Looking at the lower star ratings, one couldn't do the HOPS, or games or find the collectibles or morphing objects. A few reviews away is someone complaining that a two year old could have done it. So different players with different levels of skill blame the game?
I too own all the previous games of this series and these folks are my favorite developer. This was a bit darker than some others. I also had no problem burning a dead witch.
So play the demo first, that's why that option is there. Decide whether it meets your criteria. It sure did mine.
Creepy, zombie, screen shaking horror story. Not for me. Fun? Really? And the part that I did play, the movement was very linear and puzzles overly easy. Left after about 15 minutes.
I felt the graphics were too intense and way over the top. Saturated colors, very busy environment. I also felt the games were way too easy. I did play on casual setting which I do when evaluating a game. But they were a lot easier than other games on the same setting. Even the Match 3 alternatives to the HO scenes were too busy.
Each to their own. Do the demo for yourself and decide. But also notice that only 5 reviews a day and a half after posting.
This game, like most from this developer is long on looks and short on game. The visuals are always great but the features of the game are all recycled from previous installments. Just nothing I haven't seen before. And it really annoys me when talking to a character in the game that I have to click at the end of every sentence.
There's just nothing here. The graphics are quite lean, particularly for this developer. The art was very sparse. Setting the story in an underground city means you don't need to draw, sky, clouds, trees, just a glowing blue ceiling. Story was OK. Many more puzzles than HOPS. That wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing except the puzzles were way too easy. On the jigsaw puzzle at the beginning they even rotate the piece as soon as you pick it up. This game just seemed like it was rushed out the door and the staff is cranking them out so quickly lately that they were all just tired. Got so bored I left after 30 minutes.
Well I'll be the minority on this one. The colors were stark, glaring, bright and just used a few primary colors. No variation of color, no softness or subtle. Each scene was painful to look at. Turquoise snow - really? Then there were the creatures - imaginary, not cute, a kids drawing in three unnatural colors. The puzzles, even on hard, weren't hard. The HOs were old school but you could switch to an overly drawn way too busy match 3 game. The pics above don't really show what the game looks like so sit back for a long download and see for yourself. Can't speak to the story line since I only hasted about 30 minutes. Couldn't wait to delete it.
Maybe it's just me. This dev just keeps cranking out the same game with a different costume on. The graphics were excellent and the story compelling, if not my cup of tea. But the HOs and mini games were too infrequent and lackluster.
I also didn't like Irene Adler and Jeckyl / Hide in the same story.
There just wasn't anything here I wanted. I do like most of their Hidden Expeditions, but not this one game.
Played by itself, I suppose not a bad game. But a sorry entry to the series. The graphics paled in comparison with prior games. The new artist is a graduate of the purple and blue academy of CG. Bore no resemblance to the art in the previous games. This one was also a lot more confusing. Half way through the game you're meeting characters and have no idea who they are or how they fit the story. I have all previous games in the series so foolishly bought this one without demoing. A waste of two credits.
Maybe if this is the first time you've played an HE game, you might like it. But compared to previous games in the franchise, this one was boring and ordinary. I was so excited when I saw this as today's offering and so disappointed in the story and play that I deleted after 20 minutes. Although this dev continues to produce great games, this one was not memorable in any way. I'd like to also suggest BFG roll the reviews from a CE to the SE. A quick look at the reviews of the CE show a completely different average score than the SE.
This game has a good length. I got through the demo in 50 minutes at which point you're under 1/5th of the way through. Puzzles are decent and the HOS are easy. I did think the game play was too easy and might be of more interest to a younger or less experienced player