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Overall rating 
Loved it!
5 / 5
6 of 8 found this review helpful
Eliminate emotions? Just thinking about it makes my Italian-American blood boil!
PostedJune 2, 2016
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fromOh, I thought that tool was a bolt cutter, but it turns out it's a nutcracker! Can't break the lock with a nutcracker, and I'm sure not gonna' crack those nuts with my teeth either!!
Skill Level:Expert
Fun Factor 
5 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
5 / 5
Level of Challenge 
4 / 5
4 / 5
Well you have your Stepford Wives, Invaders of the Body Snatchers, and now this madman who wants to rid humans of emotions all together by injections. Quick! An antidote!
It's actually very disturbing to be stifled in any way or means! But you are an agent out to get the villain once again! He had better stay out of my way or he'll get my Italian up!
I love this game! I love the order, the strategy rocks, the graphics are very pleasing to the eye; the storyline and the music are great, the voiceovers are very good. I wish they would speak a little faster, though, and a couple of voices didn't seem to fit the character but I'll not quibble over that!
I bought this game after I played a demo and eventually bought that and this one as well, with a great discount from Big Fish Games. Anyway, this CE version has lots to offer as far as activities are concerned. Great HOPS and tasks. The tasks and HOPS were my fav things to do in this game. I'm more than halfway through the game. Such fun and great flow! I also like the option of playing the Match-3 Game. Very cool!
Lots of achievements to be had; various collectibles-morphing objects. I'm not into the wallpaper scene or concept art, although I do read the credits on every game I play and like to check out who did what especially in the art department. I highly respect the developers who really put their hearts and souls into their games. Artwork and strategy and graphics play a very crucial part in my scoring. Music can always be muted, but not in this case.
The map is great; the hint button is good, and you have your strategy guide if need be. There was one puzzle that almost stumped me -- figuring out a combination that had vague instructions and I do believer there was no skip button for that particular puzzle. I had to refer to the Strategy Guide for help, which I very rarely do these days. Also, I had to click the mouse a few times on certain items to complete a task.
The music in this game fits right in with the storyline. The mini-games vary and are okay but I would have to agree with the reviewer who expressed her disappointment on how the mini-games did not reflect the theme of the game to paraphrase or perhaps quote what she said. She hit the nail right on the head. However, I loved. loved, loved, the HOPS and the various tasks, e.g., retrieving the Diving Bell; replacing the broken glass to the Diving Bell; and various other tasks that I'm sure most gamers will enjoy. There are a slew of other fun things to do, you'll see!
The subject matter isn't new but for the sake of this game, it's rather wonderful. I'm giving it a low-5 star rating for the reasons I have mentioned
In this CE version you can view the medical profiles, achievements, and archive. The archive has Dancing Shoes, which let you dance for unlimited amount of time and you never get tired. Then you have the IQ Beret--your IQ level will skyrocket and you will be able to figure everything out without any problems; then you have your Sweet Talking Mirror, who will shower you with compliments--probably until you get sick of hearing it! LOL! Don't know just yet how these things work but I'm anxious to find out after the Bonus Game.
Bravo, Domini developers! I've got my eye on you! I highly recommend this game. Try the demo first, though.
6of 8voted this as helpful.
Overall rating 
Loved it!
5 / 5
4 of 6 found this review helpful
Bloody Stanley could sure use a few Bloody Marys about now!
PostedMay 30, 2016
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fromThe dude with the hooded, fog coat is one shady character; and his prices are too high, too! But I desperately need the goods!
Skill Level:Expert
Favorite Genre(s):Puzzle, Hidden Object, Time Management, Adventure, Match 3, Strategy, Brain Teaser, Family
Fun Factor 
5 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
5 / 5
Level of Challenge 
5 / 5
5 / 5
I've played hundreds of purchased games and this is my very first demo. I had 45 minutes left to play but I knew from 15 minutes in to the demo that this would be a buy for me! I'm glad I tried it first, and will definitely play more.
Hank Williams - aka Bloody Stanley -- is arrested for the brutal murders that terrorized the townspeople. Of course, we have no proof that he has committed these murders just yet, but we shall see!
