Oh my goodness, I'm sorry, but this is just inexcusably bad. We've done cats (ok for something a bit different), done pups (I guess for all the dog lovers to equal things out), then MORE cats (and really got old quick) and now we are going to do "critters"?
Really, Boomzap, do you think we are a collection of Elly Mae Clampetts out here that want to spend time looking for "critters"? The whole concept is sort of an insult to the intelligence.
And the devs have used the same template as the other games, so we get the same boring gameplay, the same boring mini games, and the same boring "extras". (Yes, they have the nerve to present this as a CE - unbelievable!) One of the extras is a look at a collection of rather gross creatures the developers have given a name to and claim they belong to them. Seriously? (I personally doubt it.)
This game is hopefully the last of the animals/creatures we are going to be offered because this idea is really worn out.
But everyone should try the game for themselves since it might be just the type of game some are looking for. Personally, I could not uninstall it fast enough.
Boomzap is the maker of some of my favorite games (Awakening series, for example ---- can't wait for the remastered version, btw) ---- but these retro hidden object games are such a huge step back from what we have become accustomed to that they are nothing more than boring snoozers that lose my interest in about 5 minutes.
The story is extremely weak ---- involving some lady and her daughter going around Paris (I guess it was Paris, I saw nothing but bedrooms, dining rooms, streets, etc. ---- nothing involving Paris landmarks) just talking and talking and talking ---- pure snoozefest.
The graphics are poor, and the hint button reveals are very hard to see ---- and when you are in a scene requiring pairs, it only shows you ONE of the pair ---- pretty useless. In the "assemble the picture" scene, it requires you to be super precise in placing the various pieces.
But the biggest complaint I have is the unmitigated gall to offer this a a CE! Are you serious? I would not consider paying double for this one. It belongs right up there with the Faircroft games and the I Like Finding games ---- they are just old fashioned HOGS, and I left those behind a long, long time ago. I don't know why Boomzap is in this rut of these games when history shows they are capable of so much better.
But this could be the very thing that captures your interest ---- so try it for yourself and see. I will be on the sidelines waiting for Awakening Remastered.
I agree with everything already pointed out ---- the simplicity of the story is just irritating, the inability to figure out how to get 3 stars is annoying, and the cartoon aspect is unattractive.
And I could go along with the marble popping itself ---- love marble poppers, own a ton of them ---- but this one has what appears to be a mechanical glitch. When the marbles pass really close to the shooter, it will not fire. That's a deal breaker for me. If they fix that, I will pick this one up, but if not, I will give it a pass.
Boomzap has created some of the best games I have ever played. And I understand that economic times are tough.
But this type of HO game, and this series, are way past being old and tiresome. Full of nonsensical dialogue in an effort to support the thinnest of plot/story, this is nothing more than a hidden object style game that was popular many years ago. The first couple in the series were a sort of "different" diversion, and even the Christmas game was ok, but it is time to find other game styles and ideas ---- this one is a square eyed bore ---- and I know that Boomzap is capable of so much better.
It's really easy to sum up this title ---- no long winded review necessary because it is simply a rehash of so many Domini games. It is overly easy ---- features the same items to find that are in every Domini game, same type of tasks, same old collectibles, and these things add up to very little bang for the buck. It is just another CE with all the same whistles and bells we have seen over and over.
But that particular style seems to satisfy those that fuss about there not being enough HOPAs, so this one should keep those folks happy, and continue to keep the quality and imagination factors down.
And, the story of the fairies does indeed depart from the type of games we have been seeing, and I suspect that the storyline will appeal to many gamers. It's just not my cup of tea. Still waiting for games with a more adult theme.
So every gamer should try the game for themselves to see if it appeals to them. That's what the free trial is there for.
---- comers a game like this, and, truthfully, that is about often enough for me. I would NOT want to see a lot of this kind of game. This is a clicker game, not a thinker game. It took me about 6 hours to play including the way, way too short bonus chapter (15-20 minutes), and I was happy mostly that I was done. I felt like I had finished a chore rather than played a game.
I was taken at first by the lovely artwork, but, like other adventure games, that only goes so far and then you need a decent story. And the story here is thin. So, unfortunately, the game is reduced to an old-fashioned click-a-rama as you hunt for the necessary items.
It IS an adventure game, and therefore it moves rather slowly ---- almost boring. But then it saves itself by finally completing a certain chore or puzzle but then rather than being glad I was moving on, I was just glad I wasn't stuck, and had been able to click my way on to the next chore.
There are things to discover in the game that I won't reveal in a novella of a review ---- those are the secrets of an adventure game for the player to discover ---- so everyone should try the game for themselves and see if it suits their particular taste. I have seen and played far better adventure games and this one is a decent time killer but would not stand up to the spotlight of best of the year, or the month ---- maybe of the last couple of days. Maybe.
The concept is good ---- playing different HOS and STD scenes to accomplish a level and move on.
But the game fails completely by requiring impossibly difficult goals to be met. All the scenes are tests of how FAST can you find the objects or differences ----- unreasonably so. I am assuming that the game is being marketed primarily to senior players, and, if that is the case, the developers have shown extremely poor judgement in assuming that seniors want or would be measurably successful with a speed test. It's really ridiculous and frustrating. As if the high demands are not enough, if you click incorrectly or too fast, the game throws up a warning saying "Let's stay calm" to slow you down some more.
The only valid warning for this game is that there are sequels coming.
Very good idea ---- very poorly executed ---- very bad game.
Sure, it is a bit older, and the nit-pickers can easily find fault with it ---- but the fact is that it is a delightful adventure game that is worth a look.
Easily outpaces some of the weaker "HOPA" offerings we are seeing.
Just a little patience, and you will be rewarded with a golden oldie gem. I think there are others in the series ---- maybe Felix will find them!
Yes, I know there are little differences, but 13 games of doing the same thing is just too many ---- about 10-11 too many.
The same thing over and over just gets boring after about 1-2 levels, and there is no real, fundamental change in the game at all. Of course, it only has a single premise, so how could there be?
For those that can't get enough of this, then, by all means, pick it up. But if you are looking for something new and different ---- BF has a new game every day!
OK, so I saw that a lot of my fellow gamers think it is too much like the Vacation Adventure games. I can't agree with that. This game is about going to places that really exist ---- not to a fantasy park or a completely unrealistic cruise. So that makes it different.
And the places visited in the game are very different from what you see in most travel games ---- they are unique and offer fun facts as well.
Sure, some of the mechanics are the same ---- just like the glut of all the retro HOP games we are seeing. For me, that is not as important as the nice story, great visuals, and fun mini games offered here.
Just remember it's not a cruise and not a made up national park ---- and you just might enjoy the game. I did for sure!