Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Match 3
Fun Factor
3/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
5/ 5
Well, this game surely is a mixed bag for me. Some I liked, some I didn't and some, well just mediocre. I found the storyline great, I mean how can you go wrong with a subject dealing with the " 7 deadly sins?" Execution of the storyline was equally great but on the down side I didn't find the characters all that believable. A lot of the dialogue was either over emphasized or plain bland in its delivery, not to mention lack of lip movement. Graphics I found were very clear and precise and with the full screen gave the game a realistic appearance. Too bad for the cartoony cut scenes! Being an HOS fan I was disappointed that there were so few in comparison to the mini games. And that being said, there could have been more challenge to the mini games as well as some new ideas. While we all know that mini games seem to get recycled from game to game it would be so nice to get some fresh and original ones. Oh well, as most all has been said in terms of the story content, I just wanted to add that I feel there could have been so much more to this CE than the usual collectibles, extra game play, same old, same old achievements etc. These developers usually turn out something special however this time I was a little disappointed and, sorry, will not be buying the CE. I will definitely try the SE once released because I do feel the story itself warrants a second look and without concerning myself with the quality or lack of for a CE I can perhaps just enjoy the game for what it is.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Match 3
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
4/ 5
Well...as much as I think this game is good, I also think it overdid itself with trying to be better than most and perhaps falling short for some of us? That being said I did enjoy all the usual, graphics, storyline, characterizations, interacting HOS, cute little critters to help us along the way etc. etc., this game really does have a lot, but to me it had some initial complications that took me some time to sort out. As I am only an intermediate player I found the whole area surrounding the use of the gem box and what to do with the gems frustrating. Once I got the gist it was okay, but I spent too much time in the trial trying to understand the expectations. I had so many back and forths before I finally had to go into the strategy guide to figure it out. And...that was only near the beginning. So, unfortunately my trial was cut short and I feel somewhat reluctant to give a true review. I am intrigued by this game and want to move forward but am a bit hesitant. In all fairness, the only way to give a game its true merit is to play it in its entirety, but we can't all do that unless we buy all games so we do the best we can with trials. There is no doubt that the developers have reached above on this one to give us the extra oomph, and that is good, we all need that to keep up our interest but for me I found enough challenge at the casual level. Hey, maybe it's just me that's missing the mark, but I wanted to throw it out there for anyone else who may have similar thoughts.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Match 3
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
5/ 5
Well, quite the mixture in this one! Over the top thinking, so good on devs for that. I enjoyed playing two roles which added a very unique quality to the game. There was so much to do and yes, at times it seemed to take forever to finish things or find an item to complete a task but because it was easy to get immersed in the story I was able to overlook the slowness. Although I enjoyed the game I found the collectibles, interface shop etc. a wee bit much. It's okay to be busy but you can overkill and I think that's what was happening here. There was enough going on already and IMO all that other stuff was a waste of time and really, was it necessary in the big picture of the game and storyline? In fact it took me a bit to get the gist of the interface shop? It wasn't really explained. Oh well, most all has already been said so I can only say that overall I had fun playing this game and will more than likely purchase it. I do wonder though, if the SE will be jeopardized as a result of the too much CE goings on? If too much is taken out, the SE game could be spoiled. We shall see, but for now, this is a keeper!
