Favorite Genre(s):Word, Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Brain Teaser
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
5/ 5
An ancient prophecy is being fulfilled, awakening a demon cast down long ago into a prison by an Archdruid. It is the dawning of the Age of Chaos in Brittany, France. Death and destruction await the planet unless a fearless leader con contain this demon. You play an archaeologist who has traveled to Brittany, France the birth of the Druids, to study the Druidic stones. Do you have what it takes to save the world from an ancient demon?
I absolutely LOVE this game. I am basing this review on the demo which is only one-hour. However, from what I have played, it has kept my interest and will be a definite purchase for me. Good job, dev. With a little work this could have been a CE. Hopefully we will see more games from you in the future. Please don't fade away like a shrinking violet.
Here is the breakdown of the game from, the demo:
LEVELS: 3 Casual (Sparkles) Advanced (no sparkles) Expert (Still has hints and skips)
GRAPHICS: Excellent and realistic. However, the characters do not demonstrate any mouth movements. However, this is an SE and not necessarily expected.
HOP SCENES: Puzzle-like and very well done. The one I played in the demo had a puzzle -like silhouette HOP scene in which once you located the item, you used the item within the scene to further the game.
INVENTORY: Interactive and can be locked
PUZZLES: During the demo I encountered only two games - a color swap puzzle to open a door and a swap puzzle placing similar items together. Both were well-done and fairly easy.
EXTRA GOODIES: A. 19 Achievements B. Collect mosaic pieces for a mosaic puzzles C. Map indicates active areas. .
All wrapped up in a bloody red bow, this game reminds me of eating leftover Halloween candy at Christmas. I felt like a gypsy wandering back-and-forth between the Gypsy wagon and game scenes to grow herbs and make potions and then returning the last scene.
I was out for blood in this game; however: my thirst for a blood gushing tale was not quite quenched I "like" but do not "love" this game. Not the blood gushing excitement as some other vampire games we have had in the past. I just could not sink my teeth into this game.
LEVELS: 4 Casual (Sparkles, hints, skips) Normal (no sparkles, skips, hints) Expert (same as normal but more time for skips and hints) CUSTOMIZATON
GRAPHICS: Very realistic and lifelike. Excellent job, devs!
INVENTORY: The inventory is interactive. You use inventory items in the HOP scenes which is different from most games.
HOP SCENES: interactive as well and varied. A. junk piles, B. silhouette C. locating items in junkpiles and D. searches for a certain number of specific items.
PUZZLES: A. Variation of sliders. B. Storybook sequence in which you must complete activities and puzzles to further the telling of the story. The game is puzzle-lite unless you consider making potions and the storybook sequences as a puzzle activities.
EXTRA GOODIES: Strategy guide. 14 Achievements Tarot cards to collect. Grow herbs to create potions. You receive "psychic" impressions through various potions you create with herbs to help "see" people and locations. There is a map which appears as a compass.
PACE: You will need your running shoes with all the back-and-forth movement from the scenes to the gypsy wagon to create potions.
A warm, heart-felt Christmas love story awaits you with this glistening little Yuletide present from Pachyderm. Christmas magic is wrapped up in a rainbow of pastel colors and bright lights. It is a fairy tale come-to-life accompanied by music from the "Nutcracker." Our Pachyderm is all dressed up for Yuletide with green, red, and golden ribbons decorating his cute pink tail.
LEVELS: 4 Nina (sparkles, quick hints) Charles (No sparkles, longer hints) Nutcracker (No help) Baron (extreme difficulty). There should be CUSTOMIZATION in all CE games.
GRAPHICS: They are beautiful as usual for Pachyderm. Absolutely breathtaking.
INVENTORY: It is interactive and very creative. It can be locked
HOP SCENES: Not a cookie cutter assortment. They are unique and innovative (A) Find pairs. (B) Storybook sequences - locate items to interact with the storybook scenes to further the story. (C) Silhouette (D) Riddles used to locate items
PUZZLES: I found few puzzles in the demo. (A). Variations of a slider puzzles. (B) Create potions from searched items. SOUND OF/AND MUZAC: If you like "The Nutcracker" and want to get into the Christmas spirit, you may want to keep the music on. There is interactive dialogue with choices given for the dialogue.
EXTRA GOODIES: (A). Map - transports you and signals areas of activity. (B) Helper - tin soldier who fights trolls. He waves to you when needed. (C) Collect puzzles pieces to complete jigsaw puzzles. (D) Exclamation mark at the bottom - indicates tasks to complete
COMMENTS: I HATE HELPERS; however, in the spirit of Yuletide, I will be kind. The helper is a toy soldier who battles trolls. Is he needed? Probably not. In my opinion, the helper slows down the action in the game. It is "fluff" which, to me, actually detracts from the enjoyment of the game. Despite the helper, this game has more positives than negatives. Romantic storyline, beautiful graphics, excellent music, a good mix in the types of HOP scenes, make this an excellent game.
