Favorite Genre(s):Word, Adventure, Hidden Object, Match 3, Puzzle
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
4/ 5
I played the demo in advanced mode for this game. There were no sparkles, a slower recovering hint button, and no offer for a tutorial. You can skip the puzzles, there is no click penalty, there is a journal and a map. The game is well done with an adorable "helper" manning the hint button. In the town of Martlet, statues have been coming to life and terrorizing the townspeople. It is up to you to find out why and stop it. The graphics are well drawn and attractive. You can play in casual, advanced and expert. The music is very well done.The cutscenes are really cool. There are IHO scenes and puzzles, useful objects to pick up and a collection of miniatures to find. This will be a fun game to have.
Favorite Genre(s):Word, Adventure, Hidden Object, Match 3, Puzzle
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
4/ 5
I had a real good ime with this game. Time went by quickly and I didn't need any handholding or guide. This my kind of game. It's colorful but spooky, the games are challenging easily understood. It is obvious what is needed so you know what to look for and items are used before you can forget where to use them. The story is a bit familiar; to find some missing children whose disappearance is somehow your fault and the rest of the story unfolds as you go. There is a shadowy nemesis and something supernatural afoot. There are 2 modes, casual and expert, sparkles for IHO scenes, a hint, a journal, a strategy guide, no map. When you use the hint it is easy to see. There have been some games where I couldn't see the hint. This one is good. The music is appropriate and the voices are befitting the person speaking, especially the spooky guy in the grove. When I started this I wondered if it was going to be a Puppet Show copycat and it kind of is in a way but only a few features ( disappearing children, carnival type atmosphere). I had a lot of fun playing the demo and will add this game to my evergrowing collection.
Favorite Genre(s):Word, Adventure, Hidden Object, Match 3, Puzzle
Fun Factor
3/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
3/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
3/ 5
I admit this does have an old feel. Almost as if someone made it ten years ago and then sat on it until now. Games have progressed to a much more sophisticated level. Having addressed that, this wasn't a bad game. There were instructions in the tutorial, which did not hold your hand. You were left to read the instruction and then play uninterrupted. For the list of items to find, a click on the circle at the bottom right corner got you a list of hand drawn pictures. If you mouse over the picture, it told you what the item was. When you found them all you got a useful item for your inventory. You also got to use it almost right aaway. The sparkles were rather stationary and denoted a spot you could do something with. A hand meant you could pick something up and an eye meant there was information there. A set of sneakers marked entrance to another scene. The scenes went between dark and grainy and bright and crisply drawn. The music left a bit to be desired. It really didn't make me nuts, though. The premise of the game was that you were a detective helping a girl determine whether or not her boyfriend was a cheater. Dialogue was written only and even though it was a bit awkward in places I know that a lot of these games are made in other countries so it does not bother me when words or grammar are misused. It just adds to the challenge. I donot know what is with the photographs you take or where they go as I just played the demo. There is no choice as to casual or otherwise and there is a click penalty that consists of a circling arrow that you have to wait to settle down. All in all it's not a bad game, just a very old fashioned game. Give the demo a try, you've nothing to lose but a few minutes.
Favorite Genre(s):Word, Adventure, Hidden Object, Match 3, Puzzle
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
4/ 5
An excellent game. Everything was good; the visuals, HO scenes, puzzles, music, story. The opening movie explains why you're there. I can't wait to see what Daddy was up to. There are two modes, regular and advanced. I played regular mode with the cusor that turns to a magnifying glass, hand and question mark. The HO scenes are indicated by sparkles. The HO scenes are clear and interactive. There are things to pick up all over the place. It's fairly obvious where you need to use them so there isn't too much reaason to use the guide. There is a journal and a map although I was so engrossed in the game I never did consult the map. The music was apropos and unobtrusive. The only problem for me was the custom cursor; it lagged and was swimmy so I changed to the regular cursor. This is defenitely worth a look see.
Favorite Genre(s):Word, Adventure, Hidden Object, Match 3, Puzzle
Fun Factor
3/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
3/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
3/ 5
A most confusing game. I couldn't figure out where the story was going. There was no concrete objective to the story. Someone is accused of stealing a locket and his wife? has to try and clear his name, I think. There was a lot of talking but I didn't seem to get the point. It starts out with a newscaster on TV talking about someone getting married and a darkroom with photographs you must develop. From here you move to a house with a floating garden and I've no idea the correlation to the first scene. There is a lady who seems to be the villianess and a well-dressed ghost. The action part of the game is fine. There are areas that you have to find 5-6 items for to complete and when you're done with them all an arrow appears for the next scene. The pieces are hidden around the scene and I guess these become the HO scenes for this game. There is a puzzle among the areas you're finding objects for. The artwork is crisp and colorful and things are not impossible to find. The music is so-so; neither obnoxious nor wonderful. I know there are a couple of other Snark Buster games out there but I've never played them so I don't know how this one compares. I didn't care too much for this game; it left me feeling confused and slightly stupid, but it's definitely worth trying the demo. It could be your cup of tea.
