Find hidden hearts across a number of cute game zones!
Overall rating
3/ 5
Meh Game
PostedDecember 28, 2024
fromPanhandle, FL
Skill Level:Expert
Favorite Genre(s):Hidden Object
Fun Factor
3/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
3/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
3/ 5
I was not impressed. Only got to 99 hearts and can't find the final one. The only part of the puzzle left "moving" was the chicken in tub with remote and 5 screens that change. I don't know if it's a hint or not but I can't take looking for one final heart any more and there is no hint to help me out. If all the areas are clear then where is the final heart? This is a game for advanced players and I can't think outside the box, I guess.
I don't buy many CE games lately because most are the same old same old, it seems. This game was way different and really challenging with new types of mini-games and a crazy storyline.
I liked how Collins changed the window with his "magnetic field". At first I thought I had screen trouble but he did it---changed my whole window and it was fun the way it happened. There are crazy locations in most scenes but the game usually involved no more than three locations at a time where you had to scavenge items. Then you moved on.
The only real complaint I have is that there was no way to know how many collectibles and morphs I had found. The buttons didn't seem to work when I checked. I know I missed several during the game because they were well hidden but at the end after completing the bonus, there was no way to look at my achievements or go back to find them as most CE games allow for now. That's the only tweak I can recommend. As for morphs--there was one every scene and also every minigame. Then the collectibles were tiny triangles and were hidden so well I missed several. Bravo! I'll find them all next time I play.
It could have been a Valentine's Day game as there were several romantic couples as characters. I would have liked a bit more explanation as to how the Queen reunited with Tarkin. They were at odds and then they were back together in 2 seconds without explanation.
I enjoyed playing the numerous "find the shape" mini-games and there are many of them. FYI most of those minigames were seen before the bonus game started. A lot of them could not be skipped which added to the fun, actually.
Thanks for a really great game I can't wait to play again soon. This is really an adventure game, not so much HOG, so it really appealed to me.
I own several of the Phantasmat games and generally really like all of them but this game is just not fun. There's no excitement, everything seems "done before" and repetitive. How many times did I have to go "under the lake"?
It's supposed to be a Scottish themed game but it's anything but. The lead character has a Northern Irish/Cockney accent!
I was hoping for a really exciting Phantasmat game that was clever and interesting and fun but got the opposite. I got tired of endlessly searching for the amulet piece or another fragment of some bigger fragment and going back and forth, back and forth. There has to be a way for the player to "get more done" in one location rather than jumping all over the place 16 times back and forth to accomplish next to nothing.
Also, some of the puzzles were not easy. I still can't open the bloody suitcase! Yeah...the code is 1487 but it doesn't work. Nothing happens. I can't finish the bonus chapter unless I figure out why it won't work. Can't skip opening the suitcase.
I guess we'll never get back the excitement factor of the very first Phantasmat game with the creepy old lady and bellhop and the tea. I loved that one. It was clever and not an insult to my intelligence. The puzzles were fun!
I had hoped the devs would have given us this game a few years ago but we had to wait longer. It's nowhere as good as the Halloween version.
There's not a lot of strategy to play the puzzles and I didn't feel challenged at all. Completed the entire game and was left almost dizzy with the unnecessary flying Santas zinging across the screen every few seconds. And the Santa who kept popping onto the screen to tell me the item I should be searching for (rope, hammer etc). These little "Tricks" are distracting in a bad way and disrupted the flow of the game.
I wish the QG games were more challenging in the spirit of the Halloween version which is the best one of all, IMO. I prefer having powerups to use in strategic ways in order to finish a puzzle.
The game was just "ok" but nothing to rave about, IMO.
I love this game! I've played it up to level 700 something and it's just totally fun for me. There are probably about a few hundred puzzle combinations that end up repeating themselves at some point and some are very difficult and challenging. You need to really work hard to fight the brambles if they appear before they take over your board. Luckily, they aren't in all the puzzles.
Some of the puzzles are very easy and quick to finish so you get a big mix of difficulty levels during the whole game. It's definitely not boring.
Some of the puzzles require you to make either vertical or horizontal 4-match combos so you can destroy walls or win gems. When you win gems and collect coins, you're then able to buy decorations for your garden.
Overall, this game is one of my top three favorite Match 3 games. I'd love to see more of this type game and maybe the developers can make a Christmas Garden game soon.
The game is graphically beautiful and the storyline was great. After that, the game fell apart for me. Way too much back and forth-ing. Once I completed the first hour of play, the rest of the game was a nightmare of click-click-clicking myself to death. I counted going back and forth multiple times to different locations, sometimes eight or nine clicks to keep revisiting the same location again and again. It was insanity. And no, you can't combine trips to complete multiple tasks. You have to go to one place to pick up a needed item then visit a different place to use the item. It's so repetitious and the whole problem could have been solved with a good transporter map.
When there are that many locations with mulitiple tasks and hundreds of items to find, a transporter map is essential. I thoroughly despised riding the cable car, the rowboat, the elevator over and over again. Each "trip" took about six seconds of time and it was agony waiting and waiting. This game could be "sped up" to alleviate the boredom factor. Another problem: if you play this game, play it all at once. The setting and locations are difficult to navigate. The hint button only tells you to "go here" with a pic of the location. You have to figure it out even if you can't remember where exactly that location is. Very frustrating!
I've played the other time-altering games by this company and never found them to be as disorganized and frustrating as this one was. I didn't rate this game highly because it wasn't a fun game to play. If there's no fun involved, I can't recommend it to anyone.
Free the frog princes from the clutches of an evil witch! Return them to their princess brides, and find out if the kiss of love can break the witch’s curse!
Loved everything about this game except it could have been longer. I would have enjoyed a full chapter with the witch as the frog only to aggravate her even more, haha. Graphics and storyline were stunning and easy to follow. The minis were easy enough and the other puzzles fun and different. This game has humor, both silly and laugh-out-loud. Please make more of this type game if only as an escape from the dark and dreary typical HOG adventure games found here.
Loved this game and the only reason I didn't 5-star it was because of the map that slowed the game down every time you used the transporter. I didn't need to see footsteps on a map that slowed me down.
The game is awesome otherwise. I got stuck more than once and had to use a WT to figure out my way. The map wasn't always accurate. Several times I clicked on areas of interest but there was nothing to do and I was then directed elsewhere. It was slightly confusing. The storyline was interesting and the graphics were to die for. I loved the variety of HOGs and other puzzles. I would not want to be in that creepy mansion for anything!
The game took me close to 8 hours to finish, mostly because I got sidetracked more than once looking at the graphics and enjoying the feeling of being in that creepy mansion.
I will definitely play this one again as it was great fun.
This Shiver in the series was IMO, the least fun of the three so far. The earlier two were much more interesting and fun. This one was draggy and it didn't help going back and forth all the time with no interactive map. I found a lot of the inventory items made me scratch my head wondering how or where they'd be used. Lots of items used made no sense. I am a practical and logical gamer and not used to being played by developers. The HOGs were ok, my favorite part. The rest was just unremarkable. Kudos for good artwork though.
A great and very long game with multiple levels of challenge and nothing but HOGs all the way through. You enjoy stocking and decorating several very beautiful fish tanks as you complete the levels of challenge. This game is such a nice break from the dark and dreary horror-fests that I usually purchase from BFG. I loved the beautiful graphics and restful scenes and found the HOGs to be very challenging and fun. This game is a totally relaxing escape and well worth owning. I'd definitely purchase more games like this one. Enjoy, Fishies!