This game seems so much older in terms of graphics quality. It's dull—the "puzzles" are too easy, the story took far too long to progress, there are hardly any HOPs in this HOP game (and they're sooo easy), too much back and forth between scenes with items. Took forever to get out of the first area. Even the music is boring. The "morphing", or disappearing, objects were very easy too. I'm not sure how this game made it onto Big Fish's site, but it's as if the developer has never played a HOP and created something blindly. There aren't even enough special collectibles in the game to really warrant this being called a Collector's Edition. Save your money. There are LOADS of better games on this site!
I've been going through some older games on Big Fish, and I've been pretty impressed with how some of them have aged. This one was really bad to begin with though. I can't understand the high ratings. This isn't a game, it's a book, and the playing is more like 1 minute out of every 15. There's nothing to do but read, read, read, then choose some "activities" that add and subtract character traits and energy, then you don't even get to watch the activities unfold, no video, etc. It's just...more reading. You don't even get to pick what your character says or anything. It said there was music, but I heard none, even with my volume on and the game's options saying the music was on full volume. What's worse is that this is listed as an adventure game! You don't even get to do anything. If there was a storybook genre or something similar, that's where it would have to go. But even's not a game. I don't recommend this game.
I love the Japanese theme of this game. I really enjoy fantasy locations, but this break into something that's half fantasy, half real culture is really nice. The graphics are great and vibrant. PuppetShow is a series I have always liked, and I always look forward to the next installment. This one is just as good as I had hoped! They're great at coming up with new puppet ideas but also integrating memorable puppets from past games, which I so enjoy. The HOPs are plentiful, but if you're someone who likes them integrated with other games, they are well balanced. Some games are easy, some are more challenging, none have been really hard so far. It's a medium-level game. There are two types of collectibles: bells and morphing flowers. The HOPs themselves don't have collectibles. The morphs are harder to find than the bells, but neither are super easy. I would recommend this game! It's a lot of fun!
I'm amazed at how these horror games get better and better! This one starts out with live actors, which I'm partial to. I think it's so cool when real people are used in a video sequence, and that's what the beginning includes. The whole ambiance strongly supports the horror genre, including bleak rooms that are falling apart, little bugs crawling up the walls, and loads of detail. You KNOW the main characters are in trouble once you see the inside of the house! There are some jump scares and some scary but not jumpy parts. There's a strong creep factor! Some of the creepiness is reminiscent of horror films as well as the ultimate horror HOP games, True Fear. There are a nice amount of HOPs, sometimes HOPs within HOPs, puzzles that aren't overly easy, and the collectibles (moths, cassettes, morphs) are also not easy to find. The game presents good challenges without being frustratingly difficult. I really enjoyed this game—it's an easy one to binge play!
When Hector, Demon Hunter for hire, agreed to save a lost tourist from the haunted Museum of Mysticism and Monstrosity, he never imagined that he could be the one in need of saving.
This is such a fun game! It's definitely in the vibe of Halloween, but I like creepy games all year round. There are some jump scares, so I guess that's why it says there is "explicit content", but just to be clear, there's nothing offensive that I came across in the demo, just jump scares. We have three collectibles to look for: 1. Morphing scrolls in all scenes. These morph slow and are tough to catch. 2. Crystals in all scenes. These don't morph and are medium toughness. 3. Morphs in some HOPs, and they're not too easy either. The first one in the first HOP is actually an item you need! I really like when there are a number of collectibles, not just one or two, so this is right up my alley. The character has a good sense of humor, but I did mark the sound quality down a little in my rating because his voice isn't balanced with the music and background in general. It's too quiet, which is a problem with the production, not the voice talent. The atmosphere of the game is dark and creepy and sometimes grotesque in a horror movie kind of way. If you aren't into that, this game isn't for you. I really enjoyed the demo and found the general level of challenge to be sufficient for someone who plays HOP games all the time (literally every day). I'll be buying this game, and I recommend it!