I'm really digging this game, folks! Way to go, ERS! Surprise, surprise, surprise! The ingenuity, the flow, the artwork, the music, the puzzles, which, by the way, are not very difficult, at least what I've come across so far in the demo. The puzzles seem to be tedious more than anything else. With that said, I love solving crimes; you've got folders with info about the crime scene, various characters and the plot is exciting to me. I think the voiceovers are great but you can skip the dialogue if you want. I've noticed in some past games I've played that some of the actors speak a little to slowly for my taste. They're good but too slow. In this case, the voiceovers are really good thus far.
The attention to detail is what struck me to buy this game, plus the discount, too! The only thing I question is the text to choose from which I didn't think was really needed in this game. No answer is really wrong but just for the sake of argument, if you don't answer it correctly you'll be directed in the right path so to speak.
The flow is so important to me because without it it's a no-win situation. I don't like going around in circles when I play a game and this, for me, is what the doctor ordered.
It's a rather bloody game, pun intended but I've played more graphic games than this. There's a good jump-to map, hint button, and you'll have your strategy guide which I rarely use but it's good to have. Eventually, you'll have a device to find memory spheres. You'll need to collect them all to reveal the ghost.
You'll be collecting coins to pay for items that will be needed to move on. For instance, smelling salts, which cost $26. Pretty steep, I think, but there will be coins throughout the scenes. Pretty cool.
Obviously, there are achievements to be had in this CE version, and you will be able to replay HOPS and mini-games, watch videos, wallpapers--I don't need; screensavers ditto! If I'm able to download any of the music I like that will be a plus for me.
I have seen the cat and his name is Death! I'm not sure yet what his/her role is in this scenario but whatever it is, he/she is surely one mangy, bad-looking cat!
I'm playing in custom mode, no sparklies for me and what's the point in having a skip button set for 200 seconds as opposed to 2 seconds. I don't have the patience for that, that is, if I do decide to skip a puzzle or mini-game. I think all developers should make the skip button quick to begin with.
Anyway, I'm loving this game and the flow and the storyline and the graphics are high-end, high standard. ERS never disappoints in that area. Well done, ERS! I highly recommend this game! Try the demo first! It's not as painful as I thought it would be!
I recommend this game!
4of 6voted this as helpful.
For 25 years, you thought you had no family. But one night, a man steps through a mirror from another world, claiming to be your uncle... changing your life forever.
Overall rating 
Disliked it.
2 / 5
3 of 3 found this review helpful
As I reflect upon this game...I'm giving it a 2.75 star rating!
PostedMay 26, 2016
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fromMy mouse needs a new battery! Click, click, click!
Skill Level:Expert
Favorite Genre(s):Puzzle, Hidden Object, Time Management, Adventure, Match 3, Large File, Strategy, Family
Fun Factor 
2 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
4 / 5
Level of Challenge 
2 / 5
3 / 5
Oh, boy! I'm in the minority here but I won't beat about the bush! I'm bored to tears with this game.
You're Grace and an evil demon has imprisoned your parents in order to take possession of the Vi Animo tree. Of course you must rescue your parents but you have to do everything you can to avoid imprisonment yourself! I'm definitely for saving my parents. And you have some portals to go through to accomplish this. That's all fine.
The music is nice, artwork is rather wonderful, but the tasks, oh, the tasks! The strategy of the game is faulty and disrupts the game flow to the 10th degree!
Examples: In one area, I clicked on an item to find that I need yet another item somewhere else to complete that and at times needed yet another item to complete that same task. Such as: Clicking on the gates expecting to find an object on the first or even 2nd click but you need to get rid of the vines first. No item in sight for that!
Same area for another task, example: I can't grasp this object. I'll need something to pull it out. No item in sight for that!
A symbol is missing from this vat. I wonder if the water here has some purpose. Ho-hum!
Six or seven of those in one area is too much for me to bear! Not one object on hand to accomplish these until you move on to another area and yet another area after that.
Strategy--0 stars. This game is frustrating and not for me, but I'm not sorry I bought it because I intend to finish it, plus it does have some good moments now and then.
