I had the same experience, which is sad. I like these games. One would believe that developers and BFG would trial games before publishing to make sure the game plays smoothly. Sorry to see that is not the case. BFG: if you are able to fix it, please let everyone know.
While I have enjoyed some of their previous games, I no longer find it fun to get down to very low points because it is so difficult to find the tiny fur babies, even when using the magnifier. I like challenges but some of the scenes have so little contrast, it is almost impossible to see items. I will pass on this one.
I did not have trouble downloading nor did I receive an error message. I got to the first search game and had a lot of difficulty seeing items. I was asked to wait 5 seconds several times. I am not going to buy a game that penalizes me for a lack of sufficient contrast or definition. So irritating!
This is a unique game with four levels to each location. I enjoyed three of the four games, but there is no way to bypass the one I don't like, and you can't move on (at least I did not find a way) until all levels are played. Had I been able to skip the game I did not like, (as you can in their other games), I would have given a higher rating.
I loved the previous game and have replayed it many times. This is different in several ways. As the previous reviewer said, the card decks decrease in size and I had to replay many of the early games multiple times without being able to waste the last card. The "straw that broke the camel's back" was not being able to use a flowered card when I uncovered it. Another card would appear and I was unable to use the card I had just uncovered. It was not like that in the previous game. I love a challenge, but one that makes sense.
This is a fast moving game that is not very challenging but has an interesting story line. The graphics are good and it is usually easy to see items. The big issues are misspelled words and item names used in Europe and not the US. It makes it difficult to know what one is looking for. The mini games are varied and interesting.
I had the same problem as others. The game froze after the first scene, no matter what option, and starting over did not change the outcome. It might have been a good game...
This is based on the trial. The storyline is ok, but the puzzles are similar to those in the past and the movement is slow. I was also irritated by a click penalty that could not be turned off. It is difficult to see items in some scenes, thus the extra clicking. I won't buy this game.
This is based on the trial. Almost every game had issues, such as not responding to clicks. I had to just let the game solve puzzles so I could move on. Not well constructed.
I could not find all the pups, even using the magnifying glass, in a number of scenes. Based on the trial, I will not buy the game. I would also like to see more variety of games inbetween scenes.