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This "Top Reviewer" is one of our most frequent game reviewers. We think you'll trust what they have to say and find their reviews helpful and informative.
Matching two identical cards in a solitaire game is nothing more than a Mahjong game, and it's just not that much fun. Everything is the same, nothing has changed other than the title of this game. You can choose between two modes of difficulty, Newbie which allows you to replay any hand and Professional which only allows you to replay the entire 10 level pack. There are 12 Rooms available and each room has 10 levels, and you must score enough points in order to progress to the next room. The goal is to remove all Gold cards which will give you a perfect score even if other cards remain. Some cards are bonus cards which give you 499 points, a Joker, Shuffle or a free undo, but you can always purchase these bonuses in the Shop. There is a Multiplier bar which fills with every pair of cards matched to give you more points, and the scenes and music are Christmas themed for the holidays. This type of solitaire isn't my favorite, I prefer the Higher/Lower solitaire game, however if you like this Match two type solitaire then this might be your cup of tea.
This "Top Reviewer" is one of our most frequent game reviewers. We think you'll trust what they have to say and find their reviews helpful and informative.
The games that we are offered every Thursday and Saturday, seem to be getting easier and easier. It feels like I'm just going through the motions and able to solve the HOP's and Mini games without giving them much thought. Half the time I know what the plot is and how it will end, perhaps it's because I have played so many games, perhaps it's because the devs are becoming lax. What I liked about this game, was the challenge it offered me, no map to tell me where I have an active task, and the mini games seems to challenge me without frustrating me. The Hidden Object scenes are actually progressive FROG's and I must say, they too were surprisingly challenging! This isn't going to win the game of the year award, the graphics are really good, not fantastic, the storyline isn't new, but it hasn't been played to death.
This game is about The Last Dream. A mourning husband has recurring dreams about his wife Elizabeth who died in a car accident. He is contacted by Elizabeth who is trying to connect with the love of her life, explaining she has found a way for them to be together, that the journey will be difficult, and that Love always has obstacles to overcome. (a powerful message to say the least) The game can be a bit weird at times, for starters, you befriend a talking cat (alice and wonderland?) and the game shifts between his dreams and his realities. There are 23 Achievements to earn including 10 Dreamcatcher achievement moments, 7 items to make your talking cat's life more comfortable and 10 Collectible Photo's.
Play this game with an open mind, I think you might enjoy the change of pace and a little bit of a challenge to boot, enjoy!
This "Top Reviewer" is one of our most frequent game reviewers. We think you'll trust what they have to say and find their reviews helpful and informative.
I had no problems with the navigation controls using a magic mouse so I cannot elaborate on the problems other reviewers had. To move the characters through the maze, you have to Right Click, and Left Click when you want the character to pick up something or use their individual skill set. The first level is a mandatory tutorial, but it walks you step by step, and shows you what skill set the characters have that will allow all of them to escape the maze. The problem is, you have to guide each character one at a time through the level, and if one character dies, you have to start all over, so if 3 characters have made it through and the fourth one dies, you have to go back to the beginning and start with the first character again.
Each character has a particular skill set that the others do not, you will have to choose which characters to start with so that they all make it through the level. The Mouse (you can choose either the male or female mouse at the beginning) is the only character that can operate the levers that open doorways. Louis the Rooster has a shield that allows him to protect everyone from flying projectiles, but once he leaves, the projectiles can harm the others. Eurofant the Elephant can blow obstacles away with his powerful trunk, and Bockli the goat can jump over pits and traps, then he can activate some traps to be filled in when he finds a Swiss Army knife. You will have to first move the character into position, then click on the character and the task at hand to activate their skills.
The graphics are awesome, but the game has complicated navigations and repetitive tasks which makes the game not so fun.
This "Top Reviewer" is one of our most frequent game reviewers. We think you'll trust what they have to say and find their reviews helpful and informative.
The only feature this griddler game has going for it, is the level of challenge, which becomes quite difficult within a few levels. Other than that, this game has nothing to offer, no vibrant colors, there's only one single color, there's no option available to automatically mark off correct cells or auto fill cells, and above all, the finished puzzles are just random shapes, there's no storyline here folks!
There are two Training rooms available, Beginner which has 7 levels and is designed for people who have never played this type of game, and an Expert single level refresher course for those who haven't played this game in a while. The Adventure itself (where's the story?) has 6 Rooms, and each room has 20 grids within. You can purchase three different bonuses to help you, Two starting hints, The right to make a mistake X3, and Refill the hints on this level. You can earn up to three stars per replayable level, a star is deducted for each mistake you make, and correctly filled cells yield coins or bonus hints. There's just nothing exciting about this game, try Gizmo or Fantasy Mosaics games which are fantastic.