Favorite Genre(s):Word, Adventure, Hidden Object, Match 3, Puzzle
Fun Factor
2/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
3/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
3/ 5
I do not remember the other Jewel Quest Mysteries being such a chore. This is the last offering in a string of games that were lots of fun. THIS one left me very disappointed. This is a combination of match 3, hidden object and puzzles. The HO scenes were SO incredibly cluttered and the objects SO tiny and SO hidden I used up almost all of the hints and couldn't find all the coins for the extra hint. Very frustrating. I have played difficult HOs before but these were darn near impossible! I used up all the demo time without completing the second HO scene. Even the match 3 games were just that tad too short and the jewels fell off the board as I was clicking on the last square needed. I have never been defeated by a game before but I have now. There is no option for an untimed game. The music, while I guess is nothing to write home about, didn't bother me because I was so intent on the problems I was having. The storyline was okay although I found the print in the boxes was a little on the small side and, for me, hard to read . Do bear in mind that my eyesight is poor. The pop-up boxes during the M3 games were unreasonable. It is like a mandatory tutorial and appears on EACH M3 game. All it does is take up time from the demo. The first puzzle game I encountered is a "pipes" type game, which I love, but had to skip because it didn't like the way I connected it to the other side and I didn't have time to fuss with it. If you have good eyesight this game is good. The graphics are nice and well drawn. If you have all the other Jewel Quests you might want to add this to your collection. But, I'm afraid, it's not for me.
Welcome to Top Secret Finders. Your first mission is to save a small town, uncover the truth about a government conspiracy and stop the villain in his tracks!
Favorite Genre(s):Word, Adventure, Hidden Object, Match 3, Puzzle
Fun Factor
3/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
3/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
4/ 5
This game is a good game to play but not to look at. Everything is monochromatic - gray. It does express the nature of the storyline. A machine has misperformed and made a town of people disappear. Now it is up to you to find out why and reverse the error. Two modes, casual and advanced, hint, skip, HO scenes that are interactive and puzzles. You don't lose the hint and skip in advanced, they just recharge slower. HO scenes outweigh puzzles. The music is appropriate, voice-overs are well done. Like I said, a good game; for me it's too gray and dreary. I'm drawn to the prettier games. I played the demo and had a good time wandering around. It wasn't exactly easy finding all the things to do but I got there. Do give it a try.
Favorite Genre(s):Word, Adventure, Hidden Object, Match 3, Puzzle
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
4/ 5
This game is just gorgeous - beautifully done. It's a continuation of the Joyville series. The graphics and colors are superb; it truly is a joy to look at. The storyline is a plea from Felicia, the puppet master's daughter, to return to the past and prevent the fire that destroyed her life. There are 3 modes, casual was the one I chose. I usually skip the tutorial because they are mostly the same but I do like the sparkles, magnifying glass & hand. The first HO scene is a little different than usual and fun to figure out. The things you pick up or receive from HO scenes and puzzles are used right away so you don't have the chance to forget where you needed them. The puzzles so far have been easy but fun. The music is excellent and pulls you into the game. The voice-overs are well done and appropriate. I bought the first one of the series and enjoyed it but didn't get any of the others because sequels are generally never as good as the first. Now after playing the demo on this one I am going to check out the other ones. I may have missed something good. This is well worth a buy.
I recommend this game!
20of32voted this as helpful.
Nightmares from the Deep: The Cursed Heart Collector's Edition
Dive into an epic journey as a museum owner in pursuit of an undead pirate who has kidnapped your daughter in Nightmares from the Deep: The Cursed Heart!
Favorite Genre(s):Word, Adventure, Hidden Object, Match 3, Puzzle
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
4/ 5
This game is captivating right from the opening scenes. The music is great, the graphics are excellent, The characters, while animated, are lifelike and believable with voice-overs equally as good. The storyline is refreshing; a long-dead pirate's corpse disappears the day before he's to be displayed in your museum and he wants your daughter. The HO scenes are uncluttered and well drawn but objects are still a challenge to find. There are several interactive things to do to find an item and if you don't want to do the HO scene, you can play mah jongg for each item on the list. This is the first time I've seen this option. This is remarkably well done and I can't wait to play the rest of the game. I think I'll get this one in the CE to see all that this one has to offer.
Favorite Genre(s):Word, Adventure, Hidden Object, Match 3, Puzzle
Fun Factor
3/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
2/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
4/ 5
Well, I've definitely played better. The story is okay. It isn't terribly pretty graphics-wise and the music was awful. It did explain what to gather, where everything on the screen was, how the power-ups worked and what level you were on, the time you had to complete it and that you had to turn the background squares to blue to finish the level. You can drag the items or click, as you choose, but you do have to wait for the activity to stop before you can click on the next group. You have to be precise about your clicks and drags because the custom arrow is touchy. There have been many games with better movement and lovelier graphics that I would recommend before this one. The one big disappointment is that the stuff you gather is automatically deducted from your bank for the building of the landmark you are working on but you never see the building. All you get is a page with a drawing of the landmark and some information about it. Very anticlimactic.