Could only cope with approx. 20 mins. of demo. Is this an old game? Certainly looked like it. Large cursor. A lot of items didn't pick up, first click. Jerky cursor. H.O.S. - had to zoom in/out all over screen, to find items. Items have be dragged, from inventory, to use them. Too slow, moving from scene, to scene. The plus items had to be dragged, too. Obviously, I definitely will not be purchasing. As always, this is only my opinion.
For me, the game didn't play as it should do. It was 'jumpy.' Paused at every scene change. Multiple clicks, to pick items up, or to hone in for close ups, which was frustrating, to say the least. Graphics were under par. No sharpness. It looked, & played like an old game! I finally gave up, & deleted, when searching for H.O., I used hint, which directed to bottom right corner. No item there! The hint was circling the character locket! For me, a waste of money. As always, just my opinion.
One of the easiest demo's I've played. Approx. 30mins., played. Puzzles & H.O.S. really easy, so, for myself, no challenge, whatsoever. Yet another 'helper' game! ARGH!!! The scenes, I played, were very bluey. Hint button is an orb type thing. It moves about, slightly, Has blinking 'eyes' & and has 'flame' type stuff coming out of it. Too distracting. As always, this is just my opinion.
A nice easy game. Good, clear graphics. Colours were spot on. I had no glitches. Game ran smoothly. Could use my system cursor, which I prefer, as opposed to some of the big, clumsy things, that have to be used in many games. Scenes changed quickly. Short dialogue, a big plus, for me. Hidden object scenes were varied. Quite a few puzzles, too. Mostly easy, which is great for me, as puzzles definitely aren't 'my bag.'
I did find the game too short, which was disappointing. Good game for beginners, as I found very little challenge in it. No helpers in this game. HOORAY!!!
Your librarian friend wants your help as a journalist – he’s found an ancient book that is still unfinished. Can you save the world in the book before their story ends?
This looked an ok game. Not challenging. Sometimes, that's fine, especially after a full on day. Nice, clear graphics. Changed scenes quickly. No problems with cursor. I found the rabbit annoying. Didn't see much of it, in the short time given to play. (thank goodness.) 'Helper' games really irritate me, as absolutely no need for them. They usually slow game down. I'd rather play a slighter shorter game, than to have it bulked out with a 'hindrance' Oops, I mean 'helper!' That's about all I can say, as, the demo ended after only 24 mins! Another short game? I doubt I'd buy it, based on the extremely short demo. I expect more play, than what I got, that's for sure.
Demo only. Maybe I'm becoming too particular, but what a let down! New game? Casual/normal/expert modes. No custom (unless I missed it.) I don't use sound. There is a left handed option. The graphics are ok, with good, vivid colours, in the scenes I played. In this S.E., there are collectables, and unlockable extras. I didn't come across the option to change game mode during play. Hint/skip really slow to fill. Items need to be clicked in inventory, then dragged into place. A lot of the time, I had to click an item twice, even three times, to pick it up. To exit parts of a scene, I couldn't just click outside the box. Could only exit, from top right hand corner. If there had been only one, or two niggles, I would definitely have bought it. There's too many, though. As always, though, it's personal preference.
Demo only. An ok game. Very easy play. Can't comment on sound. Lockable inventory. Choice of difficulty. However, I found the game ran really slow. Way too much dialogue for me, so loads of clicking, and skipping. Slightly foggy graphics. Definitely not a buy for me.
The jury's still out, on this one. Good graphics. Game seems to flow quite well. Not a difficult game to play. With 34mins. left, the demo ended. Is this a very short game?
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Beyond the Unknown: A Matter of Time
It’s time to solve the secret of this mysterious island!
Part demo only. I find 'helper' games' irritating. This game has a dog, in the inventory, moving, and wagging its tail constantly. I find it distracts me, from playing the game. If Devs. feel they must include them, please give us the option - if its possible - to make 'helpers' be still. I have passed on a lot of games, because of this. I'm sure other gamers have/will, too. It didn't seem a bad game, from the little I played, anyway. Can't comment on sound. Graphics were a bit grainy, The two H.O.s I did come across were super easy. An ok game, for beginners. If you can tolerate the 'helper.'
Wow (in a bad way!) What an absolute disappointment. I didn't think games were made this bad, anymore. Very basic. Had to use game cursor, which was big, clumsy, and very awkward to pick up smaller items. Graphics not good. Everything seemed, too big! To me, the game came across as amateurish. For children? I don't know, as, I only played 3/4 of demo. Couldn't stand it any longer. In my opinion, this has absolutely nothing going for it, so, in all honesty, there is no way I would recommend this game.