Favorite Genre(s):Word, Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Strategy, Brain Teaser
Fun Factor
2/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
2/ 5
Level of Challenge
2/ 5
1/ 5
All wrapped with a BIG "RED" bow for Christmas is TO ME, one of the worst games in some time. I absolutely abhor this game from storyline to graphics. Luckily we can all rest easy the Sandman is never going to return again and Laura and Tim can go back to whatever they do. Laura has asked for your help as her husband has become a disciple of the Sandman and his future successor. I really should help Laura save Tim so this nauseating series will now end.
Here is my breakdown of the game:
LEVELS: 3 Regular, Advanced, Expert
GRAPHICS: I have a gaming computer and the graphics are horrible. The scenes are blurry and the action sequences are choppy. I will debate the "awesome" graphics with anyone.
SOUND OF/AND MUZAC: Annoying. Moans and groans abound as you play the game. At least you can turn it off however; you are not so fortunate in turning off the storyline in this absurd game.
INVENTORY: It can be locked. It is not interactive
HOP SCENES: They are interactive junk piles
PUZZLES: Puzzles I encountered during the demo were a sequencing puzzle.
EXTRA GOODIES: The flying eyes - AKA beholders are back. Collect 100 beholders in the scenes. You collect the diary as you play the game. I believe there are 12 achievements. I counted them but was not certain.
COMMENTS: First, this is my opinion. You may love this game, and good for you. However, I just do not like anything about this game and here is why I dislike this game. The storyline is bizarre. The acting sequences are very poor. The oohing and aahing of the background "muzac was irritating. The setting is bizarre and one-dimensional. The HOP scenes are somewhat interactive but repetitious and junk piles. The "red scare" has finally arrived with pink and purple now replaced by in-your-face red. Seeing Laura's fast food colored red hair made me want to go out and get some French fries with catsup. And what is an "oxygenous pillow?" we have a language barrier again with words which make absolutely no sense.
Our little penguin is back and this time you are going to decorate his garden. As you play the games, you complete his garden. This form of Sudoku has been called many names. Okay, you get to choose to name them what you want. Choose from O'ekaki, Nonograms, Pic-a pix, Paint By Numbers, or come up with your own name. I LOVE these games and to me, this is the best dev for producing these.
They are colorized and once a row has been filled in either horizontally or vertically, it fills in the dots for the unused boxes. The grids go from 10x10 up to 25x25. A nicely done game dev! Keep them coming!
The jokes on you in this little creepster from Alls A War. Creepy clowns, grumpy mechanical toys and alternate universes await you in this little joker from Alls a War. A very well-done SE in my opinion.
LEVELS: Casual and Expert (differing by time allotted for skips and hints)
GRAPHICS: Cartoonish and blurry on my awesome computer.
INVENTORY: It is interactive and puzzle-like
HOP SCENES: Puzzle-like and very well-done. The ones I encountered were: (1) Silhouettes and sequential (locating items and completing activities in a sequence), (2) Locating pieces to complete a jigsaw puzzle, and (3) Story book sequences in which you must locate items to move the story along
PUZZLES: The game is puzzle heavy and nicely done. There is also quite a variety of puzzles as well. During the demo I played a clock puzzle (expressed in military time), Mahjong,. Paint-by-number. Tantagrams, Key puzzle, Variation of a Maze puzzle with levers , Gear puzzles.
EXTRA GOODIES: You receive a mp at the beginning which actually transports you from scene-to-scene and indicates areas requiring some action. Being an SE, there are no morphing objects or collectibles.
COMMENTS: I love this game. It is certainly worth a coupon. The HOP scenes and puzzle aspects of the game are better than those we have in the CE game, at least in my opinion.
Favorite Genre(s):Word, Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Brain Teaser
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
5/ 5
To me, this is Pachyderm's best game to date. This game has all the bells and whistles - excellent graphics - a suspenseful storyline - an adventure-like gaming mode in which you find inventory in the scenes - collectibles, innovative puzzles and puzzle-like HOP scenes. This game should heat up your Thanksgiving break. Here are the game specifics:
LEVELS: 5 Casual (Easy with sparkles) Experienced (No sparkles and less hints) Hardcore (No help) Wise Druid (Scary hard) and Master Detective (Timed and opened after completion of game) You also have the choice between a male and female player roles.
GRAPHICS : Amazing and realistic. Very well-done. The colors are muted and varied throughout.
HOP SCENES: Puzzle-like. They contain puzzles within the HOP scenes. There were variations of jigsaw puzzles within the first HOP scene.
PUZZLES: Mini puzzles within puzzles. They require unlocking sequential "mini puzzles" before proceeding to the next one . You collect clues as you traverse the game. With a set of five clues you receive a new piece of information to help solve the case. In your interaction with the locals, you have several dialogue choices to help further the game.
