Another reviewer states that this game can NOT be replayed. It can be reset to start from the beginning, or can be continued.
The graphics are up to Elephant's usual standard of excellence, and it has an interesting and challenging story to work through.
We need far, far more of this type game as opposed to the onslaught of "Find this, find that, play ancient minigames" that charge double the price of this excellent choice.
So if you are looking for a game that goes beyond being "soothing" to relax with and, at the same time, require you to wear the old thinking cap ---- here you go. (Hints are limitless and immediate, and skips are available for puzzles)
Friendly Fox has declared that they are offering a "new kind of investigation" with this pitiful offering. No, they are not. What they ARE doing is jumping on the gravy train of games that are glorified, souped-up HOGs that hide behind a CE label.
This is just a copy of the relax/travel/find games that so many gamers are supporting for some reason that I will never understand. It is just one HO scene after another that the developers can churn out quickly and definitely on the cheap in the hope that we gamers will believe this is something new. Well, it's not new, and it really is just copying what others are already doing.
The graphics are very poor with some objects quite indistinguishable. The "story" is silly and childish. The HO scenes repeat themselves and the movement of the objects is minimal.
I sincerely hope this game is a monumental failure and Friendly Fox learns that gamers are not so stupid as to believe they have come up with something "new". Friendly Fox should be embarrassed to even release this game, especially when it is compared to their high quality games they are so very capable of. I would say to whoever is in charge of these decisions at FF ---- KNOCK IT OFF!
Terrible game, already uninstalled soon to be totally forgotten.
Just another quickly and carelessly slapped together HOG that features absolutely nothing original. But it does feature the exact same things the first three games in the series did: -zero story -boring scenes -repetitious objects to find that do NOT change if you replay -a hint button that takes 40 seconds to refill! 40 seconds with no option to speed it up (inattentive programming) -the same number of "bonus" items which they mistakenly believe qualifies the game for CE status -the same old minigames the other games in the series have
And they declare the beautiful wallpapers that no one uses and the music player featuring horrible tunes somehow add to the desirability of paying CE money ---- wrong!. Track #12 on the music player is "O Come All Ye Faithful", and, yes, I'm serious, a totally out of place Christmas carol started up while I was looking for objects in a cluttered yard! Talk about inattention to details in the game. (Oh, and the bark of the dogs and the meow of the cats are the most unrealistic and nerve grating I've ever heard in a game with pups and/or kitties).
While I recognize that there are very nice HOGs of this type available right here at Big Fish, this is not one of them. The games created by more astute developers are vastly superior to this very lame effort. It seems like this one was slapped together on an assembly line with no thought to offering a superior game ---- just a simplistic, boring, and repetitious dud. I shudder to think how many more Avi games has on this abysmal lineup waiting for the go ahead.
I am very sorry ---- I am a huge fan of HOPAs, but I just can't justify paying for a ten year old game that has been "remastered". I can pay for a NEW game that I have NEVER played for the same money. And this new game is graphically improved ---- but not by the price of a new CE. New character voices are nice I guess ---- but not by the price of a new CE. New HO scenes and new puzzles? My memory is not that clear on a 10 year old game. So, not by the price of a new CE.
I commend Friendly Fox for the remaster effort for those that do not own the original, but I'm not even going to consider paying for the same game at full price again. They don't even offer a discount to owners of the original game as is done at other sites and by other devs. That's a bad gaming investment for gamers, and a cheap, tawdry marketing ploy that I hope does so poorly that devs and BF stop or amend this tactic at once.
The game itself is fine (but let's be honest, it's hardly a "classic") ---- the tactic is one I do not believe is at all fair and certainly not worth the money.
2 stars for sameness and repetition ---- come up with a new and original game Friendly Fox, this "remastering" stuff is not so friendly.
This is a game that has been around for 15+ years and actually began as a kid's game. But adults took to it, as well. So now it has been remastered/updated for today's gamers and it is an absolutely gorgeous platformer that is easy to learn and fun to play for all ages.
According to the developers, "in the current, remastered version, we did a lot of improvements to graphics, upscaling and re-rendering these sprites etc, adding new features."
And, "There's a lot of levels, they're big and there's a LOT of stuff to collect. In this new version we've modified the game to make it easier to track level progress so it's easier to know when you've collected 100% of the level, eliminated all enemies and found all secret areas."
I can verify that all of that is true, and I've had more fun with this game than any game released here in a long time. I love platformers (not very good at them, but love playing them), especially when they are not overly complicated and difficult. It takes me all the way back to the days of Mario (yes, I was young once! lol).
I'm intrigued and delighted to see an old classic get remastered by such excellent developers as Cateia whose game library includes many excellent HOPA offerings and TM games. I hope more like this are coming.
So for something a bit different for BF and way different from looking at boring travel, nature, animal, etc. scenes here is a very nice game to try. It won't necessarily be "soothing" or "relaxing", but it will certainly be fun and involving. And, for me at least, that's what gaming is all about.
It's just another exercise in cookie cutter, lather, rinse, repeat style game.
The template is the same as all Avi games.