I didn't like the map; the hint button was a good navigator when I needed it.
This game is not a difficult one--puzzles are okay--match three game if you want that option--it's a standard gameplan; standard HOS. No wow factor for me! As far as the leaves go, I couldn't care less if I find one more. I'm bored, but I will finish the game.
Why didn't I try the demo? Well, 8 games out of 10 games that I've bought have been phenomenal. Some games start out real slow and get better as the game progresses and most times when I read the reviews any game that is a 4 star or more rating, I will buy, always at a good discount and if the subject matter is to my liking. Sometimes the subject matter ends up being a dud. Such is life!
However, I still recommend the game; and, gosh, if you're a demo type of person, by all means, try the demo first. Great job on the artwork, Devs!
I recommend this game!
3of 3voted this as helpful.
The dastardly Pirate King is out for blood... and you're his next target!
Overall rating 
Liked it!
4 / 5
5 of 6 found this review helpful
Cross my 'crossbones', er ah, rather my heart! It's a very good game!
PostedMay 20, 2016
Customer avatar
fromIf I want a ride on the cart, I'll need not one, not two, but three coins to get across. That fella' sure drives a hard bargain!
Skill Level:Expert
Favorite Genre(s):Puzzle, Hidden Object, Time Management, Adventure, Match 3, Large File, Strategy, Brain Teaser, Family
Fun Factor 
4 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
4 / 5
Level of Challenge 
4 / 5
4 / 5
I'm more than halfway through the CE version of this game.
I love EIPIX and think this is one of the cleverest games of the series. EIPIX devs always deliver and this is no exception--storyline, tasks, puzzles, mini-games, HOPS, to name just a few, certainly will not disappoint. They don't skimp on anything either.
However, I don't think this game warrants 5-stars but a 4.25 stars because the game plan is scattered and disorganized in my opinion. Tasks are strewn every which way.
Obviously, you do move on but there's always those one or two items that linger in your inventory which concerns me at times. I've been playing long enough to know that's what makes a game quite interesting and exciting but still it can be frustrating.This game doesn't have the flow that I expect. It is fantastic, with innovative ideas, except it lacks order and seems a bit choppy to me.
You will have tons of artifacts to find and some of the items will not be used for what you may think they should be used for; e.g., one item was a brooch. And you will often need a couple more items to complete an object. Anyway, I had other plans for the brooch, but it turns out it was meant for something else. Of course, we should be used to that but when that item lingers on in the inventory, I start worrying that I may have missed something. Don't forget, we've got morphing items to remember, too, message in a bottle to collect and on and on.
I usually play in advanced mode--or custom mode--which to me makes it more interesting. I'm not complaining because you will definitely get a lot for your money with Sea of Lies: Leviathan Reef. But to me, it's not the perfect game because of its choppy flow.
The artwork, considering the subject matter, is wonderful. Lots of midnight blue hues, too. Music is lovely, redundant but lovely. Great cello piece throughout the game. Thank you for that, Devs!
I love the voiceovers; the characters are really cool and the cut scenes are great. Some of the characters are as follows:
Bartholomew Rous--Pirate King, known for Black Beard
Jan 'Gold Teeth' Van Hoorn, Pirate Treasurer, known for Golden Teeth
Phillipe 'No Fingers' Lavasseur, Pirate Engineer, known for Mechanical Arm
Teresa 'La Tormenta' Garcia, Pirate Weapon Master, known for Striking Beauty
Some puzzles, which appeared to be difficult at first ended up being elementary after all. Some were very tedious and required patience like for instance, clicking on the skulls and crossbones to rotate them until the hands were placed exactly on the bolts. Very cool, indeed!
I definitely recommend this game but as some of the reviewers always say, try out the demo first to be sure. Great job devs!
I recommend this game!
5of 6voted this as helpful.
Overall rating 
Liked it!
4 / 5
3 of 3 found this review helpful
Destiny's dog! Ice, Ice baby!
PostedMay 15, 2016
Customer avatar
fromDog in a bubble!
