Mermaids and a terrifying sea monster abound in this beautiful, glistening jewel of the sea by the collaboration of the Pixies and our Cup o' Tea. There are vivid beautiful gem-like graphics and FROG scenes. I love this game except for the HOP scenes. The FROG scenes are decent but I would have rather seen a little more variety with some puzzle-like HOP scenes. This is a beautiful game; however definitely NOT WORTH AN EDITOR'S CHOICE AWARD. Here is a recap of the game:
LEVELS: Casual (with sparkles - no penalties, Normal (Sparkles, penalties) Hard (no sparkles or help) and CUSTOMIZATION
GRAPHICS: Absolutely astounding. A beautiful work of art. Beautiful colors abound with gemlike radiance. Such a beautiful game. Devs - truly a masterpiece.
MAP: You receive the map at the beginning after solving a puzzle.
INVENTORY: Interactive
HOP SCENES: FROG scenes I would have preferred more variety in the HOP scenes such as the Pixies normally provide in their games. The lack of puzzle-like HOP scenes is my only complaint concerning this game.
PUZZLES: Not terribly difficult. A variation of jigsaw puzzles - disks to correct locations, storybook sequencing puzzles in which you must complete a mini puzzle to continue the story, marble location puzzles,
EXTRA GOODIES: I played the demo quickly - so I may have missed extras. However, I did not see any morphing objects nor collectibles. You do earn achievements
It is another Grumpy Cat Monday (following Grumpy Red Queen Saturday) and on the leftover menu we have a delightful adventure SE game. I found this old school game delightful. This is definitely more of an adventure game than a HOP game. It has very realistic graphics with written dialogue as well as voiceovers. This well worth a coupon and a must have for me.
Here is a breakdown of the game:
LEVELS: 3 - Casual (with glints and sparkles) , Challenging (no glints and sparkles), Extreme (no hints).
MAP: There is a map which is decent for an SE game. Yeah!
INVENTORY: You collect most of the inventory by searching for it within the scenes of the game. It is not interactive but most of the SE's do not provide interactive inventory items.
PUZZLES: The puzzles are fairly easy and a variation of those we have had in the past - the ones I encountered were electrical in nature.
HOP SCENES: Standard theme- based junk piles. Slightly interactive without the variation of CE games. You are penalized with a smoky screen if you click too many times.
EXTRA GOODIES - AWARDS - 18. You must find 30 beetles, and rare plants. You also get awards for solving HOP scenes without help, solving mini puzzles without hints etc. BONES - Used in the game when needed. Light- Ground-Air-Water-Life to maneuver you in the gamne. They are "helpers" in a sense, the difference being they are not "thrown in" to be cute and adorable. They are a reasonable part of and are an intrinsic part of the game .
GRAPHICS: Well done - Very realistic character portrayals. More realistic than most of the SE games. They are sharp and clear on my computer
Favorite Genre(s):Family, Word, Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Strategy, Brain Teaser
Fun Factor
3/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
2/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
5/ 5
A potentially outstanding game is bogged down by the many gimmicks, including a nonessential helper in combination with blurry graphics.
LEVELS: 4 - Look, Gaze, Stare, and a CUSTOMIZED option
GRAPHICS: They are colorful and cartoonish. They are blurry - at least on m computer
HOP SCENES: Silhouette, interactive and theme object search scenes. At times they are puzzle-like.
PUZZLES: Gears, Tile puzzles, Pattern puzzles. They are relatively easy. For a pleasant surprise, there are more puzzles than HOP scenes.
INVENTORY: It is interactive and nicely done in my opinion
EXTRA GOODIES: A tablet gives you the map, a diary, the objectives and wallpaper. Collectibles are round "gizmos." I have no idea what they are supposed to be - springs? You Travel from the Real World to the Taleworld.
COMMENTS I am torn about this game. I LOVED this game until the sneaky little helper appeared. He is also is heavily used in the game and very annoying. The extra "GEARS" just gum up the smooth operation of this game.
Bravo! Bravo! Pachyderm. Once in a "blue" moon we have a game which appeals to the art lovers in the pond. A big standing ovation for a fantastic game. I hope you do not turn "red" from all the praise lauded on game. This game should appeal to our "artsy" friends on the site
LEVELS: 3 levels - Casual, Advanced, Hardcore(no hints and skips). No ability to customize the game.
GRAPHICS: Realistic and lifelike providing the ability to move the screen multidirectionally with arrows.
MAP - Provided at the beginning. Changes between "drawn city map" and "real world map." Indicates and transport to areas in which activities need to be performed.
HOP SCENES: Very innovative and puzzle-like. Keys open up the HOP scenes. As you finish sections of the HOP scenes you are given fragments of an inventory piece. There are also the standard object search but the scenes are subject related.
