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This "Top Reviewer" is one of our most frequent game reviewers. We think you'll trust what they have to say and find their reviews helpful and informative.
When the local Asylum catches fire, you have no time to lose, patients lives are at stake. But this is no ordinary fire,and this asylum has some extraordinary patients, patients that have been concealed from the outside world! Angelina is one of those patients, a young girl who had no business being locked up in as asylum, and now she's seeking revenge. Can you overcome the supernatural phenomenon and reverse years of abuse to mend Angelina's psyche before it's too late?
Choose your next step carefully, the choices you make will change the course of the game. Will you choose to calm down the horse or start the firetruck, will you gently calm Bernard or use a more aggressive approach? Dr. Rorschach has a few ink blot tests waiting for you throughout the asylum, are you confident in your choices? You even get to choose which version of some Mini Games you want to play, but you only get to choose once! There are Achievements to earn and 36 Hidden Marbles as well, who lost their marbles I wonder?
The Hidden Object Scenes are actually far and few between but they are extremely creative and entertaining, if not a tad bit creepy. There are smaller Zoom Zone lists as well as interactive list finds, and one of my favorite, was rotating a cube to search for silhouetted shapes while placing the items you find on one side into the other. You even get to choose if you want to play a Hidden Object Scene or a Match 3 game.
The Mini Games are fresh, and creative. Below are brief descriptions of some of the games you'll encounter during the demo:
1) Rotate the circles to restore the image, clicking on the center circle rotates others.
2) Follow the steps to resuscitate a drowning victim in the form of a few simple mini games.
3) Move the pills to set the clock to the reception time.
4) Swap the tiles on both sides of the machine to repair the pipes.
5) Choose the maze you want to play, a rotating maze or a static maze, using arrows in a limited amount of moves.
This Collector's Edition has 15 Achievements, 36 Hidden Marbles, 10 Music soundtracks, Movies, 10 Wallpapers, 12 Workshop pictures, a built in Strategy Guide and two Bonus Chapters, Runaway & Brilliant Mind, enjoy your stay at the asylum!
This "Top Reviewer" is one of our most frequent game reviewers. We think you'll trust what they have to say and find their reviews helpful and informative.
Samhain, is by far the best game in this short lived series, I would love to see a remake of it or a continuation of it someday soon. I didn't like this storyline as much as I did the other two in the series, but this game is pretty good and is well worth the price, it's pure entertainment with lot's of well thought out HO's and fun puzzles to solve.
In this edition, the Templar Knight's have been ordained supernaturally, and are draining the life essence out of the citizens in a small town just south of France. Your brother's wife Helen has asked you to meet her at the Maltese Cross Hotel to help her find your brother Carl. When you arrive, Helen is nowhere to be seen, and the entire town has gone wacky. The Collector's Edition has Achievements to earn and 50 Golden Doves to find throughout the adventure.
The Hidden Object Scenes are very well done, and they have added interactions to the Listed item finds where you find and use one item with another item such as finding a pencil to use with the sharpener to create a sharpened pencil. Some HO scenes require you to pull up the inventory bar and use an inventory item within the Hidden Object Scene, a very cool feature long forgotten.
Below are brief descriptions of some of the Mini Games you'll encounter during the demo: 1) Click to rotate rings to complete the picture, clicking one ring may affect others. 2) Move the blocks into the correct columns according to the symbols at the top. 3) Swap elements of the puzzle to their logical placements, some elements apply to more than one image. 4) Move figurines by jumping one over the other until all pieces are in the opposite corner.
The Collector's Edition has 19 Achievements, 50 Collectible Golden Doves, Wallpapers, a built in Strategy Guide and a Bonus Chapter, enjoy!
This "Top Reviewer" is one of our most frequent game reviewers. We think you'll trust what they have to say and find their reviews helpful and informative.
I actually think this first edition of halloween: Trick Or Treat was more entertaining than the second one, now that I have dug deep into the vault of older games. This game has spooky music and the scenes are delightful. The second Trick or Treat game has the kids visiting a pumpkin patch, well, maybe this game was just too scary for kids.
Every game in this series, whether it's Easter, Christmas or Halloween, is a great family oriented game. In my opinion you don't have to worry about the scenes being too scary, or inappropriate language, you don't even have to have kids to enjoy this relaxing seek and find game! You can choose Casual mode or Challenge mode that has no tutorial, and a slower recharge time on the hint and skip buttons.
Every level has 4 hidden Candy Canes (shouldn't those be saved for the Christmas game?) which will earn you 25 bonus points each, and every scene has a Pumpkin/Skull trick or treat game that will reward you with 25 points or deduct a penalty trick of 50 points.