The usual group of all white (29/29 in the first 4 scenes) insipidly smiling "travelers" are back ---- no diversity at all. I'm not a member of a minority group, but be realistic!
The usual erroneous "facts" about the locations are back. For example, in the very first scene the Alamo in San Antonio, Texas is described as a headquarters for the Mexican army. Really? Sorry, but that is where the Mexican army besieged the Texas defenders (including Davy Crockett) until all were lost which ultimately led to Texas independence. So ---- try harder to get your facts straight, Avi. Then, some park in Dallas is mentioned as a huge vacation spot to visit. Sorry, but there are literally hundreds of more interesting spots to visit in Texas. Avi seems to think that Canada is part of America ---- wrong, it is a country on the North American continent, and no one here thinks of Canada or Mexico as being part of America. Avi also seems to be a bit confused about what areas make up Florida. When you enter a scene there is not even a designation or name of what the scene is. Overall, Avi has put together the "facts" and scenes in this game in a very sloppy manner.
The minigames are unoriginal and very old (there's even an ancient "Tower of Hanoi" offering! LOL).
And the pointless raccoon is back, of course.
If more effort were put into this type of copycat game, perhaps I could be more more understanding (and I like some of the well done travel games of the style Avi is trying to mimic) ---- but it is just a slapped together, get on that assembly line rush job, and these type games have been done so much better by more astute developers.
I also need to say that I am completely happy with "top reviewer" and "key contributor" designations. I'm glad we have those ---- they are my "go to" reviews and those designations are deserved and helpful. And our "Top Reviewer" is just that, the very top and very best ---- always informative, always fair, and loaded with gaming knowledge and experience. Thanks to Big Fish for those ---- they are quite helpful. As far as what reviews are for ---- sorry, but I think that presuming to understand and know the intent of reviews is a bit of a reach. Everyone is entitled to their opinion and reviews are just that ---- opinions.
So if you want to just repeat the same old gameplay and plow through the same old puzzles ---- this game might be be your cuppa. But if you want something original with a small challenge that won't put you to sleep, go back a couple of days' offerings or wait till next week.
This is another attempt to foist another copycat game on players who should know what this is ---- an effort to cash in on the ideas and work of others (see Vacation Adventures).
The template is an exact copy of the other games from this developer ---- - there are scenes of what the developer thinks are slices of American life ---- you know, parks, overnight camping spots, etc. full of nothing but insipid people all looking posed with big, goofy smiles in every scene. And every individual is a white person. You know, just like in real life! LOL - the extremely slow hint button is still present - the objects to find are either extremely easy or extremely hard (as in too small or hidden in same color backgrounds) - and the raccoon is present in every scene. Raccoons are very dangerous, always mean, and terribly aggressive so I can't imagine one being "cute" as this developer seems to believe. - the extras tout a music player and wallpapers (so very last decade, and utterly useless)
So with no changes or improvements, these games will never compare to the masterpieces that have already been done.
So yet another developer has joined the relentless parade of these awful and boring copycat games.
And the games are so similar that it is getting more and more difficult to distinguish one from the other. It is really a shame to see that BF allows these developers to so blatantly copy the hard work and originality presented first by the the more astute developers ---- and then have the unmitigated gall to declare that elements of their game are "unique" and falsely suggesting there is CE or any value about their copycat effort. Is "Spot the Difference" unique? Are Jigsaw puzzles unique? Is requiring the gamer to play the same scene more than once unique? Is having very so-so useless wallpapers unique?
It is almost an exact copy of the game offered earlier in the week ---- with a Christmas theme.
And there are other Christmas themed games that are vastly superior to this copycat replica (Christmas Wonderland, anyone?), and I really hate to see these cheap knockoffs being offered here at BF as though they were of equal quality. And I really, really wish that those who review the reviews ("I always make sure to give a positive review when someone who does not like this type of game gives a poor one") were confident enough in their own review/opinion to let others have theirs.
This entry has changed absolutely nothing from the first two in this series for insomniacs. Just objects pasted on photos with incredibly old fashioned mini games thrown in, along with wallpapers no one cares about and a music player no one listens to. And the raccoon the developer is so fascinated with is pasted into every scene.
And, interestingly, the hint button takes a full 30 seconds to refill. That is entirely too slow and unacceptable. Why not include a choice of the time in the settings? Oh, wait ---- that would require a change on the assembly line! LOL (I shudder to think how many of these time wasters are already set to go just waiting for the "go" signal from BF)
And there are pieces of trash to pick up and souvenirs to find, just as in the far superior games the developer is copying.
And I found another interesting bit. In the first several scenes I counted 67 people ---- all stupidly smiling white people. You know, just like in the real world. Sheesh!
Seriously, this developer's games are slapped together haphazardly and are extremely uninviting. Really tired of these cheap, copycat, me too games.
A very poor effort not worth CE or any kind of money.
And that's exactly what Boomzap is trying to do ---- again.
This time they have souped up "Breakout" Well, guess what Boomzap. It's already been done (by several) and done much better than this.
The gameplay is beyond bad ---- just watch the ball bounce around and once in a while you can hit the ball back into play with very slow to respond flippers.
Maybe you can come up with a new, exciting version of "Pong". This one is just awful.