This "Top Reviewer" is one of our most frequent game reviewers. We think you'll trust what they have to say and find their reviews helpful and informative.
When I began playing this retro Click and Drag game, I thought to myself, "self, this is another horrible HdO game with poor graphics" But that quickly changed once I discovered how challenging the game actually was. You play the part of Madison, the sister of the Natural History museum's curator, Dr. Lily Avery who was murdered after discovering a pendant that allows you to travel back in time. You must switch back and forth in time as you are tasked with finding items that will allow you to reach your sister Lily to warn her of the upcoming danger she faces.
Yes, the graphics aren't very good, the Hidden Object scenes are very simple, and the mini games are easy too, but I found myself challenged with what to do next or where to find items I needed, and I really liked the challenge. All of the scenes can be zoomed into, as well as drug around so that you can find arrows leading to a different scene. You will be given blueprints of the items to find in order to progress, and then you need to figure out where to use the items.
I know most gamers will hate this old style game, but you might change your mind if you ignore the simplistic graphics and get into the storyline and the challenge it presents, enjoy!
This "Top Reviewer" is one of our most frequent game reviewers. We think you'll trust what they have to say and find their reviews helpful and informative.
Well there's not a whole lot you can change about a classic Mahjong game, and this game is no different than the hundreds of other Mahjong game available. This game has 6 different rooms from Novice to GrandMaster with a total of 120 different levels. You can choose from 3 Tile settings, one of which has a Christmas theme.The goal is to match identical tiles that aren't blocked by other tiles, and all gold tiles must be removed. You score points for each pair you remove, the faster you remove tiles the more points you receive. Removing silver tiles will refill the Shuffle bonus immediately and there is an icon that allows you to shade unavailable tiles. You must remove all gold tiles, score a specific amount of points and remove all gold tiles within a specific amount of moves or within a specific amount of time, allowing for a three gold star achievement on a perfect score.
This "Top Reviewer" is one of our most frequent game reviewers. We think you'll trust what they have to say and find their reviews helpful and informative.
Those friendly ghosts have returned and they want to learn how to celebrate Christmas. First things first they need the Scientist's help, and he will need a place to stay. You'll need to earn money to decorate Laruaville by playing Match 3 games.
The goal of every level is to collect coins by making matches next to them. Some coins are covered in fog, some blocked by stones, some blocked by wood, and some coins are covered in dirt. Making matches next to the obstacles at least once will clear them away. Matches of 3 earns you a star bomb, larger matches give you a bigger explosion to help clear the board. After a few levels you will play a game of Mahjong where you can place a tile of your choice into a holding slot to unblock tiles.
You can play this game in a Relaxed mode, a limited Time mode or a limited Moves mode, either way this is a very entertaining Match 3 series and I highly recommend all four Laruaville games, enjoy!
This "Top Reviewer" is one of our most frequent game reviewers. We think you'll trust what they have to say and find their reviews helpful and informative.
I remember playing this classic board game when I was a kid, my mother was a pro, and won every time, but that's okay, it taught me that you can't always win, it taught me to think more strategically. I enjoyed playing this board game as a kid, but this virtual game version is boring! Perhaps it's because I was just a kid the last time I played it, but whatever the reason, this game has nothing exciting going for it, it's just a simple board with a few colorful pegs and a poor tutorial.
There are 8 different Backgrounds available, 4 Board layout options, 4 Cursor styles to choose from, a Fixed camera setting and you can disable the GFX for a smoother running game. Players take turn (or computer) in a clockwise order, you must roll a 6 on the die before your player can move. If no legal move can be made, you forfeit your turn, if your player lands on another player's spot, that player's piece must start over. The person to whose four pieces reach home first wins. My recommendation is to dust off the original board game, call all the kids to the table and play a good old fashioned game of parcheesi, while you're at it try the game of life, sorry, ladders and chutes, or even twister!
This "Top Reviewer" is one of our most frequent game reviewers. We think you'll trust what they have to say and find their reviews helpful and informative.
