I don't play a whole lot of M3 games (because I am not very good at them), but this one was recommended to me so I gave it a go ---- and what a delight!
It is a big departure from what you usually see in M3 games with great visuals, a great story, and new mechanics that are fun to play.
I don't buy a lot of M3s, but this one is a must buy.
I realize that this type of game might represent the wave of the future for hidden object games, and I am on board with that idea. I certainly have played a ton of these over the years. But to throw in a couple of extra levels and declare it to be a CE is an outrageous attempt to get double money for very little.
The graphics are beautiful ---- as they should be in 2021.
The presentation is simple ---- with no story at all, it should be.
So, although the game is ok, I will not support the attempt to pass it off as CE material ---- and the same goes for all the other devs trying to cash in on this disturbing trend.
No long exposition here ---- just wanted to say how much I enjoyed the game with its classic feel but done in a modern style with crisp, clean graphics. I have liked the fragment games since Briar Rose and was happy to see this one. I wish there were more games of this style.
I will leave the details of this one to those who are far more capable than I at reviews, and just say that this is one I completely enjoyed from start to finish.
Different, a bit quirky, kept my attention, and great fun.
So I see that others had some difficulty with the mouse control. I admit it can be frustrating ---- very frustrating ---- at first, but I stuck with it and finally figured out how to work it. And I'm so glad I did. Once I got past that, the game really showed a lot. There is a great deal of charm in this game that makes it really unique ---- all the missions are different ---- all the characters have differing abilities ---- there are helmets for differing tasks and uses ---- and the list goes on.
There is a lot to this game ---- but use the trial period as a "tutorial" of sorts, and see if you can find the good time I am having with this game.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Marble Popper, Puzzle, Time Management
Fun Factor
1/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
1/ 5
3/ 5
What a shock when I bought this game immediately thinking it would be similar to the survey game from a while back. I installed and began to play only to see that it has been dumbed down considerably ---- to the point of distraction.
As an example ---- in the survey game's first level, there were 7 bonfires to light and these had challenging paths to follow to light them. In this rendition, there are 4 bonfires to light, and the paths were so simple a 4 year old could figure it out. In the survey game, it took about 45 minutes to finish level one. In this version, I was done with level one in about 5 minutes. In the survey games, there were conversations with tips and clues, but no such thing in this version.
So it is just too simple, and, IMO, the devs have taken a fresh, interesting, and challenging game and really ruined it. Have they never heard of difficulty levels?
Anyway, I have never seen this before, and thought I should post a review - sort of, so others will know.
I'm really disappointed because I had looked forward to this game for a very long time.
I tried this simply because I liked the Awakening series from this developer so much ---- but those games feel more modern than this one.
This is a complete throwback to the past with one HOS after the other with some very simplistic "puzzles" or mini-games thrown in.
The HOS are reminiscent of the Big City Adventure series of games with objects that are difficult to see, blurry scenery, and even a penalty for too many clicks (haven't seen that in a while).
There is no Strategy Guide (would not really be necessary), and no other extras to make this CE worthy, and, truthfully, since I have so many of the old style games I can play I would have a hard time even giving up a coupon for this one much less CE money.
But there are those that do not like the evolution of modern games, and, for those, this might be a great find.
Try for yourself and see if it is for you ---- it's just not for me.
I have no idea why this is listed as a "strategy" game ---- it is am RPG from the makers of Skyborn.
Fans of the old style rpgs like Final Fantasy, Breath of Fire, etc. will like this one. The story is good, as is the art work, music, battles, and crafting.
I very seldom review or comment on these pages, but this game is outstanding and deserves your attention.
Two human factions are at war, and Rick’s best friend and girlfriend have been captured in the turmoil! Can Rick save Vanessa and Yuki before it’s too late?