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This "Top Reviewer" is one of our most frequent game reviewers. We think you'll trust what they have to say and find their reviews helpful and informative.
The town of Ulthar hasn't gone to the dogs, but it has gone to the cats! For as long as anyone can remember, the cats of Ulthar have banded together to protect the city and the grateful citizens erected a monument to honor their feline protectors. In the blink of an eye, all that has changed, and the cats seem to be in a frenzy, they have attacked and killed a prominent but odd couple. The Mayor believes that a young vagabond boy has enchanted these cats, and is scheduled to be executed for the murder of Mr. & Mrs. Jones! This is going to be a tough case to solve once the beloved cats of Ulthar turn against you!
Naturally you will be aided on this investigation by a fuzzy feline as your "hint" buddy, let's keep our fingers crossed that he doesn't become enchanted and turn on us, I don't trust his beady little eyes! You also get to collect 24 scaredy cats, cats that are scared and hiding all around Ulthar, and I must say, some are challenging to find and they aren't in every scene which make it even more challenging. The graphics are hand drawn, not my favorite, but for hand drawn graphics they are pretty decent. There are no voiceover either, jut dialog boxes to read, but after all this is an older game so I really wasn't expecting voiceovers.
The Hidden Object Scenes are all simple text lists with no interactions and some items are difficult to find because of clarity issues with the hand drawn graphics. The Mini Games are fairly entertaining such as selecting cat shaped locks in the correct order, rotating three different discs so that the color coded leaves match the visual hint shown, there are even the old standard jigsaw puzzles to.
This Collector's Edition has Screensavers, Wallpapers, Concept Art pictures, 24 hidden Cats, Music, a built in Strategy Guide and a Bonus Chapter, enjoy!
This "Top Reviewer" is one of our most frequent game reviewers. We think you'll trust what they have to say and find their reviews helpful and informative.
The Vatican has called in their best agent to put an end to the madness of one of their own, who has gone rogue. Behind the safety of the gates of Portone, reside many very frightened citizens, who live in constant fear of a wrath from Inquisitor Augustine. Augustine has appointed himself judge, jury and executioner, in his never ending obsessive quest to find the Pagan witch Miguela, the Wolf Queen. Inquisitor Augustine shows no mercy, not even a man of the cloth is spared, it's no secret in this village, the Inquisitor has blood on his hands! Disguised as a Knight's Templar, you must infiltrate Portone, nestled in the foothills of the Spanish mountains, and find a way to gain the trust of the locals. The Vatican is counting on your discretion in this matter, this is a secret mission, from now on, you're on your own!
I loved the first installment of Where Angels Cry, because of the unusual storyline and computer generated graphics that were so masterfully accomplished. Tears of the Fallen, in my opinion, does not disappoint either. Obviously, this is one of those games you either love or hate. None of the reviewers really disliked the storyline itself, which is a good thing because the theme is rarely touched upon therefore, it hasn't been played to death. I think most gamers disliked some of the features, which some consider archaic. For starters, some items require the use of a feature called a Combiner that appears when certain items are clicked on. The Combiner will display silhouetted shapes around it that need to be found and then placed upon it's silhouetted shape, and when all items have been found the item task can be completed. Tears of the Fallen has a really cool feature that unlocks videos you can watch that tell the story of this little village, the characters, and above all, what makes these characters special and what their purpose in life is. (very interesting to watch) There is a falcon that follows you, when he lands to keep his eyes on you, you simply click on him which eventually unlocks this video feature. You can choose an optional Icon feature that will show feet wherever there is a different available exit to move to, and if you use the hint feature, it will continue showing you the direction to travel until you are at the scene that requires action, or you can use the transporter map to quickly relocate. The Collector's Edition has the additional features of the usual Achievements to earn as well as 15 collectible hidden Doves to search for.
The Hidden Object Scenes are varied with either listed items or silhouetted shape finds, and most of the HOP's will continue with a few progressive interaction tasks after the list is completed, such as finding and using rocks on a catapult to bust open a stone castle which will expose a key which is used to open a box and so forth. My only complaint is that they didn't stick with period related items, I'm pretty sure they didn't have spring loaded clothespins and aluminum cookie cutters in the 1300's.
