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A series of unexplained deaths baffle authorities, and you’re called in to investigate.
Overall rating 
It was OK.
3 / 5
31 of 47 found this review helpful
not up to Eipix usual standards
PostedJune 19, 2014
Customer avatar
fromDartmouth, Ma.
Skill Level:Expert
Favorite Genre(s):Word, Hidden Object, Brain Teaser
Fun Factor 
2 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
2 / 5
Level of Challenge 
2 / 5
2 / 5
I was pleased initially to see another Eipix game as this firm has produced some of the better games in the past couple years. Unfortunately no home run was hit here, perhaps just a double with no other runners on base. To begin ( and may I offer a long standing gripe with all developers ) we have another female detective. Given the era in which this game is played I doubt very much there were women anywhere doing such work. As a man playing these games, why are the protagonists almost always ladies. Come on devs, give the guys a break!! I'm sure the women players won't object. The storyline is nothing groundbreaking as this is a case of been there, done that. The graphics are not up to the level generally seen in Eipix productions. I do like the way the HOG segments are handled given the variety of tasks within most HOG scenes. The puzzles during the demo, which I completed in 30 minutes, offered nothing we haven't seen before. As I have stated in prior reviews, Devs are churning out games at such a rapid pace that originality suffers. Many HOPA players own hundreds of games. When we see the same old same old rehashed, does not that suffer the dev as to sales? Sea of Lies will surely appeal so some, but not to this granddad. Too bad.
I don't recommend this game.
31of 47voted this as helpful.
Find magician Andy Fox and his assistant, who vanished into thin air!
Overall rating 
Hated it.
1 / 5
24 of 45 found this review helpful
I'm here to PAN the OPTICON
PostedJune 18, 2014
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fromDartmouth, Ma.
Skill Level:Expert
Favorite Genre(s):Word, Hidden Object, Card & Board
Fun Factor 
2 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
1 / 5
Level of Challenge 
2 / 5
2 / 5
What a disaster of a game!! This bomb might have been ok in the early years of HOPA but in 2014 Panopticon is a major league dud. The characters are wooden, a sure sign the developers are not at the same level of expertise as the folks at
Eipix or Blue Tea as an example. The storyline is a case of been there, done that. Nothing novel about what is going on or what is about to happen. The hidden object scenes are run of the mill and the puzzles are old hat. I guess the creator of this game borrowed all of the puzzles from other games as there is absolutely no originality in any of them. The one thing I cannot fathom is why I spent the entire hour of the demo. Maybe I hoped there would be some improvement. Alas, there was none. Perhaps some player new to HOGs might show some interest in this turkey but anybody who has been around the yard for a while cannot possibly enjoy Panopticon, Avoid this like a contagious disease.
I recommend this game!
24of 45voted this as helpful.
Complete custom mosaic puzzles and discover the fantasy images hidden beneath
Overall rating 
Liked it!
4 / 5
10 of 13 found this review helpful
a nice entry for the genre
PostedMay 27, 2014
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fromDartmouth, Ma.
Skill Level:Expert
Favorite Genre(s):Word, Hidden Object
Fun Factor 
4 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
4 / 5
Level of Challenge 
5 / 5
2 / 5
There have been quite a few mosaic style games in the past few weeks. Most have been mediocre IMO. Fantasy 2 is a step above its most recent predecessors. Not much of a storyline and the theme is Oriental in nature. The background music is pleasant; however it would be nice if developers varied the score to avoid boredom. The nicest part of Fantasy 2 is the lack of super easy grids to begin the game. I am pleased this developer elected to not do a lot of hand holding at the initial phase of the game. In fact there are some challenging grids from the outset. Another fine feature is the grid variation from the getgo. So many grid games start with a bunch of 10 X 10's which get boring really fast. This one intersperses 10 X 10's with 15 X 15's and 15 X 20's early on. I also like that once a vertical or horizontal line is filled with cubes, the remainder of that line is automatically filled with blank spaces. It has been quite some time since I purchased one of the World Mosaics, for so long a time that group has been the standard of the genre. This game will more than likely be added to my repertoire by using a free game credit. Thanks dev for a nice game.
I recommend this game!
10of 13voted this as helpful.
Overall rating 
It was OK.
3 / 5
50 of 63 found this review helpful
I thought it would be better
PostedMarch 29, 2014
Customer avatar
fromDartmouth, Ma.
