This rates 1 on the 1-10 boring scale. All you do is jump back and forth fixing broken machines and other things and get exactly nowhere in the story. The graphics are on the below average level and the characters are not believable. They aren't drawn too badly but when they speak it is almost laughable. I kept playing the demo hoping the action, or something, would improve but I just wasted my time on this one. Needless to say, I do not recommend this one and encourage you to not buy it. BFG has better games.
Favorite Genre(s):Arcade & Action, Hidden Object, Mahjong, Time Management
Fun Factor
3/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
2/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
3/ 5
I have to say when I first started this game I thought it was going to be one of the typical search and find and run back and forth games but I was pleasantly surprised. Started out a little slow and never really sped up but play is consistent and doesn't bog you down. The HOs and mini games are well thought out and fun to play and challenge your mind. The only reason this received 3 stars rather than 4 is because of the graphics.They are dark and don't match the game play in that they should be brighter and with a little more detail. I may put this on my buy list but the graphics may stop that. I do recommend this one. I had a good time playing and I think you will too.
Monsters from the mist? Stephen King this isn't. This is a story line that has been used so many times that it is tiring. Also, the constant back and forth and running around to find things is tiring. And I dislike playing as a female all the time. How hard is it to give you a choice? I hate the type of game that has you going everywhere but getting nowhere in the story. Graphics are ok but not great except for the little helper dog. For some reason they put a little more effort into him. I'm not going into a long explanation of everything that happens in the game because others have already done that, again. Some gamers might like this type of game but I'm not one of those. I don't recommend this one but play the demo before you decide.
Favorite Genre(s):Arcade & Action, Hidden Object, Mahjong, Time Management
Fun Factor
2/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
3/ 5
Level of Challenge
2/ 5
2/ 5
This has to be one of the shortest 90 minute demos I have ever played. Seems like I was just getting into the story and the demo ended. Not even 30 minutes worth of play. What a waste. Graphics are ok and the HOs were on the fun side but other than that I don't know. I wouldn't recommend this just because of the short play time. Might turn out to be the best game ever but I'll never know.
This has to be one of the worst games around. I played 7 levels before I became completely bored. No challenge whatsoever and the same for each level. The levels do become harder but not to the point of ridiculous, just tedious. Some people like this type of game and for those few, I recommend this one but for the rest of us, leave it alone.
I am so glad to see a game that is actually fun to play. The developers on this one worked overtime and came up with something that doesn't conform to all the cookie cutter games so prevalent now. It's actually quite a few games within a game and that keeps you interested. Graphics are outstanding and the colors are not dark but, then again, they aren't bright either. Just a nice mix. I'm not going into a synopsis of the game because others have already done that but I will say you won't regret playing this one. I love the mini games and the HOs. The HO areas are like mini games themselves in that you have to hunt down hidden objects. The characters are great and add immensely to the story line and are not cartoonlike. I just wish I could pick the main characters gender. I hate playing as a woman all the time. I wish BFG had a 1/2 star because that's what this one needs-another half star to make it 4 1/2. I highly recommend this one and for once I'll say pay attention to the 4 and 5 star reviews and have fun!
I love golf type solitaire games of which this is but somebody went bonkers on this one. Don't they realize most of the people that play, or at least buy, these games are adults? They tried to be cute and funny with this one but it didn't work to the point of being annoying. The opening cutscene is way too long and adds nothing to the game and the interludes between levels are a waste of time and, again, not needed. When I finish a level I want to go on to the next with minimal delay. The graphics are amateurish and the colors just don't get it. The match 3 is another disappointment. I'm not a fan of match 3 and this game confirmed why. Again, not well developed. I do not recommend this game at all and would not buy it blindly just based on the 5 star rating. Play the demo and if you then decide it's worth it just remember once bought there is no return. Have fun?
I've played Dark Parable games before this one and they are usually a lot of fun, however, this one falls way short. All you do is run back and forth trying to find objects to activate other objects to use something else. The story is left in the background as you run around hunting all these things. Not my cup of tea. Graphics and characters are below average and not very pleasant to look at. Colors, although not dark, are bland and without imagination. The story line is typical, only you can save the kingdom even though you are only a mortal from outside the kingdom. One of these days someone is going to come up with a different scenario. I played almost all the demo before I became tired of jumping back and forth in the same area. 4 &5 stars?? Far from it. I don't recommend this one at all.
I played all of 13 minutes of the demo before I became totally wiped out with boredom. All this does is jump around with no goal whatsoever. And, again, why does it take place 100+ years ago? I can not for the life of me figure out why the developers can't make a game in modern times. I am so tired of riding in a coach that ALWAYS gets in an accident and you have no Idea what caused it. Come on people, let's get to the 21st century! Graphics are poor at best and the characters look hand drawn plus they have those fake accents. The developers must think we don't have any brains and wouldn't appreciate anything better. If you can stand it, play the demo as far as you can and then move on to something better of which there are hundreds at Big Fish. I don't recommend this one at all but I do recommend you disregard any rating over 2 stars because they obviously played a different game.
I'll start with the dislikes since there aren't any likes on this one. 1. Bad story line. This is an old story that has been used hundreds of times before. 2. Takes place obviously before automobiles and any modern convenience. Why can't the developers make a story in modern times? I'm tired of these old scenarios. 3. Bad graphics. Here again the developers have fallen short. All the scenes are dark and without color which, for some ungodly reason, developers think is neat or cool or what we want. Well guys/gals, it isn't. Makes for tough times doing HOs since what you are hunting for is the same dark colors as the surroundings. Color is not bad, believe me. 4. Characters are too cartoonish in that they have the fake accents and the environment around them has no effect.. The boatman standing in his boat, dry as a bone, oblivious to the raging water around him, conducting business is not based on logic. There are probably numerous additional dislikes but I became so frustrated with the poor play on this one that I only played 15 minutes before I gave up in disgust. Don't buy this one just based on the reviews and play the demo first. If you decide to buy after that then your standards are lower than mine. I do not recommend this game!!