Skill Level:Expert
Favorite Genre(s):Puzzle, Hidden Object, Time Management, Adventure, Match 3, Large File, Strategy, Brain Teaser, Family
Fun Factor 
5 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
4 / 5
Level of Challenge 
5 / 5
4 / 5
The HOPS weren't that unusual but you do get to do a lot of interesting things in this game. The puzzles, mini-games were fun, challenging and tedious at times. Locating the objects were unusually fun. But I loved our little helper, Ice, the Golden Retriever. Ice is so much prettier and pleasant to look at instead of an elf with sharp teeth and horns! Sooner or later, you will get the opportunity to save that little canine. Cute dog! I loved helping Ice find the right path by matching the prints. Pretty cool!
At first, I had ambivalent feelings about this game, fearing that it might be boring. It started out slow but then it began to pick up a bit and got pretty interesting. I played the CE game and after completing the bonus game, I got to go back and retrieve the rest of the dragons. There may be more than one dragon to find in any given area. There are other achievements to complete, too.
The music was great; the voiceovers were very good. No big deal here, but one of the characters pronounced the word Agora as Angora with an 'n'. Stood out like a sore thumb with me for some reason. The artwork was very nice but not as sharp as I like the graphics to be, but still it was very good. Game flow was good and lots of things to do.
I'm rating this game 4-1/2 stars. I definitely recommend this game! Good job, devs!
3of 3voted this as helpful.
The latest Big City Adventure is here! With the perfect blend of modern and traditional influences, the renowned metropolis of Shanghai awaits you!
Overall rating 
Loved it!
5 / 5
4 of 5 found this review helpful
Big City Adventure, take me away!!!
PostedMay 15, 2016
Customer avatar
fromThe sites and sounds are beautiful; and it's just like being there!
Skill Level:Expert
Favorite Genre(s):Puzzle, Hidden Object, Time Management, Adventure, Match 3, Large File, Strategy, Brain Teaser, Family
Fun Factor 
5 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
5 / 5
Level of Challenge 
5 / 5
5 / 5
A 5-star game and well-deserved for its genre. Very interesting and educational facts about the ports, and the big cities, churches, museums, rivers, etc. Be prepared for a very long game but that's what makes it fun and you can play at your leisure, too.
Granted, you'll frequent the same scenes now and then and some of the objects are so small you can easily miss them; but if you rack up your coins, you can use them to give you more time or to assist with a hint. I'm playing the timed mode which is not easy for me because i don't like tests to begin with much less being timed! But I've done exceedingly well so far. I've finished 48 rounds out of 60.
The music is synonymous with the area and culture and quite beautiful, but again, repetitive. There are lulls of silence in between, and I love the background sounds, like birds chirping, people talking--tourists perhaps.
The puzzles are varied and repetitive throughout, although getting the ball into the hole seems to get harder as the feature progresses. You have puzzles, fitting shapes into a puzzle, positioning the gears to turn simultaneously, object cryptograms, and then there are your lanterns that you need to get in order correctly. A very nice variety of puzzles to perform, which I love to do after completing each hidden object scene. No bells and whistles in this game but quite the education you'll receive. I like reading the information sheets about any given area.
I only wish the devs could make this game in full-screen mode. The objects can be difficult to see and many of the scenes are used repeatedly, but what makes it challenging is the time-mode.
I highly recommend this game and all games like it. Bravo, devs!
I recommend this game!
4of 5voted this as helpful.
Overall rating 
Liked it!
4 / 5
3 of 4 found this review helpful
Arlene wails like a banshee!! Where are my earplugs?
PostedMay 15, 2016
Customer avatar
fromI need one more crate to retrieve the object but come to find that it's up on the rooftop and I have to lug it all the way down the ladder to the ground. Senseless!
Skill Level:Expert
Favorite Genre(s):Puzzle, Hidden Object, Time Management, Adventure, Match 3, Large File, Strategy, Brain Teaser, Family
Fun Factor 
5 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
4 / 5
Level of Challenge 
5 / 5
3 / 5
The storyline is redundant, the music was good, the graphics very good, cut scenes even better, the voiceovers were fine, could have used more emotion from some of the characters but again not bad. Arlene is a doozy!
What saved this game for me are the tasks, pretty good puzzles/mini-games. Some were easy but tedious and sometimes challenging.
