This is the 4th and latest game of the Maestro franchise. The graphics are top notch. ERS has really stepped it up with its recent offerings in regards to graphics. The graphics of this game is an improvement over the previous in the series.
Some of the storyline stuff is a bit on the hokey side but thats to be expected in this genre. The HOS are pretty well done. The game is perhaps a bit on the short side.
Eerie music fills the air in Vienna, where shadows terrorize people in the streets. Two musical prodigies have gone missing. Can you save them without striking a single false note?
This is the third Maestro game and so far its the best, although I haven't played the forth one yet.
The biggest area of improvement comes from the graphics. The Viennese streets, while not particularly ominous are quite picturesque and well drawn.
In contrast to the first two games, which were quite challenging, this game was easy so those looking for a challenge might want to increase the difficulty level.
The game also has a nice and original extra of the orchestra.
This takes place where the first game left off. The ominous sound effects are very well done and add atmosphere to the proceedings. I think this game is slightly better drawn than the first game. Like the first game, there is a huge gap in logic to the story: Why is the player character never attacked by the evil powers? It seems like the villains are only capable putting barriers in front of the player to slow him down but they never try killing him, even though they easily kill the victims of the story. Like the first game, the HOS are quite hard and the hint meter takes forever to recharge even on casual mode. Those who like a good challenge will enjoy this while those that take it easy might not.
James is as annoying as ever. He takes all the credit for being a great detective even though you do all the work and rescue him on a number of occasions. I wish they just killed him off or something. This series doesn't need him.
The story was uninspired and unengaging. The bonus game had a cliche story.
This is the second Haunted Hotel game from Elephant. Its an improvement over the overly cartoony first game. Also, the fact that James is not around to boss you around while you do all the work and he gets all the credit for being a so called great detective is a plus as well. I hope they get rid of James all together. The player character doesn't need him anymore. The game doesn't address the allegations levied against James but maybe thats in the 3rd game.
As with most Elephant games, production values are top notch.
Good sequel, you must play the first game first though.
PostedJuly 4, 2015
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
5/ 5
This is the sequel to Enigmatis Ghost of Ravenwood. The story does a good job of keeping continuity with the first game. You really have to play the first game in order to fully understand this game.
The first game was probably the best HOG I have ever played. I don't think the sequel is quite as good but it is good enough. Like in the first game, the story is engaging and compelling and makes you wonder what is coming next. The puzzles are also quite good.
My only minor gripe was that the sequel lacked the gloomy and creepy atmosphere and grittyness of the first game and was more "kid friendly" and cartoony this time around. But its still good with an original story and the feel of watching a movie.
Excellent movie like story. The best HOGs are the ones with the best story. Very creepy, very Silence of the Lambs-esque. The graphics look like brush painted and aren't the most detailed I have ever seen but do a good job of creating the creepy atmosphere and ambiance. Good music too. Great job from Artifex Mundi.
This is the 3rd out of the 4 Shadow Wolf Mystery games and takes place some years after the second game. I thought this game was a bit too bright and not dark enough. I would have preferred more of a horror element.
This game is the second in the series and starts right where the first game (Curse of the Full Moon) leaves off. Good graphics, decent story. Too many HOS's again I think. Also noticed that the interior of the hotel was way too big to match up with what the building looked like.