This game surprised me, I went into it skeptically but the further I got the more involved I became. While it lacks the sophistication of a lot of the newer games out there, it does have its own appeal. Graphics are crisp, voice overs/lip sync well done, good story line and not just a bunch of HO scenes. Mini puzzles were nothing special or new, but they still required some thinking and were fun! You needed to collect 14 radio active items and 17 Dr. Goodwin awards. There was a summary, evidence, task list. diary and map (only helpful as part of the hint system by allowing you to jump to the location in question). You as the detective must get into Pontoon Laboratories and investigate the cause of the explosion, ascertain whether the alleged cure for most diseases still exits and if so retrieve it. Also you must search for any survivors of the explosion and remove the radioactive items. Once you are inside the lab you are chased by a weird human monster who is the result of an experiment gone wrong...or could he possibly be Dr. Barwick, assistant to Dr. Goodwin who was perhaps trying to sabotage the cure? The story has lots of adventure and suspense to it, you need to use your thinking cap, rely on your logic and memory as you weave your way into finding the solution to your investigation. A nice welcoming change. Enjoy!!
Well, first of all having played the CE demo, I don't see that it had much more in the way of content than this SE. Disappointing considering the difference in price plus we don't always know how much extra we get when we purchase a CE. Apart from that I found the subject matter of this game a bit deep & eerie which could be alarming for some gamers, particularly younger ones. Lots of spiders and snakes which could also be a problem for some. Our aim here is to look into the troubled mind of Emmy and try to sort out what it is she fears and bring her back to the real world. The process to do this was intensified by the interaction between the Dr. and Emmy's aunt. It was unclear as to why Emmy's mother was not more involved but I suspected that perhaps she could have been part of the problem. A couple of notes she left for Emmy suggested disappointment and let downs ( apologies for yet another therapy session and for missing the first day of school) which could have played a small part in Emmy's personality disorder. The overall game was good, characters were believable with the exception of Barry whose presence to me was overwhelming. I also found his voice to be grating! There could have been an improvement there, something smaller and a little less in your face!! Maybe just leave him to the hints! Emmy's dark side was a bit disturbing and the eerie music only seemed to emphasize that. HO scenes were non interactive, with mini games a touch on the easy side. Good map which was helpful in going back and forth. While I liked this game, I couldn't help feeling a sinister twist at work which perplexed me. Despite that I will probably buy this one, I am curious to know its outcome as I am really pulling for Emmy and, of course, hope for a happy ending!
Phew, this game knocked me out, I mean exhausted me! Too much talking, too many magical creatures, and too much cute! That being said I couldn't help but love it. The developers did a bang up job with creating such a magical story, it was jammed full with new ideas, characters, puzzles, and things to collect. I loved the poor injured tree that was happily healed with just a small bandaid! The story was a nice surprise and turned out to be very different from other wizard type games. Graphics good even if they were a little on the cartoony side, they somehow seemed to fit the story line. HO scenes were nothing special and tended to be somewhat cluttered, however this did not take anything away from the game at all. There was so much to do that it was impossible to not get totally involved. Another delightful game that holds something for everyone.
Here we are again adrift in the ocean and then suddenly your boat is swamped by a huge wave and when you think all is lost Gregory saves the day and you end up beached on a strange island. The Intro cut scene was not that believable, I should have stopped playing from that point on. The characters seemed mechanical in their delivery, "I'll look after him while you get help", give me a break, put in a robot and it would have been more effective. Sorry, it is an okay game and an okay sequel but lacks the depth of the 1st. It is not a write off, cuz if you enjoyed the first there is still enough in this sequel to entertain you, but I'll let you be the judge of that.
To save your father from a hideous monster, you've decided to sacrifice your own freedom. Now you must journey through a strange and magical land before time runs out!
Another winner from ERS!!! I absolutely loved this game. It had all the imagination, characterization, variety, interaction and magical intrigue to keep you immersed for hours! Graphics were awesome, colorful, clear, and full of delight, with so much to look at in each scene. The characters came alive with delightful personalities and all performing their own little tasks to help out. I especially enjoyed Weepie!! Light, lilting music with appropriate changes when warranted and not overdone. Voices perfect to the characters and full of realistic expression. HO scenes clear, interactive but not too difficult as were the mini games. Explicit map for easy maneuverability and clarity on where tasks needed to be performed. A sweet little Nightingale to help you along the way and look after plants, bird collectibles etc. I could go on and on about this game but most has already been said, it just simply captivated me from the beginning bringing me back to all the magic and fantasy experienced as a child. It is now top on my list! Just take my word, try it for yourself, I don't think you will be disappointed.
I recommend this game!
8of10voted this as helpful.