Skill Level:Expert
Favorite Genre(s):Word, Hidden Object, Brain Teaser
Fun Factor 
3 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
3 / 5
Level of Challenge 
3 / 5
3 / 5
I haven't reviewed any games for a couple of months because there hasn't been anything compelling enough for me to offer an opinion. Too many new entries are merely rehashes of previously introduced games. So when Burnt Dreams began, I was initially optimistic. Alas my hopes have been dashed. I don't mind HOPA's in the fantasy genre, primarily in that I often play them with a 7 year old grandson.
Kids find cute and loveable creatures ( there is a little dragon and a fairy present here# a fun part of the game. Unfortunately the storyline offers nothing novel. The player's brother has been kidnapped for whatever reason and the player# a male for a change !! ) is tasked to find him. We come across obstacles along the way in the form of puzzles, HOG scenes, etc. until the villainess makes an appearance at the end of the demo. HO HUM !! I realize that with the thousands of such games now created that developers might be at somewhat at a loss for originality. I just wish that we would not constantly be getting rerun after rerun. Perhaps the game improves as it progresses, I certainly hope so. IMO, Burnt Dreams is not worth the price of a CE. Should I read other reviews that make the game compelling, I may give the SE a go but only for the enjoyment of the aforementioned grandkid. I have been convinced for quite a while that a new game everyday might not be a good thing since the devs seem to be under pressure to crank out game after game for the sake of having something " new " every day. This is a case of what's old is not necessarily new. For the time being, I will keep to replaying older games that keep my interest. Judge for yourself.
I don't recommend this game.
50of 63voted this as helpful.
Overall rating 
It was OK.
3 / 5
29 of 40 found this review helpful
It just didn't grab me.................
PostedJanuary 23, 2014
Customer avatar
fromDartmouth, Ma.
Skill Level:Expert
Favorite Genre(s):Word, Hidden Object, Brain Teaser
Fun Factor 
3 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
4 / 5
Level of Challenge 
4 / 5
2 / 5
Most of the Eipix games are very well done. The 2 previous Myths of the World are excellent games, particularly Chinese Healer. Considering HOPA's in general let's face it fellow gamers, they all have HO scenes, they all have puzzles, they all have graphics of various quality and they all have storylines. My biggest problem with Spirit Wolf is the storyline. It's only my opinion but I found nothing overly compelling with the narrative. How many times have we had games wherein a couple are in love and there is a jealous
sibling who can't stand being shunned as a result of a couple's love for each other. The outcast always has some super powers and is dead set to thwart the lovers and woe betide any one who gets in the bad guys way.
I need something new in storylines.
Another problem I have with the game is how the characters look or to be precise how they don't look. Native American is not the thought I get when seeing the characters.
The HO scenes whether they be finding objects or finding silhouettes are unoriginal. The same can be said of the puzzles. Eipix usually offers much better games than Spirit Wolf. Perhaps the dev is churning them out too fast and as a result ( at least in this case ) the overall quality in lacking.
I'm sure other gamers will find this to be a very compelling addition to the genre. For me it's somewhat of a dud. Judge for yourself.
I don't recommend this game.
29of 40voted this as helpful.
Jack's fiancée Emily was kidnapped by mysterious scientist! Can you unravel the mystery of the secret bunker and save Emily before she is used in dangerous experiments?
Overall rating 
Disliked it.
2 / 5
21 of 33 found this review helpful
Back in the US, Back in the US, Back in the USSR !!
PostedJanuary 22, 2014
Customer avatar
fromDartmouth, Ma.
Skill Level:Expert
Favorite Genre(s):Word, Hidden Object, Brain Teaser
Fun Factor 
2 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
2 / 5
Level of Challenge 
2 / 5
1 / 5
I guess if this game had been offered 5-6 years ago when
HOPAs were in its dark ages phase, a lot of folks might have enjoyed it. Given the date of its debut, Secret Bunker is exceedingly dated. Since many of our games are created in
Slavic countries, finally having one set in one of these locales is refreshing. Alas this is where the good stuff ends.
In the opening scene our 2 characters Jack and Emily are camping and the girl is suddenly kidnapped. Why the western names when the game is set in the USSR? I could understand Yevgeney and Olga but not Jack and Emily. So now Jack sets out to rescue his comrade.
