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This "Top Reviewer" is one of our most frequent game reviewers. We think you'll trust what they have to say and find their reviews helpful and informative.
I couldn't even finish the demo because I became so bored with the repetition of similar tasks in the same scene. There are 15 different episodes and a total of 90 levels, the first episode takes place inside baby Pengoo's egg. First his alarm is broken therefore he didn't wake up to hatch with his brothers and sisters so you are tasked with finding various parts of the alarm clock such as arrows and white numbers which is difficult because the entire scene is white because you are inside an egg. There are some objects that can be moved aside to expose the hidden numbers, and you are given only three objects to search for at a time. After finding all the parts, you have to assemble the alarm clock. Then you have to place gears correctly on the inside of the clock. Then it's off to the same scene to search for different colored fleas amongst other small objects again moving objects out of the way to find the hidden little fleas and spiders. (at least they are colorful!) Then you get to assemble a puzzle with torn fragments, then you have to click all over the scene as you search for weak spots that will eventually bust Pengoo out of his penguin "crib" Even writing this review sounds repetitious, don't you agree? It's a no go for me.
fromSo, the doctor shows up just in the nick of time to save this poor woman from poisoning, however, forgets to bring in all the necessary items to treat her. Now I have to go find all these items whilst I tinker with locks and various other unimportant task
This "Top Reviewer" is one of our most frequent game reviewers. We think you'll trust what they have to say and find their reviews helpful and informative.
Emmett Maybard has been murdered and his killer is still on the loose! It's been two weeks since his murder and Emmett's sister Sophia has hired you to investigate because of your unique psychic ability to see past events and even people who have passed. The killer isn't done yet however, because one by one, he has been trying to poison Emmett's family and friends. Could the murders have anything to do with his current will?
I'm on the fence with this new production, it clearly has potential but lacks a wow factor in my opinion. By the end of the demo, I found the tasks to be a bit dull and repetitious, leading me to believe that after the demo, the game could become stagnant and trite. The graphics are decent, the voiceovers are well done, but the people and animals move sideways and jilted, I'd rather they not show the movement at all rather than watch them move awkwardly and unrealistically. Because you are psychic, you will use your Aura ability frequently which requires you to find two or three "clues" by searching for evidence with a magnifying glass until you find an area with a shaded blue section. Each clue you find will explain your detective deduction, but I just found this feature kind of lame. Some items in your Inventory will have a question mark which indicates that the item is evidence, usually in need of forensics. Your forensic kit is basically an icon with powder and an icon with with tape so you can follow a two step process to lift the print, which is very basic and repetitious. This Collector's Edition has the usual Achievements to earn as well as 13 Morphing Objects that will shed light upon the characters with a short bio. There is a satchel located on the bottom left of the screen that contains all your important documents, an evidence board, a map, a task list, and notes about the case. You can also access the Character bios you have found, replay the game's videos and your Trophies for earned achievements.
The Hidden Object Scenes are unimpressive, with no new variations, at least within the demo itself. Some of the scenes are repeated a second time which is a feature I hate because it's too boring a second time around. There are Silhouetted Shape finds,multi layered HOP's where you first find multiples of two different items and then place the objects into two ornate boxes which opens up the item Lists. There are smaller Zoom Zone puzzles and you can opt to play a Match 3 game instead of the HOP's.
The Mini Games seem to be variations of the same type of puzzles. Below are brief descriptions of some of the games you'll encounter during the demo:
1) Recreate the image by placing diamond shaped tiles into the correct empty slots using directional arrows on each column and row of a grid board.
2) Each Aura ability requires you to search for blue shaded areas, usually two or three different areas of interest.
3) Restore the image by placing flower buttons to rotate the positions of the tiles.
4) Drag clock weights to set the time according to the clue shown.
5) Select pairs of matching items, beginning with 3 objects, then 4, then 5 items to climb a tree. (this made no sense, why would you grab onto a kite stuck in a tree or a finch minding it's own business to help you scale up a tree?)
6) Rotate the rings to line up with the silver clasps, clicking on one ring may affect others.
7) Jump the checkers, one by one to clear the board.
8) Drag groups of gears to their correct positions based upon the clue.
9) Place several portraits in their correct positions based upon their shapes using green gems to rotate.
10) Move gears correctly to open a lock.
This Collector's Edition has 13 Developer Diary pictures, 10 Concept Art pictures, 6 Wallpapers, 13 Morphing Objects with character bios, 4 Music Soundtracks, 6 levels of replayable Match 3 games, 26 Achievement Trophies to earn, a built in Strategy Guide and a Bonus Chapter, enjoy!
