Favorite Genre(s):Card & Board, Hidden Object, Match 3, Word
Fun Factor
3/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
3/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
3/ 5
Have to agree with others, definitely need glasses, particularly at my age! However, can someone help me with finding the seals? Even with the magnifying glass, I cannot find one! Not sure yet if it has been worth buying as I have only played for a while (still trying to locate the seals) but nice graphics so far, nothing much different than others of this genre but will finish it over time.
I love the Darkness and Flame games and this one is certainly as good, if not better! I have taken nearly a week, on and off, to complete and even the bonus game is "value for money"! The care, work, effort, time and love that the Developers go to, to ensure we get a quality product, is amazing and I am guessing they actually really love what they are doing and payment is secondary!
As I said, it has been a week of enjoyment ….. value for money twice over ….. other Developers, please take note! Graphics are beautiful and action scenes are almost realistic! Beautiful looking characters that one can so easily and readily immerse themselves into and interact with …. again, these games are true quality and made with thought and care!
Well done and I for one, will always happily purchase any future games that may be released!
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Card & Board, Hidden Object, Match 3, Puzzle, Word
Fun Factor
3/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
3/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
3/ 5
Won't go into the "ins & outs" ... already published so just my personal thoughts and opinion of the game.
It was a nice game, good storyline but oh my, so many HOP's and whilst some were a little different from the usual "seek & find", ultimately, they were just that! Every few moments, another one, some even had to be done twice!
I find this to be so less "value for money" given we pay twice as much for a CE game which should be fun, enjoyable, challenging, and not constantly look for inane objects that have nothing to do with the storyline .... until you have found all their stupid objects and get something now to use so you can progress! Why oh why, do not DEV's see this?
I want to be challenged .... walk around and work out what to do next .... not look for a "key", whatever, amongst a HO moment that so easily and readily gives me what I need!
If HO moments do need to be incorporated, then at least make them part of the theme/storyline!
This game had a good objective/story to tell, and could've been rated a top game if not for their shortcuts with all the HO moments! If memory serves correct, already one within a couple of moments of gameplay.
In saying all this, a good game, good puzzles, way too many HOP's, reasonable graphics, long, long waits between scenes as they were "loading" .... for every scene I might add ,,,, and I believe, lots of room for improvement.
If you don't care about the Bonus content, then I suggest you wait for the SE version to be released ,,,. then, definitely good value for money
Favorite Genre(s):Card & Board, Hidden Object, Match 3, Puzzle
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
What a lovely game ... totally agree with Sunnyglow! This game is gorgeous, beautiful graphics, makes me feel like a small human in a small world!
The DEV's have taken time to develop this into a beautiful surreal world we can enter and enjoy ,,, I just loved that feeling of gameplay!
You are on a quest, with challenges to meet, friends riding rabbits, you are so small but you rise to it all!
Definitely invest in this game, beautiful, fun, enjoyable, gorgeous graphics ... and well done BRAVE! You certainly "hit the nail on the head" with this one!
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Card & Board, Hidden Object, Match 3, Puzzle, Word
Fun Factor
2/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
3/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
3/ 5
I just did not like this game due mainly to one HO moment after another, after another and 2 x seconds later, another one! With the quality of CE games being released nowadays, this was sadly "lacking" and reminded me of the early days when this genre of gaming first became popular. And to boot, the HO games were just that ... whereas today, the top DEV's are making them more interesting, different and thought-provoking.
I did not feel this was worthy of a CE release but they have potential and need to make their games more exciting, interesting and challenging rather than continually having to play HO games!
I don't recommend this as a CE game but worth purchasing as a standard game.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Card & Board, Hidden Object, Match 3, Puzzle, Word
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
5/ 5
Well, 39 reviews before me ... seems most loved this game! And yes, I found it a wonderful, all time-consuming, fantastic, great mid-week game, awesome BFG! Such a surprise!! Usually only offered match-3's or Time Management mid-week!
Again, after 39 reviews, not much more I can say or add, just that this game was so enjoyable, hated it to end! And now have to wait for part 2!
As soon as I saw it was created by Mad Head games, I knew it would be good but this was their best ever creation! And to think, I got it just for a coupon!!
Needless to say, I recommend this game ... and even pay for it if you don't have a coupon for it is well worth it!