I'm a little weary of the rituals and the use of runes or even the so-called match games to defeat my foes, but I must say that the variety of things to do in this game were phenomenal. There was so much to do and loads of fun. The flow was right on! Lots of back n' forth but you have a great map; you have your collectibles--figurines and bats--I found all of the figurines but only half of the bats during the game, and after completing the Bonus Game you have the option of collecting the rest if you missed them. I think when you're so engrossed in the game play that you can tend to forget about them like I often do, so having this option is great and they're easier to find because you don't have a hundred other things to look for.
The only problem with this game is the delayed reaction from scene to scene that I experienced, and, too, I'd have to click my mouse a couple of times to retrieve an object, annoying as that may be for me, if it hadn't been for the clever hidden object scenes and numerous tasks, I would have given this a lower rating. Nothing is wrong with my laptop BTW.
For the better part, the tasks had rhyme to its reason and the flow was fantastic. That's what I look for--plus graphics that are pleasing to the eye. The graphics were very good but not the greatest I've ever seen. But again, that depends upon where the story takes place--if it involves the underworld, how pleasing to the eye can that be? I just love beautiful scenery on the whole. But the artwork was a 5-star. I guess it's all in the eye of the beholder.
The fun factor in this game is 5-stars to be sure! Great job, Devs! However, I'm giving this game a 4-1/2 star rating.
I definitely recommend this game it's just that I'm tired of the same old subject matter--ghosts, underworld, rituals, etc. The tasks are very, very clever, and you'll get a lot of bang for the buck in this game, nonetheless.
I recommend this game!
3of 4voted this as helpful.
A fire at the local asylum takes on a supernatural life of its own!
Overall rating 
Loved it!
5 / 5
27 of 30 found this review helpful
Who will fly over the cuckoos nest, I wonder?
PostedMay 5, 2016
Customer avatar
fromGotta' watch out for those firey redheads!
Skill Level:Expert
Favorite Genre(s):Puzzle, Hidden Object, Adventure, Match 3, Large File, Strategy, Brain Teaser, Family
Fun Factor 
5 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
4 / 5
Level of Challenge 
5 / 5
5 / 5
Talk about a psychological thriller! This is a blazing story which is not for kids nor the weak of heart! I wasn't sure how the ending would be but I was curious and completed the SE version of Whispered Secrets: Everburning Candle. I am so glad I hung in there!
GRANDMA DEVS put an exceptional amount of work into this game. Bravo, devs! It's a rather disturbing storyline and as you comb through the tasks, you will understand the method to GRANDMA's MADNESS!
There were 3-4 second delays--maybe a glitch, maybe not--as you comb through scene after scene, and you will be going back n' forth, too, but the jump-to map is superb. The hint button can also be used as a navigator if need be.
The graphics didn't wow me but they were good considering most of the scenes were quite gloomy. That's why when there were 'outside' scenes, I welcomed them! But most of the time you're in an Asylum; and how cheerful is that?
Again, the subject matter was a bit disturbing but intriguing, and it explains how each troubled character came to be; however, I won't give away any more information than that. I suggest you either play the demo or purchase the SE version.
The puzzles and mini-games-some unique-were great and quite fun. The HOPS were wonderful! Voiceovers were very good!
I highly recommend this game for the innovative tasks and outcome of the story. Great job, devs!!!
I recommend this game!
27of 30voted this as helpful.
You've just come of age! What should be a joyous occasion quickly takes a dark turn as you're pulled into the World of Shadow.
Overall rating 
Loved it!
5 / 5
1 of 1 found this review helpful
No one knows, but the Shadow (Shadow World Dwellers, that is!)
PostedMay 1, 2016
Customer avatar
fromI should have brought some containers for the soup!
Skill Level:Expert
Favorite Genre(s):Puzzle, Hidden Object, Adventure, Match 3, Strategy, Brain Teaser, Family
Fun Factor 
5 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
5 / 5
Level of Challenge 
4 / 5
5 / 5
Speaking of which, I just completed the entire CE version of this game and alas, I didn't get all the morphing objects to check out all the shadow world dwellers, but I did get all the collectibles. You have an option to use light or dark magic on the characters. I went light! My only disappointment was that you couldn't go back and find the remaining morphing objects after the Bonus Game.
