---- that I am not good at TM games so for mechanics and details, check other reviews.
What I can tell you is that for my low skill level, I thoroughly enjoyed the game. Beautiful to look at, charming story, not overly challenging, and interesting things to accomplish.
I usually like the games from this developer ---- but I can only give 3 stars because I do NOT see any bonus play or a strategy guide. These are, for me anyway, two elements necessary for a game to be a CE.
I hope maybe another reviewer will correct me if I'm wrong, but the opportunity to replay HO scenes and puzzles (the extent of the extras) do not constitute a game being a CE.
I certainly hope this "remastered" thing is not indicative of what's coming. As it is, it just does not seem to be worth the extra money like their other game in the series was (Hotel).
Not much to say here ---- I completely agree with the others, excellence in every aspect. If you only buy a single game so far this year ---- I hope it's this one.
---- that just maybe BF was moving away from these money grabber games, but this dud has shown me to think again!
Have you played (or for some unfathomable reason bought) any of the Trip To Europe snoozers, or My Lovely Pets, or even Lots of Things? If so, then you have already seen this one! It is identical in every way, right down to the super slow hint button and difficult-to-use magnifier. The template is the very same. A story is non-existent ---- just pick out objects, play a puzzle originally seen in 2006 or so, marvel at "beautiful wallpapers" and the "exclusive music player" (can't imagine any interest in those last two by anyone), and keep going. In other words, a formula for total and complete boredom.
Sorry, but this game is even a step down from all the other games of this type flooding BF.
I'm sorry to be blunt, but I'm even sorrier to see this dev offering such a terrible game and asking CE money to boot.
Talk about lather, rinse, repeat! LOL ---- this game truly distinguishes itself in only one way ---- worst of the year (so far)
In an effort to duplicate the magic of the Vacation Adventures: Park Ranger/Cruise Director games, here comes Avi Games ---- copying the template of those games as closely as possible. However, it is NOT successful at all.
The game features objects with no relevance to the scene, objects are too small, instructions are overly abundant and intrusive, a hint button that is unbelievably S-L-O-W, and the puzzles have taken a huge step backward to simplicity and boredom.
I'm really starting to worry that the future of BF games is nothing more than these recycled copycat HOGs in the style of travel, I like Finding, clutter, etc. which would be mildly acceptable if there was an ounce of originality to them. But, like this one, they are nothing but copycats of the games that truly are standouts (Park Ranger, Cruise Director, etc.). There is absolutely nothing in or about this game that is new or original. The idea of this costing CE money is outrageously insulting. It's a simple HOG with no story, no challenge, no thought, and not worth even a game credit, if they still had those.;
An absolute bore ---- the developer is merely recycling what has been done in the first three Twistingo games.
So like the I Love Finding type games ---- just a terrible excuse for another copycat CE. Change the theme (hummingbirds? I guess we still have dozens of tropical birds to run through!) Oh, I know, they have indeed thrown in a MahJong variant. Big deal. A boring casual game variant.
So if you have any of the other three, don't waste your time or money ---- as they say, move along ---- nothing to see here folks.
You know, I'll bet these devs were enormously upset not to get in on the CE gravy train of these yesteryear HOG/yestercentury minigames until the 6th iteration of this redundant, unoriginal, and unappealing series. But they've got it now ---- just lop off the last 10 levels of the game to call CE, describe the wallpapers that no one uses "gorgeous", and declare the song tracks to be "exclusive", and presto ---- you have an overpriced CE that was easy to develop!!!
Sorry, folks, but this is another copycat of the same old stuff we are being force fed.
The graphics are plain, the minigames are insultingly old, and I sincerely believe that gamers who have been around a while are really quite sick of all this repetitive stuff. I actually have the first two in this series, and can honestly tell you the game offered today is no different than those (except it's now a CE?) I have, and the quality is lower.
If these duds are what appeal to you, and they motivate you to open that purse or wallet, ---- it's your money, and this is the type game you will get a steady diet of. Personally, I would not even have the games like this for free.
On another personal note to the reviewers who are compelled review the reviews other folks post ---- I'm sorry you lack confidence in your own reviews. My reviews are just my opinion ---- nothing more.
I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday. Stay safe and well. And may the new year bring bountiful blessings to all.
A game about the Christmas miracle (and after, I'm assuming) is a nice idea for some. However, even though it is a rendition of the Greatest Story Ever Told, there are 2 issues:
First, the game play is boring, and a ripoff of these HOG/throwback puzzle games we are being absolutely covered up with and,
Second, it bothers me a lot that the game is wanting CE money. If the sentiments of the developers were in the righr place, should the game not be free? (or a very low price to just cover expenses)? A profit motive on this topic is just unseemly, imo. NO kudos to the devs here.
First, this game is nothing but a complete copy of all the other clunkers out there that have begun to overwhelm the BF site.
There is absolutely NOTHING positive to say about this totally unoriginal, completely unimaginative ripoff of the other games that devs have discovered they can create in no time with no thought, no story, and absolutely no point.
This dev, imo, just saw the other games being shoved at us by that lion company and others and hopped on the bandwagon. The problem with that ---- the other games being copied are horrible games to begin with.
These games are much too aggressively flooding this site. There isn't much here any more but these throwback hidden object games that are nothing more than visually improved versions of games we played years and years ago.
This one in particular is a mess. Different scenes that MUST be completed before moving on to the next group of 4 scenes ---- all with a SUPER SLOW hint button. This game is from the bottom of the gaming barrel ---- and they have the unmitigated gall to ask CE money for it.
Stop buying these clunkers and we can possibly get back to great games. Of course, it's your money and if this what you look for in a quality game ---- this is exactly what you will get.
One of the worst games of the year ---- needs minus stars!
But no one should be surprised as long as gamers keep settling for this type of mess. It truly looks like something that got thrown together at someone's kitchen table. Graphics are very weak, and I don't even think my very young grandkids would find this interesting.