Loved the overall game .. couldn't fault it! Was interesting, long in fact one of the few games of late that I have enjoyed for 3 days! Puzzles so much fun, hard, challenging but not impossible and just wanted to solve them myself!
But .... did not feel like the Ravenhearst of old! I have them all, played them all ... but this one did seem to deviate from the context, storyline ... wasn't a great issue as the game itself was long, fun and as said above, challenging but not to the point of frustration!
I was so excited when I saw this offer on Tuesday so bought and downloaded it immediately ... but as I have said whilst a great game, is far removed from all the Ravenhearst offerings. You have to work out, as Master Detective, what is happening ... seems some maniac from the past wants an immortal life. No need to expand as others have ... my review is about the game-play, my experiences and thoughts.
Did love all the puzzle games ... love those ones where you have to work out stage by stage ... lots of them and have to admit, really tried hard and finally worked them all out! As I said, challenging, but not to the extent of sheer frustration.
Was disappointed though at such a quality game giving so many stupid, ordinary HO moments ... sure ... easy but again and my big bug-bear, always an easy way out for DEVS! Thankfully though, in this game, we didn't have to return for a second try!
This game is good, fun, hours of fun in fact but I feel, did deviate from the Ravenhearst story ... nevertheless, worth purchasing, ran smoothly, did take some time to load, almost thought my laptop was having a hiccup it took so long, but once loaded, not a problem!
So ... personally, worth buying, fantastic game ... but don't be disappointed that it is not the usual Ravenhearst quest! And whilst I give it accolades, past Ravenhearst games were better! More fun, more intrigue and each followed on from the last storyline ... this one tried to but I felt it deviated to the point of being a totally different, unique game.
I recommend this game ... worth buying, absolutely hours of pleasure but just keep in mind if you have played and own the Ravenhearst games, this, to me anyway, has deviated and felt like a new game rather than a sequel.
PS You may have noticed I always add Nevertales as my favourite game ... to date, including Eipix , Elephant Games, etc. not a game has come out since with such beautiful graphics, a beautiful storyline and made chatting with your computer so real and so enjoyable!
Favorite Genre(s):Puzzle, Hidden Object, Adventure, Match 3, Large File, Word, Card & Board
Fun Factor
2/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
2/ 5
Level of Challenge
2/ 5
2/ 5
I buy all CE games ... willing to pay extra for a good quality game but this one was so disappointing ... not for the storyline which was okay .. but for me it was a glorified HO game. Every time I turned around I had to experience finding HO items .. that were small ... so small that I actually gave up, got angry and frustrated and either used the HINT button or opted for the puzzle option!
Not satisfactory for me ... when I pay over $14 for a game, I don't want to have to spend half of that time doing HO moments! I can get that sort of game for one of my coupons ... for free ... and if that is what I am looking for!
Not only did I have HO moments every which way I turned, but to boot, I often had to do them a second time! They were not even interesting, unique or different! What a boring game, what a disappointment!
No time taken by the DEVS to make it interesting, challenging ... just lots and lots of HO moments to find the much needed object.
What more can I say! If you like finding minute objects, trying to find a key to open a box, whatever, then you may enjoy this game ... but not as a CE game at double the cost! Wait then for it to come out as an SE game, and it may be worth it!
For me .... absolutely disliked this game! Bored me, constantly had to find little objects, HO moments that you had to go back to again ... usually only in cheap games ... certainly should not have been a CE game ... feel I should be compensated for this one!
My thoughts only ... maybe some love lots of HO moments .. but I love wandering around and finding those elusive things I need ... not going back and back again, to HO scenes! All to easy for the DEV ... and stupid and frustrating for me to try and find little weeny objects!
As a CE game, don't waste your hard-earned money ... as an SE game, well worth a free coupon!
Wow! I really liked this game .. and to boot, used a coupon to have so much fun and challenges.
I saw a few reviews saying they don't recommend it ... please ignore those comments as this game is really long, excellent, hard at times and challenging!