This "Top Reviewer" is one of our most frequent game reviewers. We think you'll trust what they have to say and find their reviews helpful and informative.
I have to agree with fellow reviewer ritchieprod, this game has very annoying mechanics, which is a shame because this could have been an awesome game. For starters, every time you use an inventory item you have to click and then drag it to the exact spot to use it, annoying. There are no voiceovers so you have to read a dialog box every time a character has something to say, that part I don't mind, but you have to click the forward icon to make the inventory bar reappear otherwise you cannot click on anything in the scene to hurry the process along, super annoying. You also have to click the X when leaving a close up area or click the "back" icon on the top right of the screen to move to a previous location, very annoying. Whenever you enter a different scene, every possible direction available to move to shows up with giant arrows, irritating. Every time you find a document or clue, the diary pops up to show you the same thing you just read and I prefer to click on the journal or diary when I need more info or reference the clue, annoying. The graphics are okay, but has an overabundance of greenish and grainy hues, mildly annoying.
The good news, every scene has a Hidden Butterfly for a total of 57, and I really liked the clever way they were able to blend realistic butterflies of various colors into the scenery. The story is actually pretty engaging, it's Jane's 21st birthday and she receives a letter under her door at the boarding school she attends. The letter reads, "you'll be next" which leads her to believe that Sir Charles Willmore, the man who raised her after her parents were killed, was in danger. When she arrives at his castle, she is informed that Sir Charles suddenly passed away, and the butler, Gavin thinks his death had something to do with his discovery of an ancient family artifact. This relic is a mysterious and intricate box that requires several keys that have been lost through the years and are presumed to be somewhere within the numerous rooms of the family castle, no biggie!
The Hidden Object Scenes all seem to be Listed items with very basic interactions such as clicking on a lid to expose more items. There could be other variations after the demo but I have no intention of purchasing this game.
The Mini Games are sparse, but I have listed brief descriptions of a couple of the puzzles you'll encounter during the demo itself:
1) Find pairs of images by flipping over two square tiles at a time. Each tile has only half of the picture.
2) Open the hidden alcove by rotating wooden disks to align the three openings, moving one disk affects others.
This game had too many annoying features that slowed the pace of the game down so much that it made playing unenjoyable for me, however, if those clunky features don't bother you, it could wind up being a perfect adventure. For me it's a no go.
This "Top Reviewer" is one of our most frequent game reviewers. We think you'll trust what they have to say and find their reviews helpful and informative.
Arthur Bradley was an author in the late 1700's who began to write stories for his daughter Rose after her mother passed away. His last book, Book of Nightmares, was never finished and eventually ended up in a small antique shop owned by your Uncle. When Alexandra hadn't heard from her Uncle Paul for a few days, she decided to pay him a visit at the Antique Shop. Uncle Paul's nowhere in sight, and Alexandra gets the feeling something's very wrong. Her instincts served her right when a thug appears out of nowhere demanding the book she had just picked up. After gathering her wits and composure, she does a little snooping around the shop, hoping to find some sort of clue that will shed light upon this dark situation. What she discovers is that Paul Anderson's Antique Shop is no ordinary shop, and his antiques are no ordinary antiques. Some of Uncle Paul's antiques are actually very powerful artifacts, so powerful that they require "Keepers" to protect them from those who seek their powers! The Book of Nightmares may very well become Alexandra's personal nightmare, if she can finish the book from the inside!
I don't know about you, but I will be a little leary about visiting antique shops in the future because apparently, nothing ever goes well inside them! This is a new series that seems to have a lot going for it, decent graphics, and flawless mechanics above all else. The Collector's Edition has a ton of extra features, Achievements to earn for each milestone, 33 Morphing Objects, 36 Memories of the Past Jigsaw Puzzle pieces that allow you to assemble the puzzles to learn more of the storyline and use as Wallpapers, and 33 different Hidden Collectibles in 5 different categories, Gramophone records, Galaxy's, Portraits, Horn of Plenty and Cages with Birds. I was disappointed after the demo when I realized that all of the collectibles were grouped together in a small section of each scene making it impossible not to find them instantly. Seem's Uncle Paul collects some unusual items, one of which is Spark, a Fire Salamander that will be your sidekick in this adventure and help out by shedding some light to the dark and of course, giving you a "spark" of flame when you need it the most. I really wish that sidekicks would stay in the genre they belong (fantasy themes) when you are playing a game that is trying to remain realistic yet supernatural, it would be nice to have a lighter and a multi purpose tool that I hang onto for the whole game.
