Almost a straight HOG. You have to find pieces of notes, etc and then the puzzle even puts them together for you. If you click on the safe after you have the combo, the screen zooms in on an open safe. I get the sense this is an old game.
This game plays like a really old game. Music forgettable, objects really tiny, no graphics to speak of. Maybe we're spoiled by today's games, maybe this is an attempt at a retro game. But it is really forgettable and deleted after 10 minutes. Too many other way better games out there.
Nice game. Liked everything about it except the length. According to the walkthrough, the demo ends 35% of the way through the game. I got there with 22 minutes left in the demo. That's a two hour game. Maybe as a DD that's not that bad. But as a regular game, way too short.
Must have played a different game. The only plot I ran across was in the first 30 seconds during the intro. Lot of running around grabbing objects to use somewhere else. HOS were not very well drawn. Mini games were the easiest of any game I can think of. I finished the demo in 20 minutes using the hint button once, which takes a long time to reload. The end of the demo is 17.5% of the game according to the walkthrough. That translates to less than a two hour game, so short as well. Maybe worth a DD, but not at SE prices.
The graphics are really fuzzy making very small objects difficult to find. Once I couldn't even see the object after using a hint which drew a circle around the object. The mini-games are really lame. You just trace a symbol. Have to play time mode. I lasted 20 minutes and then had to delete.
The story. It makes no sense. Near the beginning she comes across a wounded scientist she's been looking for. Then nothing. No dialogue, etc. The graphics were bad. Made the HOSs difficult. The minigames, the easiest I've encountered. The only interesting thing about this game is that the same dev subsequently did Elixir of Immortality and it's a great game at every level. So interesting to see how they've grown as a company from this game to Elixir.
Non-existent story. No instructions. But the thing that really irritated me were the HOGS. You're asked to find things like Rowenberries. Ever heard of them? They want you to find secateurs. Huh? Turns out those are garden shears. They ask you to find an umbrella. There are three umbrellas in that scene and you get penalized for clicking on the wrong one. The graphics are extremely poor.
This is just a really amateurish attempt at game making.
The graphics are OK. The storyline is non-existent. I got almost half way through the game during the demo nothing had happened. Grandma dies, she clears out the office finds a key to grandmas home and goes through the place. That is the entire plot for half of the story. The HOGS were my problem. First, things were mislabeled. You're told to find something and they actually wanted something different. Then there was a scene where they wanted you to click on a sculpture. I clicked on three of them without luck. Finally found the one they wanted you to find. There just simply should not be duplicates of what you're trying to find.
Don't know how old this game is but it has some serious problems. The forum review section started 03/11 but it feels a lot older. First, really bad English. Wrong words and bad grammar in the text and wrong names for items to be found. Example is that "cutter" is actually pincers. Mediocre graphics make some items quite difficult to find. If you're in an area and don't know what to do and click on the hint button, it uses a hint just to tell you to look elsewhere. Now you have to wait for the hint to recharge. In the 30 minutes I played, no mini games, just HOGS.
Nothing redeeming here and the bad English was really a turn off.
I understand different games for different folks. Previous ND games weren't available for demo due to them being big file games. Gave this a try. Don't understand all the hoopla. Aimless walking around. Lots and lots and lots of talking that you can't skip as they advance the plot. You have to study for a horse test by carefully reading text books on horses. You need to go to the Internet via your phone to learn what ripe veggies look like so you don't pick an unripe one. I stuck it for almost the whole demo, failed the test and deleted. Walkthrough said I'm 1/3 of the way through.
This game just sucked all of the enjoyment out of adventure games. Lousy voice overs, clunky navigation, simply no redeeming qualities.