After each HOP, you get to play a Mini Game or Puzzle such as a matching game where you flip over two food covers at a time, Spot the difference, assemble halloween costumes or place skeleton bones in a casket. If you can't find the kids, don't worry, this game is a nice break from all those games that present a challenge, enjoy!
This "Top Reviewer" is one of our most frequent game reviewers. We think you'll trust what they have to say and find their reviews helpful and informative.
This is a very cute Halloween themed game that young kids would really like, or perhaps the young at heart. I consider this type of game to be a seek and find game because objects are cleverly blended within other objects to make them harder to find. Each scene has a hidden Vampire to find for 100 points extra. The listed items are worth 25 points each and there is a high score feature which would allow you to challenge each other for the best scores. Some items are hidden, whenever you see a magnifying glass you can click to expose a hidden item. After each seek and find game, you get to play a Mini Game such as Clicking on bats to plot your next location, put pieces of a costume together in a jigsaw type puzzle, spot the difference between two scenes, or find 20 cats in the scene.
This "Top Reviewer" is one of our most frequent game reviewers. We think you'll trust what they have to say and find their reviews helpful and informative.
Looks like we get another Easter themed puzzle released after Easter, no worries, there are plenty of spring themed puzzles as well as the familiar bunnies, chicks, eggs and Easter decorations.
You can choose puzzles from 5 different boxes, Decorations, Spring, Family, Food and Countryside, each containing 100 puzzles with pieces ranging from 12 to 252 pieces, but any puzzle can be modified with the style of cut, the number of pieces and if you want the pieces to rotate or not.
There are helpful tools such as a hint button, a magnifying glass, and a sort icon. You can choose to start with just the border pieces, and you can store some of the pieces in the box until you need them. The puzzles picture can be ghosted as the background or you can have the actual picture shown on the top right for reference, and you can change the color of the background, gray, blue, pink or green. Enjoy!
This "Top Reviewer" is one of our most frequent game reviewers. We think you'll trust what they have to say and find their reviews helpful and informative.
Congratulations on your new promotion to Deputy Superintendent Ranger at the Pinecreek Hills Park. It's time to get to work finding missing items, cleaning up the park, and finding lost wildlife. There are seek and find puzzles in scenes all around the park, each scene has several wildlife animals to find that are shown as silhouettes in a box to the left of the word search bar, when all animals have been spotted, the box will close. You will also recycle trash that is laying around, such as plastic bottles, crumpled paper, bottles and cans, when all trash has been found, the recycle can icon will be displayed. You will earn an Eagle Eye achievement if you don't use either the hint or mega hint feature. You earn a Bronze star for completing the search, a Silver star if you find all wildlife OR all recyclable items and a Gold star if you find all wildlife AND all recyclable items. Words listed in blue require an interaction such as filling up the gas tank, words in red are hidden inside or behind things, requiring you to click on an item to open it or move it, which will reveal the hidden item, and most scenes have an area that zooms in which will have several items within that are on the list. Levels can be replayed at anytime to better your score or locate items you missed the first time. My favorite feature in the Vacation Adventures games are the abundance of Mini Games available after each search, such as, Spot The Difference, Word Search, Match Two and several different styles of puzzles, rotating tiles and putting together maps and pictures with different shaped pieces. You can use the money you earn playing the game in the Souvenir Shop to purchase vacation park souvenirs, everything you purchase is kept in a display case in the Souvenir Room, enjoy!
This "Top Reviewer" is one of our most frequent game reviewers. We think you'll trust what they have to say and find their reviews helpful and informative.
I often wonder why there are only three games in the Hallowed Legends series (Samhain, Templar, Ship of Bones) because they really are top notch HOPA's. Although I didn't like this storyline as much as I did the other two, this game is well worth the price, it's pure entertainment with lot's of well thought out HO's and fun puzzles to solve.
In this edition, the Templar Knight's have been ordained supernaturally, and are draining the life essence out of the citizens in a small town just south of France. Your brother's wife Helen has asked you to meet her at the Maltese Cross Hotel to help her find your brother Carl. When you arrive, Helen is nowhere to be seen, and the entire town has gone wacky. There are Achievements to earn and 50 Golden Doves to find throughout the adventure.
The Hidden Object Scenes are very well done, and they have added interactions to the Listed item finds where you find and use one item with another item such as finding a pencil to use with the sharpener to create a sharpened pencil. Some HO scenes require you to pull up the inventory bar and use an inventory item within the Hidden Object Scene, a very cool feature long forgotten.
Below are brief descriptions of some of the Mini Games you'll encounter during the demo:
1) Click to rotate rings to complete the picture, clicking one ring may affect others.
2) Move the blocks into the correct columns according to the symbols at the top.
3) Swap elements of the puzzle to their logical placements, some elements apply to more than one image.
4) Move figurines by jumping one over the other until all pieces are in the opposite corner.