The Hidden Object Scenes are varied and multi layered with Interactive List finds, finding items that match Keywords in a story, and Silhouetted Shape finds, most of which have interactive puzzles within to make them more entertaining. There are several Zoom Zone HOP's where you find 5 items scattered around the room such as stereo parts, instruments or gears.
The Mini Games range from super simple quickies to multi-layered puzzles. Below are brief descriptions of some of the games you'll encounter during the demo:
1) Select pairs of orange symbols on the outside of the picture that comprise the blue symbols shown in the center.
2) Select badges in the correct sequence as demonstrated.
3) Select plates to flip to reveal an image, selecting one affects others, when all sections have been flipped, swap sections to complete the image.
4) Spot the differences between two pictures.
5) Keep the target reticle in the center of the green circle until it reaches the umbrella target.
The Collector's Edition has 9 Wallpapers, 11 Concept Art pictures, 3 Screensavers, 4 Music Soundtracks, 12 Achievements, 26 Hidden Object Scenes, 26 Mini Games, 33 Hidden Collectibles, 36 hidden Jigsaw Puzzle pieces, 33 Morphing Objects, a built in Strategy Guide and a Bonus Chapter, enjoy!
This "Top Reviewer" is one of our most frequent game reviewers. We think you'll trust what they have to say and find their reviews helpful and informative.
Once Upon A Time......when I first discovered my love for HOPA's, I discovered an epic series. This series was called, Dark Parables, and I became hooked, purchasing one DP after another. The stories were creative, taking well know fairytales and twisting the plot ever so gently to draw you in hook, line, and sinker. But my favorite feature was the Morphing Objects which to be honest with you I didn't know they even existed until I was a couple of chapters in on Curse of Briar Rose, the first DP game I played.You know why? Because the developers were geniuses! Dark Parables were non-linear games, Morphing Objects didn't Morph until they were eventually triggered by by an action you did in an entirely different scene. These Morphs were challenging to say the least and often times you had to travel to a scene several times, and then had to be patient to spot the Morphs because they morphed slowly. Dark Parables were also masters at blending fragments within their Hidden Object Scenes (FROGS) as well, which is a feature that didn't suit everyone's taste, but nevertheless, that's what made this series adored by many. I also loved the familiar sounds and music that was in all DP games until recently. Have the new producers scraped all the features because they don't want to become stereotypical, or is it just too much work when the easier route can skim by on the shirttail of it's predecessors? I'm certainly not bashing the devs, to the contrary, Swan Princess is a really good game, I just think the devs don't think we little guys will notice or care what's missing. Do me a favor, however, and give Curse Briar Rose, the Exiled Prince or even The Rise of The Snow Queen a try and you'll see what I mean, those were the good ole days.
I know after reading all that, that it sounds like I think this is a horrible game. I don't think that at all, I enjoyed playing this game, I just don't think it holds a candle to the original Dark Parable games. If It Ain't Broke, Don't Fix It! I'm going to pretend it's just a fairytale and that maybe, just maybe, Epix will consider bringing back the non-linear Morphing Objects, I can live with the rest. The graphics are beautiful as usual, it even seems to be less glittery that the last couple of DP games, which is good thing. There are 39 Hidden Acorn Signs and they are blended into the scenery very nicely, even better, the cursor doesn't change to a hand to alert you by simply scanning over the scene. At least they haven't taken away the Dark Parable Collections, and those fragments are well hidden too. Once you have collected all Parable fragments you get to read about short tales such as Up rise of the Swan, Forbidden Idol, The First Tree, A Dark Dream, and the Jewel of Repose.
This twisted tale is about the magical kingdom of Dire Island where the Magic Seed that allows the goddess Flora to regenerate the Dire tree of life, has been stolen. The Swan guards are sworn to protect the goddess at all cost, and some of the guards have the ability to transform into beautiful swans. The Black Swan was a high ranking guard who is responsible for the theft, even though her intentions may have been for all the right reasons, she might not have known that the Kingdom would begin to crumble.
The Hidden Object Scenes are all the same, but that's a good thing! These are actually FROGS, where you search the scene for several fragments that are cleverly hidden among other objects. There are three different groups of fragments that will join together to make a single inventory item such as an elaborate key or emblem that will help you progress in the game. There are also a few Zoom Zone FROG's as well with just a handful of fragments to locate.