PUZZLES: Varied throughout and not difficult. Matching symbols. Slider puzzles. The HOP scenes are puzzle-like. There is a sequencing puzzle in which you must perform an action to continue in solving the puzzle. In at least one of the puzzles you can choose between the settings of Hardcore and Casual. I found an equal amount of puzzles and HOP scenes.
INVENTORY: It is interactive and well done.
EXTRA GOODIES : Morphing objects 24 Collectible monsters representing the four elements, - air, fire, earth and water Family Heirloom Hidden Collectible items 18 Achievements like "Fish are Friends" - and right they are! Our BF pond fish are the best. Elementary dot-to-dot drawn animals followed by painting them with a paint-by-numbers sequence after which the animals "spring" to life to be used in the game.
Favorite Genre(s):Word, Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Brain Teaser
Fun Factor
2/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
2/ 5
4/ 5
We have another game in the "eternal" Sophie saga.This series has run its course and should be allowed to die gracefully. Now that every stage of Sophie's life has been bled dry, we now return to an era before Sophie was born.
This game is a children's game or for those who love sugary delights with a "strong male prince figure on his steed coming to rescue the weak, brainless damsel in distress." I was put off by this sexist theme of the "damsel in distress."
LEVELS: Only three levels of play - Villager, Ranger, and General. The middle level is a "sparkly" delight and sparkles SHOULD NOT be available in the middle level. CUSTOMIZATION BE AVAILABLE IN ALL CE games.
PACE: It has a decent pace with a fairy tale adventure story.
HOP SCENES, PUZZLES, INVENTORY: The inventory is not interactive. The devs tried to "spice it up" with mini puzzles within the scenes. The puzzles are extremely easy. The HOP scenes are puzzle-like and decent.
GRAPHICS: The graphics are the best part of the game. The devs have upped their game on the graphics. They are phenomenal and pretty awesome.
EXTRA GOODIES: You receive "Naranja" (must be from Spain - it means orange). You can name a helper "hint" bird if you wish. I named my bird "Pista" (Hint), After you play a puzzle with the map, you receive it. You collect fairies. There are three achievements and you receive and amulet to help you perceive magic.
COMMENTS: One thing BF does well is provide gaming for everyone's taste. I found this game sexist with the whole "Prince Charming saving the damsel in distress" scenario. If you like it, play it. This is a pass for me.
A fire breaks out during a concert, and now your daughters are both missing. Hurry to track them down – their music may hold the key to life and death!
Favorite Genre(s):Family, Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Strategy, Brain Teaser
Fun Factor
3/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
2/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
5/ 5
I like this game but am not blown away by its awesomeness. It is a nice little elevator "muzac" SE to play on a boring day as opposed to a heart pounding work of art which we expect in a CE., THIS IS SHORT OF BEING CE WORTHY. It may be longer than other games; however, I prefer "quality over quantity." There is no ability to customize the game. The graphics are old school and the inventory is not interactive. The puzzles are not challenging. However, the storyline is intriguing to me. Since I like certain parts of this game, it has been hard for me to assess this game, especially after last week's "spooktacular" offerings.
LEVELS: There are three levels with the hardest level not allowing the skipping of puzzles. There is no customized version.
GRAPHICS: The only thing I disliked about the game. The graphics appear grainy and blurry on my computer.
SOUND OF/AND "MUZAC" - Operatic and symphonic overtones abound in this game.
INVENTORY, HOP SCENES, PUZZLES: The inventory is NOT interactive. The HOP scenes are puzzle-like and well-done. They consist of junk piles, silhouettes, and placement of items into the scenes. The puzzles are fairly elementary.
EXTRA GOODIES: You must collect buttons for decryption to create music which unlocks episodes of the history of the Deux family. A map is provided at the beginning of the game. You have a music translation device which writes down music for the various musical sounds you hear throughout the game. You use this encryption to open locks.
Favorite Genre(s):Word, Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Brain Teaser, Puzzle
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
5/ 5
What an awesome mind bending game! This is a definite purchase for "moi." This game will probably not appeal to everyone on this site but it has subtle humor, wonderful puzzles, and cryptic messages forcing you to think way, way "out of the toy box
Your mind needs to enter the magical realm of your home to discover Halloween. A boy is a protagonist; however, this is definitely an "adult game." You really need to take your time "savoring" this game. Not only are you on a Halloween quest looking for candy, solving awesome puzzles, and investigating your environment and trying to spruce it up for Halloween, you also have tongue-in-cheek humor throughout. I love the wine case with "Marilyn Merlot" and "Pinot Che." I achieved "Wine Connoisseur." And as with fine wine, you must savor all the hidden messages and subtle humor.