The Mini Games are actually pretty decent, but a bit on the easy side, as shown below if you want to get an idea of what's in store, Warning: some may consider these spoilers so skip this section if you feel it may spoil the solution, however, I have just listed descriptions NOT solutions.
1) Swap Maltese Crosses on a board within their color coded slots and from smallest to largest. 2) Arrange round tokens to complete an image, clicking once to swap, twice to rotate the token. 3) Defend yourself in a sword and Shield game by clicking the shield icon when the crosshairs are inside the shield, if you misclick it results in damage to your character instead of your opponent. 4) Arrange different shapes inside the silhouette of three different images. 5) Rearrange Knight figurines so that they have something in common with their neighbors on both sides. (my favorite)
The Collector's Edition has replayable Mini Games and HOP's, unlockable Background stories(available in both editions), 5 Wallpapers, 9 Concept Art pictures, Music Soundtracks, 15 Collectible Doves, 16 Achievements, a built in Strategy Guide and a Bonus Chapter, put on your Templar gear, and stop this madness, enjoy!
This "Top Reviewer" is one of our most frequent game reviewers. We think you'll trust what they have to say and find their reviews helpful and informative.
Be careful Mr. Penguin! Prehistoric land of the dinosaurs is NOT a good place for a penguin to be , especially at dinner time! As with all Fantasy Mosaics puzzles (more like Fantastic Mosaics) , every step you take in the game will help the penguin explore this new world, the land of the dinosaur.
This is a griddler or mosaic type puzzle game where you fill in and cross of cells on various sized grids, using logic. There are groups of numbers located on each column and row of the grid, each group of numbers must be separated by at least one blank or crossed off cell. Sometimes it's easier to figure out where numbers can't possibly fit to reduce the amount of cells and narrow the playing field down a bit. Some cells contain bonuses such as extra hints, extra mistakes allowed or an extra pickaxe which allows you to choose which cell you want a hint on. There is a Sun icon as well that when fully charged, will give you a mega hint, filling in or crossing off a 3x3 area of your choice.
The one feature that makes Fantasy Mosaics stand out from the rest of the griddler games, is the vibrant array of colors available. It can also help you solve the puzzle when you get stuck, because you can switch to another color which ultimately narrows down the available cells. Unlike many griddler games, these pictures actually make sense, because they have three different colors you know what image you have created, such as a woodpecker, dolphins and even a puppy giving you his paw.
If you make no mistakes, you will earn a Gold Trophy regardless of the time it takes to complete the puzzle, a Silver Trophy is earned if you make one mistake, and a Bronze Trophy is earned if you make 2 mistakes. You can replay the grid as often as you want in order to improve your trophy status. This series is one of the best available, and certainly the most colorful. This is a must have game for griddler geeks and an immediate purchase for this geek, enjoy!
This "Top Reviewer" is one of our most frequent game reviewers. We think you'll trust what they have to say and find their reviews helpful and informative.
I really enjoyed this candy land themed Time Management game, for a while, then it just got kinda boring. This is one of those games where if you don't select tasks in the correct order, you will be unable to progress any further and you'll have to restart the level over. For example, if you build the Jelly Factory before the Sugar Factory, you won't be able to repair the bridge because of the lack of sugar it requires to repair the bridge and you cannot go any further without repairing the bridge.
You can choose to play this game in Normal mode, Multi-click mode (allows you to queue several available tasks) or an untimed mode. There are Achievements to earn, but from what I can tell, they are all achievements for earning a specific number of stars. The main character looks like a Willy Wonka knockoff, and at one point, his dialog box was blank, so I had no idea what that was about. This biggest problem with this candy themed game is that all of the buildings look the same, you can't really tell the difference between the Jelly factory (which produces sugar cube shaped jelly?), the Sugar factory (produces sugar cubes) and the Chocolate factory (which produces candy canes??) Each level is littered with what seems like hundreds of pieces of candy which is awe inspiring the first couple of levels, then seems mundane and repetitive. There is a bonus bar at the bottom that fills up to allow the use of different bonuses such as an extra worker, a snowflake to freeze the timer for a short time, a boot that makes the workers work at a neck breaking pace or an icon that produces + 1 of a particular resource.
My first thought was that this was a Time Management game that the kids could play. After playing several levels, many of which I had to restart because I put the cart before the candy horse, I don't think younger kids would get the concept, and older kids aren't going to be awe inspired by the abundance of sugary props. Maybe this was just designed to be an early Christmas game, but I think the sweet concept failed to impress any age group!
