More settings would make a lot of difference. I couldn't play smoothly, because I had to wait on matches finishing, before I could make another. I really dislike games, that show automatic hints. Should be option to switch them off. I liked the Match 3 levels. Hidden objects were huge. I found them boring, & childish, so finished them in no time. Not a game I'll play again, but, others love it.
I found this game too easy, & boring. I agree with parts of other reviews. Some pieces were too small. A lot of colours were so similar, boredom soon kicked in. Pictures weren't varied enough for me. Push bike, with flowers. Basket of flowers. Another push bike, with flowers. With an infinite number of subjects to use in pictures, I was really disappointed with choices used. Bring back the old B.F. Games were so much better, in quality, & were definitely worth the money.
The selection of puzzles were 'right up my street.' I would've enjoyed most of the jigsaws, which is rare, compared to recent releases. I didn't notice too many repeats, from other games. Visuals were good, too. My pet hates are: puzzles with people dressed in costumes, posed, or make-up that looks slapped on. I could finish some puzzles. Others would freeze part way through. I had to do a forced shut down, as task manager wouldn't appear. I found this extremely annoying. I am also very disappointed. A complete waste of my money. Apparently, according to emails, site doesn't support all games, using Win11! Why? I recommend the game, for the variety, & puzzle quality.
I'm enjoying my 1st Pop Art game. Colours are great. I don't use sound. No option to use custom cursor, the game cursor does move smoothly though. I have encountered a couple of glitches/frustrations. 1. When I try to change colour, I have to click more than once to do so. 2. The colour board moves up/down, without me clicking to move it. I hope the issues are fixed for the next game. Some of the 'pieces' are far to small. A pin head is bigger. The board can be enlarged. However, I like that to be my choice, & not a necessity. Fingers crossed, this will be looked into by dev.
Like others have said, far too much dialogue. It's more like playing the odd m3 to have a break from reading a book! Can't turn off tutorial, which is repeated over & over, & then some. Look after the donkey? Please! Really? Expected updated graphics, at least. Hasn't happened. Total waste of money.
Froze 4 times in 1st few levels. Demo was fine. Couldn't even get task manager. Had to do forced shutdowns. Frustrated, and out of pocket. Not good. Also noted, others had similar problems. I should've read lowest reviews first.
Apart from a few pictures, I found no.6 way too easy. Once again, apart from the very odd one, no.7 is way beyond that stage. Completing a game so quickly, isn't worth my time, & definitely not my money. I completed most pictures in 3mins., or less. I expect more challenge in games. I'm so disappointed, & feel let down. Can we please lose the done in 60 seconds - or less - levels, & stop the finish 1st pictures before being able to move on? Are devs aiming more for young children? Then make a game for children. As usual, colours are spot on. I didn't come across any tech. issues. If you like a bit of challenge, then please, try before you buy.
This is a CHILDREN'S game, & should be listed as one. I'm all for games for children, as some will like the odd game. If a game is for pre-school, under 10's etc, then do us the courtesy of saying so, please. The overall quality of the games - I like - has gone right down. Quantity over quality?! In my opinion, definitely. Big Fish used to be the best site. Unfortunately, not anymore. There are better games elsewhere.
On most of the 'paintings' why are the colours so dark, & borderline depressing? I can just about cope with the messy, blurred images. More picture variety is needed. A lot are plain boring. As others have mentioned, there should be an option to skip through levels, to choose which paintings I want to do, & avoid those I don't. This option would also show if more dark colours were used in most paintings. Then I wouldn't buy. I was hoping colours & picture variety would have improved this time, compared to the last 2,- which were extremely dark- but no change has been made. I certainly don't want to 'paint' a chopping board & knife, with a bit of fruit on the side. Another has slices of orange. There's a few a 3yr old could complete! Some pieces are that small, my pointer struggles to colour in. There is a zoom option, but I like to see the whole picture forming. Zooming in/out so many times, becomes tedious. Moving the colour palette up/down, requires multiple clicks to do so. More than a few times when I click to change colour, the palette moves up/down instead. Frustrating, to say the least. I will finish No. 3, as I've paid some hard earned money on it. There are other painting games with good bright colours & better picture variety, which I'll go back too, as they have nice, bright, happy colours.