BF is always generous enough to offer a free trial, take advantage of that and see what you think.
Sorry, Tiny Little Lion, but this one is a complete dud in my estimation. While nice to look at for a couple of scenes, can you really think that viewing the plant kingdom is really interesting for more than about 2 minutes? The Faircroft games at least had a very slim story, and the I Love Finding (whatever animal) had some very cute/interesting animals ---- but this? Plants? really? Who cares? I found the whole thing, along with its predecessor to be a square-eyed bore capable only of inspiring a nap in preparation of playing a real game.
The other objection I have is the concept of a simple HOG like this one being labeled a CE. All that's happened is that the developers created the levels, then decided on a cut-off point where the SE will be released ---- that's a cheap, tawdry stunt that should never be, but many developers do the same. Double money for a simplistically designed HOG as an astonishing money grab.
So, I hope this developer soon abandons this HOG rework, and soon gets back to the creation of the magnificent, and outstandingly creative games they were so good at in the past. (Just look at the list in the "other games" tab when you try this game out for free as BF provides)
The game is ready for you to have a free look and I urge everyone to do so ---- it just might be what you want, it's just at the bottom of the stack for me.
OK, let me begin by saying that I have ---- over many years ---- been a big fan of this developer. Way back when, their HOPAs were magnificent games, and I own ALL of them. But this current wave of their latest games ---- which actually began with the Faircroft Antique series, followed by the I Love Finding (insert an animal or whatever here), then First Time in (wherever), and now Finding America ---- are dull, repetitious, lacking in challenge, uninteresting, and ---- sadly ---- getting worse. They are simply following a cheap formula that they believe will be appealing because the scenes are lovely, the music is pretty and calming, and there are plenty of hidden objects to find. Well, that's nothing more than a hidden object game like we already played over and over back before developers moved to the bigger and better things. I personally find these throwbacks with zero story or a poor one are just glorified time wasters. There are too many other games with too much to offer for me to spend time with as opposed to hunting down objects like I did a decade ago.
And, shameful as it is, as these devs continue to throw spaghetti on the wall, they are getting sloppy. The objects are getting too tough to find, the tutorials are not explaining enough, the visuals are far less sharp, and the stories ---- if there even is one ---- are silly and appear to have been thrown together very thoughtlessly.
I have no particular objection to a good old fashioned HOG ---- like some of the Christmas games or those park ranger ones ---- but these have become tedious and "same old, same old" deluxe. And then they have the gall to add a few levels and ask double money for them as CEs. Not worth it to me by a very wide margin. In fact, I would not even think about these as SEs. Once (Faircroft, Finding Cats) was OK, but the devs have run this well dry. They probably believe that this can go forever (what's next, The Deep South? Small Towns in Texas? I love Marsupials?, First Time in a Hotel With Indoor Plumbing? who knows) but I can try to let this much respected and admired developer know that for this sort of junk my wallet is now closed. (And how scary is it to see all the copycat versions of this stuff showing up!?!) And the reason I am done is that I know for a fact that this developer can do worlds better.
Can't recommend anymore of these repetitious rip offs ---- sorry. But ----- it's free to try and see if the decades old style, poorly made HOG is your particular bailiwick. So ALWAYS take advantage of the generous trial that BF offers.
It is so encouraging to have a relatively new developer that is showing everyone what a great experience our games can be.
This one is a game that asks you to put on the old thinking cap and figure things out in a challenging but not difficult way. It goes far, far beyond some of the cookie-cutter specials we see too much of (and read the gushing 5 star words of praise about). Seems to me that some HOPA players have gotten so used to the hand holding gimmicky affairs some of us are so tired of that when a truly original fun challenge like this one comes along ---- the overly coddled players are dumbstruck by the high entertainment value to be found in this game. (and some even rush in here to whine because it is just too difficult. lol)
The HOS are beautiful, the mini games are (with just a smidgen of thought and effort) great fun, and the story is captivating. What more could a gamer really want?
It's an outstanding game from a fantastic developer that deserves our support and attention ---- so we can see more like it!
Please try the game ---- IT'S FREE to do so, and I'm betting you'll be glad you did. Highest recommendation.
Just wanted to say that I also miss the "good old days" of the long gone MCF games that we will likely never see again.
But we do have this one, and, since this developer took over, the games are very good. The game is fun, easy to play, and easily holds your interest. And, as the really good HOPAs get further and further apart, it is nice to get well crafted games that are a step above the cookie cutters. Well done, devs!
This is a game that might be ok for someone who has never played any kind of hidden object game or stuck in a time warp.. But for anyone with any knowledge of the genre it's a total zero. HOPA experts like judithanne and others would find it nothing like what the astute devs offer ---- it is super easy, super short, and totally lacking in story.
And the worst thing is that they offer this as a CE!! Totally outrageous. No bonus chapter, just a few more scenes of super simple hidden objects.
Where BF dug this one up, who knows, but let's hope it distinguishes itself as a one of a kind fluke. Sorry, but just awful.