In the main game you play Research Consultant, Alicia Cole, to rescue your daughter, Maya. In the bonus game you play Maya to free the mark of the Shadow Realm.
This really is a good game. There is plenty to do, and I loved the HOPs and mini-games. There is:
* Voiceovers (with dialogue); * Enthusiast, Archeologist, Conservator, Lecturer and Curator modes; * 11 Achievements (some with 3 circles); * Interactive map; * Find 36 collectibles items (in game and bonus); * Use of magical lens.
The graphics are gorgeous - colourful and crystal clear. It was fun roaming around each scene, not knowing what to expect next. Sound is good and the music is mainly orchestral.
The hidden object games are a blast. It also had my favourite one with the sliders at the top and side and you have to blend the pictures together. Each HOP has a morphing object to find as well - and we all know that these can be a challenge to find. Find them all and you get an achievement.
I enjoyed all of the mini-games. The two maze mini-games I liked the best as these had the most challenge. None are too hard or frustrating.
You will have the use of the magical lens which is on the bottom left of your screen. It will glow when you need to use it. Two circles pop up and you need to combine the two circles to fire. You just need a little patience to wait until they close together before you fire.
I found I didn't need to use the interactive map at all as you are only going to a couple of scenes at a time before you move on.
The 36 collectible items in the game and bonus are easy to spot. They seemed to get bigger and more visible as the game progressed.
All up the game and bonus took me about 4 hours. I played the Treasure Hunt and did the puzzles at the end to get the achievements, but these only took me about 10 minutes or so.
Overall, an exciting game to play, however I wouldn't call it an intense thriller - more of an adventure. Its not scary or intensively plays with the mind (work does that!).
Definitely comes recommended. Happy playing fishies.
I can't believe this is a single edition - its a really long fun-filled game. In the first game you play a journalist to find Patrick Audley and you go to a whole lot of different places outside of time and space up against your nemisis Mr Dudley the jester. The second game takes place in a theatre and you have to guess the name of the dwarf.
There is:
* Casual and Expert modes of play; * Voiceovers (with dialogue); * Diary; * Interactive map.
The hidden object games are interactive straightforward and silhouette. In some HOPs you find one item to use to find another. Most items are clear to see, but there are a few that are hard to find. There are a lot of HOPs to play and each one takes a few minutes to do. I really enjoyed them.
There are a great variety of mini-games to play. Most of very easy and you can get back to the game quickly. The mini-games at the end of the first game took longer than most.
The story line is easy to follow, its not scary and I felt an urgency to find Patrick.
All up the game took me a good 7 hours or so to play. I couldn't believe there was a second part. Its not as long but still very entertaining.
This game definitely comes recommended and so worth putting in your collection. So, if you feel like an adventure, have a spare PCC and some time of your hands, go and get this game.
You play a cop, Emily Meyer, to track down Gary Fields, a serial killer. Even though the game and bonus are separate, they are linked up together. You also have Susan, a physic, who helps you throughout the game and bonus.
There is:
* Voiceovers (with dialogue); * Casual, Advanced, Expert and Custom modes of play; * Interactive map; * Diary.
You have a forensics kit with you to test blood samples, fingerprints and bullets. You do each one once.
You will also have a forge to mix elements to use in limbo land which you will use quite a lot.
The graphics are very good. Everywhere is kind of gritty and dirty - just like a cop show, which is based in Boston. I loved roaming around the scenes.
Sound is good and the music is orchestral and piano.
The hidden object games are slightly interactive straightforward and silhouette which have morphing objects in them as well. There are also various HOPs with 12 items to find. Items are clear to see and find and each one only takes a couple of minutes. You can also play Shuffle to break up the HOPs, if you wish.
The mini-games are fun to do. None of these are too hard or frustrating. There are a good variety to conquer and each one only takes a few minutes.
So, do you get the CE or SE? In the CE there are 22 Achievements, find 10 pictures, 20 tarot cards and 5 pieces of equipment.
I enjoyed playing Emily Meyer - she gets shot, knocked-out, is in a car crash and falls down a deep hole - just to name a few.
All up the game and bonus took me about 6 hours to play and I enjoyed every minute, so well done Boris and the team.
I really enjoyed the game. I liked its challenge, the story line is easy to follow and it has a great creepiness to it. I played on Hardcore mode which had Hint, Skip and Tutorial turned off. There is:
* Voiceovers (with dialogue); * Casual, Advanced and Hardcore modes of play; * Diary; * 8 Achievements.
The graphics range from okay to good. Its raining outside throughout the game, so the graphics are dark and moody, but it is easy to see where you are going.