Ready for some medieval ambiance, lots of HOPs, and some great creativity? I love this game and its medieval feel. All the visuals and the music put you right into the time period. There are LOADS of HOPs, which is refreshing. A lot of HOP games have become mostly puzzles with only occasional HOPs, but this one is different. They even have puzzles within HOPs, which I also really like. They also let you do a lot of actions that most games do for you in animation, so it's very lifelike in that way. There are some different spins on puzzles you know. I always like when a developer works to keep the game fresh and new, and this one did. There are collectibles and morphs, and for every 5 morphs you collect, you unlock a puzzle! That's a really nice twist to give you a little something extra. It's really hard to stop playing this game, totally addictive!
I absolutely love this game! I might make this my go-to Halloween game for each year. The storyline is great, the graphics and level of detail are fantastic, and there are a lot of original types of games.
• The storyline is a combination of mystery and horror, and while it's not a true horror game, it definitely has a couple of jump scares and a pretty scary bad guy! The mystery end of the story is SO GOOD. It's like reading an awesome mystery novel where you're absolutely sure you know whodunnit but you're wrong! I totally loved it.
• The graphics are very clean and clear, and everything is dedicated to that great Halloween atmosphere. The dinner table is set with all kinds of cute pumpkin decorations, the costumes are beautifully done (and we get to pick our own costume!), the house is decorated down to little dolls and ghouls on both the front lawn and all throughout the house. It really put me in the Halloween spirit! The details are immaculate and careful. Love it.
• The games are clever and many times combine one or more typical types of games to create new, original ones. They also compounded games, like having one type of game that leads straight into HOP. I really enjoyed coming across these different surprises and looked forward to what else they could come up with, and they didn't let me down. These new twists on the usual games were peppered all throughout the game.
• As for collectibles, there is a witch in every scene and there are morphing objects in SOME hidden object scenes, so be wary! I think these are medium difficulty—you won't be searching forever but they're not just sitting right in front of you either.
The only slightly "negative" thing I could say about this game with any conviction is that the characters' lips don't move when they speak, except for one (but the person who does this is a bit of a spoiler, so I won't tell you), and her lips move as if she was a real person—perfect.
Overall, I love this game, if you couldn't tell already! If you're looking for a good mystery, something to get you in the Halloween mood, something with awesome detail and games that aren't the same as every other HOP, grab this!
WOW! This is such a brilliant idea! Putting three detectives from different games together and switching perspectives here and there is novel and so much fun. I love it! We play as all three characters, as I said, and one of them can go back in time, so we've got great variety here. It's fun "collabing" with fellow detectives who you'll already know if you've played all their games. The graphics are excellent with rooms full of things to do, lots of puzzles, great hidden objects, and hidden objects that really take some thinking. The ambiance is fantastic. Dark and dingy areas set the mood for a mystery but aren't like a horror game, so they're just right. As always with games by Elephant, the sounds are satisfying in how they happen at exactly the right time and the crisp and realistic quality. Plenty of collectibles to find that aren't overly challenging but not the easiest I've ever seen either. Good balance. Loving this game all the way around!
Domini Games always comes out with winners! I love this game, just like I loved their other ones. They've made improvements to this one - when someone comes down with an unusual illness and you have to diagnose them, you now play a game for each area that needs to be diagnosed. Before, you just clicked on the affected spot. Now you have all these great little mini games. This is a visually beautiful game with a lot to do in each scene. I've always liked that each game lets you choose the easy or hard setting, and they still have that with this game. I also always love about their games that it tells you what collectibles are in the area that you need to find. If you want to ignore them, you can, but if you want to find them all without having to go back after you complete the main game, then this is super helpful and a lot nicer. My only complaint is that there hasn't really been a genuine hidden object that I found during the sample. Anything resembling a hidden object was super simple and didn't really count, in my opinion. That part isn't so great, but I enjoy all the puzzles quite a lot, so I would still buy the game for sure.
I just love creepy games with a psychological twist! This game has unique twists to its puzzles, too, and everything has that creepy tinge to it. I also like all the hints as to what might be going on in the storyline - it's like playing a psychological thriller novel. The ambiance is excellent, the music goes with it perfectly and sounds like it's straight out of a movie, the characters are very well animated, and there are collectibles in every scene (a brain in a jar and a morphing object). I have only one complaint, which isn't worth taking a star away for. There is a fair amount to read in the storyline, and there isn't a narrator for those parts, which means my attention is torn between reading and looking at the art/movie going on. Phantasmat never lets me down! Another great game!