INVENTORY: Can be locked. It is interactive and puzzle-like Most of the items in the inventory require some type of interaction . Most items collected are found within the game scenes with not as many wtihin the HOP scenes.
EXTRA GOODIES: Collectibles are jigsaw puzzles pieces to complete 4 jigsaw puzzles; There are 8 landscape features to collect to recreate the village of model of Dire Grove; there are 19 achievements. There is a strategy guide. You receive the map at the beginning of the game.
With popcorn in hand, I will take a seat, purchase, and enjoy this game. I love this historic film noir delight set in the 1930's. I am always amazed at the brilliance of the dev is game development. The storyline is excellent and the dialogue is as well. It is truly a suspenseful game. Truly one of the best (and to "moi", they are the best) on this site. The imagery in this game is historically accurate in portraying Hollywood in the 1930's. Below is the outline for the game:
LEVELS: Casual (Sparkles) Expert (Sparkles) (Insane - slow hints and skips) and ABILITY TO CUSTOMIZE THE GAME
LENGTH: Should be able to be played in about 5 to 6 hours.
GRAPHICS : The characters are realistic but the scenes themselves are set in muted tones, adding a nice "art deco " touch.
HOP SCENES: Brilliantly designed and puzzle-like as usual for this dev. Multiple variations of HOP scenes within each HOP scene itself and puzzle-like. Lists of items, search for a number of specific items were in the demo. You can play a Match Game in lieu of the HOP scene.
PUZZLES: Various degrees of difficulty, None terribly difficult. There is viewfinder to locate items within scenes. "Blinking lights" puzzles, maze puzzles were the ones I played in the demo.
INVENTORY: It is interactive and puzzle-like
EXTRA GOODIES: Morphing objects in HOP scenes 19 Achievements. Collect 40 film rolls. Collect souvenirs.
MAP: Provided at the beginning of the game as a "Golden Globe."
We have an adventure game reminiscent of Jumanji. You and your heroine both enter a game with dialogue choices determining your outcome. I love this game. This is the second of a series of great games from Pachyderm. You must careful the "game" doesn't completely devour you body and soul. A great game from our elephant friends. Here is an outline of the game:
LEVELS: 3 - Casual (Relaxed with sparkles). Advanced (No sparkles but hints) Hardcore (no skips or hints)
GRAPHICS : The game begins with old school cartoonish and one-dimensional graphics. When you enter the "game," they become realistic and very well-done.
HOP SCENES: Some interactivity. Puzzle-like and varied throughout - matching pairs, card activities, location items to uncover pieces to be interconnected to create an inventory item.
PUZZLES: Tile games, moving buttons to correct locations, variations of jigsaw puzzles, use of formulas to create inventory items were the ones I found in the demo.
INVENTORY: Inventory can be locked. It is interactive and I encountered a puzzle within the inventory itself.
EXTRA GOODIES: Achievements represented as game pieces shown on a chessboard. You collect red flowers
COMMENTS: The game began with old school graphics and transformed into more modern realistic graphics and better puzzles and HOP scenes when our heroine entered the "game." . This is an adventure game with dialogue choices which dictate the actions within the game.
I recommend this game!
61of77voted this as helpful.
Haunted Legends: The Stone Guest Collector's Edition
Someone is stealing the hearts of children – literally! Is it a brilliant inventor, seeking to cure his ailing son? Or has dark magic taken over the village...
Overall rating
5/ 5
64 of 96 found this review helpful
Thank you GamERS. You have restored my affection for your games. A much better game for the GamERS and a much needed improvement from their usual menagerie of cat, dogs, rabbits, monkeys, etc. and "cutesy" helpers. It probably is a little "short" on being CE worthy. However, for me, it is such an improvement, I am giving them the full "5" and will be purchasing it. The graphics could be better. Customization should be part of a CE game. The inventory is not interactive. There are no extra bells or whistles in this game. Here are the details of the game:
LEVELS: 3 levels - Casual (Sparkles), Advanced, Hard (still has hints and skips)
GRAPHICS: They are consistent with other games from the GamERS. The graphics are cartoonish but nicely done.
MAP: You have the map from the beginning of the game.
INVENTORY: It is NOT interactive. The inventory can be locked. Many of the needed inventory items you needed to interact with other items to continue in the game were practically right next to each other.
HOP SCENES: Finding a specific amount of a certain item (which are not always easy to locate) , replace items into scenes. You can switch from the HOP scenes to a variation of a Match 3 game.
PUZZLES: Not terribly difficult. A variation of mathematical puzzles, gear puzzles, finding hidden symbols from the ones I encountered.
EXTRA GOODIES: Strategy guide. Collect hearts to insert in a heart-shaped amulet to be used in the game. There are achievements which are placed in an aquatic setting (what this has to do with the theme of the game is beyond me) There is a magic magnifier to help locate hidden symbols