The rest of the trial which by the way took me 35 minutes to complete is just the same old mishmash of HO scenes, totally routine puzzles ( align the water pipes, etc. ) and travelling to and fro to complete tasks. Jack must be a Superman of sorts because he can dynamite a brick wall while standing a few feet away and not get even a scratch.
The trial ends with him being pushed down a deep elevator shaft but I figure he'll land on his feet.
The developer is a new one who either made this game years ago or didn't perform any due diligence to give a more sophisticated game player something to set his teeth into.
BFG gives us a supposed " new game every day". Unfortunately this is not new and should have stayed BACK IN THE USSR !!. Avoid this one .
Do svedanya !!
I don't recommend this game.
21of 33voted this as helpful.
The fairy-tale kingdom has fallen under a wicked spell!
Overall rating 
Liked it!
4 / 5
34 of 36 found this review helpful
surprisingly good game
PostedDecember 28, 2013
Customer avatar
fromDartmouth, Ma.
Skill Level:Expert
Favorite Genre(s):Word, Hidden Object, Brain Teaser
Current Favorite:
Fun Factor 
4 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
4 / 5
Level of Challenge 
4 / 5
4 / 5
A lot of times the soft releases are just that....soft. Soft as in no challenge or nothing much to compel anyone to want said game. Based on completing the trial of Dream Hills, it's anything but soft. For starters it is a fairy tale and lots of players have been getting annoyed with so many storylines right out of Mother Goose or Grimm's Fairy Tales. I am part of the annoyed group. However for some reason which I am still trying to grasp, this game didn't annoy me at all.
After playing for about 15 minutes, my impression was the game would be easy and best suited for beginners to the HOPA genre and children. Wrong impression!! As the game continued, some aspects of the game became harder and the hint button was useful.
The story is obvious to a fairy story, an evil witch is doing her thing and the player, a fairy godmother, must complete lots of tasks to defeat the evil one. The plot involves meeting and working with many fictional characters. Included in the demo were a toothless Captain Hook and a rather portly Sleeping Beauty. I liked the campiness the developer uses in injecting this sort of humor into the story. I encountered 6 or 7 HO scenes in the demo and all of them had some of the desired objects cleverly hidden in plain sight. Some might find the music to be repetitiously grating after a while, it started to get to me for sure. The graphics are better than the typical cartoonish game. The developer, a new one as far as I can recall, did a fine job in creating a rather good game. Granted it is not as good as the Awakening series or the Dark Parable entries but I think a lot of folks will find this to be a welcome addition to the mix.
I omitted to say earlier that the puzzles encountered were all easy to complete. This is a game my 7 year old grandson will enjoy and I'll have a good time playing it with him. These kind of games are terrific at teaching youngsters how to think outside the box. As for me, I will probably use a game credit to add it to my repertoire. Give it a shot, lots of you will be pleasantly surprised.
I recommend this game!
34of 36voted this as helpful.
You’re on a train in the middle of nowhere, and a band of dangerous thieves demand you tell them where to find the Hope Diamond’s shards. As the newest Hidden Expedition recruit, you’ve got to find the shards before they do…
Overall rating 
Loved it!
5 / 5
75 of 88 found this review helpful
Hidden Expedition is back in the game !!
PostedDecember 19, 2013
Customer avatar
fromDartmouth, Ma.
Skill Level:Expert
Favorite Genre(s):Word, Hidden Object, Brain Teaser
Fun Factor 
5 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
5 / 5
Level of Challenge 
5 / 5
5 / 5
When HOG's were much simpler in style HE delivered a couple of gems with Everest and even more so Amazon.
Then the next installment which had much fanfare and hype failed rather miserably. I entered the demo for Hope Diamond with a combination of anticipation for greatness and dread for another dud. Greatness appears to have been achieved. I will preface my further remarks by stating this review is based solely on the demo which I competed in 42 minutes without resorting to any skips.
The start of the game was a bit disappointing if for no other reason that the game player meets up with a villain. The disappointment for me was in reducing said villain to a smaller image of him during a voiceover segment. Why the choice by the developer of doing so somewhat baffles me. It is quite amateurish given what occurs from then on.
My initial trepidation was almost instantly relieved once gameplay began. Eipix hit the ground running and we HOG/HOPA addicts are the beneficiaries of what should be a terrific experience.