This "Top Reviewer" is one of our most frequent game reviewers. We think you'll trust what they have to say and find their reviews helpful and informative.
One of the biggest reasons I love playing Monument Builders Time Management games are because you get to learn interesting facts about the construction that you probably never knew. My favorite MB is the construction of the Alcatraz federal prison, but I probably learned more interesting facts about the last monument, Big Ben. Don't get me wrong, this isn't a boring history lesson, you simply get to read a paragraph of interesting facts before each level, and you can skip it if you want to get on with the game. Most of the Monument Builders games are uncomplicated and fairly easy to figure out which make them perfect for beginners, especially because they have very thorough tutorials.
The goals are shown at the top of the screen as well as an inventory bar that displays the quantity of your supplies such as wood, cement, food, steel and cement blocks. You will need to clear the roadways first of any food, money, supplies or debris, and some roads need holes repaired. Lazy workers need a nudge occasionally and pelicans need fed before they'll move on to greener pastures. Trees need cut to make room for buildings, and new workers can be recruited at the main warehouse.
Some levels will give you bonuses to choose before the level starts, you can choose only one at a time to Tone up the workers, have Faster Production and my favorite, Automatic Delivery of all goods, otherwise you have to click on all carts to send them to their delivery destination. The goal is to earn 3 gold stars, according to how long it takes you to complete all of the goals, however, you can replay any level as often as you want to try for a faster score. Enjoy!
This "Top Reviewer" is one of our most frequent game reviewers. We think you'll trust what they have to say and find their reviews helpful and informative.
Dark Dimensions has always been one of my favorite series, mostly because of the genre and certainly because of the superior computer generated graphics DD is known to have. Until now. :( Why have the devs abandoned the crisp, well defined graphics that made this series great, for the inferior graphics presented in Shadow Pirouette? The overabundance of pink and purple hues, make this game seem more like a fairytale than a game that's supposed to be "dark". I was waiting for a poof of glitter and a magical unicorn to show up, so I could be whisked away to another pastel colored dimension, far far away from the Shadows who plague the tiny town of Everton! Dark Dimensions usually center their focus around the paranormal, somewhere between the living and those who have passed on but still have attitude. With this game however, we get a Magic Lantern that's powered by magic crystals. That would be okay if the Lantern belonged to the Lantern man and was "souler" powered. As I said before, all this would be okay if it wasn't Dark Dimensions, so I'm betting that if you're new to this series, you'll be perfectly fine with the graphics and the magical props.
The magical crystal powered lantern is used to ward off the Shadows that are slowly encroaching upon the entire town of Everton. Each time you use the lantern you will play a quick mini game of untangling the ropes, that get slightly more complicated each time, as more ropes are added and the pattern becomes a little tighter. Throughout the game, you will collect figurine silhouettes in groups of three, for 10 separate scenes. Once you collect a set of three silhouettes, you can watch a very short clip of a movie that eventually tells you the story about the evil entities. There's the usual features of plus sign interactive inventory items as well as 16 Achievements to earn as well.
The Hidden Object Scenes are mostly Interactive Listed Items, but there are some with puzzles as well as silhouetted shape finds in multiples such as a mug X 2. The Mini Games are way more entertaining than the Hidden Object Scenes, They are familiar games such as moving all the elements to their correct slot, or adjusting the power grid and switches to connect wires to fuses and even a super simple jigsaw puzzle where you move the main center piece towards the other pieces using directional arrows.
This Collector's Edition has 6 Wallpapers, 12 Concept Art pictures, 19 Developer's Diary photos, 16 Achievements, Figurine Silhouettes, 12 Mini Games, 12 Hidden Object Puzzles, 8 Bonus Puzzles, 6 Soundtracks, a built in Strategy Guide and a Bonus Chapter, enjoy (if you don't try to compare this game to the other fantastic Dark Dimension games!)
This "Top Reviewer" is one of our most frequent game reviewers. We think you'll trust what they have to say and find their reviews helpful and informative.
