For 25 years, you thought you had no family. But one night, a man steps through a mirror from another world, claiming to be your uncle... changing your life forever.
Around 1 hr., into S.E. Graphics, & colours good. Quite an easy game. I skipped most puzzles. They were just so easy, I found them boring. H.O.s aren't challenging, but, still ok to do. And, oh yes, there is one of my 'love to hates.' A helper! Argh! It isn't very distracting, when sitting in bottom corner. However, objects, & a few puzzles are up high, & 'helper' is distracting. Very! I should've read more reviews. 'Helper' would probably been mentioned. I had to uninstall, but, this is not a bad game, if you don't mind an assistant!
Part demo only. The 'click on an item' area is far too large. Cursor changes, I click, but, it's the same item I've just left. Too much, back & forward, for 1 item. Slow to change, from scene, to scene. I didn't see a custom mode option. I can't comment on how game plays. Only played approx. 20 mins. I'm just pleased I didn't purchase the game. As always, just my opinion.
Approx. 1hr of S.E. played. Then uninstalled. Easy game. Lockable inventory. Didn't come across any glitches. Graphics o.k. To skip puzzles, I had to wait for them to play out. Boring! Thank goodness, for the transportable map. Find item, take it here, then go over there & pick something up. Backward, & forward, repeat, repeat, then do it all again. Wasted too much time clicking on map, I couldn't get into the game, so, did not flow well. I wonder how much time, was added to the game, doing all this back & forward time-wasting stuff? Hmmm! Just as bad, H.O.s were visited twice. A definite no-no, for me. This is just my opinion. Others will love it, so enjoy.
When the entire audience disappears from a film screening at an old theater, you must go behind the scenes to find out who is running the mysterious Nightmare Cinema.
Completed game + Bonus. An ok game. So disappointing with length, - or lack of it - in this case. I only missed 5 objects. ( I don't want to include spoilers. Others do that well, meaning they give great, detailed reviews, which are always my first 'port of call.') It's easy to avoid the spoiler bits. Completed game in 3hrs 8mins. Bonus completed in 36 mins. Plenty of H.O. scenes, which I found really easy. H.O.'s visited more than once, ARGH, I hate that! Puzzles not my thing, but, even I managed most of them. Good amount of collectables, so I was always kept busy doing something. Story not so good. The length of game is definitely not C.E. worthy, but, do the collectables make up for that? You decide, as this is just my opinion.
Demo only. (Thank goodness!) Yes, it's another 'hinderance' game. Sorry, I mean 'helper' game! Don't normally have sound on. Thought I'd have a listen, for a change. English accent? HAHA! Where? It's awful. As for the cat noises....! I sharp turned sound off. I was hoping + item indicator wouldn't light up/sparkle. It did. Morphing objects - are small. I couldn't see any, but after going into a clicking frenzy, I did find a couple. No idea what they were, though. Didn't bother trying to find any more. (My finger was aching, finding only 2!) No glitches. A little slow, going from scene, to scene. I found the story boring. And the Oscar goes to.......... a camera! Wehaaaay!
As always, this is only my opinion. Others will love this game, so enjoy.
This is just about ok-ish, if you've never played H.O. games. Lockable inventory. Graphics ok. Not much fun, as everything about this game, for me, is beyond easy. H.O. scenes are so simple, with some items, literally, 'in your face' obvious to see. No glitches. Slightly slow to change scenes. Murderer? What murderer? I know casual games stay within certain guidelines, but, please..... Story isn't up to par. This is just my opinion, though. If 'just testing the water' with H.O., then maybe this one is for you. Not for me, but, others will love it.
Three chapters of C.E., played. The last two games in this series, have been 'iffy.' I decided to give series a last try. How I wish I hadn't bothered. Is this even a Dark Parables game? Most of the collectable acorns, must've been wearing camouflage coats! I was spending too long, trying to find them. Gave up trying. Quality? No. Graphics? Not good. Blurry. Story? Bad. Actually, everything about this game is sub-standard, that's putting it mildly. I think this series needs to end, if this is a taste of what's to come. No more for me. I'll stick with the earlier ones. As always, this is just my opinion.
Completed C.E. + bonus game. What a terrible game! I can't even say there's a story. Collectables, etc., are easy to find. There is a helper, which stays in inventory, and isn't used much. Poor story-line. Graphics are ok-ish. A couple of spoilers now. Main character, spots an, obviously distraught lady, at the door way, of her cabin. Totally ignores her, and carries on, as if that's normal! She finds an attendant, tied up, unable to move. Character carries on, as if that's normal, too! Spoilers over. (I won't write any more spoilers, as other gamer's will like this game. I only gave 2, as examples.) I knew then, I had made a humongous mistake, buying this. Games are meant to be fun, I know, but, this was mind numbingly boring, pointless, and a waste of money. Main game, and bonus, are extremely short. Definitely should not be a C.E. The only good thing I found about this game, was when the end credits rolled. Only reason I finished it, was because I paid for it. Needless to say, the hint button was used. A lot!!!
Was enjoying this one. Transportable map. Decent story. No pauses changing scenes. Yes, a definite buy, for me. Was approx. half way through demo. Then, it happened. Oh yes! A ' helper' hatched! No, a definite no buy, for me. Another one bites the dust! What is it, with all these 'helper' games lately?
Demo only. Not a bad game. Just not good enough. Lockable inventory. Graphics were good. No pauses from scene to scene. No glitches. Not challenging. Can't comment on audio. Best news ever...NO HELPER!!!