I've been waking up lately to a round of Emily to start my day. The gang is all here, and Emily is still running her behind off, but now her family has grown to include "Page" her mischievous toddler.
What I love most about these games is that I can set the difficulty level and still get to work for and achieve three stars, but at my own pace. Too challenging and the game gets frustrating and not fun to play for me. Emily is perfect! and you don't have to start the game over if you want to change the difficulty level. I bounce between "normal" and "beginner," depending on my mood. I haven't tried the hardest setting, but I'm sure it's very challenging.
There's tons of achievements and it's a good length, so it feels like a CE. There's plenty of walk-throughs out there to help find the mouse in each level too.
If you're new to this series, then I recommend starting with Delicious: Emily's Childhood Memories. Each game is complete in itself, but there's a progression in plot.
I recommend this game. It's like checking in with an old friend..Enjoy!
There's so much more to this game than what the demo implies, yet it delivers all the way through. Was this game entertaining? yes! I stayed glued from start to finish. Was this game scary? yes! especially the first part. Was this game creative? Yes! Yes! Yes! Mad Head has done it again! If you're not afraid of a little fright then get this game. I dare you. I loved it!
This is a fun adventure game, a continuation of its predecessor Wicked Harvest, complete with the little scarecrow helper, but a stand alone game nonetheless. If you enjoyed the Rite of Passage series, then this one's right up your alley. The HOS are all interactive and not that difficult. The mini-games vary, and some are even challenging, especially the last one, but there's always the option to skip. Enjoy!
What an adventure! All the acting and characters are superb. The gameplay is smooth. The puzzles are on the easy side, but there's a variety, and I'll admit that I even skipped one where you slide bars back and forth to make a pathway. This game begins with act 3, so it's best to start with Adam Wolf: The Flames of Time before trying this one, even tho each act is complete in itself, and there are two acts to each game. Try the demo, and if you're not interested by the time the hour is over, then you're not out anything. I'm totally hooked and can hardly wait until the next installment.
You've returned from school to visit your father at his famous Jazz Pepper Club during Mardi Gras, but everyone is hypnotized. Have they heard the wrong note?
Second time playing this game, and it's still just as entertaining as it was when I first purchased it. I hardly ever buy the CE versions, but in this case I wished I had. This game is awesome...the music...the atmosphere...the originality. Next time I wont wait so long to play it again. I think Mad Head has got to be my fav game developer.
You're on a train in the middle of nowhere, and a band of dangerous thieves demand you tell them where to find the Hope Diamond's shards. As the newest Hidden Expedition recruit, you've got to find the shards before they do...X
I enjoyed every moment of this game. I think what draws me in the most in my favorite games are the visuals. I love looking at beautiful artwork, and this game was stunning. The graphics were crisp...clear...detailed. I especially loved the scene looking up at the owls. The next thing that hooks me is the story. I want to be involved. I want to be part of the story in a HOPA. This game grabbed me from the very beginning with its thrilling escape from the train, and it kept me captivated all the way through. I also enjoyed reading the fact cards about the Smithsonian Institution. These devs definitely have their own unique style. It showed in the Final Cut series and in this one as well. I think that we are going to have a fun, rewarding relationship in future games. I'm looking forward to seeing what they come up with next. However, if I could change anything about my experience with this game it would be the level of difficulty. Next time around, I want to play it on the hardest setting for a little more challenge. But don't get me wrong, I still loved this game, and I give it a well deserved five stars all the way.
Rarely do I buy a CE, but in this case I'm glad I did. This game is totally original and extremely well done. The SE works as a stand alone game, but the CE just adds more dimension to an already great game. There's not much that hasn't already been said about this game. I agree with others in saying that Final Cut Homage can be a contender for 2014 Game of the Year! I applaud the devs right back!
I loved it! The plot and story telling was involved. The mini-games were interesting and could be skipped. The map was interactive and outstanding. The music was perfect.
I enjoyed the first Final Cut, but this second installment took it up another notch. I am so looking forward to playing the third installment - Homage. If it is as good as this one is, I'm in for a treat. Excellent games such as this one are so few and far inbetween.
To save your father from a hideous monster, you've decided to sacrifice your own freedom. Now you must journey through a strange and magical land before time runs out!
And the further along I got, the more I wanted to play. The HOS were several varieties and very well done. The mini- games were also well done, but I found myself skipping several just to get on with the story. Which was easy to do because the game play is totally customizable. I plan on slowing down to play the mini-games next time around.
And speaking of story...riveting...intriguing...original (as original as it could be even tho it's another take on beauty and the beast). It's been awhile since I've played a game that's kept me this entertained. So much so that I stayed up way past my bedtime to finish and ended up having a rough day at work the next day.
There's a jump map and a journal. I usually don't care too much for journals, but this one was not the annoying kind that stops the flow of the game to give too much repeated information, just enough to keep the game moving. By the time I got to the final scene, I felt involved. I wasn't ready for it to end.
With lots of interesting characters and plenty to do, Queens Tales: The Beast and the Nightingale has quickly become one of my favs. I loved it! and I give it five stars all the way!
The other reviewers weren't kidding when they said that this was a long game. I played it after work over the course of a few days. The graphics were superb --so much attention to detail. Every so often an item would be hidden in a dark place, so I would just use the hint button for that last item. However, all the HOS were well done and enjoyable. They had a little interaction and were not frustratingly hard or so easy that they were boring.
This is an adventure game that plays like a CE and even has bonus content, collectables, and a walk-through. Not bad at all.