An absolute waste of time and money. An awful boringly long predictable storyline, repetitive boring long puzzles and hidden objects, and a lousy bonus game. Next game should deal with the Master Detective investigating in uncovering a fellow MD traitor within the MCF Agency itself.
Hopefully it's direct sequel will require its player to solve Bloody Mary's mysterious murder next, while unexpectedly dealing with Kriben's vengeful return.
Confusing overly long Storyline that made effectively made it both disjointedly predicable and boring. Lousy Main & Bonus game where it almost feel like its game developer this time weren't even trying to make a self-entertaining & enchanting Fairy Godmother Stories BFG game.
An absolute waste of time and money, since its storyline was overly long & boringly predictable, repetitive hidden objects, and lousy bonus game. Where it now seems as though its game developer is more focused on the pure self-quality of its scenery/texture than escapism/self-entertainment.
Honestly I was expecting this Hidden Expedition game would actually magically transport you back to the Camelot Middle Ages, rather than just remaining in the Modern one. Boring Storyline was overly boringly predictable, due to its badly self-motivated main bad antagonist. Also Domini Games still lets every player down by forcing them to repeatedly backtrack and forth for 1 item, or to complete a single hidden objects puzzle, let alone its lousy bonus game, just like with City Legends: The Curse of the Crimson Shadow that in itself needs a far better self-entertaining sequel.
Honestly Domini Games needs its sequel to center around Player's fictional horror novels, since I found those far more self-intriguing storylines to potentially explore, especially the one centered around ghostly hitchhiker, Elle. Like so many fellow Domini Games, especially Hidden Expedition: A King's Line; its developers still need to not let every player down by forcing them to repeatedly backtrack and forth to acquire or use 1 item, or complete a single hidden objects puzzle. Also its bonus game was lousy, since I was hoping it would instead center around the Player's biggest fan of their latest horror novel, The Dead Of Winter, who has already sent you a fan letter at the main one's beginning.
It's no fun playing the game without Rick Rodgers effectivily making this one a boringly long predictable storyline, repetitive hidden objects and backtracking, and a lousy bonus game to make this on pat with BFG's Haunted Hotel: A Past Redeemed for all the wrong reasons. Hopefully Elephant Games will make their next sequels 10 times far more entertaining.
An absolute waste of time and money; since It seems this time Elephant Games wasn't even bothering to try to make either a great or good game as part of its BFG Haunted Hotel franchise. Game was way way too short, predictable storyline was awful, bonus game was lousy, and wasn't at all hauntingly scary. Hopefully its sequel will be ten times far better.