Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File
Fun Factor
2/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
2/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
Well the title sounded interesting so I decided to try the game out but I simply could not last more than 25 minutes.
The graphics are average but the scenes were very dark, the music overly dramatic & the background sounds sort of ok; screams, ticking clocks, the type of thing which matches the subject matter; but they did get tiresome.
The hidden objects were tiny, not very well drawn & hard to find & although there is a magnifying glass which helps; when you moved the scene in magnify mode it was very jerky. When there is an important object it will be covered by a light, sometimes if you click on the object it will disappear & behind it will be other H0 items, sometimes it will be an item to add to your inventory.
There were only a couple of mini games during my short demo & there were too many icons; you can’t just click to swap squares or turn them, you have to click on an icon to determine which move to make then click another icon to make a different type of move.
The main character is quite cartoonish & keeps having weird things on his hair, first it was something that looked like a big drop of water, I couldn’t work out if it was supposed to be sweat or a Bluetooth ; then what looked like lightning bolts (presumably he was having a brainwave). At the point when a brain appeared & started talking is when I threw in the towel & stopped the game.
It is a shame the graphics & the way the mini games are played are not better as this could have been a funny game to play; it is obvious that the writer has a sense of humour.
However I cannot get past the fact that it is awkward & clunky to actually play so it is a no buy for me.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
3/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
This game is a nice competent H0G; good clear graphics & I like the style of the artwork. I would point out though that although a red colouring to the 'vision' scenes is a good idea it really was over the top in spades. It made it hard to make out any detail in these scenes.
This is not a game for those who do not care for crystal balls or tarot cards as you play the part of a clairvoyant who takes rather too much laudanum. As an East End Londoner I have to point out that the accent is not Cockney; however it is not objectionable & it was a pleasant change to have a voiceover.
In easy mode the hint button recharges at around 30 seconds & there are glints everywhere, in hard mode hint at 1 minute & no glints. However both modes have red sparkles where there is a H0 mode; it is a shame that these were not left out for the hard mode.
You have a notebook which gives some excellent historical details in small snippets & a little way into the game you will find a map that can be used to jump to different locations. The mini-games were very easy & the hidden objects were clear enough.
The music was not very memorable but there are a lot of background noises: creaking floorboards, footsteps, screams, laughter to add ambience.
Jack the Ripper is one of my favourite murder mysteries so I enjoyed this game & if you like your H0s give this a whirl.
Return once more to the haunted grounds of Ravenhearst Manor to uncover new details about this poignant saga. What you find could very well be the final chapter of this riveting story-if you escape.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File
Fun Factor
2/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
The voiceovers are good although the dialogue is not clickable; the artwork is lovely & the graphics excellent. Superb ambient sounds in the background.
There are 2 modes; master detective with no hints & casual which only has hints for the hidden morphing scenes & the odd glint here & there. Otherwise you are totally on your own, if you want to buy this game I suggest the Collector's Edition as without the in built strategy guide you will spend a lot of time looking through the walkthrough.
This was quite simply too hard for me to figure out without a hint system & I really hate having to keep stopping to check out an SG or a walkthrough. In addition I really did not like having to sit staring at a screen to find 11 morphing objects in one scene.
I have given Excellent for the Level of Challenge because it is so hard so an experienced gamer will probably enjoy but it is not a buy for me
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File
Fun Factor
3/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
There is a lot going for this game; it is from Elephant Games, one of my favourites, there are stunningly beautiful graphics & 3 modes of gameplay. Easy with lots of sparkles, glints, a hint that recharges in about 15 seconds & a hint that tells you exactly what to do next to boot. Advanced mode, no sparkles anywhere & a fiendish Hardcore mode, no sparkles, no mini game skips & no hints.
The mini-games were relatively easy & I love the cursor – it turns into a beautifully slender & elegant hand on objects to pick up.
The diary tells you the story of the game although it does little else, unfortunately no voiceovers but………….I have never had to go back & forth so many times in a game, there is no interactive map so you can’t jump to scenes; you just walk back again & again & again ad infinitum.
I would buy at a sale price & keep for a rainy day when I have run out of games to play but this does not rock my world
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
Sacra Terra from one of my favourite developers; the graphics are crisp & the artwork lovely, there are some really excellent cut scenes & it filled my widescreen. The music really suits the game & the background sounds are subtle, there are no voiceovers.
There are 2 modes of play; Casual & Expert & here I was disappointed; when you select a mode it states that the hint button refills after 1 minute or 2 minutes but in fact it recharges instantly. In Expert mode every H0 scene is instantly spottable as there are sparkles galore.
The cursor is too wide & unwieldy & I found it difficult to back out of scenes; often I would end up picking up an item from the inventory when I really wanted to go to a prior scene.
I love that there are 42 morphing (beyond) objects to collect; it always adds interest although sometimes I get involved in gameplay & forget so I have to go back to a scene & check carefully.
You are given a journal & a map; the map is not interactive but it does show where you are & where there are actions to be carried out. You will need your sneakers as there is a lot going to & from scenes to find items you need.
