The graphics, background sounds, and voice-overs are all very well done. The music is a little slow, but that was probably done to add dramatic effect.
The storyline is not really new —you’re a detective chasing a serial killer— but there is enough of a twist to make it interesting.
HO sequences are challenging, without making the hint button your best friend. Likewise the mini-games.
Others have described the play-by-pay and so-called special features of this CE game, I won’t duplicate their work.
I’m not a fan of CE games, as you already know if you’ve read any of my other reviews, so I’ll wait for the SE version and get that.
If you like retro, you’ll love this game. I don’t, and I don’t —if you get my meaning.
Nothing much new or innovative here. Once again we’re pitted against a Satanic being, complete with horns no less! And we’re chasing a bad guy through time and alternate realities. We’ve been there and done that, time and time again.
The graphics are very old school. So much so that, for a moment, I thought that I’d started a game out of my archives of games from years ago.
The music is very slow of tempo, which matches the game play of equally slow tempo.
The HO sequences reminded me of a game I bought four or five years ago. The mini-games, likewise.
I am at a loss to understand how other reviewers rate this game more than two stars. It is dull, slow, repetitive, and grossly derivative.
Generally I add the caveat that you play the demo and decide for yourself, not this time. Don’t waste your data download limit, this game is just not worth it.
When I started to play the demo I thought here we go again, another fight the dragon, find the runes, save the world game —but, suddenly, I discovered that I was really into this game.
Others have described the game in detail, so I'll not replicate their good efforts.
The graphics, music, background sounds, and voice-over dialog are excellent, and all that we have come to expect of this game developer.
Some of the HO sequences and mini-games are really off-the-wall, but in a challenging, not skip-button-reaching manner. One of the things that I have always liked about Eipix mini-games is that if you do hit the skip button you are shown the solution.
There are so many unusual, if not unique, features in this game that I do not hesitate to recommend it for your enjoyment.
I reviewed the CE game demo, and if you've read any of my other reviews you already know that I am not a fan of CEs, and I commented that I’d wait for the SE and buy that. Well, this is the SE, and I’ve added it to my collection.
As always, my caveat is that you play the demo and decide for yourself.
Okay, so the graphics are little old school, but that fits with the game's mood and ambiance and does not detract from the overall enjoyment factor.
Others have described the story and play-by-play, so I won't recreate their good efforts.
A bonus for me in this game, being the old curmudgeon that I am, is that I get to play in my own gender for a change. Not that I have anything against female antagonists, who can be very capable and heroic, it’s just that I get a little tired of having to cross-dress, as it where.
Background sounds, music, and voice-overs are all very well done, and certainly enhance the game-play experience.
The map, as in all of the Haunted Hotel games, is a very good tool.
The HO sequences are the usual mix, with enough of a twist so that they are not entirely run-of-the-mill. The same can be said of the mini-games.
I played and reviewed the CE demo of this game and commented that not being a fan of CEs —which you already know if you’ve read any of my other reviews— I would wait for the SE game and buy that one.
I have several of the Haunted Hotel games, and have now added this one to my collection.
As always, my caveat is that you play the demo and decide for yourself.
If you’ve read any of my other reviews you know that I’m not a fan of CE games, so I’m not going to write about the collectibles and other so-called special features. Others have described the play-by-play, so I’ll leave that alone as well.
I’ll confess, up front, that in general I like games from this developer, Elephant Games, and, in fact, have many of their products. I’ll even confess to liking Elf, although most helper animals and objects are a turn-off for me. The little pup, though, is neither obtrusive, overly cute, or annoying in ways so many of his ilk can be, and usually are.
The graphics, music, background sounds, and voice-overs are all very well done, as can be expected of Elephant’s games.
The storyline, while not entirely unique —let’s face it, there are a number of plots and the best that we can hope for is an interesting twist, which this game has.
The HO sequences are sufficiently challenging to make you pay attention while, on the other hand, not so difficult that you’ll make frequent resource of the hint button. I can say the same for the mini-games.
I’m going to wait for the standard edition game, but if you like the CE type then get this one.
As always, my caveat is that you play the demo and decide for yourself.
The play-by-play description has been done by others, so I’ll not duplicate their work.
The graphics are nice, but not outstanding. Rather old-school hand drawn and just a little fuzzy around the edges. The background music is appropriate, and adds to the game play experience. Sound effect and voice-overs are nothing special. In fact, the voice-overs are either very bland, almost a flat delivery, or somewhat over the top in particular situations.
The entirety of your first tasks —all of the find this, do that, mix a serum, save a character who’s rather odd given an earlier description of him— ends up having absolutely nothing to do with the storyline except to get directions to the next location from the odd guy.
The HO sequences are the same as we’ve all seen time and time again. Likewise, there’s nothing new or innovative found in the mini-games.
The opening teaser sequence was so intense and well done that I thought this might be a winner of a game. On the contrary, I found it to be trite, contrived, and so derivative that it reminded me of at least four or five other games that I have played —and that just within the limited time demo.
