Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File
Fun Factor
3/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
3/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
1/ 5
If you want to do non-stop puzzles, with great variation in puzzle and of medium difficulty - then this will fulfill your needs.
It is not an adventure game, which is the category it is classified under. So I was a bit disappointed.
The story is weak, and provides a framework for justifying doing a set of puzzles in a chapter. After each chapter you get another page of writing with the 'story line'.
The puzzles themselves: Really very good. Tangrams, Sudoku type, matching pairs of things, matching sequences of things, mini mental arithmetic ones, moving blocks, towers, etc... If the puzzles were in an actual adventure game, I would be very happy.
Puzzle experience: This was my first non-stop puzzle game experience. I did it on "timed" and quite liked the time pressure. For me, it was not tight on the time allocated at all and I had PLENTY of time to spend on hints for puzzles where I was struggling. I could have done all the puzzles without any skipping, but had to, once. I am not a sudoku fan so skipped it in the last chapter. Based on this experience, it supports another review on this game, that this is for beginner puzzler people (which I guess I am).
Go for it if you want a puzzle-tastic time, but if you want a adventure game where you wander about, following a cool story line and figure stuff out, go elsewhere.
If you want something not too strenuous in terms of HO and puzzles, good graphics / sound, and a story line that moves forwards at a reasonable pace - then I'd recommend this as a pretty good standard offering. [Review on CE]
Visually pleasing and characters/ npcs that are great to interact with, and help draw you into the story. From the get go, I had a smile on my face when picking up a 'companion' that made me think "YEAH! Clash of the Titans - the original" (When you play the game/demo, and know the original film, you will know what I mean :)
The story line worked well and took the end user somewhere. So much so, that I wanted to know what happens next after the ending, and was already thinking 'I must get the followup game if there is one.' A nice touch is that you have a choice at the end how to end the game, which is cool. I wish I could make a save and do one ending and then check out the other, without having to do the game over again.
The "fast map" option to get to the next place of action, is a godsend for the game for speed and navigation. The map also helps hint at where you have actions available, useful if you just want a pointer and not a blatant instruction from the HINT button.
I wasn't blown away and absorbed in the same way as I was with Dire Grove, so not scoring it as highly, but feel as though I got my money's worth.
Looking for an easy going but decent HO puzzle game - this will do the job.
If you want something to creep you out slightly in a nervous giggly kind of way - this is it.
Spooky, absorbing, atmospheric, engaging story line, excellent level of puzzle difficulty and variety, good and convincing actors.
I was playing this game in a dark room, with headphones on, curled up in a sleeping bag. And Oh My Goodness - I was sOoOooOo happy to be unnerved by the startling visuals, smart use of music and sound, and the tense story line which slowly revealed itself in "Blair-Witch" style video clips that are found during the game.
As whiney and loathing of MCF's 13th Skull and use of actors essentially destroying the game play pace, I am nigh on the opposite with happiness oozing out of me for Dire Grove's excellent use of actors and clips in order to give more color to the story line. It felt natural to the game, unlike having it hammered over your head in 13th skull. (Why does that other game bother me so?!)
If you like this game, then avoid 13th Skull. I say this because it seems that in game reviews, there are 2 different camps when it comes to these MCF games and if you like the play-ability of this one, you will likely dislike the other, and vice versa. Neither camp is right or wrong, it is pure preference of gamer style. So I would strongly recommend you try the demo first to make your own mind up.
For those of you about to embark on a trip to Dire Grove - wrap up warm and good luck. You're going to need it.... <evil laugh: Mwuahahaha >
If you want to play something with a decent pace and absorbing experience - this is not it.
After playing about 10 or so HO games, I thought I'd try a large file game and wish I'd tried a different one first.
The visuals and sound in this game are truly gorgeous and lovely. The concept of real actors I've seen in other game too, and they certainly add interest to the game, but in this instance also caused the most issues for me.
Every time I had to speak with a character I wanted to cry. A lot.
Why? Because I knew it would be a long and very boring engagement, stopping me from just getting on with the game. I hated having my playing experience come to a screeching halt, as I HAD to listen to their LONG and not particularly interesting 'blurb' in order to understand the next part of the conversation or upcoming puzzle. Waaaaah.
Feedback to creators: The conversations were linear, so I saw no point in the sectioning of the conversations (Not like you had much option how to respond, or it would impact their response to you). There was no option to read conversations quickly and then use a forward/skip button to move the pace along quicker, so you could just read and move on with the game. If MCF intend to continue with this format, I would recommend incorporating some option(s) to speed up through conversations, but not miss information.
Moving on.... The non-HO puzzles quite pleasant, but I did end up using online help a lot. Mainly due to the fact I did not have patience with this game, because I just wanted to get it over and done with as fast as possible, and end the pain.
It seems that other reviews indicate that the format of this game is different to other MCF games, and it is only due to positive references to the other games that I would consider playing another MCF one.
