I absolutely hate giving bad reviews to TM games on this site, since they're roughly one of every 50 games sold. But sadly, I was disappointed to discover that there was nothing at all enjoyable about Gnomes Garden 2 except for the act of uninstalling it at about 50% of the way through.
There are just no enjoyable qualities to this game. But to be fair, I will say that what it lacks in skill & engagement it more than makes up for in irritation with those green guys harassing your workers every few minutes. So if you're into being aggravated, then have I got a game for you!
This may not be the worst game ever but its not enjoyable. I've recently discovered the plethora of TM games out there & I hope that some of them can make it here to BFG.
I don't recommend this game.
3of4voted this as helpful.
Delicious: Emily's Hopes and Fears Collector's Edition
Join a father on an epic journey to save his little girl's life!
Its not too often that I will go & buy 2 copies of one game just so i can play on my mac vs on my laptop, but I think there's something about this game that I enjoyed enough to do so.
Thats not to say that its spectacular - its definitely lacking in "something". I think that rather than the annoying mini-game that let's face it, nobody enjoys, this game couldve used just ONE more feature. Something to increase the overall substance of the game.
I love the inclusion of all of the facts about China/ancient China. Who wouldve thought they could make that so fascinating? And they've also managed to create likable characters, even with as little interaction with these characters as there is.
If there were that, I'd give Building The Great Wall of China 2 five stars. And as I said, I'd even buy myself a second copy for Mac, something I normally reserve for the series Delicious, Build A Lot & ohhh maybe one other.
I feel like this game is a blasphemy of a huge chunk of what I hold dear. Anyone who knows me knows that there are 6 major components to what makes up Yaelle: my children, Les Miserables, gaming of all sorts, terrorism, sad but true: my brain injury.
I'm abhorred that anything so cheaply made could be associated with such an epic musical, book & movie yet here comes this game trying to put a cheap spin on Victor Hugo's beloved work. Shame - such a bad game that I was only able to play about 45 minutes before I had to end the punishment. Never should have been made, much less accepted here on this site.
This game is fine for what it costs, and basically delivers what it promises. Had I paid $15 or $20 for it, I'd be quite peeved.
Nothing I can say that has not been covered (have not read other reviews yet, but I'm sure others have it all covered) except I just want to mention that the people who make these games really ought to think about adding some CHOICE. There needs to be at least just a little bit of an opportunity to strategize. As Country Tales goes, its really just . . . click. Done. Even while knowing this, I still bought the game but it could definitely be a bit less mindless.
(BTW: there is some other game, I cannot put my finger on from which this game here borrows heavily. Thats neither a compliment nor a complaint - just me wondering what on earth it could be. I know for certain there are several aspects to this that are used in another game.)
Help Henri, a high-spirited baker with a penchant for pastries, arrange scrumptious ingredients into groups of three or more to make colorful confections.
Hmmm...this is okay...I suppose. If youre into that sort of thing. I did enjoy the frenzy mode or whatever you wanna call it. I think those were the bonus levels.
I would definitely give one piece of advice to those who created or animated this, if I could: that would be to not go with the hideously disgusting, ugly, hard-on-the-eyes characters. Eugh. I felt like I was trapped in some kind of nasty purgatory where punishment was to have to look at creepy dudes all day.
I thought that immediately upon beginning & then became curious to see what the other in-game-characters looked like. Well...these guys did not disappoint LOL. Seriously - you wanna have sympathetic & likable protagonists or heroes or main characters.... Keep the heinous faces for the bad guys! I'm not sure there ARE any villains in this game but if they're drawn on scale with what the rest of the people look like? Yikes. Nightmares!! Alas, I don't see any compelling reason to purchase this game. I would not have tried it, as I rarely play match 3 (perhaps 1 per year) but it claimed to be an M3-TM hybrid. I would not call it that. Simply having cooking as a theme does not a TM game make.
But I suppose the game itself is fine, if youre into that sort of thing. Now to go bleach my eyeballs....
I have experienced more than just 1 or 2 strange technical glitches with this game, and when I've come to the Big Fish forums to report them under the "technical issues" thread have discovered that these are widespread issues for most people.
This bothers me as apparently the game was not well inspected before release. There were many, but the ones that prevent me from going any further in the game happens on level 39 - goals are completed but the level does not end AND the little green....guys (?) are stuck on either edge of the screen, perpetually doing The Running Man or riding invisible treadmills to nowhere. Before this level I had 2-3 tech issues but was able to somehow work around them at the expense of my scores.
I'm leaving my review because I found it to be very low quality, and because I'm astounded that so many of the dozens of people who remarked in the forums at how bad this game is did not bother to come give it a rating over here in the store.
This game is truly bad. Everything moves too slowly & the steps or clicks needed to get anything done are aggravating. I liked some of the chalk drawings but that is it as far as redeemale qualities in Farmer's Market.
I have played this game off & on for the past couple of weeks. I tried - very hard - to progress, figuring that once one is able to purchase enough upgrades, the game becomes tolerably frustrating but I have gotten to the end of one month & that is not the case. Each time a car takes off in anger, $300 is lost. Thats a lot right there. The game itself without the frustration level is okay but not spectacular. Incidentally, I believe that this exact setup & style of diner, along with the customers & other aspects, was included as a mini-game inside of an island castaway type of TM game. I was pretty psyched when I noticed that the graphics & layout were nearly exactly the same. Same developers, perhaps.