The H0 scenes have an interactive item within them; something that I always like & I did not find any misclick penalties. However I would mention that I had to visit the same H0 scene 3 times in the first hour which seemed a bit of lazy programming. Kudos though; I had to search very hard for some of the H0 items. Not much to say about the mini-games except they were not very challenging.
The pluses outweigh the minuses, in particular the story in which you have to defeat demons in an old & abandoned hospital is well rendered. Definitely one to try out, I think you will love it.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
3/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
I really liked this game; the voiceovers are good & I liked the humour between the main characters, a brother & sister. She is on a quest to find a book that holds the key to finding Excalibur, the sword of King Arthur. There is rather too much dialogue but you can click through it or in the options screen you can turn the voiceover down & just use the subtitles.
The adventure starts in a boat & you have to find items to get it moving; the story then moves on to Washington & I liked visiting various famous places to find clues. While you are looking for items you will be asked to perform other tasks for which you can earn money; you need to do this to collect enough to pay for your airfare to the next location. Each time you successfully complete a task there is a fanfare which got very tiresome after the first few.
The hint is unusual – you can click on the PDA to get a silhouette or if you click on the question mark a grid is displayed on screen & you are given a reference square to search. The hint recharges in around 30 seconds which is a good thing as the items can be really hard to find; being an older game the graphics are pretty grainy which doesn’t help. There is no misclick penalty for which I am grateful as I had to randomly click around some screens quite a bit.
Each location takes a while to complete; this game is very good value & a pleasure to play
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
In this game your grandfather tells you the story of a ship, Pandora & what happened on board & his search to find out what happened. This is mainly a Hidden Object adventure with very few mini games; you can’t miss a H0 as they are lit up like a firework display.
The graphics are good although a little too much over-washed with a greenish pallor & the objects are well hidden; there is some odd misnaming of items but not enough to spoil my enjoyment. There is a loop de loop misclick penalty & a 60 second recharge on the hint button. If you get stuck look out for a flash of light, if you are in a scene that requires an action & you haven’t done anything it will flicker. The hint button will tell you if there is nothing left to do in an area.
Unfortunately there are no voiceovers although there is a ‘faster’ button to speed up the dialogue or you can skip altogether. The music suits the game but is rather repetitive.
This was a long game & well worth playing; I found the story interesting & the H0s challenging.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File
Fun Factor
3/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
2/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
The intro to the game was lovely, really nice set of old pictures & a beautiful voiceover; unfortunately the game itself did not live up to it. There is no voiceover once you get into the game & you can click through the subtitled dialogue.
The music was pretty awful & the background noises were odd; the crowd talk was definitely not American.
The graphics were crisp & clear but the scenes were photo real which is something I have never liked & will always make me negative about a game. Some of the hidden objects were just too small but luckily the hint recharges in a very quick 15 to 20 seconds. However the hint button sparkles like mad in the top right hand corner of the screen & the bag next to it keeps jiggling; this is very off-putting in the corner of your eye.
I did not play long enough to check out any mini games as the overall look simply did not appeal to me, however if you like a straight H0G you might enjoy this
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File
Fun Factor
3/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
This is a game in cartoon style from Fun Forge Digital; I like the heroine's voiceover, it suits her character but the village member's was a very bad copy of a Caribbean accent.
There is no music in the main scenes, only in the Hidden Objects & this was very good, it really matched the game. I soon got used to the cartoon drawings & enjoyed them, they were bright & cheerful. I also liked the story; it is obvious the heroine has been on the island before but she has lost her memory of it.
You are given a map which shows the area you have explored & those yet to be & a log which is very helpful as it has a task list. You have to collect artefact pieces & there is a mask onscreen which shows how many you have found & jiggles madly when you are in a screen in which you can find another. If you hover your cursor around you will find what looks like a little bag, click & find the artefact.
The screens are scrollable & any objects of interest sparkle (there is no hard mode option in this game).
Some of the H0 scenes have had the colour leeched out & believe me it is very hard to find quite a few of the objects. This is not helped by the bad translation of words; e.g. encense for incense, timble for thimble & the word paint means wall painting. There is also a misclick penalty which comes up far too fast,
The mini puzzles are very easy.
I would recommend this game for those of you who enjoy hidden object scenes as there are a lot of them.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
When I first tried this game I was unsure whether I liked it; I was an idiot as it turns out I really liked the gameplay, the hidden objects, rather than being a word list, is a ‘wheel’ of pictures & you have to find all the items to make something useful. The mini games ranged from easy to solve to those that needed more thought. The graphics are really clear & beautifully coloured & the artwork splendid however the animation of the characters is really dodgy, check out the security guards walk. The music was very nice, subtle & suited to the game & changes in different areas, I also liked the background sounds & the voiceovers of the characters are well done.
There are two modes of play, regular with a 40 second hint recharge & sparkles & when you find the map areas where action is needed are shown, expert has no action areas shown on the map; you can switch off the sparkles in the option menu. It is a shame the map is not interactive as I got very tired of going backwards & forwards to different rooms in the hotel.
You get a journal which has a task list as well as the story; you are a doctor who is summoned to a mountain resort hotel for a patient only to find the guests are being killed.
I found the custom cursor very clunky to use; often I had to click on the arrows to move to a new scene more than once.
This was a very good length game & I recommend you try it for yourself.