The graphics are stunning, the HOG segments and the puzzles are first rate. In the demo alone, puzzles are quite inventive compared with the sameness we are often faced with in games of this ilk. The difficulty level of those in the demo was of the easy variety. I like an approach where a player can ease into a game and then have it get more and more challenging as the game progresses. I hope I get my wish with this game.
The cutscenes help develop the storyline with the feel of a movie and the music score fits the game very well. There are
collectibles of 2 or 3 varieties. Given the time restraints of a demo I did not check them out for any detail but I get the impression they will be teaching tools as well as clues to game advancement.
There have been in recent months a lot more misses than hits in games of this genre. I suspect that this installment of the HE series will be a MONSTER HIT. Hope Diamond might very well be among the great games of 2013. I need to end this review so I can purchase the game now. Give it a whirl and judge for yourself. I give this game my highest recommendation.
Happy Holidays to one and all !!
I recommend this game!
75of 88voted this as helpful.
Overall rating 
Loved it!
5 / 5
65 of 90 found this review helpful
MCF now means : Magnificent Challenging Fun
PostedNovember 26, 2013
Customer avatar
fromDartmouth, Ma.
Skill Level:Expert
Favorite Genre(s):Word, Hidden Object, Brain Teaser
Fun Factor 
5 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
5 / 5
Level of Challenge 
5 / 5
5 / 5
Based only on the demo.
The pros at MCF have teamed up with the pros from Elephant Games to create a gem of great brilliance. Madame Fate, although it pales in the gameplay to some of the newer games ( due to advances in technology ) has yet remained among the favorites for HOG, HOPA fans. Fate's Carnival takes the best of Madame Fate and combines it with the best of the newest techniques to deliver an outstanding game.
The graphics are of the highest quality, the HOG scenes are not in any way junkpile, and the puzzles should offer gamers a fair share of head scratching yet enjoyable consternation. I am pleased that the Fate related puzzles offer quick hints to those who get stuck. I always do the demo in the easiest mode available so as to get as much completed in the allotted hour. I won't go into too much detail as other reviewers will inevitably do so. I tend not to read those. It's the same as avoiding to read the blurbs in a novel's dust jacket. Carnival at first blush is superior to last season's Shadow Lake, which by the way got an unjustified bad rap by too many reviewers. MCF has generally raised the bar with each new entry so it was inevitable that a toe would be stubbed along the way. I'll be buying Carnival as soon as I end this review. As always, I urge players to complete the demo and to be your own judge. With Thanksgiving Day imminent, the developers are giving us anything but a turkey.
I recommend this game!
65of 90voted this as helpful.
These nursery rhymes are cursed, and your sister’s been taken by the Crooked Man!
Overall rating 
Loved it!
5 / 5
27 of 40 found this review helpful
It's all in the storyline
PostedNovember 9, 2013
Customer avatar
fromDartmouth, Ma.
Skill Level:Expert
Favorite Genre(s):Word, Hidden Object, Brain Teaser
Current Favorite:
Banana Bugs
4.9 out of 5(37)
Fun Factor 
5 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
5 / 5
Level of Challenge 
4 / 5
5 / 5
When I learned it was a BlueTea game I felt certain it would be a good one given the quality of the Dark Parable entries that preceded Cursory. Now that there are thousands of HO games and FROGs ( and this is of that ilk ), the player encounters the same old same old tasks. Find the feather, glove, etc. in HO scenes. Use the key to unlock the mansion gate and so on and so on. For me what now makes a new game attractive is the storyline. Cursory does not break new ground here. A man loses his beloved and his unrequited love drives him insane to the point that he kidnaps young women to find a suitable lady to replace that whom he lost.
As the game progresses A( have only completed the hour trial ) the player completes FROG scenes ( 2 in the demo )
and solves many puzzles. It appears that Cursory will have more puzzles than FROG scenes. This dev always creates stunningly beautiful games and Cursory should be a fine addition to its collection. I realize there have been an abundance of fantasy games in recent weeks and this trend has left a bit of a sour taste for a percentage of players, myself included. Cursory, although a fantasy game, does not continue the trend in that it is of the highest quality. What with the Veterans Day sale, Cursory will be an addition to my repertoire of games. Thanks to BlueTea for another excellent FROG. As always, try the game and judge for yourself.
I recommend this game!
27of 40voted this as helpful.
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