There's a legend here in the Whispering Marsh, of a mysterious and frightening man who loathes any form or merriment, they call him the Lantern Man (insert dramatic music). Careless people who laugh and sing or even the foolish who dare taunt the Lantern Man, have disappeared into the foggy marsh, never to return! It is said, that if you can hold your breath when he shines his lantern upon you, your soul will be spared. So many good people have disappeared, prompting an investigation by the County Bounder, surely this legend was created to to frighten misbehaving children, but just in case........HOLD YOUR BREATH!
The graphics are fantastic, crisp, and well defined, exactly what you'd expect in a quiet town nestled near an eerie marsh, especially a Whispering Marsh. Top the graphics off with theater quality video cinematics that draw you into the storyline, hook, line and sinker, and you get another superior Myths of the World episode. Many of the inventory items you collect are complex items that require some form of interaction before they can be used, such as combining it with another item. The Collector's Edition has the addition of Achievements to earn, Hidden Acorns to find, and even Morphing Objects within the HOP's! Personally, I love Morphs in the game itself with very slow morphing features that aren't linear, putting an occasional morph into a HOP doesn't thrill me as much.
The Hidden Object Scenes are pretty lengthy, some have interactive list finds followed by duel pictures that require you to find the item associated when combines such as a mirror image of a womans silhouette is a mirror. One of my favorite HOP was an extremely interactive and progressive silhouetted shape find where you find the first item matching the silhouetted shape and then use that item in the scene to expose the next item and so forth. There was also one that tasked you with finding 5 birds and 5 keys on a stone mural, which would combine to a pigeon and a large key that is used to eat bird seed and open a lock uncovering a list of items, I enjoyed the variety. There are also small HOP's within zoomed in zones where you find a handful of the same type of item such as 6 petals. Both this Standard Edition and the Collector's Edition offer an alternate game of Mahjong, but the HOP's are really entertaining and way more exciting than a tile matching game.
I didn't come across anything new as far as the puzzle or mini games went, I'll list a few of the games that stand out:
1) Navigating through obstacles on a map using a directional compass arrow. 2) Sliding 4 shells to open a bookshelf, some shells also affect others. 3) Matching pairs of symbols by turning over two symbols at a time. 4) Using a lockpick to open 3 different lock tumblers, rotating the top pick until correctly placed and pushing in on the bottom pick. 5) Connecting gears from the top left to the bottom right using chains of different lengths, blue chains connect two fields, red chains connect a single field. 6) Several increasingly difficult Lantern puzzles where you make connections to enclose all of the symbols in a continuous line, however you cannot directly connect two identical symbols you have to alternate them.
The Collector's Edition has 13 Achievements, 42 Hidden Acorns, 16 Morphing Objects within the HOP's, 18 Puzzles or Mini Games, an alternate game of Mahjong, a Souvenir Room, Lore Book, 10 Soundtracks, the Making of, Videos, 8 Concept Art pictures, 8 Wallpapers, 16 replayable HOP's, a built in Strategy Guide and a Bonus Chapter, enjoy....... and remember to hold your breath when the Lantern Man shines his lantern upon you!
This "Top Reviewer" is one of our most frequent game reviewers. We think you'll trust what they have to say and find their reviews helpful and informative.
Oh...the game that could have been a masterpiece, but failed miserably all because of poor graphics! The storyline began to pull me in right from the get go, as I'm challenged with solving a murder mystery of a 6 year old girl, Evelyn Byers, who was murdered all because she witnessed Washoe Pete commit a murder in the tiny town of Bodie. Several years have passed without incidents until tombstones suddenly began to vanish as if the townsfolk of yesteryear were begging for your help! See what I mean? What an awesome story! Too bad the graphics are so horrible within the HOP's that I gave up on the story after just 20 minutes.
This game is all about finding the tombstones that have disappeared, and as a reward for repairing the desecrated graves, the dearly departed will give you a section of the map that will lead to the murderer! First things first, you must play a seek and find game within one of the citizens humble abode and you will find the bag full of their tombstone pieces. This is where the game goes south, way south. You are tasked with finding simple listed items that didn't make sense. The houses were built in the 1800's and basically abandoned after everyone was murdered, so why am I tasked with finding chocolate truffles and electric fans and radios? To make things worse, the graphics as so grainy and blurry that it's nearly impossible to recognize most of the items. I couldn't even recognize a cowboy hat!
