Faster than hyperdrive, we are off to outer space on this Grumpy Cat Monday. An awesome game from my favorite dev for this type of puzzle. Thanks BF for more of these nonograms, AKA (Paint-by-Number, Pic-a-Pix, E'Kaki) or whatever you wish to name them. This is another form of Sudoku. These are some of my favorite games. They are not for everyone; however, if you enjoy math and formulating ratios, try this game. It is rather cool to end up with a picture at the end. I wish this dev would develop a theme-based Kakuro puzzles as well. However, that may be a little difficult.
THEME: Yeah! Outer space and aliens! Can you really have one without the other? I so want to travel to other planets (maybe as an ambassador) and of course, I am still awaiting my first ever alien experience. A road trip to Skinwalker Ranch in Utah this summer should do the trick. However, in the meantime, I can play this puzzle and try to locate a decent space helmet for Gumpy Cat. Wouldn't he be adorable with a "bubble" hat on his head?
LEVELS: You have your choice between Casual and Advanced which is wonderful for those of us who are experienced with this type of puzzle.
EXTRA GOOIES: It is colorized and has autofill, which makes the game so much easier to play.
I believe these grids go from 10x10 to 25x25, but since i have not played this entire game (Geesh! - give me time) but I could be wrong.
Favorite Genre(s):Word, Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Brain Teaser
Fun Factor
3/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
3/ 5
Level of Challenge
2/ 5
3/ 5
Holy Chimera! Talk about animal overkill! Welcome to the Strauss Circus circa 1924. You are magically "transformed" into a caring sister whose sister has disappeared. We have a freaky circus show from the GamERS. You and your sister Judith visit the Strauss Circus. After helping Strauss the magician with is show, POOF! your sister disappears - kidnapped by Strauss. This magician has more up his sleeve than a deck of cards. Being a crazed biologist, whose "animalistic" passion for science has leaves little room for anything else, he is using his circus to continue his experiments.
LEVELS: Casual, Hard, Advanced On all you can actually change settings as to hints, sparkles and skip t. Rather cool. CUSTOMIZED Is customization actually necessary? GRAPHICS: Grainy on my computer, no mouth movements and not as realistic as some of their other games.
INVENTORY AND HOP SCENES: The inventory is NOT interactive. The HOP scenes are Interactive, puzzle-like, and somewhat innovative. In the demo I encountered; A. Photos you take containing mini HOP scenes giving you factoids. B. Theme-based junk piles combined with replacing items in scenes. One was visited twice C. Story sequence providing a list of items to locate within each scene.
PUZZLES: More HOP scenes than puzzles. Puzzles have the option of casual or hard. In the demo I encountered : A. Variation of a tile game matching stamps on a suitcase B. Addition puzzle using flasks to formulate an elixir C. Dressing dolls with correct color clothing D. sleight of hand with pots trying to match the pot with an item associated with it.
EXTRA GOODIES: Interactive Map. Strategy guide. 10 Hats plus 9 circus items. "Extras" provide extra games, screensavers. Collect coins to heal animals in a Wheel of Stars game. You can only play 3 times per session and then must wait 30 seconds to continue.
FURTHER COMMENTS: Animal overkill! The GamERS have "mixed" it up bringing back their menagerie of animal friends. This is a veterinarian's dream! You can heal sick animals while basking in the screeching of cats and howling of dogs in this game. Personally, I hate this game. However, this game is arriving after Thursday's stellar editor's choice masterpiece. (I was out of town all week playing jet setter so did not get to comment on that little gem - LOL) To me, this game lacks all the quality of a CE game. The graphics are average (a little grainy), the HOP scenes and puzzles are innovative but nothing spectacular. There are very few puzzles in the game and even in the "hard" mode they are relatively easy. It is lacking the innovative element t make it a spectacular game.
Favorite Genre(s):Word, Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Brain Teaser
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
3/ 5
Better stock up on anti-freeze to play this Christmas offering from the Pachyderm. You play a mother whose daughter, Lerione, is kidnapped by a magician, Mr.X during her eighth birthday party. In a "touching" moment the Ice Queen uses her icy fingers to turn your subjects into ice along with his or her heart. If you do not act quickly, as soon as the last person in the kingdom has his or her heart turned to ice, the Ice Queen will reclaim her throne.