The Mini Games are also clever, below are brief descriptions of some of the games you'll encounter during the demo, (more to come on the SE once I finish the game):
1) Use the looking glass to find the path to the Dire Tree by selecting landmarks along the way as shown on the outside of the stone.
2) Find and place items within a play that are out of place as a story unfolds.
3) Swap pie shaped puzzle pieces to create an image.
4) Connect all the squares with the number of connections indicated by dots without intersecting connections and in the same direction.
5) Match symbols by searching for partially hidden symbols with shown.
6) Set up the boards so that every ball will fall to the correct place on the bottom that matches its color and shape and then test your configuration.
This Collector's Edition has 12 Achievements, 6 Concept Art pictures, 8 Wallpapers, 9 Music Soundtracks, 22 replayable Mini Game puzzles, 16 replayable FROG's, 39 Hidden Acorn Signs, Hidden Parables (The Swan Princess and A Fable of Two Hearts), Souvenirs, 17 Videos, a built in Strategy Guide, NO MORPHING OBJECTS, and a Bonus Chapter, enjoy!
This "Top Reviewer" is one of our most frequent game reviewers. We think you'll trust what they have to say and find their reviews helpful and informative.
Looks like the adorable penguin family has skipped the fifth color and gone for the gold with six different available colors! Every step you take in the puzzle helps the penguins discover unusual items for their garden, there are 5 different levels and each level has 5 puzzles within.
You can switch between the color bubbles to help you solve these colorful griddlers, and you can earn a Gold trophy if you make no mistakes, a Silver trophy if you make one mistake and a Bronze trophy if you make two mistakes, three mistakes require you to replay the level. You will also earn up to three gold Stars if you don't use any hints, one star is deducted each time you use a hint. Therefore, it is possible to make a mistake or two but still earn 3 stars if you don't use any hints.
This is a griddler or mosaic type puzzle game where you fill in and cross of cells on various sized grids, using logic. There are groups of numbers located on each column and row of the grid, each group of numbers must be separated by at least one blank or crossed off cell. Sometimes it's easier to figure out where numbers can't possibly fit to reduce the amount of cells and narrow the playing field down a bit. Some cells contain bonuses such as extra hints, extra mistakes allowed or an extra pickaxe which allows you to choose which cell you want a hint on. There is a Sun icon as well that when fully charged, will give you a mega hint, filling in or crossing off a 3x3 area of your choice.
The one feature that makes Fantasy Mosaics stand out from the rest of the griddler games, is the vibrant array of colors available, and now there's six to make the pictures even better. It can also help you solve the puzzle when you get stuck, because you can switch to another color which ultimately narrows down the available cells. Unlike many griddler games, these pictures actually make sense, because they have six different colors you know what image you have created.
This series is one of the best available, and certainly the most colorful. This is a must have game for griddler geeks and an immediate purchase for this geek, enjoy!
This "Top Reviewer" is one of our most frequent game reviewers. We think you'll trust what they have to say and find their reviews helpful and informative.
After the horrible accident in the mines of Cedar Park in 1988, your father made the decision to close the mines for good. Twenty three miners were killed and one miner was never accounted for! Now that father has passed away, your brother Mike has reopened the mine, and the townsfolk are angry. Amanda has returned to Cedar Park with her fiance James to pick up the wedding dress her mother had made for her (and it's actually quite beautiful) when disaster strikes. A masked man dubbed The Lone Miner, attacks and kidnaps James. Has the Lone Miner returned from the grave to seek revenge?
Well, this is an old school HOG, the acting isn't all that great but the graphics are decent enough, the storyline is decent and there are a ton of HOS and Puzzles to solve. There are no frills or collectibles, there is a transport map but it doesn't really tell you which locations have an available current task.
The Hidden Object Scenes are all about the same, mostly interactive list finds but there are also Interactive Silhouetted Shape finds. Some of the scenes are repeated a second time.
There are a ton of Mini Games, nothing really new, and most are easy to solve. The following are brief descriptions of some of the games you'll encounter during the demo:
1) Rotate the ring that holds the discs using the rotation button in the center so that the symbols on the tokens match the symbols on the outside ring.
2) Rotate the dials on the briefcase, clicking on some of the dials affect others.
3) Open door latches in the correct sequence.
4) Swap adjacent chess pieces so they match the color coded spots. Chess pieces can only move in the direction of the tracks.
