Well, I purchased this game a while ago, but I just replayed it. It didn't improve with time. LOL. There is no connection between most things that are done and the next thing that must be done. The hint button mostly says, "There is nothing left to do here", but it seldom indicates where to go next. I had to lean heavily on the strategy guide, and I hate that. The ending of the bonus game didn't really wrap things up, especially for the heads with no bodies, but the last scene was a little unsettling. It must have been a set-up for the next game. I won't be playing this one again, but everyone should at least play the trial, because it seems that many people love the game.
This is the third installment of the Final Cut series, and it is even better than the other two! This is a game that is worth buying the CE. I enjoy games that have an actual storyline that makes sense, as this does. The characters are well delineated; the HOS vary between silhouettes and named items, or you can choose to play a match game if you tire of hidden objects; the scenes are well lit (good for those of us with older eyes). I was too involved to remember to hunt for morphing items (I accidentally found a few), and all of the clapboards, but I will try to keep them in mind for the next time I play. Don't be too quick to click on messages from the Director, because you won't be able to read them again. I play on Casual the first time through, so I don't know how difficult this game can be. One last thought: ALWAYS watch the credits for games from this developer, because they are very amusing. They also mentioned that there will be another Final Cut game coming. Can't wait!
Just bought this one because it was on sale. Enjoyed it, to a point. The games were fairly easy (except for two rotating rings which need to match - I'm lousy at those) and the HOS likewise. One point: the repeat HOS had all the same objects, even the ones that were previously found. The ending was telegraphed, if you paid attention. Don't click too fast on messages from the maniac, because they disappear immediately and you might miss something. Like others, I was confused about the ending, but some games are like that. Try it for yourself.
This is supposed to be a new release, but the minute I started playing the trial, I could see that I already own it. The one I have (from BigFish) is called, "Call of Atlantis". The "new" one is called, "Call of Atlantis: Treasures of Poseidon", but it is the same game. Same scenes, same music, same everything. I thought it would be a variation, but it isn't. If you already have the first version, don't bother with this one. If you don't have it, try this one. It's fun, easy, and the music is soothing, almost soporific.
The premise is okay; who doesn't like a fairy tale? The graphics and sound are good. My problem: the cuts from one scene to the next are extremely slow. There is a black screen with the cursor on it for several seconds...long enough to make me think the game has crashed. It hasn't. I found this boring and I wasn't interested enough to finish the trial. I do have and enjoy other games from this company, but I will skip this one. (By the way, this is not really a kid's game, unless you want to scar their little psyches. But then, none of Grimm's original fairy tales are fit for small children either.)
I purchased this game in December, after trying it out. I thought it was interesting and something I would enjoy. Boy, was I wrong! It is really repetitive, in both the HO scenes and the storyline. The same pages to be collected from the journal come up in different places. The games usually have no instructions and they are not intuitive. Also, if you don't click in the correct place on an object it won't be collected. The hints are of minimal use. Clicking randomly sometimes worked for me. I don't know if it will ever come to a conclusion, because it doesn't hold my interest long enough. I wish I had read all the bad reviews before I bought the game.
I played the trial before buying this game, but it really didn't give me an idea about the whole game. The reviews were pretty good, too, so I bought it. Mistake. There are blood stains everywhere, and I haven't come upon a good explanation for them yet. I don't mind eerie settings, skeletons everywhere and garbage heaps to search through, but I guess I draw the line at a sick man tied to a bed in a dilapidated, filthy hospital, apparently for years, and I am required to concoct medication for him. I am probably also put off by the military experiment storyline (family are ex-military). I finally got so bored that I quit playing, but I might try it again some day.
Okay, I'm not that good at strategy games, but I love this game! This is not the run-of-the-mill game; it ends the same way each time it is played, but getting there is always different and that makes it more fun. Words of warning: the items that must be found (or not) are very tiny and easy to miss. I ended up with my face about 12 inches from my large monitor in order to find some of them. I bought the game five days ago (for $2.99!!!), and I have restricted myself to playing it only three times...so far. The only problem I have with it is that I don't really like killing the animals, but that's just part of the life in this game. I really think everyone who likes this type of game should try it.
I recommend this game!
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Paranormal State: Poison Spring
Thrills abound as the ghost-hunters from the hit A&E TV show "Paranormal State" race to solve terrifying Civil War hauntings.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Match 3, Strategy, Time Management, Puzzle, Mahjong
Fun Factor
2/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
3/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
2/ 5
Okay, in fairness, I don't have cable and I have never seen the show that is the basis for this game. My grandmother and her mother were spiritualists, and I find the whole concept hard to swallow. Since this game purports to be a "true" story, I don't care for it. Demons, angels, pixies, etc. are okay when it's obviously a tall tale, but this is just dumb. As to the graphics, they are pretty good. I agree with some of the other interviewers that the non-moving lips are irritating. Maybe they are just using their "powers" to send thought-waves to us! I thought the game was slow and kind of boring. But everyone should try it for themselves.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Match 3, Strategy, Time Management, Puzzle, Mahjong
Fun Factor
2/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
3/ 5
Level of Challenge
2/ 5
3/ 5
Okay, I was forewarned, but I got the game anyway. Big mistake. The storyline is okay, but you have to wade through room after room after room etc. of hidden object scenes to get to the end of the tale. This wouldn't be too bad, but the scenes are the same, just slightly rearranged. I like HOS, but not to this extent. Some variation would have been appreciated. "Margrave: The Blacksmith's Daughter", is a much better game. Go directly to it and skip this one.