THIS GAME WARMS MY HEART! It definitely will not bore you. This game contains: collectibles, morphing objects, and jigsaw puzzles; an excellent storyline; fairy tales within fairy tales; mini HOP scenes within HOP scenes; and unique puzzles which are not terribly difficult. There were more puzzles than HOP scenes in the demo. Definitely a winter delight to play while sitting in front of a warm fire as the frigid fingers of the Ice Queen frosts your windows with icy designs.
LEVELS: 4 - Casual (Sparkles) Advanced (Sparkles - longer for hints, skips) Hard (no sparkles) CUSTOMIZED GRAPHICS : Clear, bright beautiful colors to create a beautiful story-like, winter setting
INVENTORY AND HOP SCENES: The inventory is lockable. The inventory and HOP scenes are varied and puzzle-like In the demo most of the HOP scenes were silhouette. A. Silhouette objects which must located in sequence. B. Silhouette items found to continue a fairy tale. C. Clicking on a specific amount of an item in an interactive story to move the story along. D. Silhouettes of symbols for a crystal ball.
PUZZLES: In the demo I encountered A. Variations of sliding tile puzzles. B. Potions to create. C. Variations of jig-saw puzzles D. Matching puzzles E. Location of items with a telescope.
EXTRA GOODIES: A. Transportable interactive map with interactive areas indicated B. A book to unfreeze characters in the game. B. Collect runes to place in a scroll to open up a fairy tale. Each rune gives you a special ability needed in the game which is activated after playing a fairy tale game and charging a crystal. C. Collect jigsaw puzzle pieces to complete a puzzle. Once a puzzle is completed, the hearts of the characters are unfrozen. D. Collect 15 Christmas ornaments for a home setting E. 25 morphing objects which are indicated on the map. Every 5 gives you a greeting card. F. Strategy guide, Wallpapers and "muzac" tracks
Favorite Genre(s):Word, Adventure, Large File, Brain Teaser, Puzzle
Fun Factor
3/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
3/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
1/ 5
Personally, I absolutely hate this game. This used to be my favorite game series. This game was produced by a new dev and is inferior to the previous games in this series. The storyline is confusing, rambling and disjointed The devs have also introduced the concept of a "helper" raven (which is from Poe and it not related to this theme of this game). I found the whole game boring, tedious and poorly constructed! I am EXTREMELY disappointed in this game!
Ghostly occurrences are causing havoc with Dickens and Irving. These "ghostwriters " (double entendre) are creating ghosts from their characters which are springing to life from their books looking for revenge. (Their biggest revenge should be against the dev exploiting them in this game). Charles Dickens and receives an urgent letter from Washington Irving asking for help. You, as a detective arrive at Irving's home trying to unravel the mystery of the ghostly apparitions and search for the authors.
LEVELS: 4 Casual, Advanced, Expert. (All 3 levels have sparkles and lengthening hint and skip times). Expert level does not allow puzzle skips. CUSTOMIZED
GRAPHICS: Grainy on my computer.
SOUND OF AND/MUZAC: We are "treated" to a mournful melody by Irving's fiancé. Earplugs anyone?
INVENTORY: Puzzle-like and interactive.
HOP SCENES: In the demo I encountered: A. Junk piles with little interactivity and variety. In one instance various pages of a book contained items to be located within various locations in the room. They are not puzzle-like. B. Silhouette. Locate an item through its silhouette which is then used to construct and inventory item or sequentially to search for another HOP item
PUZZLES: There are more puzzles than HOP scenes and are well-done. The ones I encountered from the demo: A. Matching pairs B. Sliders C. Variation of Tangram puzzles D. Variation of jigsaw puzzles - putting pieces together to create an inventory item E. Putting books in correct order by picture and symbol G. Paint a picture H. Sequencing puzzles I. Placing items in correct locations.
EXTRA GOODIES: Bonus Section - wallpapers, music, extra games. Strategy Guide. An ugly raven helper. He was used three times in the demo. I wanted him to fly away and allow me to play the game myself. Collect 56 shamrocks, 50 of which allow you to play Tic-tac-toe with your pet raven. Really? Yeah - I really want to play "tic -tac-toe" with a raven. LOL There are 8 achievements. Collect coins to purchase 8 items for a ridiculous "Raven Room" When I realized there was a "room" dedicated to the raven , I decided to "Nevermore" play or purchase this game!