A land of magic--witches, a dragon, owls, crows, shadow world dwellers, Lerione, Sabastian, (the snooty cat), and others.
Fantastic game all around. Great game-play, flow, ingenious tasks. The game was challenging but not difficult. There were lots of match the pairs type of tasks, and puzzles and HOS. A very nice balance to be sure. I enjoyed opening the cabinets with the correct keys. Finding the fuel for the witches' broom. Making the soup for the soldiers to distract them for a bit so that I could continue on. Using the right colors for the tapestry. Very cool! I loved the thought that was put in to this game! Great job, devs!
The music, though repetitious, was wonderful and I've heard some of it before. After completing the Bonus Game, you have the option of saving 8 tunes from the gameas follows: Reflections, Doubts, Foreboding, Furious Spirit, Ringing Silence, Dark Past, Bad Dream, and last but not least, Lerione's Song. I downloaded a couple and it's nice to know that with the CE you have the option to do this. This is preferable to me than downloading wall paper.
The artwork was absolutely stunning. Lots of blues and greens and pinks and reds, you got it all! Nice crisp colors and the objects were clear.
Vendel Games Devs, along with Big Fish, did an excellent job on this one. And perhaps in the past I may have been a little tough on the editors regarding the writing, that is, grammar and misspelled words, and, I'm not sure, but I think it's due to the fact that it may have been written in another language and thus the translation to English may suffer a bit. If I'm wrong, I stand to be corrected. Needless to say, the storyline was great and well thought out as was the entire game.
The voiceovers were exceptional. A couple of times the lips kept going even after the voice stopped. But all in all this was a fabulous and fun game. There were some first-time tasks for me, which is a joy and a happy change!
Sabastian, the cat, was a bit opinionated but a great helper in both games.
Devs, ingenious!! Great game and a delight! If you like fantasy, and yes there are witches in the story but the ambiance is far from gloomy, I can tell you that much! Some of the characters were comical! I highly recommend this game!
I recommend this game!
1of 1voted this as helpful.
Pinecreek Hills just keeps getting better. Help Rangers protect Animals and Visitors, maintain and clean up the Park, spot Wildlife.
Overall rating 
Liked it!
4 / 5
4 of 5 found this review helpful
Aren't park rangers entitled to vacation time, too?
PostedApril 29, 2016
Customer avatar
fromHey! What's that crocodile doing in the lake with kids around?
Skill Level:Expert
Favorite Genre(s):Puzzle, Hidden Object, Adventure, Match 3, Large File, Strategy, Brain Teaser, Family
Fun Factor 
4 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
3 / 5
Level of Challenge 
4 / 5
4 / 5
I just completed the game and, folks, you will get your money's worth on this one. Once again you will be locating tons and tons of objects, while making sure you get all the wildlife and recyclables. When I played Park Rangers 3, I didn't get all the wildlife and recyclables but in Park Rangers 4, I was able to get them all and without the need of replaying any particular area, and there are 32 of those. I did miss two mini-puzzles, which I didn't have the patience in completing, and they were basically putting puzzle pieces together. My least favorite are those puzzle pieces you can turn--a real nuisance to me, especially in this case, some pieces you needed to use a magnifying glass to see.
This game is really no different from #3 but it seemed to have had more tedious objects and more trash to pick up this time. The most I picked up in a couple of areas were 7 recyclables out of 7, but what I was not crazy about was how crammed some of the objects were. The artwork was wonderful and intricate and pleasing to the eye, but rather boring in some ways. Mind you, it still was an awesome game.
The music is still the same and I wish the developers would make write some new music. The items were too small to locate, though I don't mind the challenge and I obviously got them w/o any hints, but still most of the areas were crammed and difficult to see.
There are loads of mini-games and I thoroughly enjoyed those. Great job devs, but make some changes on the music and graphics, please. Still it's a great game to play when you just want to chill out.
I do recommend it.
I recommend this game!
4of 5voted this as helpful.
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