When I say this is challenging, it is not unachievable but patience and the desire to win is needed! I admit to skipping a couple of joystick games as I just don't like them, my reflexes are not good and I leave that sort of playing to young people. did try and gave up on a couple such as driving or the rocket ship. Nearly gave up on the parrot but actually won that one!! Whoohoo!
This game is really good .. challenging, has a storyline and just when you think you have saved the 5 x people and think it now all will end, it doesn't ... just goes on and on and as I write this, it seems I still haven't finished!
I buy and play all CE games and I wish they were as challenging and long as this one is! I tried not to use the HINT button but unfortunately, a couple of times, I just had to .. was so lost and frustrated! Gradually realised your cursor does not show all objects to find or actions to be done. So my advise is to click everywhere.
Sure ... some objects on a screen are hard to find but not impossible and are there for you to find ... you only have a few screens to navigate so you know there is something there to allow you to continue ... patience, storyline and clicking everywhere will see you move on!
This game also offers so many new HO puzzles, each HO object is put into a silloutte environment where you have to turn and rotate it ... awesome, loved it, never skipped one no matter how long it took! Not a lot of relying on HOPs rather looking around for what you need! So for me, loved this game!
It is challenging, sure ... has some small objects to find but not in a HO challenge ... just need to move your cursor around. Also found with this game to click on everything as you will miss objects as the cursor doesn't change for a lot of items!
Didn't need to use the hint or SKIP button for quite a while ... so proud of myself ... but eventually, had to. This game whilst described as a HO game, is not ... you have a few scenarios to find what you need ... and all too often, hidden well and when you finally have to use the HINT button, you get angry with yourself!
I found this game awesome, challenging, loved the HO scenes where each item is a silloutte to be to be turned and organised ... loved that! Different puzzle games ... and as a lover of all CE games, thought I knew and was challenged by them all!
But not in this game ... wonderful, new games and challenges, sometimes hard to work out even with the explanation button .. but felt good when I won or worked it out!
So, in summary ... this is a great, fantastic, awesome, very long game, that will give you hours and hours of fun and challenges. Not easy at times ... but achievable.
Sort of ... if you are like me, didn't enjoy the "driving" challenge or the "rocket" challenge, both played for hours but game up and the "parrot" challenge which I was about to SKIP but suddenly, I made it through!
Those games are very fast and challenging but the SKIP button is there for you and quick or slow dependent on what challenge level you chose!
To summarise .. this is an awesome game, long, challenging and to be honest, has taken me longer to finish and work out than all the expensive CE games I have bought ... which seem to be too easy and lots of "hand-holding" of late! This is challenging, rewarding and definitely no "hand holding" ,, you have to be smart, challenged to work it out!
I personally loved this game ... love the challenges, how hard it was and the hours and days of play it offered. And I got if for a coupon! WoW! All this fun and it never cost me a penny!
Do try it as I think you will be pleasantly surprised ... and if you have a coupon ... well, an absolute bonus!
I definitely recommend this game, full of challenges, fun, lots of puzzle games, some hard, most challenging, graphics a bit "iffy" but with all the challenges, who cares how the monsters look like!
I wrote a review on this when it was released as a CE so this will be "short and sweet"!
I absolutely recommend this game, it is classy, DEVS have put so much time and thought into the game so it has risen above the norm!
It runs smoothly, makes sense, when you talk to someone, it is amazing ... how they chose to do this is an absolute delight and a feather in their cap! Amazing ... loved it!
Loved the storyline, loved the game, loved how they produced it and I have to be honest, and as I have said, the best and most beautiful, visually graphical game released to date! Hopefully, it will be a contender for game of the year for it deserves to be!
This game is an absolute must for your purchase list and you will not be disappointed.
I bought it as a CE and was "blown" away by the quality and the extra time and thought put into making it a special, unique and truly extraordinary and beautiful game ..and what you would expect from a CE game and a good DEV! It was truly something unique and different and I was so sorry when it ended!
Whatever you do, buy this one and if you are not into purchasing CE games as a norm, perhaps in this instance, do so as it is well worth it! But at the very least, buy it as an SE game for I know you will love it!