Dark Tales: Edgar Allan Poe's The Tell Tale Heart converts this classic story into a game, where you are the assistant to the ever so famous Detective Auguste Dupin. On September 5, 1851, a woman was brutally murdered and ritualistically hung on a tree for all to see. Detective Dupin (and you of course) must must piece together evidence of the crime. There's just one witness to the crime, Katrina, who was working that evening "due to her current financial situation" if you catch my drift. She remembers only one thing about the murderer...His Blood red eyes!
If you are a fan of Dark Tales games which are based from the Edgar Allan Poe classics, you might want to consider the Collector's Edition which has several Collectible Cards throughout the game. There are 6 cards for each game, Premature Burial, Gold Bug, The Black Cat, The Mystery of Marie Roget, The Fall of the House of Usher, and The Mask of the Red Death, finding all cards in all the groups will unlock bonus Mini Games, when you unlock the crystal skulls.
You have packed your bags wisely, and throughout the game you will need to produce and use the items it contains, a good transport map (all the good detectives have one) your ID, a purse with money (how 'bout that, I don't have to look around for abandoned coins) and Examination Goggles with special lenses (of which the blue lens breaks but I'm fortunate to find a replacement of the exact color I need all wrapped up in a nice wooden box, what luck!) There are plenty of complex inventory items as well, which has become the norm in most HOPA games lately.
The Hidden Object Scenes are scarce, only 10 in the entire game. The first one involves interacting with things in the scene to find all the necessary items to pack your detective's bag. Most of the HOP's involve this same type of scene interactions, as you are tasked with finding clues to open items, and moving objects around so that you can piece together fragments to complete an item.
There are more Mini Games than HOP's but in my opinion some Mini Games could qualify for an HOP. Below are brief descriptions of some of the Mini Games you'll encounter, all of which are pretty easy to solve: 1) Find and select pairs of crime scene photos that correspond to the story being told. 2) Complete the image by selecting keys to rotate disks. 3) Select the correct lenses to examine a body to coincide with the notes shown. 4) Drag Mask halves to their matching half. 5) Assemble the picture using buttons to rotate groups of images.
The Collector's Edition has 12 Movie Videos, 7 Wallpapers, 11 Concept Art pictures, 4 Music Soundtracks, 36 Collectible Edgar Allan Poe game cards, 13 replayable Mini Games, 10 replayable Hidden Object Puzzles, 12 Achievements to earn, a built in Strategy Guide and a Bonus Chapter, enjoy!
This "Top Reviewer" is one of our most frequent game reviewers. We think you'll trust what they have to say and find their reviews helpful and informative.
Four innocent children have disappeared from summer camp, one of those kids is the niece of parapsychologist Brenda Gale. The camp counselor Molly seems to be possessed, chanting "you can't have the children, they're mine now" Could there be something evil lurking within the gem mines of this town? Is history repeating the events that took place in 1931 when four children were kidnapped by their teacher Miss Cameron? Who's spirit is seeking revenge on the lives of four innocent children? Could there be a link between these children and the children from 1931?
A simple Ghost catching apparatus is all you need on this investigation, well, that and maybe some Morphing Objects to earn some extra hints too. You'll also have to search for the six original possessions belonging to Alex, Rebecca, Sullivan and Linda, that tuck neatly into their person storage boxes, and will hopefully set their innocent souls free. There are no Achievements to earn but there are complex inventory items and some screens allow you to pan up, down, right and left, but the lack of extras in this game allows you to fully concentrate on the storyline, which is awesome!
The Hidden Object Scenes are really, really good, it's actually hard to figure out what's a Hidden Object puzzle and what's a Mini game Puzzle! You may have to find clues that match the kid's individual personalities (using clues given) then you have to put those item into their correct backpacks. Another scene has you matching pairs of words written by the same person, then you find pictures that match each child's interest on a poster board and place plaques that match the silhouetted shapes.
The Mini Games seem to be a little too easy, but lately all games seem to have simple puzzles. Below is a list of brief descriptions on some of the games you will encounter during the game:
1) Climb up a cliff by choosing sturdy rocks, limbs and crevices. (at least you don't have to match them) 2) Press buttons in the order shown on the note. 3) Enter the activation code on the device by pressing the button to choose the correct symbols as soon as they appear. 4) Arrange tiles so they match the wires on the frame with the correct number of connections. 5) Shoot a BB gun at the correct animal that matches a description given.
This Collector's Edition has pictures of the VG team, 28 Morphing Objects, 6 collectible items for each of the four missing children, Wallpapers, Music, Concept Art, a built in Strategy Guide and a Bonus Chapter, enjoy!