You are a little boy who seems terrified of his father, who is looking for the Halloween book. You have this book but are hiding it from him. Trying to understand your environment - you are on a quest. You live in a world full of secrets and magical illusions of your environment.
LEVELS: There are three levels of play with the hardest level not providing any hints or skips.
HOP SCENES, INVENTORY, PUZZLES: This game is puzzle heavy and HOP lite. The whole game is really a puzzle containing cryptic clues you must decipher to continue in the game. You have two inventories - the interactive inventory and the "GIZBELT." I SO WANT THAT TOOL BELT FOR ALL THE GIZMOS I COLLECT. So cool! The puzzles I encountered were sliders. The HOP scenes do not have lists. You need to ascertain what you need to find in areas such as a trash bin or pile of leaves.
EXTRA GOODIES: You collect candy to purchase Halloween items for your backyard. You can also attain achievements. It seems you may get a map. However, when I finished the demo - I did not have the pieces to complete the map in the boy's room.
Favorite Genre(s):Word, Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Card & Board, Strategy, Brain Teaser, Time Management, Puzzle
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
3/ 5
"We're not cowards!" Those of us who love Nonograms, Pic-a-pix, Paint-by-Numbers or as the Japanese call them -"E'Kaki" puzzles are more than delighted to get these from time-to-time. They are not everyone's cup of cider, but everyone should at least try them.
"Come fly with me" on Halloween. LOL! Yeah - right! I don't tend to think "fright" guys make very good "flight guys. " Being up there with this group could rather scary! You all had better watch your weight load or you all may end up splattered in the pumpkin patch! You better stick to your broom and bat wings. This is a cartoon delight with very amusing actors with "campy" accents. I am loving it!
My only complaint at the jigsaw puzzles. Not really liking them, I guess I will have to "grump" my way along on Grumpy Cat Monday to continue in the puzzle.
Having been a dead for some time, the "vampire" craze has resurrected at BF just in time for Halloween and Day of the Dead. You and your cohort Simon become vampire hunters in New Orleans in this mildly blood curdling game. Armed with your bag of vampire fighting equipment, you amble through the bayous and backwater Cajun country of Louisiana to locate a vampire who tries to "stake" out a claim to new territory. Are you up to taking a bite out of bloody vampire crime?
LEVELS: There are 3 levels plus the ability to CUSTOMIZE the game.
GRAPHICS: The graphics are decent but not as realistic as some of their other games.
HOP SCENES/INVENTORY/PUZZLES: This game demonstrates the creative and innovative genius of this dev. The HOP scenes are puzzle-like with "mini scenes" within a larger scenes. There are searches for specific items, parts of items, and items defined through cryptic clues. There are the "formula" HOP scenes in a story book setting as well. You have the alternative to play a bubble game in lieu of the HOP scenes. The inventory is interactive. The puzzles are unique and there are mini puzzles within the puzzle sequences. The constant "switching-it-up" within the HOP scenes and puzzles gives the game movement.
EXTRA GOODIES: There is a fully interactive MAP indicating spots requiring action given as you begin the game. You collect LARGE "black" roses. LOL. You receive a "vial of light" and spell book which help you in the game
SOUND OF/AND "MUZAC" - It does not distract from the game and provides an element of suspense.
PACE: The storyline is excellent and keeps you engaged in the game.
COMMENTS: I JUST LOVE THIS DEV'S GAMES. To me, this is NOT THEIR best game, but it is a far better game than some on this site.
There is not a ghost's chance I would NOT play this game! I played the demo and LOVED this game and purchased it immediately! To me, this one of the BEST games from the "Fun Elephant."
The background is "creepy" involving some strange Hotel owners. Let's put it this way - I would never want to stay at this hotel - EVER! The storyline is excellent and keeps you engaged in the game. There is plenty of action in this game Just seeing the owner, Caroline (who has a strange taste in jewelry - Geesh is that key necklace big enough?) gave me an eerie feeling that this would be an awesome creepy, mysterious game.
The hidden object scenes and puzzles are well-crafted. The inventory is interactive. Instead of HOP scenes you can play a jigsaw puzzle instead. The HOP scenes are well-done. They are interactive and puzzle-like. Some are sequential where you must complete one action to before proceeding in the scene. The puzzles are not terribly difficult but more challenging than we have had in some time. I encountered an equal amount of puzzles and HOP scenes.
For those who love them - there are myriad of "goodies" in this game. You receive a MAP after you begin playing the game. You receive points within the game for activities. You collect a variety of items - Venetian masks, Gamers, Tourist attractions, and Sweet Tooth items. There are 10 achievements for you to collect. There are also morphing objects.
There are also some "Easter eggs" in this game. For example, if you click the picture in the bedroom - it changes into a storm scene. For a foreign developer, I was surprised to see American outlets!