Sound is good with plenty of creaking and moaning. The music is chanting and fast creepy orchestral. I loved the atmosphere and never knowing what I would run in to next.
The hidden object games are ever so slightly interactive straightforward which you will do twice. A few items were hard to find and if you click wrong too many times, the screen goes smoky for a few seconds. There were a couple of mis-spelt words (dall = doll and asterix = gear), but not a major dilemma. There are a lot of HOPs to play so I hope you enjoy doing them.
The mini-games are fairly easy to do and I didn't spend more than a few minutes on each. They are all the usual 'bread and butter' puzzles that we see in most games out now. I didn't skip any and I enjoyed doing them.
The diary is easy to read and has some answers to mini-games in them, so just check it out from time to time or if you get stuck.
There is no interactive map in this game and there are quite a few scenes to roam around, so you will have to rely on your memory. However, its not hard to remember where tasks are to do.
All up the game took me a good 6 hours to do. Its quite a challenging game (which I'm grateful for). For the more seasoned and experienced players, you can play on Hardcore without a problem. However, if you want to change your mode of play, then you will have to start again.
Overall, a great game to play and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Its old school without any bling bling, but definitely worth playing. I adore games like this without any hand holding and relying on your memory and wits.
You play Queen Valera of the Fire Wielders in the game and bonus. There is:
* Hatchling, Wyvern, Dragon and Hydra modes of play; * Voiceovers (with dialogue); * Interactive map; * Journal/Objectives; * 12 Achievements; * Find 30 puzzle pieces throughout game and bonus * Assembly with cards to tell you about each character and who are allies or enemies.
The graphics are very colourful and well defined. Sound is good and the music is orchestral (and piano in the HOPs).
The HOPs are interactive straightforward, silhouette, moving objects to find symbols, looking for pairs and coloured feathers. Each HOP is easy to do - just watch out for the morphing object in each one. Each HOP takes only a few minutes to do.
The mini-games ranged from being very easy to medium. There were a couple of mini-games I hadn't seen before which took a little longer, but all of them are very accomplishable without being frustrating or too hard.
There are 30 puzzle pieces to find throughout the game and bonus. They are huge so there is no chance of missing any. Get them all and get an achievement.
I didn't need to use the interactive map because you are only moving a couple of steps at a time before you move on.
You will like this game if you are mechanically minded as there are quite a few things to find and build. There are also recipes to make and meeting lots of characters along your travels - all the usual stuff.
All up the game and bonus took me about 4 hours to play. I did grow bored with the game, however I'm not a fantasy lover but I know a lot of fishies love these sorts of games. Just have a look before you buy.
You play a cop, Emily Meyer, to track down Gary Fields, a serial killer. This takes place in the game and bonus. You also have Susan, a physic, who helps you throughout the game and bonus.
There is:
* Voiceovers (with dialogue); * Casual, Advanced, Expert and Custom modes of play; * Interactive map; * Diary; * 22 Achievements; * Find 10 pictures, 20 tarot cards and 5 pieces of equipment.
You have a forensics kit with you to test blood samples, fingerprints and bullets. You do each one once.
You will also have a forge to mix elements to use in limbo land which you will use quite a bit.
The graphics are very good. Everywhere is kind of gritty and dirty - just like a cop show, which is based in Boston. I loved roaming around the scenes.
Sound is good and the music is orchestral and piano.
The hidden object games are slightly interactive straightforward and silhouette which have morphing objects in them as well. There are also various HOPs with 12 items to find. Items are clear to see and find and each one only takes a couple of minutes. You can also play Shuffle to break up the HOPs, if you wish.
The mini-games are fun to do. None of these are too hard or frustrating. There are a good variety to conquer and each one only takes a few minutes.
I managed to get 21 achievements, but missed out on an achievement where I failed to find one of the pictures.
I enjoyed playing Emily Meyer - she gets shot, knocked-out, is in a car crash and falls down a deep hole - just to name a few.
All up the game and bonus took me about 6 hours to play and I enjoyed every minute, so well done Boris and the team.
The main game is about you stopping Eric and the bonus is about Mr Murray which takes place 20 years earlier.
There is:
* Amateur, Published, Best Seller, Literary Giant and Critic modes of play; * Voiceovers (with dialogue); * Interactive map; * Achievements (Bronze, Silver and Gold); * Find 36 collectibles (hearts).
The graphics are great - very clear and precise and I liked roaming around clicking here and there to see what happens.
Sound is good and the music is orchestral. The HOPs have piano music to listen to.
