And then along came the spiders, skeletons and blood which were almost everywhere!
The scenery was appropriate for the game, I liked the English accents but I didn't like the music at all. The storyline was good, however I am getting a bit fed up of playing a detective. Why can't devs make a game that just features an average Joe?
Map - given to you in the first few minutes of the game and it transports quickly.
HOS - they vary in style.
Puzzles - easy to do in the demo but some become harder as the game progresses.
12 Achievements
37 Morphing Objects in each scene and all different, although some of them take quite a while before they change.
37 Moon Collectibles - initially they were easy to find as they were fairly bright but later in the game they blend into the scenery.
I experienced a bit of a lag with the cursor quite a lot of times especially when trying to pick up a Moon or a Morph which was a bit annoying.
Relatively easy to play, the scenery is appropriate for the storyline, the voices were very clear and the music unobtrusive. I am intrigued by the story and can't wait to finish the game.
Map - You collect it at the beginning of the game and as per usual these devs include a yellow star once you have found all the collectibles in that scene. It is also very quick at transporting you.
11 Achievements
25 Collectibles - 5 sets of 5 objects and they are all different.
33 Beyond Objects which are in the scenes, not in the HOS.
There are 25 HOS and 30 Puzzles in the game which I did enjoy except for the football puzzle. As I have never been a fan of football it did take me quite a bit of time to complete it.
The Bonus Chapter is 11 pages long so I am hoping it's of a decent length.
This is not for you if you prefer a good challenge in a game, personally I welcomed this one as I wasn't in the mood for a challenge.
We have all the usual things to collect that most devs use, especially keys and the dreaded (by some) a replacement zip pull! The game play flowed easily, the voices ok and the music wasn't intrusive.
Some of the characters were good and others cartoonish especially the nurse. In my opinion she appeared rather gormless, I certainly wouldn't want to go to her hospital for treatment.
Puzzles/Mini Game - not at all hard, although some were a bit time consuming.
HOS - Most were very interactive and there were some with just lists.
24 Achievements: 12 Skill Based and 12 Story Based.
Collectibles: 28 Flamblings which come in 4 different colours. 20 Morphing Objects - all different items to find from birds to mushrooms.
Luckily we have a pop-out box at the top left hand side of the screen that let's us know if we've collected them all.
There's also a Book in the achievements section which shows you what the morphs look like.
There was one that really frustrated me as I could see it morph but it took me 9 clicks before I hit the right spot as it blended into the background so well.
Lovely bright colours for the scenery, very good voices and an interesting story line.
The HOS were a bit different and interactive, and I enjoyed the puzzles which so far weren't too difficult in my opinion.
The map is provided at the beginning of the game - it transports quickly and shows if you have missed a collectible. There is also an option in the map to turn it off if you want more of a challenge.
Shortly into the game you collect a colourful little bird which returns to your inventory after you use it to collect something you need. It's not really a helper as it's unobtrusive, nor does it sing, dance or dress up in clothes!
Collectibles: 69 Crystals 14 Cup Cakes - which you eat. 15 Busts 15 Artifacts
To the right of your inventory next to the Tasks book are 3 golden circles where your collectibles are stored, you can see how many you have collected so far by clicking on them.
The game is littered with small animals and some move if you touch them, I love animals. (They are not related to the game play).
And finally something original to use for clearing spider webs away!
The very first game I purchased from BFG was Peggle in August 2008. I was babysitting for my 5th grandchild aged 4 and he cried non stop until I bought it.
This game is a bit similar but without the pretty graphics Peggle had, making it a lot harder to get a perfect score.
I could not stop laughing at the expressions on the balls' faces when my ball was heading towards them.
Further into the demo we get red Patrol balls that can produce new balls for the ones I had already hit, making it even harder.
I found the mechanics a bit difficult to get used to at first but once the Power Ups were available after clearing the first stage it got easier.
There are 9 Power Ups including Grow Ball, Force Field, Sticky Paddle, Tractor Beam and a Laser that can shoot in 8 different directions which makes the game a little easier.
In the midst of a battle for the Academy of Alchemy, a young promising student, Eliana, is sent on a dangerous mission of retrieving three powerful artifacts, the Dragon Crystals.
I thought the game was a bit of a slow starter, not that I minded much as I tend to play rather slowly but it changed halfway through the demo. The scenery and voices were good, and the music wasn't intrusive.
The HOS are a bit different, mainly just lists or silhouettes, but some of the items morph and others are hidden - I really liked them because they were more challenging than the ones we have recently been given.
The puzzles/mini games were varied and appropriate to the storyline - none of them too difficult.
There is a Helper and I winced as soon as I heard her voice at the beginning, thankfully though the only time she speaks is when you use her to collect something and all she says is "On It".
Every scene has small animals, and birds flying around, I particularly liked the hedgehog who squeaks and rolls into a ball every time you hover your cursor over it.
Collectibles: 42 Crests which come in different colours, they go into a book in the Achievements section which can be viewed in the More Info section on the Main Menu.
16 Hats - so far they are all different and easy to spot.
8 Ghosts - the only two I have found so far were both morphing and as I am halfway through the game I think I've missed some.
As I am forced to give it at least one star, I will say that the introduction at the beginning was quite good.
The game play was very slow and mundane, all scenes were dismal and dark. There was nothing new, the puzzles/mini games were childish I finished them in just a few seconds. The HOS were just OK with a little bit of interaction.
I tried to use the map and a pop-up box said that it wasn't available.
39 Jigsaw pieces to collect, easy to find as they are not grey in colour.
I think there were morphing objects but I really didn't care to look for them.
These devs have destroyed 3 of my favourite series of games with bland offerings, so I doubt I will ever demo their games again let alone buy one of them.
This game is excellent, the music, the story, the voices and the graphics were perfect - no dark or gloomy scenes at all. I just couldn't stop playing it.
Map - transports you quickly and is very clear. (There was no visible map in the demo, but after buying it appeared on the left of my screen).
HOS - they were all interactive which included a morph in each one.
Puzzles/Mini Games - not too challenging.
38 Collectibles - records with a treble clef attached, one in each scene.
Achievements - there are 9 achievements with 3 levels each.
Extras: Replay 17 HOS Ultimate HOS Treasure Hunt with 39 treasures to find. Characters' Biography, Music, etc.
Based on the demon only. I did like the game play as it was relatively smooth, the HOS are interactive and the puzzles were really easy. I found the colours a bit over the top as it wasn't easy on my old eyes, far too bright for me.
The storyline was just OK, I studied Shakespeare at school and at college so I am hoping these devs stick to the original and don't turn it into a "lived a happy ever after" story.
Inventory - there are 3 circular discs on the top of the inventory bar which glow if there is something to collect in that scene, Coins, Scrolls and Masks.
Map - given to you shortly after the start of the game and is easy to navigate.
30 Achievements.
11 Masks - easy to find as they do not morph.
13 Scrolls to collect also easy to find.
89 Coins to find to spend in the Boudoir.
16 Mini Games to replay but no mention of any HOS to replay.