If you like simplicity in your games, this might be for you. It is certainly not for me. Quite frankly, I fail to understand the high rating some others have given this, at best, mediocre game.
As always, my caveat is that you play the demo and decide for yourself.
The play-by-play and so-called special features of a CE games have been described by others, so I’ll not duplicate their work.
The graphics are cartoon-like, murky, and hazy around the edges. The music is of such slow tempo, and dull of theme, that it almost put me to sleep. The pace of the game closely follows that of the music.
The storyline is mundane: your scientist-mother, on an expedition to find a flower of universal healing power, has been kidnapped before your eyes by a seemingly robotic creature. You, of course, must find and rescue her while, at the same time, stop the bad guys from getting the flower and putting it use for their nefarious ends.
If you’ve read any of my other reviews you already know that I’m not a fan of CE games, so I’ll not write about that aspect of this game. You also know that I don’t mind having Elf, or the little scarecrow boy along for the ride, but your helper in this game is such an annoying, screeching monkey that, I hasten to say, I would have been quite happy to leave it somewhere —and then forget where that was!
The HO sequences offer nothing new or innovative, nor even much of a challenge. The mini-games were more of the same, merely with objects specific to the task.
Usually, even when I’m less than thrilled by the game, I’ll play the demo through to the end. Not this time, however. I was bored by the draggy music and pace of play, and I really didn’t care what happened to dear old mom.
With a little more effort on the part of the developer, this could have been a fairly good game. That lack of effort was obvious from the very beginning scene.
As always, my caveat is that you play the demo and decide for yourself . . . but you’d better keep some caffeine tablets handy!
The story line is one we have all seen time and time again: a friend is snatched by an evil being, and only we can effect the rescue. The truth is, and it's difficult to argue against, that there are a finite number of plots, and the best that we can hope for is an interesting variant —and this one certainly meets that challenge.
Others have done a good job of describing the play-by-play, so I’ll not duplicate their work.
The graphics, background and ambient sounds, as well as voice-overs, are all well done. The lip-sync is little off from time to time, but not so much as to be distracting.
The interactive map is quite useful as a time saver, but you may not need it quite as much as a direction guide since the game play is more or less obvious.
The HO sequences and mini-puzzles are neither too frequent nor too challenging which, for me, is a plus. I play these games to be amused, not frustrated.
The flow of the game is good, and the action generally stays within the bounds of the story.
All in all, this is a very enjoyable, not overly challenging game —a quite pleasant way to while away some otherwise empty time. I already look forward to the next offering in this new series.
As always, my caveat is that you play the demo and decide for yourself.
CE games don’t trip my trigger, which you already know if you’ve read any of my other reviews, and others have written about the play-by-play and the so-called collectibles, so I’m not going to duplicate their work.
The storyline reminds of another game, the name of which escapes me at this moment, but not so much as to greatly detract from this game’s play.
As might be expected of an Eipix game the graphics are superb, as are the music, background sounds, voice-overs and lip sync.
The HO sequences and mini-games are also typical of Eipix games —entertaining and challenging while, at the same time, not so mind-bending as to make you reach for the skip button. Should you do so, however, this game developer doesn’t just hand you whatever prize you were after, it shows you the solution.
I particularly like the individual interviews, as it were, by which you gather clues and other information.
This is a fun, entertaining, and moderately challenging game, and there is so very much to like about it, with so very few negatives, that I don’t hesitate to recommend your adding it to your collection. Having said that, and given my personal gaming preferences, I will wait for the SE edition.
As usual, though, my caveat is that you play the demo and decide for yourself.
Others have described the play-by-play and the CE special features, so I won’t duplicate their good work.
I have the other games in this series, and enjoyed them. Although not big fan of little helpers, I do find the scarecrow boy a rather charming and amusing companion —especially so since discovering his back-story in the earlier games. If you really don’t want to have the little guy tag along, you have the option of leaving him behind at the start of the game
The graphics, music, background sounds, and voice-overs are all very well done. I particularly like being able to choose the gender-voice of the character one plays.
Game play is, for the most part, logical. While the map is quite useful, you’ll probably use it more for quick travel between points than for discovering where to go next.
The HO sequences and mini-games, while not really offering anything new, are sufficiently challenging without one's need to frequently hit the hint or solve buttons.
Although, overall, I like this game, there are a couple of things that definitely belong on the negative side of the balance sheet.
We are once again faced with an anomalous supernatural being which, of course, only we can conquer after undergoing arduous challenges and accomplishing great feats of derring-do. While I recognize that there are just so many villains that can be portrayed, I think that I’ve seen this particular apparition elsewhere.
Too, being familiar with the story of the Pied Piper of Hamelin, I am at an almost total loss to see any real connection between this game and that tale —except for the rats.
I am not a fan of CE games, which you already know if you've read any of my other reviews, so I will wait for the SE version to be released before I get this game.
My recommendation to buy comes with my usual caveat, play the demo and decide for yourself.