After the HOP, you take your bag of tombstone pieces (seems like that would be a big and heavy bag right?) and repair the tombstones one at a time. in a jigsaw type puzzle where you click to rotate the piece and drag it to the correct space on the tombstone outline. Once repaired, the resident of that tombstone will hand you their map section which leads you to the next house and so forth, lather, rinse, repeat.
This "Top Reviewer" is one of our most frequent game reviewers. We think you'll trust what they have to say and find their reviews helpful and informative.
What was once whole, now is split in half, balance has been disrupted with mankind's discovery of Harmonium. You cannot have light without the dark, there cannot be good if there isn't evil, you cannot destroy until you create! Dr. Bennett has made a major breakthrough with her otherworldly portal, and someone has just arrived on her doorstep! Kraixx might look like you and I but he's definitely from another world, a world being consumed by the dark energy of Harmonium. If balance isn't restored in his world, our world will surely perish!
Fortunately, Kraixx has equipped you with a Gauntlet capable of collecting both dark and light Harmonium energy, breaking barriers and discharging it's energy as needed. (whew that comes in handy) There are 43 Hidden Collectible Owls or Freyy's Apprentice, there is no cursor change to help you out, but they seem to all be pink which seems a bit odd. As with all CE's there are several Achievements to earn, and many of the inventory items have plus signs indicating some type of interaction is necessary before using the item.
The Hidden Object Scenes are typical for this series, and many of the scenes have slight movement in the scene or entirely different locations as the camera pans to a different area. Most of the Hidden Object Puzzles are silhouetted shape finds, or multiple finds, but there's also an extremely interactive and progressive scene where you fidget with all kinds of gadgets, and another where you are tasked with finding symbols or glyphs written on the walls on 3 sections, which was somewhat challenging and a nice change of pace. You can opt for an alternate Bubble Shoot game if you're not into HOP's.
The Mini Games are fantastic! Every time you use the Gauntlet you will play a small mini game of either matching the identical symbols or drag ropes across every star point. 1) Assemble the CCPP logo by dragging different tetris shapes into the individual letters. 2) Swapping or Rotating molecules until they are in the correct outlined shape slots. 3) Use arrows to adjust the frequency of radio soundwaves. 4) A series of mini games within one puzzle (super fun) the first step is to swap tokens to the correct slot, then use arrows to move color coded balls to their matching slots, followed by choosing several shapes that will recreate the image shown, and swapping the blue and purple tokens to the right and left. 5) Match identical owls until only one remains. 6) Slide different color coded suns to their matching slots on a star shaped track.
This Collector's Edition has 12 Achievements, 18 replayable Puzzles, 15 replayable HOP's, replayable Bubble Shoot Games, 13 Videos, a Souvenir Room, 43 Collectible Owls, 5 Music Tracks, 8 Concept Art pictures, 8 Wallpapers, a built in Strategy Guide and a Bonus Adventure Chapter, enjoy!
This "Top Reviewer" is one of our most frequent game reviewers. We think you'll trust what they have to say and find their reviews helpful and informative.
This is one of the better Mahjong games out there, but after the first level, it's just the same thing over and over. I thought this game showed some promise, starting out with somewhat of a storyline and interesting Ancient Roman themed graphics, but other than the first level nothing new or exciting happened. You can choose from 3 styles of Mahjong tiles (because 4 choices would be way over the top crazy) as you supposedly travel to 10 locations within the Ancient Rome Empire, each location has 10 different game layouts.
The goal with every game is to match all of the tiles by choosing two matching Mahjong tiles that are free, unblocked tiles. Each time you match identical Legionnaire soldiers, you will receive a powerup. Depending on which soldier is matched, you will get a Centurion powerup which will destroy 3 different pairs of tiles, the Scout powerup is basically a hint that will show you an available match, the Bowman will reshuffle all the tiles remaining on the board and the Legionnaire can destroy a single tile of your choice.
One feature I hate is the fact that all mahjong games require you to reshuffle the board because eventually there are no available moves. Earning shuffles to resolve this annoying feature is one thing but to automatically use my "powerup" because the program is designed to run out of matches is a different story because my score reflects the fact that I used a powerup! Anyway, if you're really into Mahjong games, you'll probably like this game, but for me, it's just a repetitive process with little to no challenge. If you haven't tried Lost Amulets yet, give that one a try, it's really entertaining!