Paranormal State: Poison Spring
Thrills abound as the ghost-hunters from the hit A&E TV show "Paranormal State" race to solve terrifying Civil War hauntings.
A different approach to this game than most and at first I was not sure I would even continue with the demo. Something propelled me on and I can honestly say that overall I enjoyed it. The graphics were crisp and clear, and music suited the suspenseful atmosphere of the subject matter. Although there was no lip movement the voices were well acted and for the most part realistic in delivery. Not a lot of challenge in the mini games but HO scenes offered some interesting things to make them fun. Along with the interactive pieces there were at times sound effects that accompanied an item to be located once it was clicked on, eg: paw print followed by a dog woof, a noose followed by a scream. The use of an EMF (electromagnetic force) reader helped to locate and reveal the dead energy on the headless spirits in the Church. That I found interesting. Also bringing in a real person in the field of paranormal activity (Lorraine) helped to authenticate the story. Intriguing enough to hold your interest long enough to discover the outcome but a bit slow at times getting there. Lots of potential to this story however, I feel there was more that could have been done and/or changed to enhance it's execution and thereby make it a fantastic game.
Great opening cut scene with a flavor reminding me of MM: Devil on the Mississippi. Again finding ravens to gather more hints and an historical story full of trivia information about famous people and places from the days of Abraham Lincoln. As a writer of novels based on stories told by ghosts you are requested by Lincoln to go back to the time of the Knights of the Golden Circle and find Jesse Jame's helmet. Of course there are all kinds of obstacles and things to do along the way. At times the game play seemed a bit slow but I actually didn't mind as it allowed for a more casual, relaxing atmosphere. Puzzles were good, not too difficult with a nice variety. HO scenes were tricky at times but a lot of fun, like squeezing a lemon over the surface to identify the objects you needed to find. That was impressive and something I have not seen before. The graphics were great as was the music. The whole game had a wonderful ambiance to it. The ghostly characters added intrigue to the game's historical focus and was appropriate with Halloween looming so near. Another great game in the Midnight Mysteries series.
This review is based on the demo only and quite frankly I'm in no hurry to play more. The game started out with great potential but in no time went downhill. As an investigative journalist you have been summoned by Dr. Alexander to report on the suspected murders of sculptor Elias and his wife Maria. Upon arrival you find the doctor murdered in the same way as Elias and Maria, encased in plaster. And to boot, the would be murderer is jumping out the window! Now what do you do first, call the police? No, you warm milk to feed the Dr.'s cat!! And speaking of the cat, I had a problem picking it up into my inventory, no matter how many times I clicked my mouse on the cat it would not accept it. So I ended up starting the game again with a new profile and finally it worked. Needless to say it was very frustrating having to redo what I had already done as well as losing out on the total demo time! And so in this vain the story continued. While finally in pursuit of the would be murderer who you catch up to briefly, you have a pitchfork thrown at you and then get interrupted by a towns person who wants your help in finding his wife's necklace!!! Talk about wandering. Anyhow on a more positive side, the graphics were great. Scenery was very picturesque, bright with vivid colors creating a very realistic Mediterranean atmosphere. The music also added nicely to the scenic surroundings. There were stone coins to collect and morphing objects to find, which by the way were very hard to spot. Overall, the game had an interesting story line, but somehow seemed very poorly put together. Maybe it improved as the game went on but for now it's a no for me.
A great sequel to the first Maple Creek adventure. A year has gone by and your previous case was not solved. This time you come upon an abandoned camper, the family's things are scattered about, and a sweet little girl hidden in a closet desperately wants her Mom. Here the adventure begins. While the story line varies from the first there is enough substance to relate the two. Again great character development, good story line, wonderful graphics and an instant grab at involvement. The HO scenes became interactive with items and not just find and click, mini games okay, some old some new but pleasant to play. There is lots I could say about this game but because I am basing it on the demo only my suggestion is that you try it for yourself, what one thinks is not necessarily anothers. It may also depend on the level you play the game. However, overall I think you will enjoy getting caught up in its suspense.
Wow this is quite the game! So different from other games with such a captivating story that makes you want to keep going just to see how it will end. Like a good book that you simply can't put down. The HO scenes are beautiful and crisp with fun interactions, a really nice change from the usual and you must find a morphing object in each one as well. Mini puzzles are different and interesting also. There are roses to collect and rare books that contain secret items needed to progress in the game. Along with that you will need to find fragments within the book to uncover its secret. There are just so many different things to do in this game that make it unique. The talking heads were very comical, the baby was adorable and "Gears" the owl was delightful. It doesn't get much better than that. I am most impressed with the developers as they went that extra mile to bring us a truly fantastic game.