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Card & Board, Hidden Object, Match 3, Puzzle, Word
Fun Factor
2/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
2/ 5
Level of Challenge
2/ 5
2/ 5
I downloaded this game as I was looking for something that didn't require a lot of thought .... just an easy game to enjoy, give me something to do whilst watching a great movie!
This game is so easy, doesn't require any great thought, and more often than not, luck as, if you haven't acquired enough of the required gold cards to progress to the next level, then just replay it and probably the second time round, hopefully .... the cards will fall in your favour!
I purchased it as I have so many coupons, about to expire, and this game suited me for such times when I just want to play an easy, simple, non-thought-provoking game but do have to do "something" whilst watching TV.
I think a nice, easy, introductory game for anyone new to game-playing ... and progress from there. I do believe, this could and perhaps should .... be taken to a higher level, more challenging and could then be a really good game but as it is at the moment, easy, can get boring after a while, but I at least thought it was worth a coupon.
If you are like me and just need to do something whilst relaxing in your favourite armchair, watching TV, then this is the perfect game for just such moments!
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Card & Board, Hidden Object, Match 3, Puzzle, Word
Visual/Sound Quality
2/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
Sure ... it is old by today's standard but it was interesting, good puzzles, not too demanding, you could quickly click through the all-too-long dialogues, but in saying that, did give you a sense of what your goal was and hey, even in today's gameplay world, there is plenty of dialogue only offered differently ... we still all too often have to either "sit" through or "skip" any and all dialogues!
I usually dislike HOP's, seeing it as an easy way for DEV's to "get out of finding a way to produce the item we need"!! However, the HO moments in this game were interesting, different and quite fun! Easy at first, but hard to find that last item!
I found the puzzles enjoyable, some quite challenging such as putting the map together, were logical and made sense so ultimately, solvable, with some time and patience. The game has quite a good hint system but beware, some items need to be "exactly" placed or used! Moments like those were frustrating!
So, sure it is old, not up to today's standard but worth a coupon, worth trying and if you like lots of puzzles, interesting HO moments, then this is a great game! I usually only buy CE games, my standards are high, but I ended up really enjoying this game and glad I tried it!
Well worth seeing what you think! And persevere .... initial judgement .... for me too ... was an "oh dear" moment, but as I said, glad I continued to try it out! Did give me hours of enjoyment and quite unexpected from this calibre of game!
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Card & Board, Hidden Object, Puzzle, Word
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
5/ 5
Late in my review .. so many more already done ... but this game was great, took me days and days to finish ... first game in ages where I truly felt I got my money's worth and hence why this review is now at the end of a long list of reviews!
But still wanted to share my thoughts ... an absolutely wonderful, challenging, thought-provoking game! Had a great storyline, made sense, puzzles were challenging, hard at times, but a feeling of satisfaction to finally work them out! HO moments were also challenging ... some annoying but certainly not just finding "tea pots, whatever" or rubbish that has nothing to do with the game!
What I really enjoyed was the length of the game ... as I said, has been a long time since I felt we get "value for money" ... most games I can finish in an afternoon yet this game took me several days to complete. I try never to "cheat" or use the map but have to admit in this game, did look at the map occasionally as it was complex and challenging!
A truly great game and the DEV's are to be congratulated on their hard work and time taken to produce such a great, challenging, though-provoking game .... with a good, believable storyline!
I absolutely recommend this game, will give you not hours, but days of pleasure, enjoyment and challenges and well worthy of being allocated as a CE game ... much more than so many of late!
Buy it, don't even both "trialling" it ... definitely worth owning it and adding it to your basket for another play down the track!
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Card & Board, Hidden Object, Match 3, Puzzle, Word
Fun Factor
1/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
1/ 5
Level of Challenge
1/ 5
1/ 5
Goodness ... what a horrible game! I do occasionally enjoy a good Match 3 game so tried it ... it was so disappointing! Ran terribly on my latest and greatest laptop (so no excuse!), static cursor movements, in fact, the whole game looked and ran like static puppets of old .... and yet my CE games run beautifully ... so not sure why this happened ... was it meant to bring back memories of our old games and how they used to run??
Didn't matter anyway as there was no way I was going to continue, let alone buy it!
As I said, I do love some Match 3 games, even as a devoted CE/HO player, i.e. love Spooky Bonus, playing it now for the second time .... is fun, runs well, occasionally challenging ... and thought this game would be like that too .... being of the same genre! But no .............
...........not for me ... so many more, much better Match 3 games than this!