Game wise keep up the good quality and interesting games. Putting in the real actors and how this is used, think about how this is used a bit more... I think this has unfairly skewed my opinion of the game. Cheers.
If you want a game that is a bit "off the wall", makes you laugh out loud, and has a medium level of difficulty with a good pace - then look no further.
This one, was a bit of a gamble for me, as I am not particularly eco-anything and thought this game might be too 'save the planet' or goodie-goodie, based on graphics and initial impressions. Thank you to the prior reviewers and their comments for tipping my decision to buy this game.
Upon starting this game, I was immediately struck by the quality and strong characterizations of the actor's voices and also the excellent and appropriate music in the game. For example when you are in the future, the music really made me grin and feel like I listening to the sound track of an 80s SciFi movie. Brilliant.
Visually it is not as beautiful as some HO games I've played on this site, but its artwork helps makes the feel of the game, work ever so well.
The humor is thoroughly ridiculous (in a good way) with astonishing takes of historical (or hysterical:) characters and bonkers situations and timelines that Vera the main character keeps finding herself in. How does she cope? To quote: "A-A-A"
The big writing and slightly childish feel, appealed greatly to me, after so many seriously themed HO games I'd been playing. There is also appeal to more adult humor which is very tongue in cheek, and not necessarily obvious to younger players (Get that Socrates guy! And indeed I had noted the phallic symbols per LuvBFG56's review!:)
The length of game was good (I played over 2 days whilst watching TV) and a good pace of game play is maintained throughout.
The puzzles were very varied which helps keep interest, and quite a few were new to me (for an intermediate player). There was no skipping allowed, but they were all solvable with a bit of thought or a good night's sleep after hours of playing and a tired brain.
For me, a strong story line and characters I want to spend time with, make me want to progress in a game. If I don't care "What happens next?" then I don't care about the puzzles and just want to skip skip skip. In this game, I looked forward to every new twist and turn in the game.
To summarize: A definite laugh out loud game, taking the end user on a roller coaster trip to the bizarre!
After some playing some beautiful involved HO storyline games I thought I'd use my punch card credit for this 'off-piste' purchase, as I am quite partial to a bit of Austen.
I should have played the demo.
Graphics and sound - Very dull and unimaginative, and pushes a gamer away from feeling part of the world they are trying to buy into.
Two cut outs of characters bouncing from side to side on the screen, is not what I would call dancing, or particularly romantic. A few potential poignant moments spoiled. I spent most of the time speed reading the text and feeling a bit cheated.
I would have enjoyed the game more if it was just text in a DOS screen, and used my own imagination.
Most of the humorous moments were from Austen's cleverly written dialog, not from the game construct.
Positives - You can 'save game' during play, in order to speed up figuring out what all the multiple options endings are (I did a few, then got bored). - The game gives a good indication if your response or skill set will push the game in a specific direction - so helps identify branching points. - Skip forwards options, and being able to move forwards and backwards through taken options in case you make a 'booboo', is a nice touch. Efficient. - The concept of possibly ending up with a different partner, other than that originally intended tickled my humour indeed.
I am a little confused by the high number of positive reviews and high scoring, which prompted me to go for this game. Maybe these are from people who have not read the book and only watched the films? (A bit harsh I know, but I am really truly confused) But most likely it is just a gaming style and play-ablility preference. We can't all like the same things.
If you want to feel part of the Jane Austen experience, I suggest you skip this game and read the books.
As a relative newbie to the site, and having picked Hidden Object Games until now. I had the inevitable end of month decision of 'Quick. I need to use my punch card credit. What non-collector edition game can I get that I might like?'. Scanned a few, and thought I'd go for a wildcard: "RPG... you can't go too wrong."
Oh I am _such_ happy bunny. So much so, I am writing my first every review, because I can be bothered (After a painful experience playing a HO game that made me want to cry.)
Music wise I was squeaking with happiness and pretending I was in Conan the Barbarian. Simple and effective. Repetitive, for sure, but appropriate to the game.
Graphics: Not overly high spec. Does the job. And was laughing lots, because the golems remind me of the Cybermen in the BBC's Dr Who TV series. Sweet.
Learning curve and increase in difficulty was well gauged. Easy enough for newbies to this type of turn based game to pick up, and a good refresher for those who haven't played for a while. I am now ready for something more complex. The game reminded me a bit of a MUCH simpler Chaos/Lords of Chaos that I used to play 'back in the day' on the old Amstrad / Amiga.
I am more of a gameplay / playability gal - and this game for me is highly addictive and playable. 5/5! One of the few games I've played so far, that I can see myself playing again as a different char. A shame there is no specific scoring for 'game play' because the 3-4s I put above don't do it justice. Hence the '5' overall score I gave (maybe that's what it's for?).
If I had a criticism, it would be that I would have liked more 'hot keys' to speed up actions like shopping. I got wrist ache buying loads of scolls: select scroll, move mouse to Yes, click Yes, move back to scroll.
An effectively simple game and basic straight forward story line (good v bad) with excellent play-ability. You don't have to be complex to be good!