5) Click on tiles to rotate them so that the colors match on all sides of all tiles.
6) Click on rings to complete image, clicking one ring affects others.
7) Move watch needles to set the time according to clues found.
8) Click on fuses to swap positions, flip the on switch to see which ones are in correct positions.
This game is certainly worth a credit, keep an open mind and give it a try, enjoy!
I recommend this game!
86of108voted this as helpful.
Dreampath: Curse of the Swamps
A mystical rain is turning everyone into frogs! It's up to you to find the cause of this wicked weather and save your loved ones.
This "Top Reviewer" is one of our most frequent game reviewers. We think you'll trust what they have to say and find their reviews helpful and informative.
It's a beautiful day in the Kingdom, and Princess Daniela is about to open her birthday gifts, surrounded by her loving family. One particular gift catches her eye, a beautiful butterfly pendant, but she has no idea who gave her such a thoughtful gift. No sooner does she adorn the necklace, when everyone begins to feel quite ill, and begin a horrendous transformation into amphibians! It's a royal case of Swamp Fever and Princess Daniela must travel to the Healer in the swamps to get the elixir formula cure. Is the butterfly pendant responsible for the Swamp Fever curse, or is it responsible for saving her life?
This is a stunning fairytale themed adventure with beautiful graphics and a typical fairytale story complete with Kings, Queens, and Princesses,where royalty must find the courage to face their foes and destroy the enemy so the Kingdom can live happily ever after! Fairytale games aren't my favorite genre normally, but I just had to purchase this game in the Collector's Edition. I love hearing the frogs croak and the birds chirp, you can even hear a woodpecker doing his thing in the distant forest! This game does an excellent job of making you feel as if you're actually there. Although there are only 5 chapters total, each chapter is fairly long, in my opinion, the length of the game is perfect. There are several Plus Sign inventory items that require some type of interaction before using, some of which are small puzzles to piece together others require adding another inventory item to complete. The Collector's Edition has the addition of 19 Achievements to earn and 12 Morphing Forest Sprite critters located throughout the game. The Butterfly Pendant also allows you to find objects that are magically hidden from sight, when you scan the scene with the butterfly, it will turn from blue to red, allowing you to then click on that formerly unseen object.
The Hidden Object Scenes are very interactive, and pretty decent. There are Interactive List finds, Matching Pairs finds, finding items that match Keywords in a story, Silhouetted Shape finds and even Fragmented Shape finds where you find several fragments that form an object to use back in the scene. The items to find are very well blended, but the items and the scenes are clear and bright.
The Mini Games are exactly what you'd expect in a fairytale game, fun and entertaining but not too difficult in the end. Below are brief descriptions of some of the games you;ll encounter during the demo as well as a few of my favorite puzzles after the demo:
1) Place gems correctly inside the butterfly pendant.
2) Select four segments to complete the image.
3) Swap tokens and rotate them to complete the map images.
4) Arrange the shields to protect the soldiers from the acid rain, followed by finding 10 matching pairs of symbols, flipping over two tokens at a time, followed by Spot 10 differences.
5) Swap books on a shelf so that the images on the spine form a complete picture.
6) Move the pieces to their like colored slots using a spider web as tracks for the tokens. (what a nice spider)
7) Repeat the sequence by clicking the correct symbols in the correct order shown.
8) Place 3 leaves on the holder so that when combined the shapes will match the example shown.
9) Swap the tiles so that when combined, both tokens will match the animal shown, then place fragments correctly inside outline.
10) Toggle the tiles until they all turn green, clicking one tile affects others.
11) Restore the image using arrows on columns and rows to push square tiles up, down, left and right.
12) Swap resin sections until the top and bottom sections fit snugly into one another.
13) Swap outer and inner flower sections to complete the mosaic.
14) Select crystals drawing a line from crystal to crystal to replicate the constellation form of a moose as shown.
The Collector's Edition has 18 Concept Art pictures, 27 Posters, 10 Videos, 4 Music Soundtracks, 27 replayable Puzzles and 20 replayable Hidden Object Scenes, 19 Achievements, 12 Morphing Forest Sprite Creatures, a built in Strategy Guide and a Bonus Chapter, enjoy!
This "Top Reviewer" is one of our most frequent game reviewers. We think you'll trust what they have to say and find their reviews helpful and informative.
