It's Trickster sequel needs to make choices far easier to solve to get the best endings, far less backtracking required, especially if it's to obtain a single item, more sparkles to highlight puzzles and items to collect.
If only fast travel, than double clicking was possible, puzzles were more simpler to solve, items needed to be collected sparkled, a better ending, and a bonus game to fully explain Ian's side of the story.
It needed an option for its difficult puzzles to be skipped, while more sparkling areas, so its player wouldn't need to resort to using either its hint button, or walkthrough to find objects & areas, and finally its bonus game could've been far more entertaining, than merely fixing the train itself.
BFG needs to remaster more classics like these. Although it would've been better if all its characters had been voiced, less backtracking back and forth to complete puzzles and collect items, and a better bonus game too.
Too many characters that just added unnecessary padding to its storyline, lousy bonus game, and never ending repetitive backtracking to complete either 1 puzzle, or collect an item. Hopefully its next installment will be way better and far less time consuming.
Buyer Beware this game is still glitched where any items you need that you missed the first time; won't show up a second time. Effectively making it unplayable; such a pity for a game that had so much potential.
Buyer Beware Rick Rogers only makes a mere cameo in its lousy bonus game. Hopefully he'll fully return in a far more ghostly appearance in its next direct sequel, let alone officially be a part of BFG's Detectives United series. Otherwise just like with past Elephant Games, besides this series; said game's overly boringly long cutscenes, and frequent backtracking from one location to another for a mere item, or puzzle. Made it far more longer quite unnecessarily for its player to just want its bad Storyline to end far sooner; once its mystery was already solved before its anticlimactic climax.
Very misleading for its developer to sell it as a BFG Collector's Edition; when its way too short to be called that. Should've been sold as a standard one instead; and advertised as Chapter One of a far bigger installment. Also its sequel should allow its player to Run, than either Walk, or Teleport to move far faster.
One of the best Elephant BFG Games I've played in a long time. It's direct sequel & Bonus Game likewise needs to be equally darker & edgier; still with an escape room environment. But with far less backtracking, especially to acquire or complete one bloody object/puzzle; while all its dialogues should be fully skip-able, especially if every player wants to fully self-replay it.