I liked it. Graphics were good. I like the HOGS where you have to find items to get an item to use elsewhere.
I finished the demo in 40 minutes, no hints. Then I went and looked up the walkthrough. I was 40% through the game. This may be the shortest game I have tried in a really long while. While length of play is not my only criteria, it is important and this one fails that test.
The graphics were good and crisp. The HO scenes were nicely drawn. Not your run of the mill HOG. First problem was length. I was almost 1/2 way at the end of the demo. That's a big deal for no matter how good the game is because I've found lots of good long games at BFG. The voice overs were not good at all. The mother has just had her kids kidnapped and she talks like she's sharing recipes over the neighbors fence. The guy is polite, considerate and helpful. Huh?
On a Windows 7 box w/ wide screen monitor this will only play in a window, not full or wide screen. Not willing to even try and play a HOG when the screen is so small.
This one was an non-starter. No wide-screen. So every time I went to get something from inventory, my task bar would come up. Sure I could have shrunk the window even more. But, no thanks.
I'm going to be in the minority on this game and say it was one of the most unique, "out of the box" HO adventure games I've ever played. You've never seen a game like this. In one HO scene, you must sweep the cursor back and forth to dissipate clouds. I also disagree that it is as random as others say. They are many clues hidden and you must refer to the journal often. In the library, only click open books and they will continue to disappear until you find the right one. To display the hidden writing, click the blank paper on each glowing flask and then over the burning torch until the writing lights up.
This is the quickest demo hour I've ever played. I would like to know the length, but I've never seen a game like this and intend to buy.
The graphics are awesome, The music is fine, not great. The HOS are of the circle type. That bothers some, but not me. Thinking back, a lot of my favorite games are the circle type. I got 3/4 through chapter 2 during the demo. In that time, there were 3 mini games and all were quite easy. Based on a 50 page SG, looks like I'm about 30% through the game. I don't usually buy a CE, but will definitely buy when it comes out as an SE. IUt's the graphics that do it for me.
This one pushes all the right buttons for me. HOS aren't bucket lists, but rather finding numerous of the same items. Which was fine except where I had to find 20 spiders. Mostly a typical adventure. Go here, get this, go back over there and use it. The graphics were good, the music OK and the story line moved along.
I was very impressed with the length. I finished my hour at the end of Chapter 1 and there are 6 chapters. I own other games by this developer and like their work.
Yes it's cute. Yes the minis are a bit different and so are the HOS. But I finished the demo in 30 minutes and a peek at the walkthrough says this is barely a 1.5 hour game. That's too short even for a DD. The devs have to be aware of their competition and just don't understand why they think a 1 hour game is a marketable item.
Graphics and voice overs were top notch. HOS were not too difficult except for the few like the telephone (see screenshot) that have very small images. Mini games were logical and fairly easy. A tad creepy but the warning that some images were disturbing a bit of hype.
The problem I had was the length. Finished half the game in the demo hour without skips or tips. Length of the game has always been an important criteria for me, even when other aspects excel. So no buy on this one.
I recommend this game!
23of33voted this as helpful.
The Dracula Files
Michael and Quinn are the descendants of the legendary Van Helsing and Harker families, and must stop the evil Dracula!
This game will not adjust to the newer wide screen, higher resolutions monitors. I could only see half the game so it's a non-starter. I'm guessing it's an older game made back when monitors were more 4:3. But if you have a 16:9, don't bother.
From what I saw of the intro, the art is comic book style and not done very well.