Between the godawful *voice captioning* I couldnt get rid of, no matter what settings I tweaked, the play flow is awful with very slow moving scenery, and objects that just dragged. PASS
Got through the opening to unlocking the briefcase before having to log off a few times. And each time resuming, was kicked back to the start in stead of where I'd left off. Filed a support ticket but no actual troubleshoot. Big Fish has done better in the past.
So much for Big Fish "upgrading" The demo went well so I bought the game. A very wasted 1900 credit points. It just would NOT download. No other game I've played/bought ever had this issue. I checked the forums and others mentioned the same thing. Certain games just not downloading or responding. And delayed (or no) response from BF. It wasted my points, and I couldn't finish. Not pleased > : (
I hate leaving poor reviews, but could not help it here.
Very boring game unfortunately. I get the crimson, as it's the plot of the story. But talk about drag.
By the time I got into the parlor or bar area, with all the dozen places to click on, I was sick of it No real HOPS to capture the interest.
Just dragging clues to find and click. Some that failed to respond to my clicks. Which is beyond annoying. As no one likes repeatedly clicking on an object until it (finally) responds.
I had hopes for this, in terms of fun-factor. But it failed.
Did not capture my interest at all I quit Big Fish months ago, because I grew bored. This one is no different. It starts out cool enough. But then the dialogue and gameplay just drags.
I got 10 minutes into the demo before calling it quits. It became laggy, with objects not responding half the time. 3 objects in the first HOP, including the butterfly and net would not pair. A huge annoyance and major "No".
This one absolutely rocks. No dull moment. And that's saying a LOT for the Ravenhearst series. Which has not really surpassed with quality nor gameplay.
Same as Ravenhearst Unlocked, this offers a ready hint option which provides easy flow scenes, HOPS, mini games, and go-thru's. A butter-smooth storyline, dialogue that doesn't bore you to sleep, and spectacular visuals that keep you moving along happily to the end. You also can adjust the difficulty settings and bypass the help messages, which is a smile, if you find them annoying.
Lastly, the puzzles are great. No annoyance of having to illogically put things where they don't go, or back-stepping all the way to start, just to grab something for the end.
I rarely offer 5 stars for any game ... but this is the BEST of the Ravenhearst series.
Its brilliant colorful graphics offer a smooth storyline that moves along flawlessly. With interesting characters that don't bore you to death with endless captioned dialogue. And enough short interesting HOPS and mini games to keep it fun and interesting.