Favorite Genre(s):Puzzle, Hidden Object, Adventure, Match 3, Large File, Word, Card & Board
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
4/ 5
I got this game to get me through my CE offerings and because I have a squillion coupons, got it but... must admit didn't like it at first, no real explanations of what my goal was, cursor rarely changes, clicked and clicked to find my goals so gave it up to play my new purchase
So, I finished probably the best CE game I have ever played, Nevertales by the way ... and then went back to this game ... just for something to play. So as I progressed, it really became a wonderful, challenging journey.
You have no map so must remember what you have to do and where to go back, cursor only changes to a magnifying glass, so no other hints as to what to find or pick up ... so when you grasp that concept, you finally get the items you need. Finally then, became fun, challenging and interesting!
Puzzles are fantastic .. not so hard you cannot conquer them, but challenging enough to enjoy them but if you either hate them or can't do them, the skip button is there.
Graphics are extremely well done, beautiful shots in fact, but done in a screen by screen shot, without explanation so you do need to watch to understand the storyline. Given it wasn't a CE game, it was acceptable as it was done tastefully and you could understand what was being portrayed.
The game is in wide screen and runs very smoothly. My one gripe would be that in every screen you see the arrows constantly flashing pointing where you can go. I found this to be so annoying, looked at the OPTION tab to see if I could turn these off, but NO, couldn't!
Why the DEVS would create such a nice, smooth-flowing game with wonderful graphics, puzzles and innovative HOPs .. allow these flashing arrows, constant and not being able to be turned off, and sometime 3 or 4, in a screen shot, is beyond me! I would imagine work to do that would've far out-weighed moving the cursor to find where next to go! Curious decision there ... but was definitely irritating to me, hated it but got used to it in order to complete the game.
Gradually though, I ignored these flashing arrows and then thoroughly enjoyed the game. A storyline, a reason, no HOPS that were not in context, few and far between too and were all different and enjoyable and at times, quite challenging.
This game was such a wonderful find for one of my coupons I almost felt guilty being able to get it for one of them.
The game revolves around you going into a dream world to save the children ... so hang in there as it really becomes fun, challenging and very enjoyable finding all the worlds to rescue them from.
Not an overly easy game as no map but not hard providing you remember where and what you had to do and where to go back to use you new-found item.
I loved it ... games and puzzles were reasonably challenging, felt great when I did it but some I did skip as I have never been good at them anyway!
Well worth a coupon, congratulations to BFG for another wonderful SE offering between CE offerings, which you seem to be doing of late .... methinks you are finally listening to your customers, so again, well done, shows BFG do care about what we want and are listening. Some wonderful SE games have been offered of late.
I thoroughly recommend this game especially if you have a coupon or two needing to be used. You will not be sorry!
Favorite Genre(s):Puzzle, Hidden Object, Adventure, Match 3, Word, Card & Board
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
5/ 5
Whilst I am only half way through this game, had to write and recommend and urge people to buy this as it is a visually beautiful game, smooth flowing, and obviously the DEVS have taken time to think this one out .. a credit to them!
I have to find the scepter to cure my husband from becoming totally crystallised and found out now his brother is a traitor ... sort of a common thread but acceptable and now I just want to defeat him and give him his just dues!
I am thoroughly enjoying this game, taking my time playing it for when you get such a nice game you just don't want it to end!
It is running smoothly, no hiccups to date, the occasional HOP (which I just don't like but have to put up with) are few and very easy to solve and fit in with the context of the game. Nothing irks me more than having to find items such as baby bottles, pins, etc. that having nothing to do with the game or the era of it!! To me ... "smacks" of just a quick and easy out for the DEV to get that much needed item you need to continue!
My advise to the good DEVS such as Mad Head, Elephant, ERS, etc. is produce a good thinking game where you have to find an item or items, make sure it all makes sense and gradually do away with HOPS ... for it all then becomes too easy for both you and the game-player to have/get the needed item! Just a thought ...
I have always enjoyed Mad Head games and this is probably their nicest one to date ... so they are trying to grow and improve with each new release. Very stylish and classy introduction and the same each time you interact with someone in the game, most impressive!
As I said, only half way through so looking forward to the rest and the Bonus content ... hope though the momentum stays and I continue to love this game.
