This game is exactly like the first two in the series, and, for that matter, exactly like all of the Big Adventure - Trip to Europe games from the same guy.
There is no challenge at all ---- so simplistic my 9-10 year old grandkids laughed at it, refusing to play. Maybe for children a bit younger. And, of course, no story.
And, showing how out of step the developer is, they boast about the beautiful wallpapers and fabulous music player that no one ever uses. These are simply cheap add-ons that have little to no cost to toss in. Not worth a penny of extra money. This is a game that is just more HO scenes with some minigames thrown in and declares there are "extra" levels so that CE money can be asked for. Ridiculous.
I forgot to look for the raccoon that this developer is so fascinated with.
So, for those that continue to be relaxed, soothed, or whatever by this sort of colossal boredom ---- it's your money. Honestly, I wouldn't have this one wasting space on my computer if it were free.
I have to admit that I just downloaded this one expecting the same old hidden object/old minigame repetition that we have been seeing.
Wow ---- was I surprised, because this game is stunning! This is what the other "me too" developers wish they could be.
These developers have created some of the most fun and interesting hidden object scenes I have ever seen. They have created fresh, new, interesting, and fun mini games to play. They have given us some of the most beautiful scenery I have ever seen in a casual game. They have taken the time to give us a story that is interesting and fun.
Because I was so taken with the excellence of this title, I went back and took another look at the other games in this series. And I see that I was wrong. I think I was reviewing too fast and looked only briefly at the games and jumped to the conclusion that they were just too similar to the style of game that is so repetitive at BF of one clunky HO scene after another with very old minigames sprinkled in. That is not the case with these games. The quality and care that goes into these games is apparent, and I should have seen it. So I apologize to the devs and the players for the harsh reviews I posted on other Twistingo games. In fact, I bought them all, including other titles by this dev I did not have. The games created by these devs are ALL high quality.
And I believe anyone that even remotely has an interest in a HOG, HOPA, or just a puzzle fan will be captivated by this outstanding offer. There is a great deal to like and enjoy here, and it is so good that it proved to this old gamer that I was wrong in thinking that these are all alike. Because this one is several cuts above the crowd for sure.
It is time to stop piling up these pointless, boring junk-fests every week (sometimes twice) that are nothing but colossal snoozers. It's the same thing every time with nothing but poorly constructed hidden object scenes sprinkled with antediluvian puzzles from decades ago and nothing else.
This particular game is especially bad. Nothing to be found here but photos with with people all smiling insipidly for the camera, and some objects to find that are pasted on, and usually too small, then do a very old fashioned puzzle and go to the next scene. No imagination here whatsoever, this is nothing but an example of "me too!" game development. Some devs have seen other games that are similar, see that BF is offering them every single week, and jump on the bandwagon. And that's what has happened here.
It is a terrible game that would not even interest my grandkids, and I'm quite tired of these games, and quite tired of BF offering them over and over and over.
I would give this game minus stars if it were possible.
As I have said on other occasions, I'm not good at TM games. But this one is so different in its presentation that I can forget my inabilities and just enjoy the story and the gameplay.
It is a sequel and I recommend playing the other game (Royal Life - Hard To Be A Queen) first so you get the style of this quality series.
Don't know about lagging or bugs ---- running ok for me.
Do yourself a favor ---- if you haven't already ---- and play this series from the first game on (and you can get that info ---- and a ton of other useful stuff ---- over at pennmom's outstanding forum, The Woods!)
Seriously, this is a very good series of games ---- I'm so glad they got the glitch sorted.
I'm even worse at M3 than Time Mgmt games, but I try!
But when I find one that is this player friendly, not ridiculously difficult, with a clever storyline, and tons of levels, I certainly appreciate it and bought it after the trial.
It is so good that I looked up other games from this developer and bought a couple of those.
No telling how far in advance this developer (who obviously does not read reviews or cares) has prepared these games. They are all the very same, the template is the same, even the obtrusive instructions are the same! The only thing that changes is a very slight variation in the game title.
Just my opinion, but it seems very lazy development to just do the same things over and over ---- same things to do in the HO scenes, the same minigames, the same objectives, the same overly silly raccoon this dev is so fascinated with appearing in every scene with no indicator that it is collected, the same people in every game ---- does this dev not realize that he has done nothing but rip off the Big City Adventure series from -- a decade ago that was quite popular -- a decade ago? (And, yes, those older iconic games are all still available here at Big Fish) Do players really want to revisit these games and pay CE money to do so? I know I don't ---- I'm completely happy to just replay those games of yesteryear that I enjoyed then if I need to scratch that particular itch. Like other reviewers, I am finding so many other type games elsewhere that are of the style of 2024, not 2014. And I'm out of patience with these copycat games like this one that have done nothing but souped up the graphics and offering nothing new. They don't even bother with a semblance of a story, instead, they offer "facts" about the uninteresting places they are presenting. And this developer has released 4 identical games that follow this unoriginal. unimaginative, copycat pattern and change nothing from game to game ---- no improvements, no tweaks, no subtle differences, nothing.
So if you own any of these games, you own them all, and I absolutely do not recommend this sort of "game".
Like HeavenBound, I am also quite annoyed at BF for allowing these devs to cover us with all the travel games. The concept of seeing pretty pictures of places I care nothing about with objects pasted on is very old. And even worse ---- spot the difference! I was fascinated with spot the difference 20 years ago, but now they are just an irritating time waster that are nothing more than cheap fillers on these "CE" games.
And where I differ is I think the games from this developer are particularly horrible. The objects are way too small, and the whole thing looks sloppy and hastily thrown together.
Well, that's 2 of these redundant simplistic HOGs with even more simplistic mini games in 3 days here at Big Fish.
These are not the type of games I became a member at BF to see. I am not a member at BF to find "relaxing" games. I am not a member at BF to find "soothing" games. (And the description actually trumpets how "soothing" the game is! Yes, I'm an older gamer, but I do not need a game to be "soothing", so stop trying to "grandma" me ---- it's insulting!)
I AM a member to find games that are interesting, colorful, fun, and a small challenge to the brain cells. And this overwhelming glut of games that are all copies of one another are like sleeping pills in that they are so boring that they simply can not hold my interest.
In this latest Avi game, we have the 2nd boring game in a series that actually boasts about "relaxing" in its title. If Ineed to "relax", I take a nap!
The game features scenes with objects that are unrelated to the overall picture, and the developer has made the poor decision to make the player go through the scenes multiple times before revealing new, equally boring scenes. And the hidden objects are the very same! And the hint button with this developer ---- as I have pointed out in previous Avi games ---- is entirely too slow to refill. Are they just purposely trying to put the player to sleep? This developer obviously is not open to suggestions for these cookie cutter adventures into boredom.
It's a very bad game that is not CE worthy ---- in fact, I could not uninstall the demo fast enough. Save your money ---- these unoriginal games are all the same!