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Match 3
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
4/ 5
Based on the trial (which I may add, doesn't do the whole story justice), however, with this game there is a delight factor that you would enjoy, CE or SE. I love this series and especially little Imp, there is something very unique in the development of his character that is not the same as in other games...don't you just love when he waves at you?? Anyway my point being is that this game is just pure fun, it fills you in on previous events of the story and yet has a wonderful way of continuing that makes you want more!!! The morphing etc. is okay but to purchase the CE for these type of extras is a waste of time, the game gives you enough within itself that I don't think you would miss the extras. Just a great game, easy to become absorbed, great story line, and wonderful characterization.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Match 3
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
4/ 5
I'm not sure why this game was not reviewed more positively. Sure it doesn't have all the bells and whistles of our more sophisticated games but hey, maybe we are just a wee bit spoiled. I enjoyed the story and didn't try to analyze the whys and wherefores of what it didn't have. To me this was a simple game, with not a lot of extras that we are used to but I found it refreshing and relaxing. Nothing was too difficult, there was no need to go searching for things, collecting things etc. A simple case of whodunit with the necessary suspense to keep you going. Music was good, the nice wide screen was a plus as always, finding objects that were not set out as HO scenes was something different but enjoyable, and the stars/glitters did not bother me at all. It was just a nice game and as I am not an expert player I will add this one to my list. It will also be fun to go back and play the first Echoes of Sorrow.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Match 3
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
4/ 5
I love Match 3 games but there are very few that aren't just the same old same old. This one, however has a little something else that gives it more of an appeal. It is not only a Match 3, it is a HO, time management, adventure and puzzle game. Building huts, clinic and lab along with updates and discoveries around the Island makes for a lot of fun. There is a good story behind it with lots of level achievements to make. Graphics are good, although I noticed some blurriness with some of the HOS. Music had a nice Caribbean flavor and did not interfere with the game play. There is so much more here than your usual Match 3 that it leaves you after the trial wanting more. I say give it a try, it will be a buy for me!
Not much more I can say that hasn't already been said. I only played the demo but I knew it was a winner. The story line had a different twist than most games, graphics were superb, characters had a charm even though a lot of them ended up in dossier! That also was a creative additive. Just too much fun, lots of collectibles, changing your zoo creatures by collecting crystals...on and on. Simply try this game and I' m sure you will have a great time, I did and it was only the trial. Three guesses, a buy, yes??? Enjoy!
I'm not really sure how to critique this game. Some parts I liked, some parts I didn't. There was a story ( a detective arriving at an empty mansion to investigate the possibility that the owner was still there) or so it seemed in the beginning, but once things got going it just went from scene to scene, room to room, HOS to HOS. While I enjoy HOS this was a bit much especially when the storyline kinda drifted off. Graphics were crisp & clear, music very eerie and loud which added to the ghostly effect, I just wish there had been more excitement. The only thing that added a touch of suspense was the young child who kept popping in and out. I kept hoping something more would develop with that. Too bad. The map & footstep thing was annoying, and there were no hints as to what was expected, a lot of the time you fuddled along wondering what to do next. All this being said there was something that drew me in and I'll be darned if I can explain it!! I wanted to keep going just to see what other things might or might not occur and how a game such as this would end! Very different style but I believe it had some merit although it could have been presented differently. The potential for a great game is there but technique and execution fell rather short of the mark. It may be a buy for me but again I'm not sure. Try it for yourself, it is at least worth a peek!
This game has it all!!! There is never a dull moment, so much to do, collections galore, points for everything, stars for achievements and a pile of fun you won't want to miss! In a town called Smallville strange events connected to stolen artifacts from the local museum have put the local townsfolk in turmoil and devastation. As Detective and newest member of the order your job is to determine what was stolen, who took it and how they're related to the strange events. You run into many obstacles as you weave your way through this dilemma. You encounter many ghosts but with the aid of a ghost catcher you are able to clear areas of negative otherworldly energy. The graphics are super, cast of characters delightful and music holds you in suspense. The interactive HOS are clear but challenging as some items are well hidden or small enough to distract you away from locating them. Mini puzzles different and entertaining with just the right amount of challenge to ward off total frustration as can be experienced in other games. I somehow recalled having played this game as a Beta trial but I can't be certain. At any rate it definitely captured my interest and in my opinion is well deserving of a CE position. Right up there at the top of my list! Give it a try, you won't be disappointed, oh, and happy gaming!
Based on the demo only, it is obvious that another wonderful Amaranthine adventure has arrived! Could even be better than the previous!? So realistic with its characters, graphics/scenery and lip syncs. It's almost like participating in a movie. Good variety in puzzles, easy to follow map, music appropriate and clear, precise interactive HOS. Enter the portal to a new world to find the truth about your colleagues's strange disappearance. Also find Bonnie, the sweet little dog belonging to the market girl. By the way Bonnie becomes your little helper as she is able to squeeze into small spaces that you cannot. Also collect 48 dog biscuits throughout your adventure. This truly is a delightful game, well thought out, well executed and well, just plain fun!! Eipix, you've done it again!