One of the few games I have purchased that I would give a 10 out of 10 rating! Well done to both the DEVS and BFG!
Can't believe I purchased this game given my dislike of finding minute and many stupid items ... but having so many coupons, waiting for my next CE game, decided to get it.
Alright ... usual game mode ... for those lovers of playing and finding HO, you will probably love it! Different ways of finding the objects, particularly enjoyed the twist in words, some easy, some very challenging!
But over time, got boring ... the only part I enjoyed was getting enough money to build my room and my porch! But horrible choices! Not to my taste at all ...
So upshot is, finally got bored doing the same thing over and over again, had to do lots of levels just to get enough money to do up my rooms and I didn't like the choices anyway! Ended up using the "hint" button a lot just to get through the same old boring scene and enjoy, or try to enjoy, my renovations.
Not really for me ... as I said, was something to do inbetween waiting for the new CE game and to use one of my many coupons ... but to those who love and enjoy HO games, this is a nice one and definitely worth getting, especially if you have a coupon or two laying around!
As I said, great for those who love this sort of game but for me, quite boring and repetitive. Personally, I do not recommend this game but this is only because I am not a fan of only HO games. Take my review as one who is not a HO fan as I do believe, if you are, you will enjoy this game. Not mind-boggling, could've been better but for HO fans, nice and enjoyable!
I thoroughly enjoyed this game ... whilst no "different" or won't qualify for game of the year, a lovely game nonetheless, good graphics, ran smoothly and was interesting, somewhat challenging and HOPS few but each was different. Given my dislike of finding mindless items, this did somewhat conform to the flow and storyline.
I have found Elephant games of late to be a little "short", especially as a CE game and cost, finishing them in an afternoon but this one was of a reasonable length and the bonus game also was enjoyable and not too short with quite a good storyline!
This time, the "bad" guy was really a "nice" guy ... just needed help to control his powers so another nice little switch ... I do though wonder why, of late, DEVS are requiring little games such as matching items when there are only say 6 of them ... that are so easy ... but I guess, a way of prolonging the game! No challenge there whatsoever!
I remember the days when HOPS were parts of the item you had to find rather than stupid things like pegs, socks, whatever, not at all relative to the game. Once you found them all, they merged into the required item, gorgeous and part of the storyline! Loved those HOPS and just made the game flow and was relevant! Don't mind at all having to do this sort of HOP so would be nice to bring them back again if DEVS feel they have to incorporate them!
Today ... sure we get different ways of finding that elusive object but often, items to find not really relevant or part of the game or storyline! Thankfully though, I think the DEVS are listening and HOPS are now becoming less as I personally, want to "seek and find" that elusive object ...
For those who love HO moments, my apologies but I feel if I am buying an adventure game, no real need for them ... if you like finding Hidden Objects, then there are HO games available.
If though, DEVS have to include HOPS, at least make sure we are looking for items and the eventual needed one as part of the story ... we have a moment ... such as a fairytale, or going back in time, etc. but suddenly, we have to find CD's, radios, pegs, pins, stocks, whatever ... certainly and usually not relevant to the time or storyline we are in! A real quirk with me ...
Otherwise, this game is lovely, enjoyable, doesn't "blow the brain or their little grey cells" especially for experienced players, but worth buying at CE level if, like me you buy and want them, but if you don't care to pay the price or care about the bonus content, then definitely worth purchasing when it comes out as an SE.
I enjoyed it, not my favourite or most challenging but gave me lots of pleasure and I recommend this game at any level.
This game gave a lot of hours of pleasure and enjoyment ... and whilst did not have that WOW factor, was worth money paid and came close to expectations.
Won't go into the storyline as I am sure you all know that by now .. my review is to help you decide ... it was worth purchasing, lovely graphics, different storyline than has lately been offered, and whilst not difficult, was challenging enjoyable enough that you didn't have to finally "cheat"!
