A decent game in the Surface series, in fact, I'd say above average. A 4 star in many respects, except one big one. This game is really short. Maybe it's because I just finished playing the Lost Lands game, and the Lost Lands game is incredibly long, at least twice as long as most other games. However Surface seemed about 1/4 as long as Lost Lands. I've noticed games seem to be getting shorter and shorter. In the end, 4* gameplay was overshadowed by how short the game was.
Just like the most recent lost lands game, this game is exceptional in most every way. Great graphics, puzzles and HOP. Most of all, you get your money's worth. The game seems about twice as long as most every other game released these days. After your done playing this game, you'll have to wonder how the other developers get away with making games so short in comparison.
So few sci-fi games on here. Excellent storyline, lots of fun, great graphics, good level of challenge (not the hardest). Keep these type of games coming.
There were good parts of the game. Much of the game was sufficiently creepy, which is how I like my games. However, the challenge level was fairly low, the storyline predictable, the ending very very abrupt, and the length of the game was laughable short.
If your OK spending money for a somewhat engaging game, that is far too short, proceed. If money is a concern, this game is just simply far too short and easy for a CE game, and I'd suggest looking elsewhere.
Probably my favorite of the series so far. Perfect mix of good storyline, quality graphics, creepy atmosphere. HOS arn't overly difficult, but that's the way I like them. Good protoganist in the story.
Not sure why all of the negative reviews for this game, guess some people don't like any change.
I found the story interesting. The new gameplay features such as the ability to look into the past and reconstruct the crime scene was very interesting to me. While not the best in the series, certainly a very worthy addition. 4.5 stars.
Solid game. I prefer the straight-forward games, and this falls into that category. Fairly linear, easy HOS and mini-games, and when you need something to advance, it's fairly close by. Decent story, nice graphics.
The game started off with great promise, with a very spooky, eerie, atmospheric vibe, which is exactly what I like. However, the game's storyline failed to take off, or make much sense. The gadget you have to use to get backstory elements seemed unnecessary, and just an add on. The plot was unfocused, and not very interesting. And what made matters even worse, was the game was very short. I noticed when I went to download, the file was fairly small by today's standards for a CE edition, and the game's length made it clear why. One of the weakest in the series unfortunately. Passable, but never really engaging.