Hero and Bright Light are back, and they're not alone! The adventurous duo are now proud parents of twins, Hika-Ri and Koa-Ri, but unfortunately, the gods are angry. Their island began to rumble and shake, towering waves crashed down upon the coast, destroying the coastline settlements. Many people thought the gods were punishing them, but once the tremors subsided, several islands began to rise from the ocean, surely this is a good sign, right? Hero and Bright Light are eager to explore with their new family, but first they must restore the settlements destroyed by mother nature, with your help of course.
I love the Moai series, and the graphics keep getting better and better with each episode. The tasks are clear and obtainable, and there's always a nice variety of features, however, I don't see the need to present a Time Management game as a Collector's Edition. The only feature even remotely beneficial would be the Strategy Guide, but it's very difficult to get "stuck" on a TM level, after all you can replay any level as often as you want, so to me, it's really a waste of money unless you've just gotta have a few wallpapers and a few extra levels.
There are two modes of difficulty available, Easy mode which is untimed for a relaxing experience the other is Casual which is designed for gamers familiar with TM games. This game has even more Achievements to earn than the last episode, a total of 68, which has to be an achievement for just about anything and everything you could do (or even think about doing for that matter!) Each level has treasure chests available which contain valuable artifacts and bonuses such as the Sandals of Speed which give the Moai a little more speed to get the job done. There are several different Artifacts to earn that will help you progress by increasing resources by a specific percentage, and other perks such as that. The Artifacts are kept in your backpack and you can choose a handful to apply before each level if you choose. A new feature in this fourth edition, are progressive upgrades to Hero as he improves and polishes his skills as a leader, such as his Ability level to negotiate and his Influence and power as the King of the Moai.
This is one of my favorite Time Management series, tasking you to remove obstructions from pathways, plant crops for food, build sawmills for wood, quarries to produce stone, repair destroyed property, fix broken bridges, collect resources, trade goods at the market and even talk to giants! I loved the scenery when the Moai discovered a way to breathe underwater, with coral trees, and colorful octopus. This is a great game for beginners and seasoned TM players too.
This Collector's Edition has 4 Wallpapers (which are cartoonish in style) 9 Music Soundtracks, 14 Character Biographies, Bonus Levels, and a Strategy Guide, enjoy!
This "Top Reviewer" is one of our most frequent game reviewers. We think you'll trust what they have to say and find their reviews helpful and informative.
Freyja is the Nordic goddess associated with love, beauty, fertility, war and death. She rides a chariot pulled by two cats with a boar by her side. Freyja rules over the heavenly afterlife and receives half of those who died in battle (the other half go to Odin's hall) and has been known to help deities who often use her cloak made of falcon feathers. Freyja's husband is often absent which saddens the goddess, causing her to weep red gold tears for him. It is those tears that are capable of destroying the world and even the gods themselves, and those tears are being sought out by someone within the SAGA organization who will go to great lengths to find them. This is going to be the most crucial case the H.E.L.P agency has ever embarked upon, the world depends on you to to stop these madmen before they reach their destination, Midgard's End!
Looks like we're going to have to step up our game, because Sam has just been promoted! This is quite literally the best Hidden Expedition to date, just when you think this series couldn't get more action packed and intense, they up their game. As with all Hidden Expedition games, there are collectible Fact cards that give you interesting facts about items associated with the theme. In the Collector's Edition there are 43 Hidden Signs, one in each scene to find throughout the game, as well as 13 Achievements to earn.
The Hidden Object Scenes are extremely entertaining and take place in some unique places with unique features. There are Interactive List finds, Sketch finds and even items to find from keywords in a speech given. The Collector's Edition also offers a Morphing Object in each HOP to add a little challenge. My favorite was finding and interacting with items by opening up different rooms of a miniature house.
The Mini Games present a nice challenge as well, below are brief descriptions of some of the games you'll encounter during the demo:
1) Connect all the nodes without crossing lines.
2) Move boxes to their correct positions, boxes can only move in the direction they are pointing but they can move other boxes into place or change directions by landing on a cog.
3) Plot a course on a map using directional arrows.
4) Rearrange wires using clues shown to cause a short circuit in the Cabaret.
5) Arrange Queens on a chessboard so that no queen can be taken by another either straight or diagonally.
The Collector's Edition has 17 replayable Puzzles, 15 replayable HOP's, 11 Videos, 8 Wallpapers, 12 Concept Art Pictures, a Souvenir Room, 13 Achievements, collectible Fact Cards, 15 Morphing Objects within the HOP's, 43 Hidden Signs, a built in Strategy Guide and a Bonus Adventure, enjoy!