I always play in custom mode as I like to set my own challenges, and try to make them as hard as I can without taking away the enjoyment. This game offered enjoyable challenges in their puzzles, you didn't have to be a smart, whizz-bang playing guru to solve them ... so great satisfaction there! Some easy, but some challenging but enjoyable!
As usual, the DEVS seem to have to continue putting in HOPS but in this game they were like a matching session ... find one to get to the next, find another for the next solve and on it went. Enjoyable and at times, challenging. Really enjoyed their HOP sessions ... as I usually dislike having to go through one just to find that needed object!
I do enjoy these days having small HOPS inbetween, having "books" or the like to fill in or find what they are asking for ... usually easy and simple but a nice change!
This game is lovely, fairly simple and follows all the protocols of a Hidden Object/Adventure Game ... nothing mind-blowing or different or "special" but still worth buying and enjoyable.
To boot, the bonus play is great, almost another game in its length and challenge so you do get a lot of hours of play. There is also a special game in the bonus content which I had hours enjoying just for the fun of it!
Oh ... and also ... love the collectibles in this instance! How often do I finish a game but have missed out on just one! In this game, in a close-up, it does not shut down so you know you have it to find! Well done!
Lovely game, worth buying, won't blow your brains out, but reasonably challenging, enjoyable where it won't frustrate you, perhaps a bit easy for experienced puzzlers but overall, another great offering.
Favorite Genre(s):Puzzle, Hidden Object, Adventure, Match 3, Large File, Word, Card & Board
Fun Factor
2/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
2/ 5
Level of Challenge
2/ 5
1/ 5
I was so keen to try this but as the story unfolded, realised the whole game was confined to the house! A ghost? Really? Who killed who, who was the guilty party? Not really original, and not really well done.
I found this game to be a little boring, tooing and froing in a house, aaahhh, but you do eventually get to go outside but then it was only a little outside and then back inside!
I thought this game was poorly done ... we have the characters screaming, dying, frightened, yet they pop up on your screen with this incredible/nonsensical smile on their face, huge too I might add .. telling you they are frightened, scared, what should they do,but still with this ridiculous huge grin on their face! Are you serious? DEVS, get it right! For the moment, please!
The whole game was very "dark" as in lighting dark, I had to constantly adjust my screen, up, down, change glasses to see the HO's and my absolute bugbear! I pay all this money for a CE and have to find a goddammn cuddly bear!
In their defence, they did make some of the HOP moments a bit more interesting, such as placing objects, but overall, this game did not capture me at all.
We have incredible games offered such as Nevertales: Legend, for the same price, but a game that has quality and class, where the DEVS have taken time to produce something different and unique!
Not sure about other gamers, but I personally don't want to spend all my money and time wandering around a boring house, with boring rooms and people that pop up with a huge smile on their face as they are being either ravaged by a ghost or being killed by their husband! So bad ... so stupid!!
I am guessing this would've been BETA tested so would love to know what their opinion was of this game ... ?? What the overall rating was?
I personally do not think it is worth a CE purchase but when it is released as an SE game and you have a coupon or two, then yes, worth it, good value ... but as a CE game and given the cost, this game, BFG and the DEV's should've thought twice about releasing it on the pretext of a CE value for money game.
So.... for me anyway, was not enjoyable, very dark, as in screen shots not genre, your whole game is virtually confined within a house, and maybe some, maybe even a lot of players will enjoy this sort of gameplay but for me, and offered as a CE game, personally, was disappointed ... running around a house for how many hours, was not for me. But as I said, some game players could really enjoy this type of play and genre.
Always, when I submit a review, it is purely based on my enjoyment and realise many other gamers may disagree due to their choices .. my reviews are never meant to discourage, rather see what I see, then your decision, see and feel my comments, and ultimately,appeal to those who love what I love. BFG do give the option to "try before you buy" so if unsure after reading reviews, then this is always available.
So ... my personal opinion and review, this game is okay, at times challenging, different sort of HOPS, and if you enjoy a game that is confined to a house, then you will enjoy this.
But it was not for me as I love to escape to different lands, different scenarios....