I highly recommend it to all levels of players and believe you will not be disappointed.
Complete dangerous missions amid dazzling landscapes of prehistoric Earth and alien worlds. Can you complete these thrilling puzzles in order to return home?
Favorite Genre(s):Puzzle, Hidden Object, Adventure, Match 3, Large File, Card & Board
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
3/ 5
I checked through the week for a game I could use all my coupons on, saw this one, read the reviews, which were all good, so got it ... and certainly have not been disappointed!
Congratulations to BFG for lately offering some great games while we wait for our CE games ... the last three have been great and to boot, sort of free, given we do earn our coupons! But at least we are now getting to use and enjoy them.
This game is fun, puzzles are different, enjoyable and certainly doable! I love that ... I dislike games that you have to be a scientist to solve ... I am in it for a good level of challenge but able to be solved eventually .. on my own and without a hint! These are, plenty of them too!
Graphics are very good, who cares about voice-over as I click through all that anyway! I am not a lover of HO but the few you have are okay, quite easy with a few "thinking" moments but fortunately, I can get through them quickly! Rather puzzles or searching for objects anyway!
This is a great game, thank you again BFG for these little gems of late ... one even was without a single HO scenario, whoohoo! Puts Eepix, Elephant, Mad Head, etc. to shame! I always feel HO moments simplifies the game, easy for the DEVS!
I urge anyone who loves puzzles, lots of them, to get this game especially if you have a coupon or two floating around as you will thoroughly enjoy it.
Richard Stone finds traces of an unknown civilization when investigating disappearance of the chief engineer. The find will lead Richard to the most amazing adventure of his life.
Favorite Genre(s):Puzzle, Hidden Object, Adventure, Large File, Word, Card & Board
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
4/ 5
Wow! Thank you BFG for a fantastic mid-week offering .. it not only offered enjoyment, but I was able to buy it with one of my coupons.
This game was great, no hidden objects to have to plow through, was purely based on the gamer being able to work out what needs to be found and used, yahoo! I have often said, HOP segments are put there as an excuse to find an object that needs to be used ... well, not with this game!
Every step you take you need to find a reason why, an object to use and whilst not overly hard, tackled the mind! And to boot, not a game where you finally had to go back lots and lots of scenes whereby you had forgotten even that something had to be done as it was so long ago, in other words, too much tooing and froing!
This game is challenging, enjoyable, only about 5 scenes of going backwards and forwards in each segment, but still makes sense! No stupid HOP moments (Elephant, Eepix, etc. take note!) to go through, just a wonderful, smooth, intelligent, and adventurous game! A true adventure game but unlike others, no hours of listening to dialogue either!
This game also was of a good length, unlike some of the well known games which seem to be getting shorter but still cost, has a storyline and a fun, challenging factor for those who like their games without a million hidden object moments. To be fair though, these are becoming a little different, a bit more amusing, but for some reason, still necessary!
Why then can a game like this come out, be challenging, interesting, fun, absorbing, with not a single HOP? Perhaps methinks easier to do this to find a required object, eh?
To all who read first and see if they would buy a game, I highly recommend this if your genre is a bit of challenge, a fun game with hard but not too hard puzzles, and with a bit of patience and perseverance, can be solved, no HOPS, a good storyline, cheap and even free with a coupon, then definitely get it!
Favorite Genre(s):Word, Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Match 3, Card & Board, Puzzle
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
5/ 5
What a great game! And I wholeheartedly concur with Sunnyglo, he/she has said it all! Innovative, different, enjoyable, beautiful graphics and it seems the Dev's are truly trying to make these games so much more enjoyable, challenging, different and coming up with so many new different ways of finding objects needed, what a breathe of fresh air from the usual now boring, continuous HO segments!
I haven't finished the game yet but just had to take "time out" to recommend this game and encourage the purchase of it.
So far there have been the usual HO scenarios, was a bit disappointed when the first one came along finally, but did notice, when finding an object, the "part" to be found automatically went into the ultimate required object. In other games when another item is to be found, if I forgot to click on it, I would then have to go around again and try to find them, so the automatic placing is an absolute plus!
My one small gripe ... there is, I feel, perhaps a little too much dialogue and cut scenes, perhaps could've been shortened but maybe necessary to impart the storyline, just a little too much for me when playing time and cost is all important.
