I own several of the games in this series and am enjoying this one. I haven't finished the game but am in the second set. It is a pretty simple premise and if you have played TM games before this is the same: gather, build, reach a goal. It has bonuses and treasure chests to help you accomplish this. Not Rocket Science just a fun little TM Game.
Way too much talking, filler basically for the Collectors Edition to make the game longer. I don't know what the point of this game is but it is not a Twistingo game. Mostly find hidden objects and figure out how to open doors. A no buy for me.
How people can give this a 5 star rating when they intentionally do not give you enough resources to move forward is beyond me. On every level you are stuck waiting on the grill to produce enough food so you can move forward on the level. They did this on the last game and I swore I won't buy another one. Well, I forgot and grabbed this one up since it has ages since we had a decent TM game but it certainly didn't take long for that to come back to me as I had plenty of time to think as I stared at the board waiting for food over and over again. Fun Factor-ZERO.
Not enough explanations for the fishnets and the walls. How the HE double hockey sticks are you suppose to free the key in blocked wall room in the tutorial to unlock the board so you can move to the next board? I am sorry I play these games for enjoyment not aggravation. I couldn't even get through the Tutorial levels. I own several of the Jewel Match games and liked them until they decided to make them impossible to understand.
I love this series but this is the second game of the Heroes series that I have wasted my money on. I wont buy another one as $13.98 is too much to lose because the developers think it is cute to short change you on supplies. I don't care what your strategy is on almost every level you CANNOT get enough food to move forward in a timely manner so you continuous have to slay the same dragons over and over again because they keep coming back to the original point before you can drive them off the board. Therefore nothing else is happening because all you are doing is trying to accumulate food. Here's a clue for the developers' no one likes a game where all they do is try to accumulate enough food so they can move forward!
I am so glad I tried this first before I bought it. Another one of the Lauravilles where skill is not a component here, Sheer luck to get a four in a row on the right line to break something that has to be broken to continue in the game such as a brick wall. . So tedious making match after match and not progressing in the game. No power ups and the bomb that four bombs matched give you has to be moved. It does not move with matches next to it. Plus making bombs is not offered on all boards. So monotonous I only lasted through 4 boards. A "No Buy" for me!
Where to start. I played this after other games had come out so benefit of the doubt they improved the games as they went along but there are two major deterrents from buying this one. Number one you cannot hold the cursor over the items to see what you need to pick them up or to pay/converse with the other characters. Number two, very small. The whole picture is very small compared to newer games. A third thing that bothered me was that when you hover over the buildings it does not show you how far along you are on the drop of new materials. Aggravating as can be. If I had it to do over I would not buy.
If you like TM Games don't even hesitate buy this game while on sale for $2.99. I own all the Golden Rail games and I own the CE's. The really nice thing about these games is that they can be played over and over again. Whenever I am at loose ends and Big Fish is giving us no new TM's I just replay one of the Golden Rail games. They are fun with lots to do and the scenes change as the train moves along. I also love the Owl Bandits in every scene to be found. They are so cute.
I'm sorry but I did not enjoy this version of the series. Some levels are easy and other near to impossible, inconsistent, Never enough supplies so you are really scrambling to even move forward. The pills are back, ugh! I hate those especially when they are in a row. I don't get why two "run faster" pills would be next to each other and you can't move forward without picking them both up. Big tooth and giant crystals are back. To me whole game not as enjoyable as past games. I don't recommend. I realize I am in the minority here but it is my opinion and I didn't even finish the game. I got out and deleted.
I deleted after 2 boards. No idea what the heck was going on and the instructions were not helpful. What were the boxes on the side and how do you remove them? No clue. It gave a one line instruction and I have no idea what it meant. The timer is also brutal if you play timed. I love Match 3's and this is certainly not my first Match 3 game. In fact I just finished Storm Tale 2 and that is a huge Match 3. I don't know why developers feel they need to add a twist to their games. I love the option to buy decorations but not if I cant figure out how to play the board.