Far too much backtracking between areas just to either obtain a single item, or complete a puzzle in both its Main & Bonus games. No fast travel available to its player either, enough to make both games get really boring and predictable.
Far too many repetitive HOPs screen after screen to be any enjoyable, than just plain boring. No character voice overs, Hint/Skip button takes way too long to recharge, and a cliffhanger ending that just leaves far more unanswered questions than answers. Hopefully its sequel will be far more entertaining, including story-wise.
Both its Main & Bonus games were boringly predicable. Having its player backtrack between areas just to either obtain a single item, or complete a puzzle made for a very boring game indeed. Hopefully the very next Living Legends will be way better.
Far too much backtracking between areas just to either obtain a single item, or complete a puzzle in both its Main & Bonus Games. While the latter has a lousy backstory; and the true culprits in this Titanic mystery were absolutely predicable in the former. Whispered Secrets next game needs to have a far better whodunit mystery without needless padding.
They need to develop BFG Games that require far less endless backtracking between areas just to either obtain a single item, or complete a puzzle in both its Main & Bonus Games to be enjoyable nowadays.
Far too much backtracking between areas just to either a single item, or complete a puzzle in both its Main & Bonus Games to keep its player guessing. Hopefully its direct will be a far more entertaining Young Sherlock Holmes mystery.
What makes this particular game among the rest apart from far too much backtracking between areas just to either obtain a single item, or complete a puzzle in both its Main & Bonus Games. Is that outside from its numerous cutscenes there are no voice over dialogues between its characters; which is just pure inexcusable laziness on its developer's part.
Far too much backtracking back & forth between areas just to either obtain a single item, or complete a puzzle in both its lousy Main & Bonus Games. Both storylines were boringly predictable with no memorable villain against our self-investigating hero.
Far too much backtracking between areas just to either obtain a single item, or complete a puzzle in both its Main & Bonus Games. Hopefully its sequel will be way better, certainly in terms of originality with Greek Mythology, rather than the same old storylines.
It's next sequel needs far less backtracking between areas just to either obtain a single item, or complete a puzzle in both its Main & Bonus Games to keep its player from getting board, after guessing its real culprits.