I haven't given a synopsis of the game as others have, my intent was to add/impart the great features and the fact the DEV's have taken time and effort to make their game different, exciting and enjoyable, well done to all!
A great game and for those who haven't tried this genre, would be an exciting, challenging and enjoyable introduction!
Favorite Genre(s):Word, Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Match 3, Card & Board
Fun Factor
3/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
2/ 5
3/ 5
I am only half way through this game and already a little bored! Certainly not the challenge and fun, interesting factor of their previous games.
As an owner and player of all CE games, and I believe have plenty of experience, I found this game to be slow, way to easy, lifeless, e.g. beautiful scenes but only about a couple of things to find, do or interact with in each screen shot!
You are the detective trying to find out who the young lady is that "died/got murdered", no real intro as to why, where, any real reason for my detecting??
Usual hidden object scenes, not challenging or different and the big bug-bear with me is DEV's of this level should not now be relying on HOP's to find a needed object, what about a bit of time spent in making the game more challenging, finding somewhere in the game to get that needed item? Bit more work sure, but how much more challenging and interesting for the player? A sure-fire winner for most players who enjoy this type of game!
I will be interested to see what the majority think, great intro HO/Adventure game for those new to this genre but for me, falls flat and whilst DEV's should improve by listening to their customers, judge what customers like via sales, I feel in this instance, they didn't and produced a very ordinary game.
Can't believe I am saying this about Epix as they usually produce quality games, but there you go! Hope complacency hasn't set in as us gamers will suffer and ultimately be disappointed!
This game is worth buying but in this instance, not as a CE, wait and use one of your coupons, then you truly will get good value!
Favorite Genre(s):Word, Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Match 3, Card & Board, Puzzle
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
4/ 5
I won't go into the storyline given BFG have already done this but rather a review of how it ran, level of difficulty and my own personal thoughts.
It is rather a big download so was hopeful it would be a good, long challenging game, which it was to some extent. I played, as usual, in custom mode, making it as difficult as I can without compromising the option to "skip" a puzzle if I disliked it, as there are a couple I just cannot be bothered with, especially if there is no RESET button and you haven't had time to "cheat"!
However, all puzzles were enjoyable, not too hard, a little similar in genre however, I enjoyed them all without a single "sneak peak"! Hidden objects were enjoyable too given they were all different, thought put into them to make them reasonably enjoyable and challenging, but I would love to see one day a CE game brought out that doesn't have to rely on a single one, rather making the game interesting, challenging and in context with the story without the need to have a hidden object scene. So come on DEV's, what about trying that concept?
The game ran smoothly although one hiccup in the bonus content whereby I had to actually reboot as the task manager didn't work, but otherwise, no problems, a little slow at times with screen changes but overall, there were no real problems. But I do wonder how gamers would go with a game like this with an older computer when I have a new and speedy laptop yet experienced some slowness and freezing!
Graphics were acceptable and what we would expect these days for cost paid, length was reasonable although the last chapter felt like "we had better hurry up and finish", as it concluded in half the time the other ones did. Bonus content however, was of a reasonable length and enjoyable.
Given 8 years of purchasing games, I may now be a little "harsh" with my critiquing given experience and expectations but for those new to the HO/adventure genre, this is definitely worth purchasing and very enjoyable and I have enjoyed each and every purchase. Some a little too short but some have given pleasure over 2 and 3 days so all works out "in the wash'!
For those who are either thinking about this game or have trialled it, I do recommend it, worth even playing in HARD MODE if you want to make the game last and be challenged. There are collectibles and these were a breathe of fresh air as they were clearly visible - I dislike having to remember to look for them, not being able to go back and get it if I "forgot", so end up not really caring! What I did enjoy was a recent game that actually showed on the map if you hadn't picked one up ... that was enjoyable and made it worthwhile trying to collect them all.
The DEV's are trying hard these days to ensure we find their games worthwhile purchasing and paying extra for, good to see however, my one continuous comment has always been that by doing this, quantity is now being sacrificed. As an experienced adventure player now, I expect more rather than less, more challenges, and at the end of the game, say to myself that was worth every penny spent!
I digress ... this is a good game, I recommend it, thoroughly enjoyed it in spite of it freezing at one stage, and hope CE games offered in the future will become more challenging and worth money spent. This game is well on the way to achieving these goals and hopefully, the next instalment will display this.