Wow! What another great mid-week game, even better because I could use one of my coupons! I do love that BFG are bringing out some really good games of late inbetween their CE games ... ones we can use our coupons on and buying CE games, my list is quite long but some running out of time!
I loved this game and most particularly, because not one single Hidden Object moment! Awesome! HO's are the bug-bear of my existence! I want challenging moments, challenging "where to next" moments, what and where do I find that elusive item to continue, a "did I miss something" moment and "why can't I move on" moment!
No finding that needed object in a quick HO moment, naahh, in this game you have to "seek and find" it, fantastic! Love it!
I thought it was going to be short and sweet given is was only just over a 200MB download but NO, it is a good, long challenging game, having to visit 4 x places, find 4 x blue crystals and each level is well thought out, items to find in unusual places, unusual puzzles and therefore, each section does take a while to complete!
To boot and what did surprise me was that it has an inbuilt guide should you absolutely get stuck ... usually only found in CE games. So ... what a treasure this game is ... a real gem of an offering! Perhaps not for those who love HO moments as there are none in this game but for those, like me, who would rather take the hard and long way to solve a game, this is perfect!
I did one SKIP, so frustrating in the end but the rest of the puzzles were challenging and fun, just wouldn't and didn't give up ... and a great feeling in the end to finally solve it!
So loved this game ... to recap, no HO moments, purely a puzzle adventure, some easy, some medium and some quite hard, challenging puzzles/moments ... but infinite pleasure in conquering them! Well done to the DEVS .. perhaps continue and work towards a CE game with lots of puzzles/challenges and no HO moments ... now that would be a game I would buy no matter the cost!
I thoroughly recommend this game to those who love these sort of challenges, would urge those who haven't tried to give it a go and as to the rest ... well you do have a 60 minute "try before you buy" option. So go for it and see what you think ... I do believe you will be pleasantly surprised and will want to challenge it all! Especially if you have a coupon or two "sitting around"!
Favorite Genre(s):Puzzle, Hidden Object, Adventure, Match 3, Large File, Word, Card & Board
Fun Factor
3/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
3/ 5
Whilst only half-way through, I am finding this a game a bit boring and not really enjoyable and quite happy to leave it if I have other things to do! Not usual for me as if I love a game I will sit on it at least to the bonus content!
I buy all CE games without even trialling them but this game is not really of the quality of a CE game ... so many HOPS! Such small items even with glasses I am clicking everywhere hoping to find the item I need! I absolutely do not like that sort of scenario! I have a lovely big screen and still battling to see half of the items needed! Why all these stupid, tiresome, hard-to-see items? And this is a CE game!
Storyline is okay, but all to do with the present, libraries, people being whisked away ... no real surprises or excitement! The Knights Templar are an amazing part of history ... but here we have none of that!
These days, gamers are more experienced, astute and want and need a level of challenge .. this, in my opinion, gives none of that and especially as a CE game. Ordinary tooing-and-froing.... lots of hidden object moments, which I did some 10 years ago ... items so small the whole exercise becomes frustrating ... so all-in-all, for a CE game, disappointing!
We had a CE game the other day from Mad Head Games, Nevertales ... Legends ... a superb, extremely classy produced game, that had time, effort and thought put into it, well worthy of the tile of a CE game. To have this as a follow-up has been disappointing.
The standard expected from seasoned game players today is now beyond ordinary HOPS and challenges that are being asked for, I think and believe, now need to be exciting, wanting you to come back for more and even frustrating! I now want more than just office/computer screen shots and just good 'ol hidden object moments!
I recommend this game but wait and buy it as an SE game ... I was fortunate to have BFG offer a special deal and so glad I waited as I would not liked to have paid full price.
I am of course, basing this on my own personal opinion but do suggest you try before you buy this CE game, as I believe, this to be one of BFG lesser CE offerings ... but definitely worth buying as an SE game .. great value in that case.
As per other comments, it is an individual decision but I for one, do not like small, hidden HOPS, would rather my game take me to a fantasy surreal world hence, my mediocre feelings and comments about this game.