This Collector's Edition has 19 Achievements, 50 Collectible Golden Doves, Wallpapers, a built in Strategy Guide and a Bonus Chapter, enjoy!
This "Top Reviewer" is one of our most frequent game reviewers. We think you'll trust what they have to say and find their reviews helpful and informative.
Mr. Penguin has found a new color in the fourth dimension! Not only are there four colors now available, but you earn up to 3 gold stars according to the amount of hints you use (on the down side, you are now penalized for using hints).
This is a griddler or mosaic type puzzle game where you fill in and cross of cells on various sized grids, using logic. There are groups of numbers located on each column and row of the grid, each group of numbers must be separated by at least one blank or crossed off cell. Sometimes it's easier to figure out where numbers can't possibly fit to reduce the amount of cells and narrow the playing field down a bit. Some cells contain bonuses such as extra hints, extra mistakes allowed or an extra pickaxe which allows you to choose which cell you want a hint on. There is a Sun icon as well that when fully charged, will give you a mega hint, filling in or crossing off a 3x3 area of your choice.
The one feature that makes Fantasy Mosaics stand out from the rest of the griddler games, is the vibrant array of colors available, and now there's four to make the pictures even better. It can also help you solve the puzzle when you get stuck, because you can switch to another color which ultimately narrows down the available cells. Unlike many griddler games, these pictures actually make sense, because they have four different colors you know what image you have created. Every step you take in this Fantasy will help the Penguins explore the fourth dimension and discover new inhabitants.
You will earn a Gold Trophy if you make no mistakes, a Silver Trophy if you make 1 mistake, and a Bronze Trophy if you make 2 mistakes. You can replay the grid as often as you want in order to improve your trophy status. This series is one of the best available, and certainly the most colorful. This is a must have game for griddler geeks and an immediate purchase for this geek, enjoy!
This "Top Reviewer" is one of our most frequent game reviewers. We think you'll trust what they have to say and find their reviews helpful and informative.
I had forgotten just how amazing this game was. The graphics are really good, especially when you take into consideration how old this game is (2011) and they just don't make Hidden Object Puzzles like they did in Samhain. Even though this is a Standard Edition, there are still 18 Achievements to earn, the only downfall this game has is that there are only two modes of difficulty, Casual and Advanced.
The word Samhain means November in Irish and in the Celtics culture, it refers to the third autumn month. During Samhain, the borders between worlds becomes thinner, the passages are revealed the hills open and all the supernatural rush out, ready to devour the human world. Robert quit his job as an investigative journalist and became obsessed with Celtic mythology conspiracies. You drop everything and head for the Celtic Festival at the All Saints Chapel after receiving a disturbing call from Robert who's apparently gotten himself in a bit of trouble. When you arrive, you see a long line of people, including Robert, heading toward the chapel at the top of the hill. Even though you were only a few minutes behind them, everyone has disappeared, with the exception of a man who appears to be dead, slumped over the trail!
The Hidden Object Scenes are so well done, they are all simple Listed items, and those items are in plain view, but they have done such an exceptional job of placing the items within other objects that many of the items are tough to find. My favorite HOP requires you to first find a net and then use that net to scoop out the objects at the bottom of a crystal clear pond.
The Mini Games are really entertaining. Below are brief descriptions of some of the games you'll encounter during the demo:
1) Swap tile pieces to restore the image, right click to rotate pieces.
2) Put symbols in the right order from biggest to smallest using mathematical clues shown.
3) Connect pipe sections to allow the water to flow from top to bottom.
4) Arrange the tokens so that all the beams turn yellow, only one prism per beam.
The Collector's Edition has 18 Achievements, Concept Art, Screensavers, wallpapers, a built in Strategy Guide and a Bonus Chapter, enjoy!
This "Top Reviewer" is one of our most frequent game reviewers. We think you'll trust what they have to say and find their reviews helpful and informative.
I lasted about 15 minutes in Rory's Restaurant, the food is horrible and so is the game. I'm pretty sure this is the worse Match 3 game I've every played! This is a cross between a Time Management game and a Match 3 and it simply doesn't work. The goal is to match at least 3 of the same ingredients in order to fulfil the customers order. The customers show up on the left side of the screen and two or three ingredients are shown with numbers on each ingredient indicating how many matches you'll have to make to complete their order. When all ingredients have been collected, you click on the money to collect it and another customer takes his place. You can click to change the order of the plate to serve, some customers pay better than others and serving them quickly will net you more money. The money earned is used to purchase more recipes thus, giving you more ingredients on the board to match. There are 10 Achievements to earn, and you can access the mini games to replay in the Extra's section for Hidden Object Scenes and a Dessert Making game. All of this was boring and has very little entertainment value.