In another "ground breaking" and "earth shattering" game by Blamster, you find yourself in Greece stuck in the aftermath of an earthquake. Searching for the Amulet of Time in the Parthenon, a group of archaeologists have unleashed a monster Titan, Demos, who is out for revenge against the Olympic gods for imprisoning him. As a punishment for defying the gods, he was bound up for eternity and the Parthenon was built over him. Although looking for some R&R, you, as a detective, will find little rest or relaxation in saving Mount Olympus. Meeting up with this Titan will turn everyone's heart to stone (and the rest of them as well). Through the centuries, the gods have become weak so stopping Demos from destroying Olympus and the gods will be a Herculean task!
To me, this game does not reach the halls of the coveted OlympianCE status. As I was playing the demo, I became bored. The back-and-forth time travel became irritating to me. However, it was fun to see the Parthenon construct and deconstruct going back and forth through time. LOL Also, I know olive trees have an average lifespan of 500 - 800 years old (having lived in Spain for a year) however - 2500 years? Okay the oldest is 3,000 years old residing in Crete! However, the game does provide another inspired use for duct tape (actually I have done this) - picking up broken glass (actually any small object)!
LEVELS: 4. Casual, Advanced, Hardcore (ALL contain sparkles and varying amounts of hints and skip times) CUSTOMIZED
GRAPHCS: Realistic characters with mouth movement. Some of the graphics were slightly grainy on my computer.
INVENTORY: NOT puzzle-like nor interactive . It is lockable. HOP SCENES: NOT puzzle-like but somewhat interactive.
A. Junk piles and searching for a specific number of a particular item. (Hey - devs. In the beta you weighed the fruit. This was far more exciting than just looking for a specific number of fruit) Match 3 game is offered instead of the HOP scene.
PUZZLES: The ones I encountered in the demo: A. Tile puzzles - sliders and matching B. Variations of jigsaw puzzles: B. Storybook sequencing - locate items in sequence to further the story; C. Colored chip game in which you must beat the computer with the most colored chips C. Calibrating settings to hit objects E. Maze - avoiding pitfalls to leave the maze
EXTRA GOODIES: 16 Achievements. 21 statues of the gods to collect, Interactive map with active areas indicated Clock sparkles transport you to the past You travel back-and-forth between various periods of classical and modern day Greece including the fictional reign of King Midas. No morphing objects
Favorite Genre(s):Word, Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Brain Teaser
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
5/ 5
It is "lights out" for this game! Lights should be off and this game played in the dark for the ultimate sensation of creepiness. While you are playing you, will witness "lights out" for some criminals who got away with murder as well. From the dark background to the haunting music throughout this game, we have a creepy little thriller from Pachyderm!.
An outstanding, hauntingly ghostly whodunit! I LOVE this game. Wow! This game has everything. The storyline is creepy, the haunting ""Hush Little Baby" (however it did get a trifle annoying after awhile) and moans add to the mood as well. The puzzles are decent. There are plenty of collectibles for those who look for them. There were not many HOP scenes in the demo but are variable and well-done.
LEVELS: 4 - Casual (Sparkles) Advanced (No sparkles) Hard (No hints, skips) CUSTOMIZED
GRAPHICS AND MUZAC : Realistic and beautiful as usual for Pachyderm in this dark creepy game. The "muzac" was eerily creepy! Dark tones abound throughout this game!
INVENTORY AND HOP SCENES: Inventory is interactive, puzzle-like and lockable. The HOP scenes I encountered: A. Silhouettes of items which open up pieces of an inventory item you must reconstruct B. Interactive junk piles.
PUZZLES: In the demo I found more puzzles than HOP scenes. Puzzles included: A. Matching up teeth of keys with molds B. Repairing a projector. C. Solving codes to open locks, D. Using wiring to create numbers to open a lock (rather cool). Figuring out the number code to open a trunk E. Using sliders to match shapes
EXTRA GOODIES: A. 22 collectibles of green antiques B. I counted 13 Achievements C. Interactive map provided at the beginning of the game D. Collect characters from the game E. Strategy guide
Favorite Genre(s):Word, Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Brain Teaser
Fun Factor
1/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
1/ 5
Level of Challenge
1/ 5
4/ 5
I really hate to add to the pile of negativity concerning this game; however - Why not? I agree with everyone on this site. This game is poorly constructed using older game technology. However, to me, this is actually a better game than the previous one - "Jean Valjean." I gave the storyline 4 stars because who can argue that this book is a classic.
Personally, I am "sick" of this book being rehashed over and over again. I am suffering "mal de mer" in the Pond from all the hackneyed commercialization of this classic. I could only stand to play 30 minutes of this game before deleting it.