The hidden object games are interactive straightforward and silhouette. These are extremely easy to do and each one only takes a couple of minutes. There is one morphing object per HOP to find.
The mini-games are all very easy to do. A couple of them took me about 10 minutes to do, but all are very accomplishable without much effort.
I didn't use the interactive map at all because there are only a couple of scenes to visit before moving on.
There are 36 collectibles (hearts) to find throughout the game and bonus. These are not hidden and you just pick them up along your travels.
All up the game and bonus took me about 4 hours. Its not a challenging game, so you can play this with young family members.
I have all of this developer's games, but the Nevertales stories I feel have become stale. I was bored playing this game because there didn't seem enough for me to do. This game I think is perfect for beginners, but each to their own.
The graphics are very good - everywhere is clear to see and well defined. There are plenty of ghosts popping up and whizzing passed to keep you company throughout the game.
Colour is good and the music is orchestral and piano which plays quietly in the background. I enjoyed the story line. Its not complicated so it makes it easy to concentrate on the game.
The hidden object games are slightly interactive straightforward, silhouette and finding 6 pairs of items. These are all very easy to do and items are clear to see and grab. Each HOP only takes 2-3 minutes to do which you will do once.
The mini-games are fun to do. I've seen them all before but I enjoyed doing them again. The marble game took me ages to do because I wasn't quite fast enough.
I found I didn't need to use the interactive map at all because there are only a few scenes to accomplish before moving on, so there was no need to use it.
All up the game, bonus and extras took me about 5 hours (without hinting or skipping anything).
So do you get the CE or SE? The bonus game is about your father, George Blake, and Thomas Coldwell which is separate to the main game. There also 16 Achievements; 20 morphing objects, 20 puzzle pieces in the game and bonus and collecting items for the Fear Room which are all very easy to find. There is also a Secret Room with morphing objects to find.
Overall a great game to play. A little on the easy side but definitely worth having a look at.
I had an amazing adventure with this game. Honestly fishies, don't let this one pass you by. There is:
* Voiceovers (with dialogue); * Casual, Advanced, Hard and Custom modes of play; * Interactive map; * Diary.
The graphics are spectacular - well defined, crisp and easy on the eye. The devs put a lot of effort in this game and it shows. I loved roaming around everywhere and checking everything out.
The music is orchestral and very beautiful. I had it on loud all throughout the game.
The hidden object games are highly interactive silhouette. You find one item to use to find another item, etc. You will do each HOP once. These were fun to do and there are also little mini-games in them as well. Each one takes around 5 minutes or so.
I didn't use the interactive during the game, but had a play around afterwards and it worked well.
There are a great variety of mini-games to play and I loved them all. Some don't take long to do at all, while others I spent some time on. You know the ones - you've got to get them in the right order and/or colour. There was my old nemesis - putting the clock numbers back in their right place. That one took me ages!
For the first time ever I was able to turn off the morphing and collection items so that I could find them myself without the hand coming over it. What can say - I was in heaven. I played in Custom mode and turned everything off as I wanted the challenge and I got what I asked for. So thank you devs.
So do you get the CE or SE? The bonus is about Steve and Kiara which is separate to the main game. In the CE there are 30 morphing objects to find, 7 signs, 8 scorpions, 8 dogs, 7 pinecones and 8 scrolls to find. There are also 12 mushrooms to find in the bonus game. The morphing objects were a lot harder to find as some blended well into the scenery. There is also all the usual bling bling like wallpapers, etc that we like.
Overall, an action packed adventure game with plenty to do in each scene and you will never be bored or frustrated.
I played about 3 hours into the game and gave up due to boredom.
You have:
* Casual, Advance and Expert modes of play; * Voiceovers (with dialogue)' * Journal; * Map.
The graphics are very good - its clear to see everything you need. What I don't quite get is why you are in the future but wear clothes dating back to the early 1900s?
Sound is good and the music is sort of orchestral but kind of reminded me of 1970s elevator music.
The hidden object games are slightly interactive straightforward and one you do by torchlight. These are easy to do and each one takes around 3-4 minutes.
The mini-games are kind of boring. We have seen them all many times before - what I call the bread and butter games which are needed to fill the game out. There was nothing unique with any of them which is a shame.
What I didn't understand is after you have accomplished a task, why did it still stay there with nothing to do in it. Normally it disappears. I was playing on Expert mode and a lot of the time I didn't have any form of dialogue, so it was a bit of a hit and miss what to do next. This led to boredom.
It is a slow paced game with long pauses in between scenes which I disliked.
Overall, please trial before you buy to see if it is for you.