Again, this game is worth purchasing and definitely recommended, especially for those new to this type of game-play.
I buy all CE games without even trying them and most of the time I get what I think is reasonable value for money. I dislike constant HOP's as I feel it is an easy way out for DEV's, to find that needed item, but have enjoyed the way they are now making this aspect so much more interesting different and even a little challenging, which this game has definitely tried to do, so loved it straight away. Any game that does not have constant HOP's is a winner for me!!
This game is lovely, beautiful graphics, ran smoothly, a little to easy for advanced players including the puzzle games, loved the HOP's which were different (as stated above) and when you did get a normal one, objects were quick and easy to find. Dislike when an object is so small and almost impossible to find! However not with this game.
Loved that you changed from a human to a bear, as you were born "half and half", ready to save your heritage. Enjoyable storyline, a little different, but I love fantasy, fairy tales, anything that gets me away from the real world! At times, found the story confusing so looked for my "notes" but no, no notes in this game and when I had to tackle a puzzle, couldn't remember the sequence, and it wouldn't allow me to go back and even check! So had to do it by trial and error or cheat! Must admit that "floored" me as had I known, would've looked closer at the hint offered! But trial and error worked reasonably easy and quickly, quite satisfying actually!
Unfortunately though, as seems to happen so much these days, this game is a little too short I feel for cost and CE offering, and even in HARD mode, finished it in under 6 hours. Haven't yet played the bonus game but it seems all too often these day paying top dollar to get several hours of game play doesn't guarantee this. Disappointing and whilst not BFG's problem, they should be asking their DEV's for more substance and time and whilst we get quality, we don't really get quantity.
I do though, in spite of above comments, recommend this game especially those new to this genre and perhaps it may be I am finding the games a little short due to experience.
So please gamers, do at least try it, a lovely game, good storyline, beautiful graphics, not too hard but enjoyable and I found it definitely worth purchasing.
I have enjoyed this game immensely, still have the Bonus content to play but found it quite fascinating, a real twist on what you thought the storyline was going to be!
I found the game ran a little static all too often, even though I have the latest and greatest laptop, and agree with another review that trying to use/place objects had to often be exact. I even "cheated" as I just didn't know what to do and read to put something, somewhere, which I had done over and over again, but didn't work. So went back and persevered as I knew it was I had to do to move on. When that happens in games, it really is irritating and can be off-putting, so DEV's, please take note!
This personally, is not one of my favourite games but well done, well thought-out storyline, well worth purchasing but be aware of little glitches such as occasional static movements and persevere with objects to use as you are probably right but need to get it in the exact place!
I recommend this game, this DEV always produces good, quality games and even if you don't purchase CE games, well worth the cost of an SE game.
As you probably know by now, this game is based on Greek Mythology The overall rating I imagine is based on those who have written and either don't know about, or don't like this concept however, I have always been fascinated by Greek mythology - Zeus and the Gods of Olympus, in fact, in this world we live in, being able to get lost in fantasy and fairy tales, such as my mother used to read to me at night, allows me to enjoy this type of game even more.
Our world is made up of terrorism, killing, murderers, robbery, etc. even way down under where I live, so to have a little time for fantasy, fun, mythology is, to me anyway, pure pleasure and time away from the harsh realities of life!
At first I thought this game visually, was going to be very ordinary but after a few screens, graphics suddenly improved and were beautiful for the rest of the game, the DEV's took time to research Greek Mythology and added their little twist on an otherwise true account of the Gods. And if you too like Greek mythology, they took time at the end of the game to expand on all the God figurines collected.
I absolutely loved this game, ran smoothly, kept true to the history books, allowed the player to become immersed in their "twist" on the Gods of Olympus whilst keeping it true and factual, as mythology goes and kept away from dark, all too real life games as often comes out.
Greek mythology is fascinating in itself and whilst in today's age and mindset, hard to believe, it is something in our history books to be absorbed and enjoyed. Congratulations to the DEV's and BFG for finding a way to make a game a little different, encompassing history and staying true to that whilst adding fun and what could be almost a believable scenario to that time in history!
I absolutely recommend this game, even to those who know nothing of Greek mythology as it is a history lesson in itself!