Here are the facts concerning this game:
There is only one level of play. There are more sparkles in this game than Bastille Day in France The HOP scenes are junk piles and some items are miniscule and hard to locate. It is a little interactive There is no voice You are timed in this game as to amount of time spent There are big eyes, pointers, and timers to indicate activities Factoids about VIctor Hugo
What a nice Christmas present. A big THANK YOU for the Christmas themed Nonograms. Hiding the Christmas presents, I almost missed this one, sneaky BF. I absolutely love these! Call them what you wish, but the Nonograms, aka Pic-a-Pix, aka E'Kaki, aka Paint by Numbers, are some of my favorite puzzle games. This is a variation of Sudoku. This one is one the better devs in providing this type of game. It is all wrapped for Christmas.
This dev throws in some jigsaw puzzles as well. You are timed in this game. However, I think the time is a little fast and I have been playing these for years! There is autofill. You receive achievements throughout the game.
However, the best thing about this particular dev is that you can SAVE AND EXIT, which some of the devs do not provide. It it does not provide color and the pictures are fairly nondescript. However, the characters in the game get you into the festive mood.
I recommend this game!
6of9voted this as helpful.
Reveries: Soul Collector Collector's Edition
Your wedding day gets interrupted when your fiancée is kidnapped!
This review is based on the very short demo - 2 chapters. This game does not appeal to me. To me, this game DOES NOT MERIT A CE RATING. The pace is slow. The puzzles are boringly easy. The HOP scenes lack variety. The storyline is beyond strange. The background animal noises were annoying . The extra fluff of the helper slowed down the pace of the game. I lost interest in it. I just could not stop laughing at the "tree" theme in the demo.
LEVELS: 4 Casual (Sparkles), Advanced (No sparkles, penalties), Hard (skips and hints) , CUSTOMIZED
GRAPHICS: To me, the only shining element in this game. Exquisite as usual for the GamERS. Realistic and well-done.
INVENTORY: It is interactive and puzzle-like
HOP SCENES: Interactive. In the demo I encountered: A. Locating items in a scene and placing them in the correct location B. Two instances of locating items within a junk pile- using the same scene twice. C. Finding items for a potion through spoken riddles D. You can play a jigsaw puzzles in lieu of the HOP scenes . PUZZLES: Fairly easy even in the "Hard" mode. In the demo these are the puzzles I played. A. Slider - placing figures according to color. . B. Given riddles to locate items with the ability to choose between Casual and Hard. C. Fight a monster based on colors of light
A. Collect 22 feathers to complete an extremely easy puzzle on an eagle B. 12 Achievements C. Interactive map with active areas indicated
Favorite Genre(s):Word, Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Brain Teaser
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
5/ 5
"A very creepy Christmas to you" from the GamERS. You play a woman plagued by recurring nightmares over her sister's disappearance while ice skating as children. Upon receiving a package with a medallion which is the same as you see in your dream, you return to the site of the tragedy. While at the site, you enter the alternate world of Snow Hill and meet the Snow Queen and her husband, Leonardo. The queen makes a deal with you that if you save their kingdom, you will get your sister back. You must halt a power driven sorceress who wants to collect the Snow Queen's and Leonardo's power so she can rule both worlds. Can you stop her and retrieve your sister from this alternate universe?
I LOVE THIS GAME! You should be able to skate through this game with few problems. This is the GamERS at their best! AND ABOUT TIME, I MIGHT ADD! This game has good movement and there are so many activities to make this a great game. There is the ability to tailor some puzzles as to difficulty; the HOP scenes are puzzle-like, varied and unique; the graphics are amazing.
LEVELS: 4 Casual (Sparkles), Advanced (No sparkles, penalties), Hard (skips and hints provided), CUSTOMIZED
GRAPHICS: Exquisite as usual for the GamERS. Realistic and well-done.
INVENTORY: Interactive and lockable
HOP SCENES: Interactive and varied. In the demo there were 6 scenes. In the demo I encountered: A. Variation of returning items to the proper location B. Locating listed items C. Locating items for a potion D. A jigsaw puzzle is offered in lieu of the HOP scenes
PUZZLES: On some puzzles you have the option to choose Casual or Hard modes. In the demo I encountered: A. Paint by number B. Finding items and creating a formula C. Unscrambling an image by moving tiles D. Switching tiles to create a calendar E. Using a magnifying glass to find clues to identify their owners and further the storyline.
EXTRA GOODIES: A. I counted 13 Achievements you collect to decorate your house for Xmas. B. You receive a medallion to fight evil which is charged by doing good deeds. Your receive the interactive map in the beginning as you play the game.