The residents of Bitterford, Maine have fallen prey to a terrible curse. It’s up to you to unravel the series of mysterious events that led to the town’s downfall and uncover the evil that was responsible.
I agree with the other low reviewers here! I got only 10 minutes into this demo before losing major interest. Stuck of all places in the hotel photo-developing lab. Which kept wanting me to click on a new sheet and then pan dip, telling me 'sorry, you're doing it wrong' or whatever. What a sad waste of time. Even Ravenhurst was better than this No stars.
I loved Haunted Houdini and Witches of Abraham, which is why I gave this one a shot. But went away disappointed 30 minutes into the demo.
I didn't mind the ghost of Nathanial Hawthorne, what bothered me was the game mode.
- Nothing about actual witches, despite the game title - Objects in the HOS are impossible to recognize and locate - Many items must combine to use them - There's a journal I found pointless - There is a map, but no real use for it: no direction - The hint system is not useful. You click an object but no actual help...had to use my phone for the walkthrough
It got tiresome walking here there without direction. I can't stand having to rely on a walkthrough because of no map and a useless hint option.
I had my doubts about this game as other fantasy games with trolls and gargoyle creatures haven't parred so well. Just 10-minutes into this demo, I knew it was a keeper.
Perfect flow of dialogue (which becomes quite tedious next to irritating in some HO games), graphics, effects, sound, atmosphere, and animations. Kudos to this developer, who does NOT disappoint with this nonstop adventure. A perfect flow of entry's, backups, and HOs in a very strong, steady storyline.
The best feature: The Hint doubles as a location redirect, sparing you from clicking on a separate, almost useless map.
I got 10 minutes into the demo to realize it wasn't for me. Just not challenging enough despite its naming title, and I LIVE for spooky games. The kickoff was okay but then went blah from there. Nothing especially exciting. Which is a shame bc I had high hopes for this, despite it being a dated HO game.
Only 5 minutes into the demo I realized this game wasn't for me. Too elementary in its opening, the dialogue, and the graphics to hold my interest. I don't get into games that look like they were designed to appease a first grader.
I hate leaving bad reviews but couldn't avoid it this time, and I've played dozens of HO games since 2010. I blame the factor that I did not check the date before installing, as it would have saved me a mountain of headache. It was released in 2013, for the older Windows versions, and it's now 2020, and I have Windows 10.
The demo dragged in some areas, because of the aged graphics. And that Imp. Hate them, hate them, hate them. They're annoying as heck. I don't need a magical creature helping through a game. That's what the Hint and Map features are for.
I wished I could say I found this game fun and enticing considering its title. After all, who doesn't love haunted and dark adventures? However, I barely got 10 minutes into the demo before realizing it wasn't for me. The opening became tedious with having to click on the red x's every time, to close out of the closeups. And that they didn't close on their own, after finding the next clue. And no info on how to play the chess game. I had to keep tapping Hint to get through it, which I found annoying. Wasn't for me.
Rarely do I offer 5 stars to any HO game, as only a handful have withstood steadiness far as overall gameplay and graphics. And I've played dozens of demos over the years, purchasing maybe one out of every five of the full versions.
THIS game stands on its own perfection, compared to the many collectors series I've played, like Dark Romance, Final Cut, and Grim Tales. It's smooth, easy flowing, with a simple, classic storyline, and dialogue [which I will generously forgive of the annoying captions] and easy-moving HOPS.
The opening doesn't bore with a dragged out synopsis, and each scene or Chapter moves along freely and easily. Nice job!
My peeve with HO and POV games is no option to skip ALL of the mini-games if any just don't work out. Such was the case here. After attempting Mercilessly to get through the VanCave, only to get stuck on the idiot Ghost video game. No option to bypass or skip and trying the Hint to get me through was useless.
I got through barely 5-minutes of this demo before realizing its elementary state. In fact I grew bored during the start. The graphics were slow moving and the front bench with Olivia's name dragged a bit. After circling around the train, and the rose bush I got confused on how to move forward, as the hint button kept bringing me back to the bench!
I've played over 50 HO games, some that were lame, many others that have been award-worthy. This one is not one of those, unfortunately. Great for beginners, but not experienced or master players.